[ ๐• ] ๐•„arks ๐•‹he ๐”ปoctor!

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01/27/2022 05:37 PM 

Landing in Asgard

[ ๐€๐›๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐žแต’แถ ๐“๐ข๐ฆ๐ž ]
A week had gone by with no sighting of the one who committed such heinous crimes. By this time the entire land of Asgard knew her name and was on alert, all talking about the Knight who had slaughtered her entire unit and then had the audacity to go to bed afterwards drenched in the blood of her fallen comrades. As far as most were concerned, it was an open and shut case and supported the King’s decision to execute without trial. No one wondering at all why the all-father who was supposed to stand for truth and justice, was now as merciless as your common bloodthirsty mob.
It wasn’t long before the most influential were demanding results. For years they had been waiting to bring down the one who despite her poor background, had surpassed the ones of high noble ranks and became a Knight. They all seethed with fury for if one was able to make it out of the slums into high society, then it wouldn’t be long until more would follow. Where would the houses of nobility be then? It was a shared nightmare that those below them could figure out how to dethrone and turn the tables until it was the aristocrats who waited on the commoners. The rich and powerful were always afraid of losing it all.
They all pressured Odin, screaming for the head the Knight. It wasn’t enough that they ran her out of Asgard in disgrace (even if she was innocent). They wanted to make an example of her, for any other commoner who even dared dream to reach their level. Odin knew of one powerful being who could be up to the task. He would have sent Thor, his favourite son to retrieve the accused but he refused. Siding with Frigga and Loki who both believed she was framed. How they could have known such a thing, it wasn’t clear. At least they were going on instinct and had no actual proof that it was a set up.
Back to the subject at hand, there have been many on Midgard throughout the ages who have claimed to have sighted the mysterious stranger with his magical blue box. He had many names; the oncoming storm, the sainted physician, lonely angel, lord of time, etc. Even on Asgard he was known as the “god of time”, like Loki was known as the “god of mischief” and Thor was the “god of thunder”. The god of time had the power to travel, even manipulate the very fabric of the 4th dimension. No one would be able to hide from him.
Odin retired to his private quarters and started his meditation. The god of time was not apart of the nine realms and therefore was no one of his loyal subjects. He could not just command him to appear as he would all others. This one had to be persuaded. How could one persuade a god?
The all-father bowed his head and began to pray earnestly. He had seen it done enough times to know and so he simply imitated what he observed. He wasn’t above humbling himself to achieve his goals.

