𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒈𝒔,

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05/11/2020 03:34 PM 

Huxxy's headcanons.
Category: Stories

Headcanons and musings.

🌑 Hux works hard on not showing any weaknesses or fear. Even when at times he is struck by involuntary fear due to Kylo's threatening nature, he stands his ground and won't let it show. He has taught himself to cage the little scared boy that cowered before his father and other authoritative male figures. In the safety of soltitude he will often berate and criticize himself harshly for any mistakes or for being afraid or (in his eyes) cowardly.

🌑 He has very high expectations of himself and of others, wanting everything to go perfectly according to his plans, otherwise it's a failure. Even small things that go wrong, will crack his already fragile self-esteem and feeling of self-worth.

🌑 Hux has learned from a young age to hide and bury his emotions and only let himself be driven by his thirst for power, ultimately wanting to rule the galaxy and bring what he sees as a much needed order to it. Only then everyone can live happy and satisfied their lives, when ruled by someone, who brings them safety by strict laws, appealing to the simple needs of all beings. He's convinced of this, having grown up in an environment of people, who followed the ideas of the Empire. His hate for the New Republic and Resistance stems from what he has witnessed as a child under their rule. All he saw was the chaos, when they had to evacute Arkanis, because they wanted to arrest Imperal remnants and take it away from the Empire's grip. His views were tainted by stories he heard of those bitter about their losses and those greedy to regain their power.

🌑 Ever since their escape from Arkanis, Hux had mostly lived on ships or space stations. On only very rare and few occassions he would go planetside, not knowing much of the galaxy surrounding him, but what he saw through holograms and the holonet. At times he wishes for the fresh air he remembers from his hometown, he even misses the constant drizzle of rain that he used to play in as a child, feeling it on his skin as it soaked through his clothes. He wasn't allowed to be a carefree child, but sometimes he managed to sneak in moments such as these, where he could pretend that he was free and without worries.

🌑 Hux always wants to excel, to be better than everyone else, but inside him is a deeply rooted fear and uncertainty of his actions and of himself. He hides it behind uniforms and greatcoats, that he believes make him look more imposing.

🌑 He's an engineering and technical genius, he planned and helped in the construction of new weapons for the First Order and the technology that allowed ships to be tracked and attacked when in hyperspace. It's one of the work related activities that truly brings him joy and helps him unwind, designing new technological inventions.

🌑 He's fiercely loyal to his work and to the First Order.

🌑 He's very set and rigid in his opinions and ideas, rarely willing to change them. Even if he does do so when having to follow commands, he does it with great inner irritation.

🌑 Hux doesn't know how to react to kindness, due to not having met it much in his life, at least not in a fully selfless manner. There always seemed to be some hidden agenda of people being kind to him, which led him to being distrustful of others and their motives.

🌑 His distrustful attitude has led him into isolating himself, not interacting with many people in purely social ways outside of work. Phasma being an exception. She is the only person he trusts. They had been friends and accomplices since they were children at the Academy.

🌑 Barely anyone knows that Hux has a ginger cat called Millicent. He mostly keeps her in his rooms, not keen on people knowing that he has a 'soft spot' for a pet. To his annoyance sometimes Millie seems to like Kylo Ren more than him, however since it seems to annoy Kylo, too, Hux can get some sort of satisfaction from his cat's weird choices of affection.

🌑 Hux loves sweet tarine tea. In general, embarrassingly (at least to him), he has quite the sweet tooth. He rarely eats anything else that doesn't have sugar in it, which isn't healthy, but his whole lifestyle isn't healthy to be honest. He also tends to drink a lot of caf in order to be able to stay up late to work on strategic plans and managing the many businesses of the ship and the First Order that fall under his command. Due to this he suffers from chronic lack of sleep and frequent insomnia. Keeping himself busy with work is what he wishes to do though, because it keeps him distracted from some of his unpleasant, self-destructive thoughts and nightmares.

🌑 Hux can play the violin and other instruments. Music and literature being his guilty pleasures to help him escape from the stressful and brutal reality. In his living quarters he has a hidden cabinet with books and his cherished violin.

🌑 Being raised in an environment, where order and discipline were of the utmost importance, it's something that he naturally adheres to in his adulthood. It could be seen as bordering on an Obssessive-Compulsive disorder.

🌑 His father, Brendol Hux, abused him, emotionally and physically. He ridiculed and critisized him on everything he could. He told him constantly that he was weak and stupid and that he wouldn't ever accomplish anything that was of worth to anyone. Hux's step mother mostly ignored him, watching with bored, at times satisfied eyes when his father hurt him. He was raised by nanny droids, often left to his own devices, though his father kept a watchful eye on him or so it felt to young Hux.

