Into the Night

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Age: 116
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October 27, 2012


10/19/2020 01:03 PM 

Halloween 2020

Our characters awaken in a dream world.
They find themselves in the woods at night at an old run down camp with dilapidated cabins.
There is a note of a Halloween party later in the evening.
In this scenario, let your imaginations run wild.
Jason, Michael, Freddy, Chucky, bring any horror movie scenario or character into the mix.
Fight, fright, and handle your favorite horror movie worlds.
Remember it is only just a dream.


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Nov 2nd 2020 - 6:17 PM

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Lorin knew this was the key to everything, or something.  Maybe. All this electronic gizmo stuff.  Someone was playing them.  The annual Halloween prank.  He just wished he had a Margarita to help calm his nerves.  He felt like a lab rat after a lifetime of electroshock treatments.  Knobs and dials.  What did they do?  He turned one on the right.  On one of the screens, a Tyrannosaurus Rex emerged from the forest and roared.  Oops.  He turned the dial back the other way and the monster disappeared.  “Ok, then, let’s try…” he pushed a red button. The night sky was suddenly black with the wings of gigantic bats.  They descended on a man wearing a hockey mask and lifted him off the ground and into the sky like flying monkeys kidnapping poor Toto.  Lorin pushed the button again and the bats vanished. 

“Ok, so this isn’t going the way I’d like.  I need to be a little more strategic.”  There was some writing on the control board, but it was covered in dust and pizza grease so not much of it could be read.  Lorin used a fingertip to wipe away the grime, cleaning that fingertip off periodically on his black jeans.  One of the control board notations said ‘Vampires”, another said ‘Werewolves’.  Still another read ‘Lovecraftian Beasts’.  Didn’t need any of those, thank you very much. 

But then he found one he liked.  Under a green button was a label that read ‘Awaken’.  Lorin pushed that button and…

He raised his head off the bar counter at Rosa’s Cantina in Los Angeles.  Lovely Felina was shaking him awake.  “Huh?  What?”  Lorin blinked his eyes and smiled at the pretty girl.  “Thank goodness, it was all just a nasty Halloween dream.” 

Or was it

Zee End       

Spike (M&L Kat)


Nov 2nd 2020 - 1:17 PM

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Spike followed Kat and Faith around from one cabin to the next.  He stayed outside the first one to keep watch for marauding beasties, but when the screaming started, he burst inside to confront whatever had caused that screaming.  Faith was hightailing it out the back door with a hockey-masked dude in hot pursuit.  “So much for slayer courage and resolve,” Spike remarked. 

Kat thought maybe she’d run to one of the other cabins.  “Yeah, let’s go check ‘er out.”  But the one they picked was inhabited by some damned uber-evil animated doll with a big-assed knife and an attitude to match.  They barely slammed the door in time and just as that knife was thrust through the rotted wood.  Spike shrugged and grabbed the blade, doing his best to avoid the sharp edge.  He pulled on it, trying to disarm the creepy little bastard, but said bastard was strong.  Spike couldn’t keep hold of it.  Instead, the knife slammed into the door again, this time splintering it.  A pudgy hand came through the resulting hole and yanked out chunks of wood.  The monster stuck its half-melted, disfigured doll head through that hole, grinned, and said “Heeeeere’s Chucky!!”
“Oh puhlease!”  Spike grabbed the head and jerked forward.  It broke off from the rest of the doll body.  He held it up by its frazzled orange hair, but its eyes were pinwheeling and its teeth were still snapping at him.  “Bloody hell!”



Nov 1st 2020 - 3:55 PM

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Lorin was just wandering about, reading from the Book of Disasters.  When you do that in the dark, it can be treacherous.  And so it was he tripped over a thick length of electrical conduit and went sprawling into the dirt, the book flying out of his hands.  “Fudge balls!”  Lorin picked himself up, dusted the dirt off his pants, and retrieved the book, which was intact but a little worse for wear.  That’s when he noticed just what he’d tripped over.  It was insulated electrical cables all twisted together that came out of a small concrete block building and disappeared into a 2-inch PVC pipe that protruded from the ground.  That pipe was aimed in the direction of the cabins. 

Curious.  Lorin decided to investigate the building.  Oddly, he couldn’t find a door, but a window afforded a view inside.  He cupped his hands on the window and peered into the small space, which was dark but for the glowing dials of instruments and a row of small screens, perhaps 8 by 6 inches square that showed what could only be the interiors of the cabins.  More curious.  Lorin pried the window open and crawled inside to investigate further.  There was no one about, but a smoldering cigarette balanced on the edge of an old ashtray and a third of a meat-lovers pizza sat in a greasy Peter Piper Pizza box.  Lorin sat down in the desk chair and watched what unfolded on the small screens – which was various sorts of mayhem.  Wesley and Lilah were beheading a mutant.  Kat, Faith, and others were fighting things that had yet to be deprived of their heads. 

