Fighting Dove [Hiatus]

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February 16th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 33
Sign: Scorpio
Country: United States

Signup Date:
August 13, 2021


09/06/2021 01:44 PM 

When Doves Cry [Drabble]

When Doves Cry

Dawn was bleeding from her mouth and her platinum locks were locked onto a man. Her brown eyes view to see Hank having a thin wire rope wrapped around his neck being choked to death.

D ick, Hank, Rachel, and herself were attacked at the rooftop of Hank and Dawn’s apartment by the Family.

“HANK!” The former ballerina yelled for her boyfriend then suddenly thrown backward with a powerful force. She was thrown backward by the “Father” feeling the impact of the Dove cage Hank built for her was now destroyed. From the corner of her eye, she sees all the doves flying away going over the roof with white wood ashes covering her going towards the ground with a harsh landing to the concrete pavement.

On the rooftop

The former Quarterback was struggling to breathe because due to being choked to death. He manages to get both of his hands around his throat in order for him to breathe easily minus being choked by two young teenagers also known as ‘Daughter and Son.’ Hank kept his brown eyes glued to his partner while he was struggling to breathe.

The brunette man sees his girlfriend crying out for him and seeing her being thrown off the rooftop with a heavy force. “NOOOOOOO!” Hank screams out in pain holding his arm out as if his partner could reach it. The horror in his eyes filled with his soul and fear in his heart. “DAWWWNNNNN!” He screamed for her name and then was hit in the back of his head knocking him out by the Son.

The whole ‘Family’ fixies their attire individually as they collected themselves together. They all walked together knowing where Rachel is going to one spot on the rooftop. The Husband and Wife stood on one side of the air vent while the daughter and Son stood on the other. The redheaded woman grinned with a smile as she bends down to see a distraught teenager, “There you are, dear.” She greeted the dark violet hair child then placing a hand over her mouth knocking her out.

The Father picks up Rachel in his arms with the family following him knowing that their task has been completed. Get the child to have their true leader, Trigon into this world.

Back with Dawn…

She laid there in pain. The blonde felt like she was really dying as she stayed still while choking on her blood trying to speak. The will for her to keep living for herself and Hank was nearly impossible. Dawn felt her eyes were slowly going down, but she fought to keep them away. She was in complete shock. Her body went into shock being thrown from the rooftop. Sounds around her felt like they were fading away.

Dawn’s world started to fade away all around her until hearing someone calling her name. The blonde tries to get some form of words from her mouth, but she was choking on her own blood while trying to talk then slips to unconsciousness.


Dawn opens her eyes and sitting up from a hospital bed, was dressed in her alter-ego Dove.

“I was wondering when you were going to wake up in here,” A male voice stated in a concerned voice.

The blonde looks around and taking off her eye mask and seeing Don, the former Dove and Hank’s little brother.

“Don?” She asked and couldn’t believe she was seeing him again.

“In the flesh or dream, I should say. I’m visiting you in spirit.” The African American man replied as he was dressed as Dove. “You put up one hell of a fight against the Family and you really do have the Dove spirit: strong and fierce. Now I see why Hank fell in love with you... when he’s not an a**shole.” Don admits the truth. “But he really means well.” He comments.

“He really does mean well and that’s why I love him because he’s strong and he cares for the people he loves.” The blonde added another statement.

“You have to wake up from your coma Dawn, you have to for him. If you don’t wake up from this… it’ll break his heart and break him.” The first Dove mentioned in a serious tone of voice.

“Trust me I know, but god I felt like my whole body was hit by a semi-truck and my head is killing me,” Dawn stated a face as she touched the back of her head.

“I know you can pull through this; I have faith in you,” Don assured her. “We have to heal as human beings of all the following; emotionally, mentally, and physically. Heal the proper way. I see a bright future as Dove. I can see you fighting with Hank, The Titans, or even when you want to go solo. You have the courage that some people wish they could have. I wouldn't wish anyone else to be Dove than you. I wish I could have been faster to save both your mom and me from the car crash from thirteen years ago.” The first Dove was being honest with his words.

The blonde woman started to have tears rim around her eyes to hear Don hear she has everything that it takes to be a hero and going further beyond a Team or going solo without Hank. She had a fighting spirit ever since she was a little girl when putting an end to abuse from her father of hurting her, her mother, and her sister. Dawn wipes tears from her eyes as Don also mentions how he could have been faster to save both her mother and himself from the crash.

“And—Let’s face facts—You look so much better in the outfit than I ever did,” Don commented with a smile on his face.

Dawn lightly laughs and shakes her head, “I know in my heart that Hank misses you so much and I will do whatever it takes to make you proud, Don. You have my word.” She promised him.

Dove (Don) puts a hand on her shoulder, “I know you will, and I’ll be watching. Whenever you’re in trouble, I’ll be here in spirit to guide you through any time. Rest up Dawn and keep the spirit up to wake up. See you soon.” He said then disappearing.

A bright light surrounding her as she goes through something else, another dream. Something else.



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