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April 13th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
August 10, 2020


09/25/2022 12:03 PM 



Fall was officially upon New York and Illyana was embracing it well. One thing she enjoyed was walking through the park at night, despite the fact it was dangerous for her. Being a woman meant she always had to look over her back, making sure no one was attempting to mug, rape, or abduct her. She wouldn’t allow the male species to make her live in fear though, and she enjoyed living her best life.

No one was in the park with her, or so she thought. Sitting on a swing, Illyana began to rock back and forth, feeling like a kid again. Who didn’t love a good swing? After a few moments of swinging, she slowed down, sitting there, taking in the fresh autumn air. The moon was shining bright through the trees, brightening up the night sky. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed the moment, the silence. There was silence, until she heard a leaves cracking. It sounded as if someone was approaching her. Opening her eyes, she turned around. Nothing. Not a soul. Facing forward, Illyana heard the noise again, this time from a different direction. “Is someone there?” She said out loud. There was silence for a few moments. Out of the corner of her eye, Illyana saw someone come from behind a tree. Turning her attention to the figure, there stood a tall man. He had on overalls, and a white mask. Fear struck Illyana’s heart in that moment.

“He-hello?” She whispered as she stood up from the swing, facing the man-or what she assumed was a man. The only thing that filled her ear was the sound of his breathing. It haunted her ears as not a word was spoken between the two. “Do you need help?” She asked curiously. Moving slightly away from the swing, Illyana began to back up slowly. That’s when there was a change in the figure. He began to approach her, full speed in her direction. Turning, Illyana began to run as fast as she could. Keeping her hands open, she remembered if you keep your hands balled up, that used energy and could affect your stamina. She had to be quick and smart. Everything was running through her mind of what he was going to do to her.

Weaving through the trees that filled the park, Illyana was trying to make sure he lost sight of her. She could hear leaves cracking through the air. Was it from her or was it him still behind her? She was too afraid to turn around to check. Once she felt safe enough, the female moved quickly behind a tree. Her hands covered her mouth to cover her breathing. She knew if she was to scream for help it would alert the figure of where she was. Illyana could see lights in the distance, but she couldn’t tell how far she was from the main trail of the park. It was late, would anyone who could help her even be on it? All these thoughts distracted her and had her slacking. Everything came too when she felt the hand wrap around her neck.

Her pulled her forward, and then slammed her into the tree. Her head ringing from the impact. She gasped for air as he strangled her. Everything in her body was frozen and she felt limp. Her vision going blurry. Her hands covered his as they wrapped tightly around her neck. Her body fought back quicker than what she could process. Her hands reached forward, and her fingers dug into the eye holes, pressing into them. She could feel the hands on her throat becoming tighter as she pressed harder into his eyes. Seconds felt like hours, and it was a race- would his pain take over long enough for her to escape, or would her life end?

The creature made a man like noise before tossing her to the side. Everything was fuzzy as Illyana let out a gasp for air. She laid there for a moment before her body shot up. She began to run for her life, leaves flying and cracking as she took off full speed. Her body fought to not go into a coughing fit to replace the oxygen it had just lost. Her breaths were deep as she ran though, slowing her down. Looking back slightly, she couldn’t see the figure, but she knew better than to stop. It was then that she came across a bridge that was a walkway over a stream of water that led to a small lake in Central Park. She didn’t think about any possibility other than safety. She made her way toward the water, slipping into the mud. Crawling over, she hid under the bridge, covering her mouth as she waited for any sign that he was passing. What felt like hours was only minutes. Illyana sat there covered in mud, water, and probably bugs at this point until the sun has risen. When the park was full of life, Illyana crawled out from beneath the bridge into the cool air morning. With no sign of life around her, the female took off running across the bridge, looking for anyone kind enough to help her. She wouldn’t know until a few days later that she had survived an encounter with someone whose name would bring terror to many- Michael Meyers. What the female also was unaware of was that as she ran to safety, there stood the figure behind a tree, watching the female run for her life. Making a note to himself about one of the few victims who would escape his clutch.



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