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June 17th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 29
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
April 10, 2020


08/24/2021 11:16 PM 

optional task; character survey

1.) Are there any recent/daily thoughts they have about death or dying? She thinks about death a lot because she hasn't gotten over losing her younger sister. She is still very broken up about it. 
2.) Do they believe for every darkness there is a lightness? If not, why? She really isn't sure because there have been times in her life where it was nothing but darkness. 
3.) Name one thing about the way their emotions work that they despise. Mackenzie hates how uncontrollable her emotions can be. 
4.) Would they ever wish upon a falling star? If so, what would they wish? No, she doesn't believe that wishing on a star ever works.
5.)  Describe how they would spend a stormy, overcast/rainy day. She would spend it dancing in the studio that she made her in basement or reading. 
6.) What do they most value in themselves? She most admires her strength. 
7.) What about nature do they find calming? What about nature do they find disagreeable? She finds nothing calming about nature. 
8.) List three or more people they would call out for during an emergency. McKayla, Avery, Everly, Roxy.
9.) What is their typical response to being given orders? Depends on who it is or what it is, but she doesn't usually do well when given orders. 
10.) Describe a thought or dream that would cause them to have a mental meltdown. Dreams about her sister
11.) Are there any reasons why they would ever think of self-harm? If so, what are they? Not anymore. She used to self harm but she would never do that again. 
12.) Describe a physical action that shows complete trust. Mackenzie believes that hugging demonstrates complete trust because she only allows those to hug her that she completely trusts. 
13.) Describe a verbal way they would express complete trust.Telling someone she loves them. She does not often express those kind of feelings, even if she feels it, not until she completely trusts someone. 
14.) Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike. Mackenzie will cut someone off or ignore them as a way to show these emotions.
15.) What is something that causes them to question themselves?  People leaving. 
16.) On a sleepless night, what would they be found doing? Reading or calling Kayla, Eve, or Ave. 
17.) Anything about their health they are continuously on edge about? Something they disregard? Nope. She doesn't think too much about her health; if she did, she wouldn't drink anymore. 
18.) Name at least two people who can trust them with their life. McKayla, Avery, and Everly. 
19.) Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them. Respecting Mackenzie will earn affection from her. 
20.) Describe a way to make them uneasy or apprehensive. Being too nice without any reason. 
21.) Are they prone to violent outbursts or thoughts? Not really, no.
22.) What are their creative outlets? Dancing and making TikToks. 
23.) Do they tend to rely on words or actions more? Actions. They are worth a lot more than words. 
24.) A certain scent that brings about nostalgia? If so, describe a memory the scent brings back. Britney Spears Fantasy perfume. It was her younger sister's favorite perfume so it always brings back memories of her. 
25.) Are there any inner demons they can never seem to get rid of? What are they? She has a lot of inner demons, but the biggest has always been about the way she looked. It has led to an eating disorder that she is still fighting. 


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