Below the screens were various dials and levers.  Mysterious instrumentation.  But what did they do?  And who put all of this together and for what reason?  

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce


Oct 31st 2020 - 1:26 PM

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     “Yes, well, it does appear to be a primitive butcher shop of sorts.  It almost seems like a scene from a movie I once saw.  An Eliza Dushku movie entitled Wrong Turn.  A group of college students is rock climbing in West Virginia.  They get sidetracked and wind up at a cabin in the woods very much like this.”  He looked around his surroundings and frowned, “Exactly like this.  It is all very Deliverancesque.  The cabin is inhabited by three inbred mutants who ambush hapless motorists on a nearby dirt road and butcher and eat them.  They’ve stockpiled all the possessions of their victims, including their automobiles, in a nearby clearing.  It doesn’t end well for most of the rock climbers, but it ends worse for the mutants.”
     Wesley picked up a butcher knife from the stained table.  The knife was sticky with some sort of exudate.  Wesley sniffed at it cautiously.  “Blood.”  He tested the sharpness of the blade with the meat of his thumb.  He almost cut himself.  “Whoever this belongs to keeps this knife very, very sharp, indeed.”

     Just then, the door exploded open and a creature rushed in, a machete held high in one twisted, seven-fingered hand.  With a face like a Halloween horror mask and tufts of matted hair sprouted from his misshapen skull, the mutant uttered an angry, high pitched squeal and rushed towards Wesley and Lilah.   But Wes knew what to do.  He threw the butcher knife with deadly accuracy and it cleaved the mutant’s skull right down the middle.  The creature crumpled to the ground.
     “Help me with this, Lilah, we have to separate the head from the neck.  If this is like a typical horror movie, this thing will come back to life if we don’t.”

Katarina (M&L Spike)


Oct 31st 2020 - 9:54 AM

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"Faith!! Wait up." The slayer rushed ahead. She seem to disappear around the cabins. "She had to go into one of them. Did you see which one?" Kat walked up to the porch of one of the buildings. The signage on the door was cracked and withered. She couldn't make it out. "Faith?" She pushed the door open.

Boards creaked under her feet. She flung her fingers out causing a flame to levitate and light up the room. This was when a three foot figure with red hair and a mangled form charged at the door. It was a melted doll with ripped clothing. There was a snarl on his face and a dagger in his hand. Kat squealed jumped back and slammed the door. "There is a angry doll in there!!" The dagger plunged through the door. A voice cried out in a fit of rage on the other side.

Dysfunctional Slayer 💋


Oct 31st 2020 - 9:44 AM

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Kat wanted to handle the situation by playing by some fictitious rule book. Faith didn't believe in it. Nor was she concerned that some horror movie problems. She glanced out towards the woods. The odds were the group would get separated. Then someone could get lost. They would be subject to the elements and wildlife. Although this group could handle it. She opted for option b.

"We should check out the cabins." It sure as hell beat standing around waiting for something to happen. The slayer led the group towards the row of buildings. There was one that was labeled Winchester. "I guess this one's for me." She was part of that clan these days. Didn't figure they'd label one Lehane. She was the only one of those here. Without waiting she headed towards the cabin. Patting down her costume, of course, there was no place for a cell phone. A little light would have helped.

The moonlight streamed into the cracked and broken windows. She headed inside to examine the damaged structure. She heard someone maneuvering behind her. She figured her companions had followed her into the building. She turned around to see a large man, with a hockey mask on his face and a machete in his hand. He was advancing towards her with his weapon raised.

It went without saying, Faith didn't have an armament of her own. She grabbed a broken wooden chair. She slammed it into him. The remainder of the frame shattered. She tried to disarm him. She attempted a direct assault to disarm him.  It was hitting a rock. His grasp on his implement didn't waver. Faith turned on her heel ran out the back door. The man in pursuit.

Spike (M&L Kat)


Oct 29th 2020 - 6:05 PM

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With a smoldering cancer stick dangling from a corner of his dead, hard lips, Spike approached the group of women.  He said, “You forgot a few, luv.  Never, ever go into the basement.  If the lights are out in the house, just leave ‘em off.  Besides, the fuse box is probably outside and not in the basement.  Never go outside to start up a generator. And never, ever go into a dark alley.  Don’t hide under the bed.  Never look in the closet.”  He reached into his pocket for his silver flask.  Unscrewed the top and knocked back a few ounces before saying, “Anyhow, I think you catch my drift.”
“So how’s everyone doin?  Nobody been ritually murdered, I trust?”  The cabin they were standin near had a sign over the door that said “Pratt”.  The sign was fairly new.  On the ground, leaned up against the wall was another sign.  Spike went and retrieved it, flipped it over.  It read, “Camp Crystal Lake, Counselor’s Cabin”.  Spike lifted his gaze to Kat.  “So we’re bleedin camp counselors in whatever nightmare someone cooked up for us?”  Maybe ‘bleedin’ was the wrong term, because Spike was pretty sure he knew what slasher movie they were in. 