[ [ ๐• ] ๐•„arks ๐•‹he ๐”ปoctor! ]
The Oncoming Storm, was what races across the universe called the TimeLord known as the Doctor. Constant and strong, he travels the stars with not a destination in sight. Those who catch a glimpse of him see either great salvation or horrible defeat. Whichever is the case depends on how forgiving his two hearts can be..... But today his tinkering fingers were at work -- because even a great protector needs to eat and the Doctor happened to be craving toast. Which he apparently hadn't been paying attention for a great while because the toaster never released the last piece he tried to insert and so it was practically a hockey puck by the time he noticed the smoke.
The life of a time travelling bachelor...... no one ever said it was pretty.
The TimeLord was a contrasting element against the industrial scenery around him. Crimson red pin-stripe d suit and casual t-shirt echoing against the gold and tan interior. The green glow of the pulsating core further accenting the atmosphere of wires and buttons that circled the mechanism. Standing in the console chamber of the TARDIS, rimmed glasses on and working to practically dissect the kitchen appliance now -- the old alien ended up distracted by the heating element. Ever the constant scientist, the Doctor couldn't help but to be cooking up ideas. Needless to say he never got that toast.... so when a small hum became loud enough to match the sound of the auto-pilot engine thumping his deep amber eyes shifted. To the sides at first and then up to the green pulsing core. 
With a light lean to one side the brunette let his deep amber eyes trail over the figures displayed in his home language. Circles and symbols forming in versions formations -- which were all internal questions from the machine. "Its not a noise? ...Wait, what are you on about?" he asked with another glance toward the green glow above him. He suddenly saw a homing signal finder and the auto pilot function was dismissed. It took no time at all to zero in on the signal, which looked more like a song than just white void noise. A sudden pull nearly bumped the Doctor off his feet and he set his project down to hang on.
"Whoa! Hang on, old girl. Where are you going?" he asked softly as he reached up to take off his glasses, tucking them inside his suit jacket. After just a few minutes the commute stopped and he looked over the star charts again. It wasn't very often at all that the TARDIS took him on an adventure so he was genuinely curious. "Did we… Asgard! Landed us in Asgard! Woooow!! This universe is a whole different can of worms! Ugh! You have good taste!" The Doctor bellowed with a wide grin as he quickly pocketed his sonic screwdriver and snagged his long tan greatcoat from the nearby railing. Slipping it on like a cloak, it flowed behind him nicely as he made his way for the blue double doors.
'With the sweetest of prayers serenade the Wings of Time
She will bring judgement in the form of a man
Arriving upon a heartbeat of storming winds
Her God of Time will descend without prejudice
Giving guidance only along the path of truth and justice…'
For the people of Asgard, it would be the God of Time's first appearance, and they would soon learn that every legend ever told was true to the letter. Odin had prayed with every direction he had ever known, always with soft pleading for help. This had appealed enough for a grand arrival -- in a fashion that spoke volumes about how much control their king had over the God. Praying was only to simply request the blue box to deliver him. The harder trial was yet to come. The fabled majestic Wings of Time didn't come via the Bifrost Bridge gate -- Heimdall didn't even hear any type of passage. An echoing heartbeat and mechanical wheezing soon rippled through the entire castle, followed by a wind that made every curtain dance in the throne room.
The sound alone was enough for Odin's single uncovered eye to shoot open. Coming back to his feet, the Asgardian king rushed back to the grand throne room. At the base of the tributary stairway a light began to pulse and a blue box came into existence. Fading gently in and out of existence as the noise grew louder. With a final thump the Police Public Call Box became solid -- windows glistening a bright white before fading. A moment later the door opened inward and a man stepped out. His white shoes touched the golden etched floor and a tall crimson clad figure stepped out with a smooth motion. Turning to close the door his long tan greatcoat shifted with him much like the cloaks of Asgard do.
As the Doctor stepped out his smile widened in an explorative manner. Perfect teeth, a glistening white as the wind died down. He really did stand out here though as his blue box seemed to pale in comparison to the majestic clean nature of the world around it. It was ancient looking, which was the whole point of the look. Same with the man himself. Compared to the extremely clean armor and muscular figures of every warrior in the room he looked small and insignificant -- but his power in legend was never in strength. Therefore not a single soul dared question him.
"Now, this is a pleasure," the Doctor said.
"No, God of Time, the pleasure is ours," came Odin's voice from the throne, drawing the TimeLord to look back over his shoulder. Stepping around his police box he gave Odin a greeting bow before stepping up along the great stairwell. "I do admit that the sight of you is unexpected in many ways. Tales of your adventures travel far and wide and so I did expect a warrior."
"Oh, not every fight demands to be a violent one. If titles are of any valor then you don't need strength to win the day this time… do you?" the Doctor asked. With a sigh Odin stepped down along the stair to meet him halfway. Despite the more regal armored attire the Doctor stood towering over him at a healthy easy six feet tall. His hands were tucked lightly into his trouser pockets. "Odin, I've heard quite a few stories about the great people of Asgard as well. You're strong. I'm not here to dispute that. That being said, what can I do for you?" The Doctor asked.

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[ ๐• ] ๐•„arks ๐•‹he ๐”ปoctor!


Feb 7th 2022 - 10:20 PM

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Something origin driven poked at the tall lanky brunette man as he continued to watch the King come down the gold adorned stair and welcome him for a walk. Asgard itself carried a similar regal proud boldness that his own people did back on Gallifrey. It was one of the main reasons why he didn't land here as memories of his home could wash over him. As the God of Time -- as these people liked to address him -- stepped to join in this stroll through the noble halls, something else seemed to catch his interest. Two things, actually. The story, and the way that it was presented to him.

Softly spoken and yet still pleading, this was obviously a call for help. A plea for skills only he has, which is his quick ability to find a target. At first the reason for finding this Knight wasn't clear. She was spoken of so highly considering that she was trusted with the protection of one of Asgard's princes.... but then she curved to murder? Perhaps the sheer fantasy that comes with being a Knight came to mind first, but an honorable warrior like this wouldn't resort to cold blood killing. Unless something happened? Lord Odin stated that he had all the evidence that she was the killer -- even catching her literally red handed with the bodies of her does all around and their blood staining her armor.

So, the Doctor nodded. Out of sheer curiosity and a need to know the truth here. He then turned to face the older looking man as they stood at one of the regal windows. "Yes. I will help you. All I need is the weapon used in the murder and the name of your Knight," he said softly.

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