
There are no strange creatures, only blinkered people


1.S. Fawcett is a fictional creation by Joanne K. Rowling and I do not claim the character nor the Harry Potter series as my own. However, Selina Fawcett is my creative interpretation of a small character and I do claim her storyline as my own. In other words… please, do not steal anything. I’ve worked hard on this!

2.I am a multi - para writer, mostly third person with the occasional dip into first when doing drabbles. When writing - I have no problem fluctuating between sizes of replies. I let my muse take me where it wants to go!

3.I am a female writer (25+) with a full-time job and other outside responsibilities. Roleplaying will always be a hobby for me and not an obligation. With that, my desire to join RPGs is not high. You all are amazing and perhaps I’ll consider it if I find one that piqued my interest. Only time will tell.


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𝚜. 𝚏𝚊𝚠𝚌𝚎𝚝𝚝

Last Login:
August 13th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 20
Sign: Gemini
Signup Date:
April 29, 2022


05/19/2022 04:59 PM 

what if...?

What if...?

Selina was a Squib.

Another morning, another opportunity.

Selina was always an early riser, but for the last three weeks it was for a reason - her Hogwarts letter should be arriving any day now. Each morning she would be the first one down the stairs, breakfast wasn’t even done yet. Every morning her mother and father would greet her with a “hello” or “how did you sleep?” Both of which she ignored and insisted on seeing the mail. It had to be today, it was only a matter of time before they had to go to Diagon Alley to get her the wand she had been dreaming about.

“Seraphina, here’s your letter.”

Selina watched as her father handed her sister the school supply letter she had been expecting as well. This morning felt different, there wasn’t one for her. “Maybe Professor McGonagall hasn’t had the time to send it!” Sera chimed, always optimistic when times were stressful. Selina glanced at her mother and father, both their expressions the same. They didn’t know how they were going to break it to her.

A Squib.

In other words, a disgrace.

There weren’t enough tissues in the world to dry up the continuous tears that streamed down her cheeks. Her heart felt heavy as her harsh reality started to set in. She would not be going to Hogwarts, never get a wand, there was no way she could ever step foot on a Quidditch field. Seraphina did everything she could to soothe her sister but it wasn’t good enough. She wanted to be just like her and her parents.

Why her? What was she missing?

In the back of her mind she started to blame her mother. A muggle born witch, she must have inherited her lack of magic from her. It was easier to place the blame on her, but it didn’t change the fact that she wasn’t boarding the Hogwarts express in a couple of weeks.


It was hard for Selina to see her sister meet up with her friends at Platform 9 ¾. She was off on her own journey, one that she couldn’t be a part of. In her mind, she saw herself following closely behind her. Her sister would have introduced her to her housemates, they would all treat her like their own little sister, convincing her that Ravenclaw was the best and only house worth being in.

Yet here she was, waving slowly as the train left the station.

What now?


It was a quiet dinner that night. Selina hardly touched her food, she started to wonder what her sister was having in the Great Hall at that moment. Her mother tried to grab her hand but she flinched away, the little bit of resentment from her blood status came back. “Why me? The words broke her again. Her father tried to speak but her mother was quicker. “Don’t be upset, darling.” She wrapped her arms around her and held her as she cried. “I’m a freak! You both must think I’m an embarrassment to the family!”

“You are still my daughter and I love you.” The words brought back painful memories for her mother. When she received a letter to attend Castelobruxo at her age her own mother kicked her out of the house. They kept screaming they didn’t want a bruja in their family. The last thing she wanted was for her child to feel unwelcome in her own home.

“Everything is going to be ok.”



Selina’s mother was right. Just because she wasn’t as extraordinary didn’t mean she was loved any less. She went on to other things in life that weren’t related to the Wizarding World. Oxford gained itself a brilliant young woman when she turned 18, her family was so proud of her accomplishments and cheered for her every step of the way. After she graduated she became a writer, her work granted her a position part-time in the Daily Prophet for its Muggle Affairs section.


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