🌑 Hux never met his real mother, who was a simple kitchen maid that his father had a fleeting affair with. She was sent away by his father after Armitage was born. Though it made Hux feel ashamed, as a child he would often imagine being with his birth mother and being blessed with her love and affections. He'd play out scenarios in his head of how his life would be if he could be with her. This he usually did after an especially painful encounter with his father. He tried to imagine, to feel, the warmth of her hug, which worked at soothing him to a calmer, stable state.

🌑 Once he got older he quickly forced himself to forget that coping mechanism, thinking that needing something like that made him weak. However, he never quite stopped wishing to find his real mother, hoping that she would come to be the only person, who loves him.

🌑 His hatred for his father had finally led to Hux wanting to be rid of him. The humiliation and pain he brought him; he couldn't stand it anymore. He also craved the satisfaction of taking his place as General of the First Order, aiming even for higher ranks than that. In order to not put himself in any unnecessary risk, Phasma, who hated what Brendol was doing to her friend, offered to kill him. She didn't want Hux to carry the burden of killing his own father. They staged Brendol's death as an accident, Phasma being the one to pull the deadly trigger. It was done swiftly and smoothly, even if anyone suspected, there weren't any people, who truly cared about the man's life. Hux felt immense relief, though the fear and self-hatred his father instilled in him, never disappeared.

🌑 Hux remembered when he first became in charge of training a group of kid soldiers. The surge of power when he gave his first command, was indescribable and he was a mere teenager back then, but finally he could be the one to give orders, to make others fear and respect him. He exploited his power, being manipulative and enjoying to make them suffer.

🌑 At the Academy and also later on, he was bullied by those his age, just like his father they made fun of him for his thin figure, assuming that it made him weak, which was sort of the truth, he was never strong physically. His strength lay in his intellect and cunning mind, which resulted in him having revenge in other, more clever ways on those, who tormented him.

🌑 Hux carries a hidden blade fastened in the sleeve of his uniform. No one knows this detail. He's quick and agile with it were he to ever make use of it in self defence or attack.

🌑 He was noticed by Supreme Leader Snoke due to his technological and engineering genius and his superb leadership skills in terms to the training of storm troopers.

🌑 He doesn't think much of the Force users, though as a child he was fascinated by the tales he heard of the Jedi knights, engaging in fantasies of being a Jedi as well. However, his father quickly made an end to such childish plays. He made sure that Hux understood that Force users were beneath his standards, basically insane people, who were not to be trusted or respected. In order to appeal to his father he quickly lost this fascination.

🌑 When Kylo Ren became co-commander of the ship Hux was calmly furious, not thinking that he deserved it. Kylo lacked the discipline and ambition, mostly driven by his rash emotions and selfish motivations. It clashed heavily with Hux's mind set and character. Though sometimes he envied Kylo for his emotional freedom and he couldn't shake his curiosity concerning the Force.

🌑 Being demoted by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and placed under Allegiant General Pryde's command, Hux felt his hatred rise for Kylo. It was a low blow. He was growing desperate in his need for more power and he often fantasized about killing Kylo, his rival.

Alternative endings to Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker.

🌑 Together with Phasma and some other First Order members, he plans the assassination of Kylo Ren, who has become a danger to the First Order's plans and ideologies. He promises the people, who'll work with him more advantages and privilges, once he's the Supreme Leader instead.

🌑 Hux tells Phasma and a few other people working for the First Order about his plan to infiltrate the Resistance by pretending to be a spy. He goes with Poe, Finn and Chewie to then organize a destruction of the Resistance from the inside by attacking them, also hoping to get rid of Kylo that way.

🌑 Pryde helps him by faking the shot and then getting him out without anyone else knowing that he survived. He hides away on a distant planet as the First Order loses the fight against the Resistance.

🌑 Hux was actually prepared for Pryde's shot to come and was wearing special armour underneath his uniform. When Pryde shoots him, he doesn't get injured, instead he shoots Pryde and kills him, before taking over the role of Allegient General (or fleeing the First Order).

Alternative storylines.

🌑 Hux is being raised by his birth mother. Brendol sent them both away, before she gave birth to his son. He joins the Resistance to take revenge on his father and kill him.

🌑 Hux travels to find his birth mother, finding her or finding out that she died.

🌑 Clone Wars - Hux as a senator or chancellor, working together with Palpatine in order to rule the galaxy.

🌑 After becoming Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren appoints Hux as the Chancellor of the Galaxy. The First Order has won over the Republic/Resistance and is now ruling over the galaxy single-handedly. Hux lives on Coruscant.

🌑 After his father's death he rediscovers his fascination with Jedi knights and Sith lords. He has his own light saber made, after studying their components. It's a black light saber. He trains with it, even though he seems unresponsive to the Force. He wants to master it in order to be more powerful. He becomes very good with wielding the sword, but remains blind to the power of the Force.


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