'The Wily Fox'

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Age: 118
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March 06, 2018


08/12/2022 04:17 PM 

Rue de Rivoli

Rue de Rivoli
Fear Everything- 3 Wishes Group SL.
Mentions: Marcel Gerard, Caroline Forbes, Katherine Peirce, Davina Claire, Rebekah Mikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert (and Elena Gilbert by name only) 
Pensive! adjective engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.
"a pensive mood"

Yeah, he should be used to feeling like that by now... And maybe he was, maybe it was the constant droning of whining voices as they bickered nonstop trying to lay the blame on him, for the big bloody balls-up that they'd all just endured at the compound.
Even as he made his way over to the window, he was sure he could feel their eyes boring holes into his back. Well, f uck them! F uck them all! He didn't have to be there! He'd been quite happy, feasting on an all-you-can-eat rave taking place in a basement along the Rue de Rivoli in France when Nic's bloody lackeys had tracked Bekah and him down to pass on the message that Nic was missing.
The plan should have been foolproof! Davina was out in the Bayou when he'd executed it. There was no way she should have known what they were up to, let alone had time to conjure up such an elaborate ruse in retaliation so quickly!
ow the f uck had she even known, that Bekah and he was back in town, or that they'd come with a plan in the first place? It wasn't like they'd driven down Bourbon street with a megaphone announcing their arrival! If anything, it had been the exact opposite!
The only ones they'd encountered had been good old Jeremy Gilbert and his on-and-off girlfriend Ana Zhu and if they were on anyone's side, it was the resistance. It definitely wasn't the Vampires or the Witches or they wouldn't have been trying to smuggle Sarah and Melissa across the lake to freedom! Either way, they'd left them in a cloud of dust! Only stopping to refuel and quickly compel any of the road houses workers that they'd crossed paths with along the way before hitting the road again.
They hadn't even f ucking killed them or fed! Where they'd been being so careful not to alert any attention...
Was it their little stint in the Bayou? 
Kol couldn't help the smirk that twitched at the corner of his lips remembering it. How they'd magically appeared and how easily Marcel Gerard had succumbed to the sliver of his gold dagger, that he had made so many years before...ironically as a way to protect himself, to protect Davina Claire from his brother's wraith!

It hadn't even been a f ucking day!  Merely a couple of bloody hours before he'd sat down intent on putting his plan into action. A plan that somehow Davina Claire had already been aware of! 
It had all gone so wrong! From the moment that Bekah had crossed the Witches' border to the moment that Davina had exposed her trump card using some of the magic, he had cast back upon them.
If they hadn't been at war... if they hadn't parted on such bad terms, he'd of been proud of her! Being so deceptive, so sly, it was never a trait Davina had been born with... It was something he'd taught her as a means to ensure she survived and now...Now it had come back to haunt him!

Slowly he turned from the window to face the bickering and sullen faces of his comrades.  The Witches, Sarah, and Mellisa would be waking up again, any moment now. Thanks to the spell he'd performed, linking all of their mortalities to that of Marcel Gerard's... They'd probably make their way back to the Witches' compound asking for forgiveness now their compulsion to him would be broken...

“Will you tell me what’s going on Kol? Where’s Klaus?”

Jeremy's voice cut through Kol's thoughts like a knife and he glanced from the huddled forms of Caroline, Bekah, and Katherine to Jeremy. He could hear clearly what the women were bickering about. The way they loosely threw blame and their talk of a better plan. And maybe once upon a time, he'd of been right there with them... planning, scheming, oblivious to any betrayal that sat hidden in plain sight. After all, every single one of them had betrayed him in the past, even his own sister! Especially if it meant protecting their own asses!

He'd be a f ucking fool to think each of them didn't have their own agendas now! When there was obviously a rat within their midst. Someone somehow had betrayed them. Someone had somehow alerted Davina Claire to his arrival in New Orleans ensuring she had time to set up her counter spell to the powerful magic he'd siphoned and cast. Someone who had no loyalty at all!

 “Don’t tell me you feel bad about your brother missing, Kol. You and Rebekah are free. You’d think that logically you’d do your own thing and get the hell away from a monster like Klaus.”

