Head Prat

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April 19th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 119
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
February 12, 2020


09/23/2020 10:01 PM 


Ask and Tell
You can go back in time and only fix one mistake. What would it be?
The one thing he would go back and alter is how long he dated Penelope for. Percy is someone who takes his past mistakes and not just learns from them but grows, so he wouldn't remove dating her altogether but would dump her as he planned to in their final year. The mental and emotional abuse she did to him really screwed Percy up in the future and hearing fake 'I love you' wasn't worth it.

Back when you were a student, what was your Boggart? Do you think it changed over the years?
The Boggart he faced in his third year was of his parents telling him that he was nothing but a disappointment and that they never wanted him. As the years progressed, his Boggart did alter slightly but at its core it always remained the same. From roughly his 6th year until his father's attack it was being replaced by Harry and removed from his family. After his father's attack, it was Arthur repeating everything he said to him when he left the burrow and that he wasn't his son. After the war, Fred. And his parents burning him off the Weasley family tree while blaming him for Fred. Changes slightly, but still the same.

Was there a subject in school Percy wishes he took that he didn't? 
Music class. Percy took as many classes as he could and wasn't afraid to drop them after the year if they didn't interest him and move to another subject (which happened only once) but music was one that he actively kept away from, but not for the reasons like divination where he found it useless. He would never have been able to afford an instrument so that would have been the only class. 

If he didn't aspire for a ministry career, what else might he have done?
Percy would have become a professor without question and was his plan B should the Ministry not be what he expected. The idea of continuing to learn while passing down his own knowledge would have been a dream job for Percy, while also setting rules and maintaining order. Being highly skilled in transfiguration, he would have taken over for McGonagall when she went on to be headmistress and Percy probably would have made a bid for headmaster one day.

A moment he was proud of himself?
When he received his N.E.W.T.S. scores back and received perfect O's on every subject. Percy took eleven N.E.W.T.S while maintaining Head Boy duties and was often mocked or teased for his over-ambition. He was the top scorer in his year and one of the highest in history, being outdone by the likes of Barty Crouch Jr who had twelve N.E.W.T.S and a small handful of others.

A hobby he has that most people might not know about?
Percy loves stargazing and it is one of his favorite past times from when he was a child. Astronomy was one of his favorite subjects that he obsessed over. Many called him an ass kisser for the amount of time he gave to the subject but grades had very little to do with it. He is almost a peace when he's looking up at the stars.

What's he embarrassed about?
Hand me downs. Being four years younger than Charlie, Percy was the first of his siblings to go to Hogwarts with old, and heavily used belongings like robes, books, and even quills. Apart from his wand, Percy didn't go to school with anything that was new or just his. This made him a target for pure-bloods to pick on him and really drove home the finance struggle his parents had. With his own kids, Percy never gave them hand me downs unless it was something that was sentimental. 

Is he superstitious, and if so, about what?
Outwardly, he would say superstitions are nonsense and for people with less intelligence. But, Percy only used one quill when taking every exam at Hogwarts from his first year until his last (he did have a small panic attack when he couldn't find it once, and he didn't get perfect marks on that exam). He also has a 'good luck' tie that he used for every interview and wore during his trial. Percy also grew to believe that all bad things come in threes after all the horrible things that happened to him really did come in three's. So when something bad happens, he waits for the remaining two bad things to follow.

How much has he discovered about the muggle world?
Between his father's obsession and Zoshia being mainly raised in the muggle world, Percy discovered a lot about the muggle world. 

Which sibling does he look up to the most?
As much as Percy didn't like Charlie, he did look up to him. Charlie had a drive and passion that mirrored Percy's own, though for different things. Charlie didn't let anyone stand in the way of his dreams or career, went off to Romania, studied dragons, didn't put up with people and told it like it was. While Percy looked up to him, he also resented him for the same reasons.

What's his organization like in different areas of his life (room, office / cubicle, studying material)?
It is, for the most part, the same. His is very OCD-ick and to Percy, everything has a spot and it should be the same spot. The desk faces the window. Books in the bookcase, sorted by genres then sub-sorted alphabetically by authors' last name. Quills in containers set out by fluidity of the quill. Parchment by thickness. He's not one for clutter so it is very easy to maintain his order. 

