𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 [indef hiatus]

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Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
February 06, 2023


02/07/2023 04:47 PM 

A Rose...

A Rose...
𝓞𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻 /1849659
Two weeks ago
Gotham City

Gotham City was considered by some to be the armpit of the world. Pamela Lillian Isley, former top notch Botanist and now a prominent EcoTerrorist was now in a hidden area just outside of Gotham itself. A long forgotten arboretum was fully consumed by the green. The emerald skinned vixen was tucked away in this sanctum with a new sprig of a particular dangerous form of Oleander. “My precious little one, you need to grow healthy and strong so that we can take care of these nasty polluters of Mother Earth. She needs us… so we have to answer her call.” Isley who embraced the nom de guerre of Poison Ivy cradled the young sprig as a mother would her child. “Soon.. I promise.”

The moment of peace and tranquility was wrecked by the presence of a rather large and invasive Doombot straight from Latveria. It burst through some of the overgrowth in the southern entrance to her little sanctuary. Ivy wrinkled her perfect nose and glared at the monstrosity. “Don’t you know how to knock?” She moved toward her receiving area. She started to sit down when several plants reached from all around the arboretum to form themselves in a proper throne of the Queen of the Green. She seated herself with the young sprig in hand crossing her shapely legs. She was covered in form fitting ivy that had wrapped itself around her to give her support and the appearance of being the deadly villainess she was. Her crimson curls were sprinkled with twigs and blossoms from other plants that were deadly to most humans.

The Doombot moved in front of her to deliver its message from the Latverian Monarch himself.

“Salutations. Should this message come to you, then you’ve been summoned for a private calling of significant beings. As our world continues being hindered by the influences of discrepancies and miscreants, Doom has taken the liberty of reaching out to those willing to confront the problem. Fate lies in your hand. Join me, and we’ll guarantee this world shall be ours for the taking. More importantly….eliminate our adversaries.”

Ivy listened with significant interest. Her jade hues twinkled with glee. “A gathering of the elite. How juicy!” She practically squealed. “I could use a hand when dealing with Batsy and Supes.” Ivy nodded. “Doombot, you can tell your Master that I will be there.” She leaned back in her throne made of her plants that attended to her call. She let out a laugh that echoed throughout the entire arboretum.

Current Day
En route to Latveria

She hated traveling with the fleshies, but sometimes it was necessary to accomplish her goals. Using her own power over the chlorophyll in her body, she turned her lovely emerald skin back to its natural shade of ivory. Sometimes she really hated just looking at it. It’s a necessary evil she told herself. She approached the gate for boarding. “Empty all your valuables, ma’am.” The agent standing by the X-Ray machine was a young man who looked like he was barely able to shave.

“Oh poo! You don’t need me to do that now do you?” She batted her long eyelashes at him flashing him that cutest grin she could muster. Ivy moved closer to the boy. She placed a kiss on his cheek and then moved back to where she’d been standing.

“Uh… Ma’am…” The agent’s skin was soon flush with the effects of the poison that Ivy used in her lip gloss. “Go ahead…” He muttered in a voice that started to trail off. He didn’t stop her. He was frozen in place with glassy eyes.

Ivy kept her belongings on her and slid around the X-Ray. “Aren’t you just such a sweetheart? I’m sure you make your mother happy every day!” She disappeared into the plane that was heading off to Latveria.

Later that evening, the young man that Ivy kissed was found dead in his apartment in Gotham City of an apparent heart attack. It was a tragedy for a young man who was just barely 25. His mother would cry over this nonsense death that had no purpose. Ivy wasn’t even suspected.

Arriving at Castle Doom

Once she crossed the threshold into Castle Doom, she allowed the emerald to once again cover her skin. The vines covered her form once more. She inhaled sharply and exhaled profoundly. The sounds of the green coming to their mistress surrounded her. She stretched. “It’s so good to be free of all that nonsense!” She purred in a way that would have made Selina Kyle jealous.

A Doombot greeted her. Welcome Dr. Isley. Lord Doom awaits your arrival. If you would follow me please? The machine turned from Vined Vixen and lead her in the direction she needed to go.

Ivy grinned. “Time to see what sort of confab that the great Doctor Doom has in mind.” She followed behind the Doombot as it led her away. She’d been a part of supervillain groups before like the Injustice Gang and even the Legion of Doom. What was another one on her resume?

She entered the room to find Doom and Norman Osborn. It was not surprising in the least considering what she knew of Osborn. “Well, let’s hope that this Boy’s Club has room for a girl.” She spoke as vines covered each step she took then shrunk back as she moved away. She took a seat by herself making sure to keep both of them in her view.
"I wanna taste you but your lips are venomous poison "
credit: james kriet


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