velvet underground

❝ So I'm back, to the velvet underground, back to the floor, that I love ❞

velvet underground.

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April 18th, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 75
Sign: Gemini
Signup Date:
December 08, 2020


04/15/2021 08:29 PM 

goodbye baby [cs]

may 17th, 2016 - reno, nevada.

during the final encore performance of 'goodbye baby' stevie pauses midway through before covering her face to hide the fact she was crying. turning to lindsey after a few moments and he puts his arm around her, he comforts her before singing some of the song for her eventually stevie was able to regain her composure enough to finish the song with lindsey's assistance.

workers backstage commented how, as soon as stevie stepped into the wings of the stage and away
from where the crowd could see her, she squatted down before letting out a sob that many have
said they've never heard from her before. lindsey dropped his guitar on the floor [one commenting
how big of a deal that was due to how protective he is of them] before getting down on his knees in
front of stevie to pull her into a tight embrace. not much could be heard between the two except 
something about stevie missing her so much it hurts to breathe and how it was her eighteenth
birthday. lindsey rubbed her back as stevie sobbed in his arms for at least ten minutes before
pulling herself away from him and standing back up. not saying a word to anyone, she quietly
walked back to her dressing room.



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