Doctor Marvel

Last Login:
April 18th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 37
Country: United States

Signup Date:
April 18, 2019


08/24/2020 07:53 PM 

horror business

"Anyone who says 'Man is the real monster'! Never met a Wendigo."

"Aren't Wendigos cannibals?"

"Evil spirits that usually possess cannibals. The point is, monsters are the real monsters. Sometimes it's a dude and sometimes it's a twelve-foot-tall sasquatch with horns. Sometimes it's invaders from Mars or whatever." Daniel popped the trunk of the '96 Saturn. "Probably not actually Mars."

"Because aliens aren't real." Kevin added, while Daniel dug around in the car's trunk. The first thing he took from it was a golf club, which he handed to Kev. "No, they are, I just don't think there's anyone Mars. Hold this." Kevin took the club, ignoring Daniel's response about aliens. He assumed he was lying. "What's this for?"

"Golf, usually." The response made Kevin consider, for a moment, swinging the club at him. Daniel handed him an old tin lunchbox, too, then closed the trunk. Daniel walked around the car, up the driveway, to the two-story house it led to, with Kevin following from behind. The lawn hadn't been cut in some time though, it wasn't until he was at the door that Kevin, still in the yard, pointed out something Daniel hadn't noticed "Why are the windows boarded up?" 

"I don't know, stray baseball?" Daniel turned around, shrugging. Kevin gestured towards the window. "No, look." Daniel made a face best described as 'ugh fine' and then stepped off the porch to get a better look, confirming what Kevin was saying. "The windows are fine. And the boards are inside."

"Huh. Well that's definitely something." It was weirder than he expected it to be, Daniel had to admit. Every window on both floors was treated the same way. "Alright, well, let's go see what's up." Daniel went back to the porch, then, stopping to look at the unmoving Kevin and then gesturing him to hurry up. 

Daniel knocked on the door, the force of which just pushed the not-quite-shut door open. That was weird, too. He paused for a moment, considering his options, then stepped into the house, though didn't go much further than just inside. Kevin stayed on the other side, on the porch, as Daniel called out. "Uh, Ms. Koontz, it's Daniel." He paused, did she know his first name? "Baker." Another pause, did she know his name at all? "Doctor Marvel." 

It didn't really matter what name she knew, there was no response. After waiting a few moments, he stepped further in, and against his better judgment, Kevin followed. There were frames on the wall, but the ones that weren't empty had their contents covered with paper and cardboard.

The lights were on, at least, but was anyone even home? At this point, neither of them knew what answer was the one they'd prefer. They both ventured further into the house, more silence, more empty or covered frames. Nobody in the living room, either, though the television had been unplugged and turned to face the wall.

Kevin approached a large object in the corner, covered with a sheet. He thought it looked like a mirror, and with both tin box and golf club in one hand, he went to move the sheet and take a look.

"Please don't do that."

The woman's voice coming from the doorway they'd just come through caused both the men to stop what they were doing, and turn towards her. At least they knew someone was here now.

"I'm just so tired of what looks back."


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