𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 [indef hiatus]

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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
February 06, 2023


05/29/2023 07:01 PM 

Project Savior

Project Savior
𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 /1849659
To say that Ivy's ire had been invoked was the ultimate understatement. She was glad that the burning of her babies had stopped. What happened next had not come without some method of anticipation on her part. Ivy was already highly emotional right now because of this attack. When her emotions were heightened, the green acted accordingly.

Ivy noticed that her husband had arrived from his Island. She felt empowered knowing she was not alone. In that brief moment, she noticed the change of the attack on her. The Sentinels started with their electricity firing at her. In response to her call, two Sandbox Trees began to erupt from the ground on either side of Ivy. The ground split with the force of the eruption to protect Poison Ivy. One tree was on her left. The other tree was on her right. Because of her call, the trees' growth was hyperactivated. As the trees grew the electricity struck them causing the power to be conducted down to the ground in the same way lightning would be if it had struck a tree. The electrical strikes on the trees also activated something else.

Sandbox trees had seeds that emerged from the bark and often were propelled outward. The two trees were about to erupt with their seed pods when the vines came to Ivy's protection once more. She knew it was happening , so she called out to him. "TSUNG!" At that moment, she was engulfed in a giant rose bloom and the petals protecting her from the erupting seeds. The sound of the erupting seeds was deafening to an average human. The giant vines carried her approximately 50 meters from her last position inside the rose bloom.

The Sandbox Tree which usually stood 100 feet tall had the ability to shoot forth seeds at approximately 100 mph. It would bring instant injuries ranging from minor abrasions to even decapitation depending on how far the victim was from the tree itself. Ivy was protected inside the rose bloom and vines that strengthened it from the outside to keep her safe. She trusted that her husband was safe.

"I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison "
credit: james kriet


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