Mental Vacation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est

His Holiness

Last Login:
April 17th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 31
Sign: Aquarius
Signup Date:
July 23, 2021


11/11/2021 05:06 PM 

Prompt for Head Prat

Panic, that’s all George could feel, was panic. He had lost sight of Fred for ages. They had gotten separated as death eaters took them into different directions. It had been 3 hours since the last time George saw Fred. Now he had no idea where he was and it was causing him to panic.


Every which way he went, he was caught by death eaters, or helping someone fend off a death eater. As he got deeper into the castle, there was an explosion, which only fueled George to hurry.


He spent twenty minutes running like a chicken with its head cut off until he came to the room of requirements. “FREDDIE?” He called, trying to keep his voice calm, which was taking a lot of effort now. “FREDDIE! WHERE ARE YOU?” He was feeling helpless since he couldn’t figure out where he was. “Come on. Come on” He sprinted about ten more steps until a pair of hands found him.


“George” a male voice said, it sounded almost like it was panicking. “George, go back, go back the way you came from” George looked down to see it was Percy, who looked almost as horrible as George did. His hands painfully gripped at his arms as he tried to make him move backwards. 


The fact that Percy of all people was telling him to go back, he knew that something was wrong. “Percy” George ‘s hands were shaking as he gripped Percy by the shoulders. “What’s going on?” He asked as the panic started to rise in him. “What happened?” He realized that most of the wall from the room of requirements was blown to pieces.


“Where’s Freddie?” He asked as Percy once again tried to shove him to go back in the other direction but George was determined to find him, to find out what’s going on. But it seemed that George was stronger and he got away from the older brother. “There was an explosion” Percy said as he tried to keep up with the twin.


“An explosion?” The bewildered look on George’s face made Percy stop in his tracks. “Fred got caught in the debris of the wall” Percy said. There was none of the usual seriousness in his voice, only sadness. “No. No he didn’t. Is this some type of joke?” George looked around and called out for his twin. But as he headed towards the wall, he realized his brother wasn’t joking.


His eyes fell onto the lifeless form of his brother. The debris had been removed from him, it looked like someone had tried to get to him in time, but didn’t manage to. “No. No” George’s feet seemed to have been moving on their own as he found himself at Fred, hugging his lifeless body “Freddie. No. Freddie. I need you” He shrieked. 


George had no care in what was going on around him, all he cared about was the fact that his brother was dead. “We need to go,” Percy said as he and Bill tried to pry George away from Fred. George’s arms went around Percy in a panic, having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Fred was no longer there, that Fred was dead.


Percy let George grip onto him as he steered him away from where Fred was, from where Arther and Charlie were lifting the lifeless body of Fred onto a stretcher to move him.



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