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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
February 06, 2023


03/14/2023 09:09 PM 

MMM - Abby Bennett TVD

A New Day
Dear Diary,

I used to be able to feel nature speak to me. The sun caressed my skin. I could tell what flowers and herbs were in bloom. I knew when everything was in harmony because I was in harmony. It was a lesson I learned from my mother. It was a gift all Bennett Witches possessed. Momma schooled me in everything going back to Salem. None of it matters anymore.

The lapis lazuli stone set in a silver band was wrapped around the middle finger of my right hand to protect me. Without the ring enchanted by my own daughter, I’d burst into flame in the sun that I used to love so much. I’m not a daughter of nature anymore. I’m a child of the night.

Sure, I’ve heard of some witches turning into vampires and still being able to use their magic. They were siphoners at first. I wasn’t born a Siphoner. I was born a Bennett Witch. The damn Mikaelsons took everything from me. Momma was right. You can’t trust a vampire.

I knew all about vampires growing up in Mystic Falls. My best friends Miranda and Elizabeth were also privy to the big secret the town kept. We all knew that vampires were real. Miranda and Liz knew I was a witch and they loved me anyway and I loved them.

Our friendship was tested the day Mikael came after Miranda’s daughter. I left my own baby girl with Momma as I put a stop to one of the Original Vampires. Black magic desiccated him but it also exhausted me. I lost my connection to nature. I also lost the most precious thing in the world to me. Mikael had powerful friends and I couldn’t let them hurt my baby girl or Momma. So, I did the only thing I could. I left my daughter with Momma and ran.

Nature punished me by having my daughter track me down bringing the Mikaelsons back into my life again. To make a long story short, I was fed the blood of Damon Salvatore who then broke my neck. Since Momma was gone and I was gone, the Bennett Witch bloodline was severed. Esther Mikaelson couldn’t use our power to kill her own children. What mother does that? She turned her own children into vampires. The thought of eliminating all vampires was appealing but I underestimated Esther’s children and the resourcefulness of the Salvatore Brothers. I became a vampire.

Liz Forbes daughter Caroline helped me to adjust to being a vampire. It took some adjustments but considering how much it cost me in the long run, I don’t think any of this was worth it.

Now, what happens next? If you’re a former witch turned vampire, an eternity of regret is worse than anything imaginable. Nature punished me for all my choices because they took me away from the one person that mattered the most. I’m a stranger to my own daughter and my mother is dead. Yeah, I’m definitely in hell.


I closed the leather bound book on the table. The old Pilot pen I used was soon laying on the table. I inhaled and exhaled. Writing it all down was therapeutic. Maybe in a couple of centuries, I’ll be in a better place than I am now. Maybe unicorns do fart rainbows. I huffed in silent indignation before I finally stood up again.

Walking over to my stove, the pot of water I was boiling for my tea was finally ready. I pulled down my favorite teacup and poured myself the fragrant mixture. It was to calm my nerves and to soothe my soul. It was good to know that vampires could respond to something like chamomile tea.

“Are you gonna just frump around like a difficult child all day, Abigail?” The voice of my mother came from the apparition in the corner of my kitchen.

My lips parted in gentle laughter. I wasn’t surprised she was here. No one was more stubborn than my mother. “I thought you found peace. Instead you’re here with your miserable vampire daughter.” I told her.

Momma’s spirit gave me that same look the first day I brought Rudy home. “Abigail, You listen to me. Did you ever think that maybe my peace is with my daughter?”

As always Momma left me speechless with her wisdom. Maybe things would turn out for the better after all? “God forbid anyone backsass you.” I started to laugh. “I don’t need to pick up my teeth from the other side of the room again.” It was a joke sure, but I was a difficult kid. I was just as stubborn and bull headed as she was.

Momma came closer. Her voice was as loving as it always was. Her eyes were so warm like when I was a little girl. “Abby, baby. We have a lot of time we missed. Let’s just enjoy this while we can.”

I finished the rest of my tea quite content with the idea of my eternal life now. A new chapter was starting. It wouldn’t be complete until Bonnie joined this picture. I had every confidence she would.



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