
Last Login:
April 14th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 31
Sign: Sagittarius
Signup Date:
April 11, 2021


12/26/2021 10:44 PM 

ac β€” 17,


Thinking in on the entirety of the last year wasn't something Lily was too fond on doing considering the days that plagued it. Especially since it wasn't Phoebe that she was sitting across from at the moment. The one person she'd grown closest to throughout most of it. The person she gives the most credit to for saving her. Now, she was the one needing saving and Lily was pretty much useless, feeling unable to help one of the people she now owed her life to. That's how she would end this year, feeling hopefully for the brightest light. The one thing she clung to was the male by her side. Thankful for Bash, and everything that happened between the two. That's one thing she felt a sense of pride for. Bringing him back to the place he belonged. Where they all belonged. So, there were some up sides to the year. That should outweigh the bad, but once again Phoebe clung to the back of her mind. She was responsible for Lily's new found moment of safety, leaving it to her husband to deal with the disgust that was Lily's father. A man that would never threaten her life again, his ghost maybe.. living through her brother. Another thought she only wanted rid of. Above all, thankful was the last thing to come to her mind. She had to be. Sanctum was her saving grace, and she owed it to give her everything for the rest of the years to come. To give her all for many different things that now surrounded her life. One full of torment that she never thought she would escape. One that now held promise of so many wonderful things to come, if only she could let her mind ease to enjoy those moments and focus on a life that holds a future.


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