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Gender: Female
Age: 37
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Country: United States

Signup Date:
January 25, 2018


08/22/2020 11:30 PM 

What nightmares are made of. Flashback

TW: Domestic Abuse. Child death/drowning

Funny how the smallest of things can send the mind to the darkest of places. A smell. A sound. A song. Luna was sitting at the newly installed bar at the warehouse with a bottle of Jack in front of her as the jukebox in the corner shifted records. Music bellowed from the speakers sending a prickle of ice down her spine. Petite hand that coiled around the glass tightened so much so it cracked under pressure as the melody filled the room. Flashes filled her vision as she stumbled for the bat behind the bar, making a beeline for the source of sound. "No...." she shook her head vehemently. One hefty swing after another, shards of plastic flying about along with glass scattering at her feet. Ravenous lock in disarray enveloped around her face free of ties. But it was too late. The undertow of memories had already began to drag her back to that dreadful night nearly seven years ago....

October 2013
The Latina was two weeks shy of getting married. She should have been finalizing centerpieces and color schemes. Her last dress fitting was the next morning. She should have been home putting her eight month old son to bed after their late night trip to the grocery store to get formula when Lucio, her fiancé, used the last bit in a mix-up with protein powder in his shake. Served the pendejo right for being in a rush. Called her from the gym cursing about his day being ruined over her not labeling the containers correctly. Such a mundane fight. If only they had known how their day would end.
Copper danced on her tongue as the stench of human flesh wafted in the air. Face crinkled in disgusted as hand reached to swipe at nose only to realize they were tied to the arms of a wooden chair. "Ysabel...." the voice was hoarse. Pained even, coming from the dark. "Lucio? If this is one of your twisted kink games, I am not impressed." her words spat towards the voice in the darkness.

