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06/18/2020 12:37 AM 

War Zone

War Zone
Les Mis Monthly Drabble
He got there as quickly as he could. There were twelve hybrids that all were a part of Klaus’ army. Twelve men and women that had been reborn as hybrids all lived, laughed and loved alongside Tyler Lockwood in their new supernatural lives as creatures of myth that no one would have ever believed existed. They were dead. They were all dead. Tyler couldn’t believe it. It was like a bad dream where he was caught in the middle. Every last hybrid that had been turned by Klaus and put under him as the Alpha were all dead. Klaus had killed them all. He stood in the middle of the wreckage and tried to make sense of it all.

There were body parts everywhere. Severed limbs and organs were laying in shreds by the bodies. He knew them all. He had worked with them and beside them as Klaus was working on his mansion in Mystic Falls. They were all loyal until something had gotten to them. The instinct of a wolf to be the alpha was great. Fights to determine the leadership were bound to break out, but did it have to be this bloody? This was no ordinary wolfpack. This was all Klaus. It was always Klaus. Violence was always going to be the nature of the beast especially when that beast was the first of their kind.

Tyler had a bit of prestige and glory to him given that he was Klaus’ first hybrid. It was a crock of s/hit to him when he was alone. The two sides of his supernatural nature were in constant conflict against one another. As a wolf, he hated vampires and had been taught to hate them by Brady and Jules. He had tried to go after Caroline but that was when he was a newly triggered werewolf. Now he was a vampire too. Emotions were always running high for him. He was ready to go from one extreme to the other at the drop of a hat. He had to fight himself from having to rip someone’s throat out or screwing their brains out. Thus was the life of Klaus Mikaelson’s first hybrid.

Then there was this. There were the remains of what were twelve people who were like him. They were born with the werewolf curse and they triggered it by the spilling of innocent blood whether on purpose or accidental. They were all fed the blood of Klaus Mikaelson and killed by him so they could all become two creatures in one. It was like putting gasoline on an already raging fire.

Tyler walked through the battlefield. That’s what it was too. They had obviously gone after Klaus but he’d dispatched of them with the greatest of ease. Tyler didn’t have to be there when it happened to see it. He saw the aftereffects of it. The young hybrid felt his heart starting to shatter into pieces. Klaus had killed them all. He was the only hybrid left that The Original Hybrid had created. The rage in which he’d destroyed them left no room for doubt that they died a very painful death. They didn’t ask to be werewolves and they sure as hell didn’t ask to be turned into vampires too. They were the closest thing to a family that Tyler actually had. Oh he had his mom, but she didn’t have the werewolf gene. That was a Lockwood thing. His mom had put up with so much.

Tyler could feel his emotions fast and furious as he walked through taking a look at each one of them. Each face had a story behind it. Each face had people that were left behind in their packs back home who cared about them and loved them deeply in one way or another. Yet here they were. They were all dead all because of one colossal d/ick. With each step, Tyler’s hatred for Klaus Mikaelson grew exponentially. His fists clenched tightly alongside his body as arms moved side by side. He found himself growling loudly.

He didn’t hear his phone ringing until it was too late. He happened to snap out of his rage for just a moment when he realized that his phone was going wild. He could see the current call was from his girlfriend Caroline. Tyler tapped the phone to connect to the call. “Care? What’s going on? I’ve got a dozen messages from you and just as many from my mom.” He was curious as to what was going on at the moment while he was standing here in the middle of this mess created by one beast that he was going to take down himself someday, somehow.

Caroline Forbes was standing in the town square as lights and emergency responders were all on the scene. Her mom had the scene roped off with plenty of security tape and extra deputies. “Tyler! Oh Tyler!!” Caroline started to cry and weep openly. “You need to get over to the town square as quickly as you can.” She was starting to visibly sob so much that she was not sure that she was speaking in words that Tyler could understand.

Tyler stopped at the edge of the forest passing by the last of the dead hybrids that lay there exposed to all the elements and whatever animals would come to feasts on their severed corpses. It was just too much for Tyler to even to consider cleaning up on his own. If Klaus found out he was here, there was no telling what he’d do. “Care, I can’t understand you. Calm down. Take a deep breath…” He loved her, but god she could get so upset over the least little thing. You’d think she was a vampire or something.

Caroline was standing there as the paramedics wheeled the body of Carol Lockwood out on a stretcher covered in black. “It’s.. It’s your mom. She’s gone Tyler. They found her in the town square. They..they think she got drunk and hit her head.”

Tyler felt a cold chill race down his spine. “What did you say Caroline?” He asked in a cold tone. His body froze wanting her to repeat her words.

“Your mom is dead Tyler. She drowned in the fountain in the town square.” Her body was wracked with sobs. She didn’t want to have to tell her boyfriend that this had happened to his mom. No one else could get through to him except her.

For just a moment, Tyler’s head rose straight up to look ahead. His facial expressions were a complete blank. His jaw hung open. His mother was gone? Caroline said it was an accident. This was no accident. This was a message to Tyler. It was a message definitely received. Klaus wanted war? Tyler would give him that war, no matter what it cost him.
Tyler Lockwood/Cerberus
credit: james kriet


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