Jeremy Gilbert was right! They should have been free. It would have been the most natural thing to do. Stay put at that Rave below the Rue de Rivoli! It would have been a bloody damn sight easier! If it wasn't for one small thing... A stupid bloody oath made over a thousand years prior! An Oath, he'd actually not been part of... But had spent the last thousand years, trying to prove he was worthy of fulfilling it!

That had been the real monster all those years, and he was just as much a victim of that monster as everyone else had been. Now... Now it was too late! It had taken his life, more than once. It had taken his love... It was all that was left.

"You'd like that!... Wouldn't ya Gilbert!"
Kol spat vehemently narrowing his eyes as he glanced down at Jeremy upon the couch..."

But let's be honest here mate. You'd soon miss me... You'd come looking for me like you always do! And you wanna know why?... Because as much as you might like to bloody deny it... I am your best friend! I am the only one who ever saw you as more than Elena Gilberts Kid brother!"
exhaling sharply, Kol took a deep breath and closed his eyes...

It wasn't Jeremy's fault the plan had gone to sh*t.
It was his for assuming he could trust the people around him, and it was a mistake he was determined not to make again. There was a snitch...A rat within their ranks! everything pointed to it... Reeked of it!

What was there to say that this poxy bloody plan Katherine Peirce has swooned on into the warehouse with wasn't just a setup? After all, she was well known for her lack of loyalty. F*** she'd sold out her own family more than once to save her own arse! And Caroline Forbes... She was more of a bimbo than he'd ever imagined possible if she chose to trust Katherine Peirce now!
And as for Bekah...Her willingness, her wanting to take those around her at face value... Could he really blame her? When for the last thousand years all he'd wanted himself, was to be accepted and treated as an equal...
Begrudgingly Kol turned lowering his body to sit on the couch beside Jeremy and leaned across to whisper in his ear,  asking..."Have you ever heard of the term, a double-edged sword mate?... That's where we're at, at the moment." pausing Kol watched the hint of confusion in Jeremy's eyes before explaining.

"At the moment, we're all sat here, perched upon the very tip of the hilt of the sword that someone wielding to betray us... And one thing is for sure... We're gonna bloody fall! We can't sit there on the tip forever!  They gonna make another move! But what way we fall when they do, depends on what we do next... Every sword has two edges and I intend to use what advantages, I still have up my bloody sleeve, to turn their bloody betrayal back upon themselves!" Kol paused, waiting for his words to sink in ..." You want revenge for how the Witches, How Davina Claire treated her own- those you were trying to save? You, want out of this whole bloody mess, mate? Then you've got no choice but to trust me!....

This whole f ucking saga reeks of a bloody rotting rat!"


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'The Wily Fox'


Aug 14th 2022 - 5:48 PM

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ᴅᴀᴍɴᴇᴅ ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀꜱ
8 hours ago

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Drop the bodies on the floor.
Amazing writing.

That's the Kol we met and a-d-o-r-e-d 

𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜
Aug 13th 2022 - 2:31 PM

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I just love and adore how you write, capture and portray Kol. Throughout every single piece oI read, every word, I just hear Kol's voice - even throughout the narrative bits - and it's so freakin' awesome. You are the personification of Kol Mikaelson. It's good to read some of your works again, brother! 

Fierce Vulnerability
Aug 13th 2022 - 6:52 AM

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Bekah scowled at Kol from across the room from where she was stood with Katherine and Caroline, to be honest she would rather be with her brother in the basement bar again but they needed beyond anything else right now to get Nik back.

//Absolutely wonderful brother, you paint the most amazing picture of Kol truly. I totally love this and the idea that we were living it up in the bars first 😉. Definitely a Bekah/Kol thing to do. ♥️

Rσυx - Gα - Rσυx
Aug 12th 2022 - 9:49 PM

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// God I've missed your writing. I'd hop on Lot but I'm here so you get me. This was fantastic. Truly, I am just always in awe of how you portray your part so beautifully and so much in respect of the muse. Absolutely love.

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