𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 [indef hiatus]

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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
February 06, 2023


03/20/2023 04:39 PM 

Pennies From Heaven

Pennies from Heaven
𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 /1849659
Poison Ivy was practically glowing with delight. Green Kryptonite of all things had just fallen out of the sky and into her lap. It wasn't a huge boulder or anything. It was just enough for her to work with using her particular skills and the lab she had at her disposal. She had made poisons that affected Superman before. She had never had this much Kryptonite to work with before. The ideas that filled her head were endless.

The good thing about being in constant mental contact with the green was that she knew who was coming and when. Right now, no one had arrived yet. Since this little rock was literally a penny from heaven so to speak, she was going to be vigilant. She also had more than one lab she operated out of within the confines of Gotham City. She made her way to an underground grotto of sorts that was near the mouth of the Gotham River. It had been carefully lined with a lead based shield so if any Kryptonian eyes wandered too deeply they wouldn't see what she was doing here. That suited her just fine.

Inside the lab itself were various forms of flora and fauna that one generally would never expect to find together were here. Vines and budding flowers that were known to grow to modest proportions had reached out to become far larger than most botanists would have even considered. She had once been a leading botanist working for Bruce Wayne until Jason Woodrue had other plans for Pamela and even himself. The story involving that son of a bitch would come later.

Once she was sure she was safe inside the lab, she placed her new treasure in an illuminated case with a small zero gravity field surrounding it. The lab itself was filled with various artificial sources of lighting that served as indoor sun to not only nourish her babies that were with her but to keep her charged as well. Not only was she connected to the green, Ivy was a part of it as well. Blood wasn't circulating in her veins, chlorophyll was her life giving essence now. She also had circulated air going through the small enclosed area.

The equipment had been largely borrowed from Wayne Enterprises with certain specifications in mind. What could she say? She wasn't just another pretty face. She was a highly intelligent scientist in her own right. She knew what she needed to carry on her business in private. She was able to enunciate what she needed in layman's terms. And it did help that her connections to the Black Market were pretty solid after all.

Green Kryptonite had different properties than other forms of it than she'd seen. She knew that Kryptonite fragments were pieces of the planet that had exploded and drifted through space. As she visually examined the piece in this lab of hers, her babies were getting restless. She lifted up a crimson brow against emerald flesh. They shouldn't be able to find her here in this lab. Lead shielding kept most prying eyes away. However, nothing was ever 100% foolproof and unfortunately she knew it all too well.
"I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison "
credit: james kriet


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