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Age: 118
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

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February 14, 2018


08/23/2022 11:09 PM 

I need to see some I.D.
Category: Blogging

Tis the first thing asked in hospital. The next thing will be for a copy of an insurance card or verification of an alternate way to pay. 

I will not be asking any of those questions here. 


Because I don't care.

Don't misunderstand.

First of all, this isn't a pay site so keep the coins and cards in the pocket, fold the green stuff or pound notes away. No money need exchange hands. All I ask is patience for this to be read. 

Second of all, I don't care who you are the person behind the screen. I have no need to identify you beyond - you are human; you have feelings, a life, perhaps you have a job, a spouse, friends, a pet, a life of your own. Perhaps you have none of those things. You see, none of those things should matter to me, and honestly, they don't. 

When you come here, sit down, and put on the mantle of your character, THAT is who matters to me.  If you are one gender or another, or multiples, or fluid, these things do not concern me. It's not my responsibility to decide who and how you shall represent yourself here. All that matters to me is that you're here. You're consistent in your character and that I believe in your character well enough that my character and yours develop an interactive relationship within the story we create together.

This is where it gets tricky. Am I a cold-unfeeling human? Some days, yes, but most days, no.

In fact, I'm such an empath that I can, like the rest of you, pick up on "feelings" via the conductivity of the crystal and electrical amplification of technology, more than I would if I sat down and talked to you in person. I do care that you do have a life and feelings, and I may discuss some of those issues with you - Because it does matter that we know there are others out there in the world that know we exist.

If I'm the only person who spoke to you today to tell you that you matter - so be it. You do matter. Because you are here, reading this, giving my life a purpose as well. To interact with others here. This is where people require some form of social communication and in an age where more and more of us withdraw to use the anonymity and "safety" of a screen for a social buffer - we still need to connect. If I can be that connection for you, please reach out - but understand, however,  I cannot be live your life for you. I will advise you to call a suicide prevention hotline, or 911, if your pleas or drama gets too intense.

Why? Because I have my own issues. I am an adult, I am responsible for my own mental health and welfare. YOU must be responsible for yours. We cannot lay our responsibilities at the feet of others, no matter how consensual, submissive, passive/aggressive we agree to be, there is still personal responsibility involved and yes, there is karma. 

We never do know who the other person is behind the screen. The sexy whomever you may be playing with might be 85- years old or 13-years old. We have to trust that the person behind the screen is going to take personal responsibility for engaging in role-play enough to step up and be as much of the character they represent to be adult about whatever they post, whether they are even close to that personna or not.

I've met a lot of men playing women, women playing men, adults playing children, children playing adults, humans playing animals, etc., you get the idea. I'm a woman playing a woman, but you have to take my word for that. Is it your responsibility to "expose" this - find out if I'm catfishing people about this? No, it isn't. I have nothing to gain by lying, although some people are out there catfishing for profit, I'm sure. For them, that's a whole different topic entirely. 

The point, however, is the same. Unless and until, people give me a reason to have to look harder, I don't. I may share personal anecdotes from my r/l because I have a rich, long, and diverse one. Also because moments or incidents of my r/l may effect my writing and because I'm an honest person, I may feel I owe it to the person with whom I'm writing, to mention it. (example: I don't write as a pregnant woman: don't want to be one.) 

There is power in the proverbial pen - even though by now it's a keyboard. Be careful of yourself and others. Treat them with the respect you'd like to receive. Remember, this is ROLE play, the whole idea is to take on a personna unlike your own and BE them. Don't get so caught up in this Alternate World that you forget - it's Not Real.



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