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01/16/2021 07:04 PM 

past to present character study.

a. b. c. d.    as if reciting the alphabet in your head to help you calm down is all you have   (oh god - it is all you have.)   or at least you feel like that. you do the bare necessities to take care of yourself.  a shower so you don't smell.  at least every other day.   some kind of food. sometimes you make cinnamon buns in the morning and that just is oddly... cathartic.  it's really the most you do.

verse 1:  main verse.  your name is mary-sue smith and you're nothing special.  you're just a kid that watched your sister get kidnapped.  now your sad and you don't know how to stop feeling sad.   how to stop feeling guilty.

A.B.C.D.E.   you found that a cold, painful razorblade makes you feel alive.   so you get addicted to it.  you're defensive,  you're angry.   God, you can't keep friends.  you're holding onto a thin string of a relationship with your mother.   your best friend.   your confidant.

and you can't even keep that.

verse 2:  charlie's angels.  your name is mary-sue smith and your sister was never kidnapped.   your family never suffered that rift and in this timeline -   that shows.  yet,  you're still sad.   you're still angry.   all your friends are toxic.    God,   you're so self-sabotaging.  you don't need to steal anything.   you do it anyway.   

A.B.C.D.E.F.G.    all of that landed you in jail.

a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i    i want you to get help,  please.  i care abot you.   you're in the kitchen,  you're making cinnamon buns.   you're doing it my scratch.   it's your mother that asks you,  in this soft and pleading voice.  the sleeves of your shirt are clinging to your skin.   you can feel the fabric chafe against a fresh cut.

maybe she knows.

verse 1:  main verse.  your name is mary-sue smith and you're something special to your parents,  at least.  you find help.  you change everything.  you find a job in a bakery.  you promise your lost sister that you'll do anything to help - even if that means helping other people. you change to rubberbands on your wrists.  you start to get tattoos.  the color of your hair changes.

YOU LOOK HEALTHY.   you look like you take care of yourself  (because you are)  and you realize it's okay to not be okay.

verse 2:  charlie's angels.  your name is mary-sue smith but you change it to sabina wilson.   you're tired of your past.   you probably looked so pathetic sitting there in jail,  addicted to crime and self-sabotage like you never wanted to live.   yet, bosley merely says  "Charlie and I can help you reroute your crime into talent."   and, damn, you looked so confused.   yet, they did it.

and you found people who weren't toxic.   you stole things for a better cause.   your anger could be well placed.  you can do it.   you can live.   you can want to live.


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