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April 14th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 31
Sign: Sagittarius
Signup Date:
April 11, 2021


03/18/2022 05:30 PM 

ac β€” 23,


Appreciation was one thing that Sydney mostly failed to show in her life. Not because she didn't have anything to appreciate now, a big change from a year ago. No. She had the things she had only dreamed of before. She had a family. A group of people whom most of which she actually cared for and got along with. Minus the few that were only words away from a couple busted knee caps. Coming from a family that abused her, much less cared for her in any way, the warmth from the things most of them had done for her was something she still wasn't used to. They'd been forced to come together in ways she never would've imagined. Seeing things from each other that they never would have before. That's where the Leader's come in. 

It was no secret that Syd was a loyal member. Hell, she showed it in almost everything she did. No matter what they had been through, and no matter the cause.. she always found herself falling at their feet. Showing how thankful she was to be there. To even be in their presence. She'd surrendered herself to them long ago, and turning back just wasn't an option. Besides, how could she? They were the reason for everything she had. The very life she as living. The family that now surrounded her. That supported her. Being in Sanctum was the home of her happiness. Without them, she wouldn't have that. She probably wouldn't have anything. Not Bash. The one person who changed her outlook on things. On everything. Especially on love. Without them, she wouldn't know what love actually felt like. Romantically. Platonically. 

It wasn't that she didn't know how to show her appreciation for her peers, she obviously spewed it onto the leader's in probably a sickening amount. It was just that she'd never had the need to give it. Or, feel safe doing so. With Sophia, Thatcher, Maggie, and even still, Phoebe.. it had came naturally. The same with her boyfriend. She'd given into them. Made herself vulnerable in every way. It wasn't just something she could, or was willing to give out. But they knew. They knew how thankful she was for all of them. 


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