
Last Login:
April 18th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 44
Sign: Scorpio
Country: United States

Signup Date:
September 04, 2015


07/11/2020 10:21 PM 

Reply - Put Some Clothes On ft. Illuminare


The shiny foil wrappers caught Jackson’s attention, pulling his gaze from the scraps of black lace that barely passed for Davina’s undergarments in his hand. “Welp... I was wondering where those went. I knew I didn’t use all of them that night. I... I’m just gonna put a load of laundry on to wash.” He could feel the heat creeping up his cheeks as he dropped the dirty clothing and towels into the washing machine and got it started.

It wasn’t that he was embarrassed, but as a widower he’d grown accustomed to his own ways, not having to answer to a woman. And he wasn’t used to having women in his home but for the occasional roll in the hay. He had carnal needs that were, at times, amplified by his werewolf DNA, that simply weren’t satisfied by a bottle of lube, a box of tissues and the flick of his wrist. Sex was as natural to him as breathing, although he had preferences. He hadn’t a desire nor a need to be with every woman that threw herself at him. Allie for instance, was a casual f***. She knew exactly what he wanted, what he didn’t want, and the thing she did with the tip of her tongue... damn. His body was tensing just thinking about it. “Sh*t...” He mumbled the word, now having an erection and now having to face Davina once again. Maybe she wouldn’t notice.

A bit of awkward tension hung in the air as Jackson made his way back into the kitchen to check on Davina. She was back to mixing up whatever spell she was concocting. Okay, maybe not a spell. Whatever it was, it smelled heavenly. His cognac gaze shifted to the condoms on the counter. Casually reaching for them, he slid them into his back pocket, trying not to draw too much attention. In an effort to divert her, he peered into the bowl. “So... are goodies made with magic still edible goodies? Are you going to share your goodies? ...Or, I mean, whatever it is you’re making?”


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