Buffy the Wednesday Addams had a stake in her hand.  “Uhh, cute costume, slayer.” Truth be told, she looked like a soddin Pilgrim.  “And good idea about the stake.  Gotta find us a few more weapons before things turn ugly.”  A woman screamed from the other side of the group of cabins.  It was one of those long and torturous screams, heavy on the torture, just before it was abruptly cut off.  Emphasis on the cut off.  “Oh bloody hell.  I guess it’s time to violate the first rule of horror movies.  We need to go investigate.”

Just then, Spike noticed a man walking the perimeter of the camp, reading from a book, and mumbling to himself.  Was that Lorin?   

Katarina (M&L Spike)


Oct 28th 2020 - 8:30 PM

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Faith looked like horror movie version of a red shirt. She might as well had a target on her back."Wednesday, Tiffany, Laurie, and umm camp counselor for Crystal lake....I think we are in a horror movie. And we are not alone. I was walking around earlier and there was this creepy man. He was tall, thin, with scraggly hair, and crook teeth. He looked like that guy out of Poltergeist or Phantasm. I tried to speak to him, but he disappeared." Kat continued to tug her cape around her.

She started counting rules off on her fingers. "The rules of a horror movie are: Don't investigate. Don't say I'll be right back. Don't split up. Don't  go to a party. Don't ummm well." A lot of characters die when they start getting intimately involved. She'd skip mentioning that one. "Have you seen any of the guys?"

Branches snapped behind them. Disobey another movie rule: Don't look behind you, Katarina turned. It was perfect timing. Spike was making his way towards them.




Oct 26th 2020 - 8:34 PM

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Angel sat alone in his office at the Hyperion Hotel, his feet up on his desk, with the dim yellow light from an antique desk lamp the only illumination on the first floor of the hotel.  A clock on the wall ticked away, showing the time as 2:13 am.  He was reading Dashiell Hammett’s 1931 crime novel, The Glass Key, which like other Hammett novels were full of intrigue, mystery, and unexpected plot twists. Of course, Angel had read the novel before.  Eight times before, to be exact.  But he wasn’t bored. He loved these old mystery novels.  Angel put a fist to his mouth to suppress a yawn.  The protagonist, Ned Beaumont, was essentially patrolling a crime-ridden borough of New York, prowling the darkened, rain-slick streets searching for…, Angel turned the page and the world suddenly changed.  It was like Dorothy opening the door onto Oz.  Except this surely wasn’t Oz.  Not a munchkin in sight, let alone a yellow-bricked road.
“Oh hell.”  It was Halloween.  Again.  He thought he could avoid it this year.  But his fate was sealed to stumble into whatever macabre scenario came his way every October 31st.  He closed up the book and slipped it into an inside pocket of his leather duster.  Cabins, roughly built and poorly maintained were in his viewshed.  Two had lights burning inside.  He picked one and decided to investigate. 

He almost ran into Buffy with a flashlight.  “Buffy!  Looks like it’s happening all over again.  Are we the only ones here?”  Voices not too far away answered his question.  A frown furrowed Angel’s brow.  “That sounds like…Buffy.”  



Oct 26th 2020 - 6:40 PM

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Like a phantom, Lorin haunted the grounds of the former Summer Camp.  Sure, he was seeing some odd things out there.  But he was pretty odd himself.  He wasn’t afraid. Wasn’t intimidated.  But he knew he had a purpose, and that’s something he really hadn’t had for a while.  Unless you could call being a barfly and chasing pretty Felina around Rosa’s Cantina a purpose.
His purple and green Van’s basketball shoes plied the low-lying fog like an icebreaker in the Arctic.  If there still is Arctic ice to ply in these days of out-of-control climate change.

Regardless, Lorin continued to read from the Book of Disasters, because it was his destiny, his purpose.  “World War II claimed at least 60 million lives around the globe, although some estimates peg that number as high as 118 million.  From 220 to 280 A.D., 40 million people died during the Three Kingdoms War in China.  The Mongol Conquests, which spanned 200 years and ended abruptly in 1405, killed an estimated 57 million.  The Mongols were brutal, relentless killers and they were no doubt instrumental in spreading the Bubonic Plague around Eurasia, which killed another 25 to 50 million people.”


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