𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 [indef hiatus]

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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
February 06, 2023


03/15/2023 12:02 AM 


𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 /1849659
Deep within Ivy's Arboretum

Ever since she had formed this alliance with Bo Keskus, Poison Ivy was on the top of her game. She never went in without plans. Her inner Sanctum of The Octopus' Garden was so far away from the Business End of the Warehouse, that no one could find it on a security grid. Ivy made sure of that. She didn't need a computer or metallic security system to protect her inner Sanctum. She had other methods of protection.

Ivy did allow a small portion of her arboretum to be connected to Bo's warehouse. But once you reached a certain point the security system didn't reach there. Ivy had no monitors but she had something far better. The further you went inside the path that would eventually lead to where she was safely tucked away, the Venus FlyTraps were moving and stretching all around catching errant flies and other insects unfortunate to get too close. The typical size of these plants was 5-6 inches. If one were to continue on this path, the plants enhanced by their connection to Ivy would double and triple in size. Bo's men never ventured this way, so the path was unmolested.

At various spots, even the smallest weeds were the vigilant eyes for the Vined Vixen. So when the security system was breached, Ivy knew about it. She was not concerned at the moment. Bo and his men had the situation under control for now, with a little bit of help from Dr. Isley. Ivy had given Bo approximately four Nepenthes northiana plants that were jumbo sized. The plants were hidden by Bo in places up to his discretion. The vines for these plants were usually 10m in length but Ivy doubled them in size to 20m. This was a deadly pitcher plant that Ivy had used before by making them the size to swallow a human with ease. Once a victim fell inside the pitcher plant, its digestive juices started to work immediately. The walls were too slick to climb out. The walls were usually 30 cm in diameter for the smaller plants. This would increase proportionately with the size of the plant making it difficult to cut through by any means. The plant's digestive juices had a paralyzing effect on its victims which usually overcame the animals caught in the pitcher.

This was not the end of the surprises that Ivy had given to her partner Bo. Spores were indeed in the air. There were spores of the Gelsemium sempervirens in the air. These spores when inhaled were not dangerous at first but the more exposure to the spores would have a detrimental effect on a human body. A respirator would work for a while, but due to the sheer volume it was theoretically possible for those exposed to have some mild effects from the spores to be felt. The spores had a sweet fragrance to them that would cause them to be detected by anyone with a sensitive enough sense of smell. Ivy had provided Bo and his men an immunity to these spores with an antidote she'd made herself. That wasn't the end of Ivy's gifts however.

Ivy synthesized Gelsemium sempervirens into a liquid poison that she gave Bo and his men to use on their guns and other weapons they carried. The poison was colorless and the smell of the spores masquerading the poisoned weapons would make it difficult to detect. If struck by these weapons and the skin broke, then the poison would act quickly. It was a paralytic designed to neutralize an opponent long enough to fall into a pitcher plant and be digested. If you weren't digested, then you would suffer asphyxiation because your body couldn't breathe with paralyzed muscles.

This was all going on well away from Ivy herself. She was far past those Venus FlyTraps that grew in size and in her inner Sanctum. The flowers barricaded the door the moment that the other green had been stepped on even lightly by Logan. They protected her with virulent devotion. She was closed in tightly with her babies. That was one of the many plus sides to breathing Carbon Dioxide and not Oxygen.

Ivy's lab where she kept the Krakoan plants and where she stood watch over her new babies was a former fallout shelter from the days of the Cold War. It was built by Bruce Wayne's grandfather in 1946. It was approximately four stories below ground and built to withstand a nuclear blast. It had an arched roof and was made of steel reinforced concrete. She had a source of water to keep her babies who protected her safe that was piped in from the outside. Only Bo knew where the water started and only Ivy knew where it ended. The power source that kept light in the bunker to nourish the plants came from Wayne Manor. Under a tree that had been planted by Bruce's grandfather in 1946.

The kudzu vine underground with Ivy formed a throne for her to rest while she waited for Bo and his gang to take care of business upstairs. Ivy could feel the fear and apprehension from the green. She sent out soothing waves to comfort them. Her new babies from Krakoa needed Mother Nature to also assure them everything was going to be just fine.

"I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison "
credit: james kriet


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