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Age: 41
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June 29, 2019


08/03/2020 02:39 PM 

For Ed

For Ed Warren // 1537318
Taking Its Toll
By Lorraine Warren // 1533977
  The Warrens were returning from their latest case that had taken place in New York. It hadn't been the worst they had ever encountered but it had been a very tiring case, particularly for Lorraine. Lorraine's gift helped so many people and at times could be so beautiful. But it also put a lot of strain on her mentally and sometimes even physically. It was exhausting and neither she nor Ed was exactly getting any younger. The job was beginning to take its toll.

 Lorraine sat beside Ed on the train they were taking back to Connecticut, it was still going to be a few hours before they were home. Lorraine had been resting her eyes having had the worst migraine she could ever remember having. Somehow she had managed to fall asleep but that hadn't lasted too long. Though what they had encountered in New York had been dealt with and was gone now. The things she had experienced still stuck with her. Leaving her very stressed, almost in a constant state of anxiety.

 From her sleep, she jolted awake, her nose beginning to bleed. "Lorraine!" Ed said worriedly, he sat up putting an arm around her. "Hon... you're nose.." taking a handkerchief from his pocket he gently held it to her nose. "Lorraine, what happened?" He asked and she simply shook her head, not wanting to even discuss the nightmare right now. There was something more terrifying happening right now.

 "Ed I don't feel well." She said, she still had her migraine but now she was starting to feel dizzy and light-headed. She was feeling weak and suddenly just feeling numb all over. "Someone get a doctor!" Ed shouted. Those around them frowned, one man speaking. "We'll be at the next stop in a few minutes." There was really nothing to do until the train stopped.

 Lorraine sat back again, her nose still bleeding, she could already feel herself beginning to slip into unconsciousness, she almost had until she felt Ed pull her close and gently touch her cheek. "Lorraine... hon come on... you have to stay awake. Don't fall asleep." Ed wasn't sure what was happening with her but he knew that Lorraine closing her eyes and allowing herself to slip out of it was not going to be good. "Lorraine look at me. Just keep your eyes open and on me..." he said. 

"Judy and your mother are going to be waiting at the station to pick us up. And... remember once we get there we were going to take them out to dinner. To celebrate being back home." Ed knew all this right now was completely irrelevant but he was trying to keep Lorraine awake and focused. The train soon reached the next stop and Ed swiftly and carefully picked Lorraine up from her seat. Soon an ambulance was called and Lorraine was taken to the nearest hospital.

Sitting in the waiting room the Ed felt so angry, so helpless. When the doctor came out Ed stood. "Can I see my wife?" He asked urgently, the doctor nodded "soon Mr. Warren she's resting. She had a small stroke, it left no permanent damage thankfully. But it could have if she had lost consciousness." The doctor pointed out.

Once Ed was allowed in to see Lorraine he slowly approached her bed. She looked so small, so helpless lying in her bed. At the moment she wasn't awake. Once she had been stabilized she had been given something to help her rest, it was what she needed. Sighing Ed pulled up a seat and sat beside Lorraine taking her hand. Ed was beginning to doubt if this was all worth it? Was this God's plan? To give Lorraine a gift that caused her so much suffering? Sometimes Ed questioned God's purpose for some of the things he allowed to happen and right now, this was one of those times.


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