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10/17/2021 11:17 PM 

A Fond Memory- Prompt for Reinette

Prompt Word- Selcouth: Unfamiliar, strange, rare, and yet wonderful
A Fond Memory
Phoenix Down Resources /1234567
Rare is not synonymous with valuable.
-Clifford Cohen

Agreasy burger with toppings of crisp lettuce, sharp onion, sour pickles, and a plump slice of crimson tomato upon a warm bun sat in front of me. Hot oily fries sat in a messy heap along with it, accompanied with a ramekin of chilled ketchup. A long drip of creamy liquid ran down the side of the glass containing a milkshake next to the plate. The melodic sounds from the Jukebox echoed over the speakers around the diner at just the perfect volume for a late-night meal. The smells of bacon, coffee, and maple syrup filled the air, and the quiet mumbles of chatter could be heard from the only other occupied table.

This was the first thing Natasha and I did after we arrived in the states, on the run from the man called Dreykov. I don't exactly remember what happened, only that I was learning to fight with another woman at the school when suddenly everything went black. Natasha didn't explain a lot to me then, only that we were going on a trip to a new place where we could be happy. The school didn't seem like a bad place, but they weren't very nice there either. When they taught you to dance they would strike you if you made a misstep. When they taught you to fight, they didn't give you a chance to get back up if you fell. I liked my friends at the school, the other girls my age who learned alongside me. But part of me was glad Natasha was taking us somewhere new.

As I bit into the burger, a brief hum of pleasure sounded in my throat. The juiciness of the meat was something I had never experienced before. The people at the orphanage never fed us anything with much substance. The piping hot oil that speckled the fries burned my tongue gently as I bit into it. The crimson paste I had dipped it into then cooled those very burns almost immediately. It was a perfect match of flavors and textures.

Back then the experience was so selcouth to me, a little five-year-old orphan who had never really had such luxuries. Now the meal is such commonplace, a burger joint never being more than 10 minutes away in any city I find myself. But I do still enjoy that same diner, that same burger, that same tang of music on the old jukebox. It still brings me back to that night, the night Natasha Romanoff saved my life.

Created by Patriot


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