𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 [indef hiatus]

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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
February 06, 2023


06/03/2023 07:13 PM 

Heart of Darkness #2

Heart of Darkness
𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 /1849659
mentions Your Soul is Mine

The silence of the ward in which they placed her in Arkham was deafening. Like a plant sitting alone in the corner of a building, she was cut off from all sunlight. She couldn't hear the green calling to her. Poison Ivy was wilting. All she did was just lay there on her bed in her cell. A collar around her neck was constantly lit that neutralized her power. Ivy was nearly a broken woman.

The rumors came from those who thought they were being cruel to her. Guards with deep seeded misogyny taunted her as they brought her what could be construed as a meal. They spoke that name to her. Woodrue He was the man who hurt her. The hatred for him lit something deep inside of her. While she could as always launch an escape from hell, this time she wouldn't. She had a job to do. Premeditated murder took careful and precise planning. For the death of Jason Woodrue, Ivy would wait through the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He had to be made to suffer.

She was curled up in a ball in her cell when she heard his footsteps. That was the thing when there were no more sounds to muffle the noise. Even the Batman could be heard when he paid you a visit. He stepped from the shadows and began speaking to her. The low tone of his voice seemed to be quite unremarkable at the moment. Oh she knew he was speaking to her, but she was having trouble traversing the hate to get to anything reasonable he was saying. She soon unraveled herself like a four o'clock flower and made an attempt to sit upright.

Ivy finally managed to sit upright slowly turning to face The Dark Knight. His appearance was one of genuine concern. He wasn't foolish enough to think she hadn't heard the news. "Of course I know." Ever since being locked up in here AGAIN, Ivy longed to be free once more. She craved the feel of her husband's arms around her. She needed the sounds of the green in her mind once more. She still maintained the last vestiges of sanity within the fragile mind of hers. Shang Tsung was going to make her an Empress, but the Empress had a job that needed to be handled first.

Bruce believed in her innate sense to be good. Ivy had exercised more control as of late. The reason she was back in Arkham was that she'd been responsible for killing a guard on the last day of her previous escape. For this, they made her pay. Bruce was speaking to her again. She canted her head to the right as if half understanding what he said. All she could think about was the death of Jason Woodrue. Mental images of him being ripped apart by giant Venus Flytraps brought a sparkle to her eyes.

"I won't be here much longer." She barely acknowledged his somewhat of a warning about what Ivy might do. Woodrue was an old man now. He'd already violated Mother Earth for this extended stay. Shang Tsung knew she was here. She could escape anytime she wanted because of her connection to the Sorcerer. Leslie Tompkins already told Ivy she was pregnant. Even if she was being neutralized for her powers with plants and pheromones, there were two children born of magic in her womb. She could not hear them, but she could now feel them. She wasn't showing but she was still pregnant. Shang Tsung knew exactly where she was. He also knew that for her own sake as well as that of their unborn children, Jason Woodrue had to die.

"I have to kill him, Batman." She became fully cognizant, turning to look at him with a countenance of utter hatred. "There's nothing you can do to stop it." Ivy was fully committed to the path of vengeance. It consumed her from the inside. It was something she just couldn't let go.
"I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison "
credit: james kriet


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