Nikolaus (Anders)

Last Login:
April 19th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: In a relationship
Age: 119
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
January 10, 2020


02/24/2023 05:35 PM 


Anders is a mage from Anderfels in the world of Thedas. At a young age he was taken to a place where his kind locked up, guarded by Templars. However he wasn’t one that wanted to be locked up and made several attempts to escape the Circle of Magi in Ferelden. Seven attempts as a matter of fact.

Before his escape Anders met the latest addition to the Circle of Magi. Her name was Elaine Amell and their paths was going to cross once more when she had become the commander of the Grey Wardens. Instead of allowing the Templars bring him back to the Circle Anders found himself recruited to become a Grey Warden. Besides him there was a dwarf named Oghren and the female warrior. Mauri, who didn't survive the Joining, choking on the darkspawn blood.

Later a second human survived the ritual and it was none other than Nathaniel Howe. It was during one quest that the companions from Amaranthine found themselves in the Fade and it was here Anders met the spirit of Justice that was to occupy his body for the rest of his life. The downside was that the spirit took control of him and it led to memory gaps. The good thing was that its presence prevented the fate of the Grey Wardens by not succumbing to the taint.

To Anders surprise he learned that Elaine was the actual cousin to the Hero of Kirkwall, but it wasn’t revealed until later. She had arrived at his clinic in Dark Town, looking for maps to the Deep Roads. The very same place Grey Wardens go when they are close to succumbing to the taint. Despite the fact that Justice started making his appearance more often after this, mostly because of the injustice towards the mages in the City of Chains, Hawke spared him after the destruction of the Chantry of Kirkwall.

Instead he was fighting beside her one last time against the mad Templar Commander Meredith before deciding to leave, and go wherever road was going to take him.

//The events of Dragon Age Inquisition isn't added but in my game Anders was hiding somewhere.


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