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I don't know where I'm going, but I don't think I'm coming home And I said, I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end

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Last Login:
August 27th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 27
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
October 12, 2020


06/26/2022 04:30 PM 


“10:45.. she drops Tatum off.. at 10:45.. Except for this morning she just left.. she just left Tatum with that straggly-haired fu-“ Fists slammed down on his desk, papers littering the motel room floor as he attempted to maintain any sort of composure to continue his thoughts. “Normally, at 10:45 she leaves to drop Tatum off.” Words slurred as he dashed messy penmanship across the fresh sheet of paper. “Then she goes to get coffee,.." Dropping the pen as an exhausted huff passed his lips, digging through his mind of each movement she made the days previous. "She gets coffee, and so goes to that f***ing church place or whatever..Then she goes to that God damn bar she works at.."

He continued for an hour, each mistake made in pen resulting in the process starting over again leaving his final result to look something like this..

8:00 AM - Wakes up, most the time, Tatum normally is up first.
10:45 AM- Leaves to take Tatum somewhere/get coffee. Tatum always get a pink lemonade.
12:00 PM- Church thing. It paired off how long she is normally here but always at least an hour.
3:00 PM - Goes to the bar, doesn't work. Normally sits in back office. Boyfriend also works here, but doesn't work.
5:00 PM- Picks Tatum up and goes home, stops at 2 stores on way home religiously.
8:00 PM- 10:00 PM- Boyfriend comes over at some point, most the time stays the night. Occasionally another man comes with boyfriend. Unsure of his relation.
12:00 AM-2:00 AM- She finally goes to bed. If she's home alone, she doesn't lock the door. Otherwise, dude locks it.

Hanging the vague schedule above the motel room desk, he finally pulls himself from the cheap rolling chair beginning to kick around his failed attempts on the floor frustration seeping from his pores as he realized how many gaps there were in her day, how inconsistent her schedule was, and how little time she was ever alone.


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