It was the voice that followed that had her heart hammering against her chest. "Ysabel? Does he not know your real name by now, mija?" it was a voice that haunted her dreams. A voice that she ran from years ago. "Not smart of you to just use your middle name. And then yours mother's last name. How long did you think you could hide?" a faint glow flickered in the darkness. One she recognized from many a times of it being used on her. A fire poker heated, glowing bright tinges  orange and red as heavy footsteps echoed around her, russet eyes adjusting. The ember disappear only for the void of silence to be filled with the screams of Lucio, Luna's hues making out his silhouette. Chains held his hands bound above his head, broad frame thrashed against the probe of the poker before the scream was cut off.
"He'll live. For now. And that all depends on you, Luna pequena.." fire poker was now directed towards her. "A simple yes will stop all of this. The release of your precious fiance and that small... small bundle of joy. Lorenzo is it? Shame I was never told I was an Abeulo. He's so fragile..." her father's words were a sickening coo as she fought against the restraints. "Don't you dare lay a finger on his head!!" she venom laced her words only to have the poker whacked against her head, crimson trickling down caramel toned cheek as it lolled to the side. "You are in no place to negotiate. Or have you forgotten the golden rule? ALL things are expendable." his voice boomed through the building, the wails of Lorenzo coming from somewhere in the distance.
A surge of energy crept through her as she jolted in the rickety chair, just enough force to send it splintering, having her stumbling to her ass in the process. Her father loomed over her, a massive dark shadow, gripping her up by root of her hair. "Encouragement from a child? That's all it takes? The world will have no pity on a woman, do you not understand this, Luna?" he hissed at her ear. "Breaking you will be such fun. But since chico amante here seems to lack the means I need coax you, he is of zero use. Say goodbye, mija." without hesitation, the blade that he had sheathed at his side was wielded, light glinted from the silver of the moon light before an unconscious Lucio was sliced from navel to throat and across. Life force of blood and entrails splattered to the floor as Luna's face caught sprays of the warmth across her face, pooling at her feet.
She swung on her father. All killings before she had seen at a distance, always a curious child. And none had never been one that she had loved so deeply. But this? She knew him to be heartless and cold. Ruthless and callous.. Fists bawled up, pounding away on his chest, profanities spewing. He allowed it. For once. An immobile brick of a wall before giving her a firm backhand across the face. "You're a monster." she whispered, tears streams down her face. Dark chuckle erupted from his massive frame. "Oh mija, I know. And I've been called far worse by far better people. Come along if you want to see nino." He was so nonchalant. As if he didn't just kill a man with a f***ing machete.
Luna gave one last, longing look to Lucio before being yanked by rope trailing behind her father. The dank, familiar smell of her father's cigar filled the room as the walked into a makeshift office. Coos from Lorenzo captured her attention immediately from the small box where a blue blanket peeked out over the covers. With trembling fingers, russets peered in to see her son unscathed and grinning, tiny little arms and legs flailing and kicking at the sight of his Mother in only what could be described as a nightmare to such a young mind. Or perhaps, with luck, he wouldn't remember this at all. Luna scooped him up, terrified at the silence now that surrounded them, with the exception of the small infants grunts and cheerful puffs of glee. Small hand touched bloodstained cheek as if to ask a silent question, curious eyes blinking back up at her were still laden with tears of his own.
"I'll do whatever it is you want." she whispered, breaking the agonizing silence. "You want me to run the family business? You got it. Want me as a drug mule? Fine. Want me to play into the men's sucia, you got it. Just let me and Lorenzo go, por favor. You'll have me to mold, break as you please. Just don't take him." she pleaded, swaying back and forth, comforting the little baby in her arms.
Her father had since moved to a giant tub on the other side of the room that she hadn't noticed before. His stance stoic as he took in Luna and Lorenzo. "You are under the misconception that you have room to ask for anything, puta. I was simply giving you time to say you last goodbye." Horror quaked through her entire frame as his words sank in. "No.... I won't let you. You can't. Padre... please. I'm begging you. He's just a baby. Y...you wouldn't." she took steps backwards only to be met by two guards that braced her arms.
"I allowed four years of happiness Luna. Four years without rules. Four years without pressure. And you blew it. All for a family of your own. Proving to me that women are indeed the weaker species. Letting things such as feelings corrupt your mind. I thought someone created from me would be...stronger." he was closing the distance, one heavy footstep at a time until a gloved finger reached to caress the bruise that was beginning to show on her cheek, then moved to smooth over Lorenzo's chubby cheek. "But you go and get try to get educated. Fall in love. Get knocked up. And want to leave me... the man who gave you everything behind without a second thought?" a puff of smoke plumed before her face. "ALL things are expendable, mija. Even precious little Lorenzo."

Hands that braced her arms tightened as the small boy was lifted from her embrace. Jagged knife was drawn to her throat as she bucked against the two men, fighting. Her screams filled around them as she clawed at forearms, throwing her head back seeking purchase on on of the men's nose. All to fast for her to even care. All the while, her father bounced an upset Lorenzo to the tub in his arms, quieting the infant down before empty eyes met Luna's across the room.
"Cállate!!" his voice vibrated throughout. "First step in cleansing you of the past is to get rid of the past, mija." his words were meaningless. She was seeing red. Pulling, tugging, twisting, she wrenched her way out of the grasp of the men, hearing a bone snap, the pain shooting straight up her arm. Gun shot exploded through the air as the last vision she saw was her father dropping her son into the tub that was filled with was. Searing pain radiated through her left side, crumpling to the floor mere inches from touching the metal where her son was slowly drowning....
Present Day
Luna sat in the middle of the remains of the jukebox, knees drawn to her chest, sobs breaking free. Hands tangled in her hair as she tugged roughly. A memory she would never forget, forever etched on her soul. And now? She was still running from the very man that took everything away from her. Perhaps if she was more equipped back in those years. Had the knowledge that she had today of fighting, wasn't so innocent, she wouldn't have lost the most precious thing in the world to her. One thing was for certain though, she would get revenge. One way or another. After all, she learned the best from the worst of them.


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