Dragon Seeker
If Percy did become the minister of magic, what is something he would change within the ministry?
Protection of new and upcoming Ministry workers. After what he experienced when he just started out at the Ministry between Crouch and Fudge, Percy would have made it a safer place for people just starting. They would be paid reasonably, they would do what they were hired for, and not the superiors bidding, they wouldn't be used as scapegoats or whipping tools when something beyond their control went wrong. And if something was happening, they would be able to speak up without fear of being fired.

How does Percy get rid of pent up frustration?
He paces, a lot. He also locks himself away and talks to himself, getting out everything he wants to say without anyone hearing and the ramifications.

What was his favorite drink?
Nonalcoholic. Coffee, black.
Alcoholic. Brandy or vodka. He doesn't exactly enjoy the taste of either, but those two could be added to his drinks at the burrow or work and not alter the color of his tea, coffee, or water.

Who was his least favorite professor?
Percy would say Lockhart because of the man's pure incompetence but it would be his third year defense against the dark arts teacher, who is nameless. When Percy was unable to defeat his boggart, he went looking for help but was ridiculed instead and made to feel it was his fault he couldn't defeat it because he wasn't 'creative enough', and that he should have 'normal' fears like the rest of his classmates. 

Are there any rules he broke on purpose, and if so what?
Percy broke the curfew rule constantly, from his first year into his last. He found solace in stargazing and often slipped out of the common room to do so. When he dated Penelope, he once again broke the rules to meet up with her. 

Which sibling does he feel he can relate the most to?
Ron for the simple matter that he was also never seen. He was pushed aside by not just his parents, but many siblings when he became friends with Harry. He never seemed good enough, everything he did to help Harry was overshadowed. He was mocked (though more kindly) by his siblings and was also a unknowing test subject to Fred and George. 

Why, in a world of magic where they can regrow bones, does Percy wear glasses? Why didn't he get his vision repaired magically?
Glasses made him different, gave him an identity. When talking about all the Weasley siblings it often went: Bill, the oldest and head boy. Charlie, the brute dragon lover. Percy. Fred and George, the pranksters. Ron, the chess master and Ginny, the only girl. Nothing made him special or standout and he was often called by every name other than his own or Ginny's. When he got glasses, he became 'the one with the glasses' and refused to get his sight corrected before he went to Hogwarts, afraid he'd become lost in his own family again.

What’s the most ridiculous, useless fact he knows?
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

What’s the most imaginative insult he's come up with?
It must be difficult for you, exhausting your entire vocabulary in one sentence.
Five-year-old Percy suddenly found himself inhabiting your current body, what's the first thing he does?
He would go and buy himself a barn owl and treats for it. Or at least attempt to, not sure if he'd be able to apparate. If not, he'd build a reading fort and barricade himself in with snacks and every book he could carry.

What's a book that he would recommend to Hermione? 
Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, knowing that she of all people would discuss it with him and share their insight of it.

What's his favourite meal that Molly makes?
His favorite meal of Molly's would be Sunday Roast with all the trimmings, especially parsnips. On their birthday they are allowed to request their meals and that is what Percy has always asked for. Nothing ever compared to her Sunday Roast.

What are his thoughts on Muggle science?
He is fascinated by it and loves reading about it. Everything about muggle science is exciting to Percy from the basics of gravity to the more complicated theories. He discovered muggle science on his own, finding the branch of psychology and the science behind it when he was looking for answers after Harry started claiming that Voldemort was back. From there is grew into a love, and Percy spent his free time reading into all branches of muggle science.

What objects in the Muggle world is he most curious about?
Technology-wise - it would mobile phones, especially smartphones. To him, having something so small able to do so many things would boggle his mind and drive him in a need to understand it.
Non technology-wise - Pens. Growing up using quills and ink, to find something that he would just have to click and could write, no need to dip into the ink well and could easily carry it around with him. That would have been the real magic. 

What's the best piece of advice he's ever received? 
'It doesn't matter what you choose, you'll lose a part of yourself either way.'
It's depressing, but the one thing that always stood true for him. When faced with hard decisions that will have a negative impact, losing a part of yourself happens, there's no way around it and it helped Percy make difficult decisions easier.

What's his favourite quote?
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." -Aristotle


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