ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ Sʜᴇᴇᴘ

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April 18th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Status: Single
Age: 37
Sign: Leo
Country: United States

Signup Date:
December 24, 2020


11/29/2021 10:48 PM 

Don't Forget Me (Flashback)

What did she do wrong? She knew her mother had her own demons she's been battling. She often heard her mother and her father fighting over something that happened. She often thought that maybe her mother was hiding something from her. Something that had to do with their family. And now, her mother was putting her in foster care because of her PSTD and trauma that happened 9 years ago. 

Her dark hues stared down at the ground as a tear streamed down the 7 year old's face. Just hearing her mother talking to the people at the foster care center, brought sadness to her. The little girl didn't want another family. She wanted Laurie. Her mother. She admired her mother in so many ways. Now she was beginning to wonder, maybe she was just a bad seed. 

Laurie walked over to little Jamie before leaning down and Jamie quickly spoke up,"please don't go" she wrapped her arms around her mother and that was when she burst into tears and cried into Laurie's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around little Jamie too. Jamie was afraid she'll never see her mother again. All Jamie's ever wanted was a family. Laurie was that family to her. 

"I promise that I'll come by to see you every now and then" Laurie released the hug and put her hands on either side of Jamie's face,"be strong for me, okay baby girl? I never wanted to do this. But I have to go to a hospital for a bit. But I promise you, Jamie, I'll come back for you. You're my whole world" Laurie leaned down and kissed the forehead of Jamie as Jamie wrapped her arms around her mother again not wanting to ever let go. She knew as soon as she'd release it, that she'd never see her mother again. 

"Please don't go. Just stay a little longer" Jamie told her and more tears fell from her face,"I can go with you to the hospital. I promise, I'll be good. I won't talk about your past. I won't wake you up anymore. I won't steal all the snacks. I just want to be a family again. Why can't it be that easy? Why does it have to be so hard to be a family? Am I bad?"

Laurie lifted Jamie up in her arms and carried her towards one of the tables before setting her down, wiping some tears away from Jamie's face and fixed her long hair,"there's nothing bad about you. You're more than perfect. There's something bad about me, baby girl. Once I get better, I'm going to come and get you. Something happened years ago to me and my friends. I'm still haunted by my experience and I haven't seeked help about it until now. But seeking help, means I have to go away for a while. You're the best part about me, Jamie. That is never going to change. I promise you, we will meet again. I love you, till I draw my last breath and even after that".

"I love you too, mom. Please, don't forget me!" Jamie hugged her again and tried her best not to break again. But deep down, she had a feeling this was going to be the last time she saw her. She remembered all the times they'd stay up late and eat popcorn and watch movies. They'd walk through the park and sometimes they'd end up swinging together. Or their winter snowball fights. She just wanted to wake up in her mother's arms again and wanted her to tell her that everything's going to be okay. 

Kissing Jamie's cheek Laurie responded with,"Never. How can I forget a face like your's?" Laurie spent the next five minutes hugging her daughter before releasing and she walked right out the door as Jamie ran towards the window to watch her mother drive off into the night. 


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