Demonic Soul

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April 14th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 46
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
January 03, 2018


05/11/2022 10:40 PM 

"Blood? Are you bleeding?" Ft. King

Prompt: “Blood? Are you bleeding?”
Featuring: King // Mentions: Morningstar and Dark
“F***.” Julian hissed, hand grasped around his right side: blood so dark it almost looked black leaking through his fingers. He knew he should have dodged right instead of left. Would have been out of the way of the sharp claws that had torn into his side. Just another night. Another wound. Another scar to add to the collection. No big deal really. An everyday occurrence for Julian. He kicked his apartment door closed behind him, not caring to lock the door for the moment. His door wasn’t his main priority right now. It was stitching up the claw marks in his side. Besides with his protection spells around there wasn’t a good chance anything could enter his home unless it was Ash or King. And Ash was off doing something while King should be working. He needed to stop the blood, stitch up the marks and see how bad the scarring could possibly be. If it had been done by a human there would be a good chance it wouldn’t scar up but with something that had what felt like acid on their claws when they swiped at you? Yeah not so lucky there. His bathroom light was bright in his eyes as he flipped the switch: hissing lightly as he crouched to rummage around for the first aid kit he kept underneath the sink. Opening it he made a mental note to buy more supplies. This week had been hell and he’d used more than he would normally. Next time Lucifer wanted something Julian was telling him to shove it up his ass and do it himself. Kit in hand, he grabbed a basin that he kept by the sink. It only took a few seconds to fill it up with warm water for after he was done. With the kit under his arm and the basin in one hand, Julian headed to his room

Not even bothering with the light switch, Julian placed the basin down before collapsing into the hard chair that he kept just for this particular reason. Blood was going to be a bitch to get out of the hardwood floors already: no need to have to worry about cloth at the same time. His shirt caught on the wounds which caused a small hiss to escape his clenched jaw. Tossing it into his wastebasket he proceeded to thread what he would need to stitch up his side. The first press of the needle through his skin was always the worst but after Julian zoned out and it was pretty easy. Sometimes the needle would catch which would hurt but it was nothing compared to the wounds that were stinging at the cold air in his room. “Julian!” He’d been so focused on the task at hand that he hadn’t heard his front door open. What was King doing here? A quick look at the digital clock on his bedside table told him what he already knew. King should be at work. Not here in his apartment. “Blood? Are you bleeding?” The slight panic he heard in King’s voice always caught him off guard no matter how many times he heard it towards him. His bedroom door opened and light from the outside hallway filled the room enough for Julian to see King standing in his doorway. Julian knew how it must look: the scene in his apartment. Blood that had been left behind in his moving towards the bathroom and then to his room, the bloody handprint left on his bedroom door clear as day to see.

That didn’t compare to the sight he gave off. Himself sitting in a hard chair, shirt off, thread and needle in hand: one claw mark already stitched up, the second claw mark almost stitched up and the third and last mark had finally stopped bleeding. He blinked, before putting his attention back onto what he was doing as he pushed the needle through his skin. “You’re supposed to be at work.” Spoken so nonchalant as if Julian was use to this scene every day. This was the first time King had seen him having to stitch up his own wounds. “Julian! What happened?” King quickly moved forward, hovering over Julian. Worry came off of the other and almost seemed to suffocate Julian for a second: still not use to any of this. Even if it had been almost a year of them knowing each other. He never had this type of attention on him. Ash normally just stared for a second before telling him what he did wrong and could do right next time. Lucifer didn’t hover over him: instead he would tell Julian to be more careful. King was the only one. And while Julian was not use to it he couldn’t help but feel a bit grateful of it. “Don’t worry about it. You should be at work.” “I felt like something was wrong. I had to make sure.” Julian arched a brow, “So you snuck out of work?” “No no no. There was no sneaking out. I talked to who I had to. Don’t worry about it. What happened to you?”

He wasn’t going to let it go, was he? Julian sighed, tying off the thread. “Those small scissors: cut this thread so I can start on the last one.” He watched King falter, as if he wanted to keep asking what happened but he seemed to know that Julian was more stubborn and wouldn’t utter a single word about what happened. “Fine. I’ll stop asking.” Julian smirked, smug with himself for being more stubborn then King. “Good. Now. Scissors.” A sigh from the other but finally he was complying as he grabbed up the scissors, snipping at the thread that Julian pointed to. “Are you okay though?” “Other than losing some blood? Having to clean it out of hardwood and making sure nothing followed me? Yeah I’m more then okay.” He restarted the thread in the needle before he was pushing it through to start on the last mark. “Should I make some coffee?” Julian laughed before teasing, “And a light meal would be nice since you are asking, honey.” “Only if you say please.” Julian scoffed, leaning forward to grin, “Please…and that’s the only time you’ll ever hear that word.” Finally a laugh escaped King and Julian considered his night done: he’d gotten King to stop worrying and as he watched the other’s retreating back he knew that maybe this type of thing wasn’t so bad every once in a while. Next time though: less blood definitely.


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