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01/17/2021 09:05 PM 

An idol lost

1 November 1994

“Viktor Krum from Drumstrang. Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons. Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts and…”

It was the 'and' that made Percy pause in the middle of writing out Hogwarts, the word left unfinished in a moment of confusion. Eyes darted to the three filled lines on the records, ones he had written over thirty times to make sure they were complete perfection for this moment. There shouldn’t have been an 'and' and Percy’s stomach plummeted. He already knew it was coming, the trouble that always followed the dark-haired wizard, but Percy didn’t want to believe it.

“Harry Potter of Hogwarts.”

“Surely you cannot be serious.” Percy’s quill hovered just above the parchment, his eyes lifted over the rim of his glasses to find the stern face of Bartemius Crouch. Animosity radiated from the man to Percy’s meager dare to speak out of turn. Percy worked quickly to rectify the situation as his palms began to sweat. “He’s . . .Sir, he is fourteen.”

“I am well aware of Potter's age. Is there a point to your rambling?”

Mouth opened, Percy closed it quickly as he bit back the initial response, a close mistake of speaking to his boss as he would his brothers. “That by allowing Harry to compete it breaks every rule that was put in place to safeguard and protect young students.”

“I can’t expect someone of your level to understand rules, Weatherby." The coldness in the remark brought pink to Percy's ear first, a steady rise to his cheeks in embarrassment not just to the name but the assumption that Percy was incompetent. Crouch's mouth twitched as Percy spoke again, more quietly than before and Crouch was quick to overpower the words. "The rules clearly state that -”

“You had to be seventeen or older,” Percy replied clearly with a slight challenge. After a moment, Percy cleared his throat, his chest a little puffed up in defense. All he could picture was Ron, young and naïve, thinking one thousand galleons was worth risking his life for. No fourteen year old could handle the tasks thrown at them, they didn’t have the training or experience. Even Hermione of astounding brilliance would no doubt struggle against those who were older. “I transcribed the rules through every draft, I know them like the back of my hand. You cannot let this-”

“It has happened,” Crouch replied curtly, a flash of lost patience in his eyes. “And you will do well to remember your place.”

Percy blanched slightly. Everything he had admired about Crouch dissipated in that moment, the idol he had built him up in his mind gone. As much as Percy stood by the rules there were times they needed to be broken in order to protect others and this, he truly believed, was one of these times. “Sir,” he began quietly, not fully looking up from his notes. “I am only thinking of what is best for the Ministry as a whole. We are still facing incredible backlash after the events at the world cup. Rita Skeeter has been hounding our every move and publicizing all minor infractions. I expect any day now Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will no doubt lodging complaints about the sheer unfairness to the tournament. And now you are allowing a fourteen year old to compete, Harry Potter no less!”

There was a long pause, a deafening silence from Crouch as his pencil straight mustache twitched. Percy forced his face to remain up, not in a small act of defiance but to prove what he was saying out of concern. It was too staged and Percy couldn’t understand how no one found it suspicious that Harry’s name had been chosen. The amount of deceit and skill it would have taken to get his name in. 

Eyes followed Crouch as he rose from behind the desk, Percy willing his feet to backtrack as the man strode toward him, a look on his face not like thunder but as if he had a vile taste in his mouth. He sized Percy up, shoulders squared back as the hair under his nose remained still despite the heavy inhales. 

“I suppose it’s a good thing you’re not paid to think Weatherby. Let me make this perfectly clear to your newfound courage, you will never question me again. Your only purpose here is to bring me my tea and carry my things. Maybe fill out some forms if I think you have the capability.”

“Sir, I-”

“Are nothing but my little errand boy. And there is plenty more just like you who know how to keep their mouths shut. Your opinion is worth what is found in the bottom of the bins, less even. Are we clear?” Nose wrinkled back, Crouch leered up at Percy, spit flying as he repeated the question in a snarled bellow. “ARE WE CLEAR!”

Percy nodded, cheeks rising with color. “Yes.”

“Good. Now be a good errand boy and get me my tea. Why don’t you write it down so you get it right, no cream and three lumps of sugars.” Percy’s teeth clenched to the condescending tone, a small shake against the quill as he wrote it down on a scrap piece of parchment. “Clear off before I decide to do away with you permanently, Weatherby.”

There was no bow when he left the room like usual, Percy’s paperwork clutched tightly against his chest as he walked out as quickly as his legs could carry him. He didn’t think he did anything too terrible. It wasn’t wrong to question actions, to want better explanations for why something was happening. 

But it was only his first year at the Ministry, a lowly intern who knew nothing of the workings inside the grand building that kept their world running. No matter how much he read in preparation or studied endlessly for it didn’t change the fact that the Ministry of Magic wasn’t what he had built it up to be in his head. No amount of work or over-time seemed to please Crouch from the moment he brought Percy on. He thought he had progressed from writing reports about faulty cauldrons but looking at it now, the way Crouch had berated him, it seemed he fell a few steps down his climb to the top. 

Writers note: There is a case to be made here for Crouch. While he wasn't the best boss, Percy very clearly looked up to him and Crouch obviously noticed Percy enough to make him into his assistant before the start of term at Hogwarts. If Crouch had been rude and belittling from the start to Percy, he wouldn't have idolized him. Crouch's change here in his treatment of Percy is purely down to the fact he was under the imperious curse, and Percy was asking all the right questions and knew it could be fought. The only way to stop him was to break him down. It is also fair to say, that Voldemort (who had Crouch under the imperious curse) saw the potential (as well as his naivete) in Percy to keep things running in Crouch's abscense without concern rising. 

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Dragon Seeker


Jan 17th 2021 - 10:08 PM

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Live commentary
- Tri-Wizard tournament time! -plops down with cake-
He already knew it was coming, the trouble that always followed the dark-haired wizard < I can just see Percy sitting there like, 'fucking hell, here we go again. Just once I'd like to not have Potter messing things up' -laughs-
- I like that he's not surprised but is confused to why Harry is allowed to participate. That 'he is fourteen' shows a lot about Percy here, not loudly but that he does care
-glares at Crouch- As fucking if! Percy is the king of rules! 
- PERCY! Look at you challenging this old git! 
- The bit about Ron was touching and so real. 
- Only thinking about the Ministry? You're not fooling anyone Percy, we all can see you care about Harry like a little brother
It was too staged and Percy couldn’t understand how no one found it suspicious that Harry’s name had been chosen < YAS! Why was McGonagall the only one who was said no and could see this as seriously suspicious? 
-rolls up sleeves- Oh hell no, Crouch! 
- My heart is just going out to Percy here. Who the fuck does Crouch think he is -knows who he is but you still- 
- If he calls Percy an errand boy one more fucking time we are going to have a problem
the Ministry of Magic wasn’t what he had built it up to be in his head< Why do you have to do this. However, I feel like this is where Charlie and Percy could have really bonded because the Sanctuary wasn't what Charlie thought it was either.

This hurt in a different way from your other pieces because to some extent we can all relate to it. We've all have that one dick of a boss who treated us like shite. Crouch was a vile character in the books just in the fact he could never get Percy's name right and then his treatment of Winky. But to see his interaction with Percy, I hate him even more. 
What I love about this is how you show Percy being so different as compared to when he was just taking orders without question. He stood up for what was right here, had facts to back him up and faced workplace verbal abuse by Crouch which explains so perfectly why he takes so long to seek help about the letters Crouch is sending him and later on really believing Fudge would destroy him. From his first year at the Ministry he was basically abused. Well done mate!

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