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02/25/2022 09:53 AM 

Heavenly Waltz Pt I.
Category: Stories

S e n s h i   t o   M e g a m i .
S e n s e i   t o   S e i t o.
P a r t   O n e          

     Guest Star:
       Kimiko Ikusawa [ 1684688 ]

The Old Domains.
Time before The Fall: Unknown.

     Paint this present as a moving mural above the great plain of clouds. Countless pink petals are sway up and down, carried away by the cool current of endless heavenly breath. The hymn-like howling of highwinds is rich. The moon hanging up high on the milky purple ceiling is full, its glow fairest. Silhouettes of distant mountain peaks with tall trees on them are garnishing the horizon on several directions.

   On this sky-blessed realm where mortals cannot simply take a foothold on, old friends now rise on their feet. The desire to test their glorious fellowship spanning eons since they first met blaze forth like the first light of sunrise. Although they have many times battled before, they were not performed in the matter it will be so, right here, right now. Cast aside their mortal limits. Indulge well in their ascension to their respective godhoods.

   Forward each foot, nary a haste on each flight, not just yet. Meadow green eyes conceal the inner struggle to stay the vice-grip of one’s celibacy. The foe more than a mile away, albeit a small blurry strip of mirage at the moment, is bearing with her a bewitching beauty. Once a sniveling child often conquered by doubt and cowardice, she has grown into an exceptionally fine lady. She has been bred for war but elevated her elegance throughout the years. Her smooth stride towards the distant celibate man is perfect in its posture, lightly swaying her hips beneath a radiant-white ritual gown.

   Belay the sudden musing of decadence, man in gray.  F o c u s . The lady with steel in both hands is no trifling damsel. She is a star pupile of his, ready to show his beloved teacher what she has learned, along with this mighty divinity she brings with her. A katana on her right hand and a black-blade jian on her left are hers to harbor with the gift of pronounced power. The mentor has with him a longsword on the right and a dagger on the left. Both are twin-edged with light streaks of wear and tear through their sturdy gleamming girth.

   Through a transmitted thought, he drinks in a short-lived phrase from her, sweet, soothing and sultry in such delightful delivery.

H a j i m e m a s h o u ,  s e n s e i .
( Let us begin, teacher. )

   His pace comes with a mild hurry; the cloudy floor puffs up a little thick misty bush from his steady jogging. Hers is undisturbed, advancing without urgency. Her arms are slightly raised, extending her blades to their respective sides. His blood is warming up from the spicy thrill of a beautiful blessed battle. This gap between them requires to be severed fairly soon.

   Once he has committed to more than a hundred footsteps, Raido the Grey One, leaves the cloudy field by powerfully leaping forward, steep and swift his sudden arched airborne road. The longsword is ready above and behind his head to bestow a devastating downward strike upon his still-strolling student. Mind the coming blade, dearest, for it will easily cleave through a high hill as it would do much worse through flesh and bone.

   Halt that peacful track, Lady Kimiko. Her dark blue eyes have been hidden all this time. Bless her lungs with a cupful of the heavenly breath around them. Her form goes from a lovely stand to a fierce stab with an elegant twirl of her fingers to redirect the left-hand jian from the side to where the blade shall violently visit her: forward and high. Her bare right foot slid back to stay her ground. The eyes of the man widen a bit at this reaction that required no revelation of her gaze to respond and deny his harm.

  Clap a rich note, thunder! The cloud forms into a round two-yard-high wall around them, quickly running away. Raido is left in mid-air and recoils from Kimiko’s perfectly-aimed inclined stab of her swordpoint on the hammering edge of his blade. The man jolts his limbs to regain a sense of balance. The maiden is inclined to toy with him.

   Her katana is twirled into a vertical sweep before her. Its blessed steel harbors bits of little storms that if unleashed shall grace a mark with devastation, slicing and smashing away all in slim paths for precision and power. Worse for him, the pace of her strike is divine; a single laceration is thrice, even four times, in its true strike. Deflect them well, she dares him.

   Raido swings his dagger forward as he winds back his longsword to follow up. Flashes of curved lines meet the smaller steel, the agony hammers into the inhuman nerves in his wrist and, so soon, the rest of him. The last strike knocks him back, feet looking desparate to regain footing on the cloudy field. His blades are away from her, making him quite exposed for a daring deed on her part.

   Kimiko leaps to pounce on Raido. The man is surprised by his beautiful student being airborne he is. He can hear a faint giggle as his face is soon clamped between the inner thighs of her back-bent legs, drowning him in disbelief. She spreads her raised blades like a pair of wings. Strong winds gather around each steel and let out a crisp roar. Kimiko spins both of them into a swift hearty barrel roll. Her sensei feels as light as a pillow with this celestial strength she has. Free him from her lovely legs to harshly crash back onto the misty field beneath them.

   B o o m ! Raido’s grunt of agony was overshadowed by his loud descent, accompanied with a greater risen bush of cloud. Kimiko lands shy of twenty yards where her once lofty self flirted with him. Her eyes remain closed. A gentle smile is ever present on her rosy red lips. The tied bun of her flowing black hair is not ruined. That was delightful, to say the least. Being merciful, Kimiko waits for him to regain footing and posture.

   Raido slowly rises with a knuckle down on the cloudy floor. That was painful but in some way pleasant too. With a chuckle, he brushes off his mistake, also appreciating the savagery his student just committed him to taste or, better yet, feel. His cheeks could feel the warmth of her flawless skin as it constricted him into helplessness before such a harrowing hurl rendered him into a short-lived meteor.

  Impressive, he spilled but right after clearing his throat.
The symphony of high winds do nothing to really obscure their remarks. After all, divinity permits transmitted thought. But old habits die hard, being mortals as well with lips to flap or purse.
   Kimiko shrugs her shoulders, her smile intact. A brow is raised even with her eyes still closed.
   “I don’t know. It felt as if you handed me that first blood, sensei.”
   “Oh, no, Kimi-chan,” he immediately retorted.
   “That was well-earned of you as I paid for my failure to pay attention.”

   Raido stands tall again, facing towards his student whose goddess-like presence is just enthralling for him to not stare. Kimiko does not mind. His silence on the matter is amusing. They will not admit it, but there had been sparks through the ages. They are adults, after all, relics to the many others across the cosmos who have just reached past half a century of their respective lives. Strong as his celibacy may be, deep inside, he is still a man with desires. But she can be bolder with her attempt to court him some other time.

    Kimiko raises her jian before her, its point eager to poke his nose from yards ahead. She swings down the katana to her side with a crisp swoop of the air to go with it. Kimiko begins to walk towards Raido again. He sweeps his longsword before him, left to right. Raise the dagger to his left side. Etch away a light smirk. The pain from that quick drop is weakening. Jog again towards the maiden and soon turn it into a sprint. Muster a deep breath, free it sharply and let their steel meet and greet in a ferocious forward flurry. Sensei-sama and Seito-chan had just begun their divine waltz above clouds.

To Be Continued.

Part Two in the Works.




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