
Last Login:
April 14th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 31
Sign: Sagittarius
Signup Date:
April 11, 2021


12/11/2021 12:58 PM 

ac β€” 16,


Relocation. One thing, if any besides running from her past and proving herself right, Lily was completely used to. It was something that came naturally to the girl since leaving Italy. Never staying in one spot for too long. Not hanging around to encounter more heartbreak than she already had, or even having the time to say goodbye to people she'd grown close to along the way. Her endless moving sometimes caused more problems than solving anything, but that still didn't stop her from fleeing everywhere she'd ever been. Everywhere except Sanctum. 

Getting the news of the entire organization being moved to a remote island was more than likely overwhelming news to a lot of the members, or so Lily figured. Having to pack up and leave their Seattle lives behind, for a whole new place. However, she found the news more than exciting. Not to mention that her restless bones was itching for new adventure, if anyone knew her.. they knew Lily absolutely couldn't stand the cold, and living on a warm, sunny island was the exact thing the doctor ordered. 

A new place. A new home. A sort of fresh start. In paradise, at that. Somewhere for new relationships to flourish, and others to fade into the rear view. Most importantly, she was thankful to leave her past there. To leave everything and everyone that didn't belong in the dust. In the cold and gloomy city that Seattle was. Of course, concerns were there. But how could they not be with Thatcher's return? But, still, she had to make herself not doubt it. Not to question anything. Not to question them. Phoebe had always been the safest place for her, and Lily swore she would always be loyal to her, and she planned on doing just that. Now, as if she didn't already owe everything to Sophia, she felt as if she owed her the entire world for what she done for her. For who she brought back to her. So, if anything, Lily was ecstatic about the entire organization being relocated. 


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