serpent juliet


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April 23rd, 2024

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Gender: Female
Age: 31
Sign: Pisces
Country: United States

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July 12, 2018


05/06/2020 11:37 PM 

how do you handle this?

how do you handle this?
"I do everything for everyone. Everything to be perfect. The perfect daughter, the perfect sister, the perfect student. Can't I do this one thing for me?"
Betty had had nights where she relived everything; Archie was having to do chest compressions on Jug while she did mouth-to-mouth, to then calling Charles in a frenzy and not knowing what the hell to do.  Going home after all of it and having to make up some story to her mom about why her clothes were missing, claiming blood was red wine.   It was nice though, she had to admit, having Cheryl at her side, having someone who didn’t instantly think Betty was some cold-blooded murderer right out the gate.  Cheryl understood what it was like to come from a family tree that had more rotten apples than good ones -not to the extent of Betty’s father- but the point remained. 

“It’s nothing,” the blonde answered, feeling her eyes even dare water again as she thought of the fact all of this could have been real had she not acted fast enough.  Had she of panicked, not been level-headed.  “Just… trying to kick someone when they’re down enough.”  An understatement of the decade.

Betty suggests Pop’s as a stop along the way to her house, somewhere that still felt safe, where she wasn’t put under some kind of microscope by her mother.  Jellybean at least had a suspicion, and it broke Betty’s heart, knowing she had to keep this up for just a little longer with FP.  At the diner, her green eyes lost focus for a second before she looked back to Cheryl, the cousins in a corner booth. “Can I ask you something kind of personal?”  She began, the vanilla milkshake between her hands.  “How did you… handle it?  When had everyone thought you were the one behind Jason’s murder?  Not outwardly, I mean.”


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