Head Prat

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Gender: Male
Age: 119
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
February 12, 2020


04/16/2020 09:43 PM 

Just because you care... (Starfire)

Eyes lingered on him as he walked the halls, a chatter around his name that had Percy’s face glowing brighter than his hair. He knew people were pinning the blame on him, whether it was his fault or not. His carelessness caused Fudge to ride to power, a growing mania behind the facade of calmness. The air was thick in tension at the Ministry, a descent of change bearing down on all of them. Fudge always had an odd view of things, a way to push things under a rug and ignore them while distracting everyone else from what was really happening. He wasn’t wanted as the next Minister of Magic, a choice that people didn’t have a say in. One way or another, Percy was at fault with no escape from it.

His hands shook, head low as he made his way to Runcorn’s office. He needed to see Penelope, wanted to feel something other than the shame or guilt that was rising within. Her voice soothed him, the way she looked at him and gave him her full attention after being ignored and left alone giving him something to look forward to. It had been weeks since he saw her, owls here and there exchanged but Percy allowed himself to fully take on the responsibility Crouch at the expense of her. Now that he was free, despite being frightened by the idea of having no path, Percy planned to spoil her to make up for all the time he had missed.

He knocked softly, not waiting before he pushed open the door and stepped in. “Penny, I was -”

The sight before him didn’t fully register with Percy at first, the shock of finding Penelope half tucked behind the desk on her knees in front of Runcorn. Even as they scrambled away from each other, Penelope shoved roughly aside; Runcorn muttering about her forgetting to seal the room off as he adjusted his trousers, Percy still didn’t react. His heart thundered in his ears, all attention fixed on Penelope as she worked to do her shirt back up.

“Percy, what in bloody hell are you doing here?” Penelope’s voice was sharp, the back of her hand running over her lips quickly as she tried to make herself look appropriate.

The words brought him back, the warmth spreading through his body slowly. Everything from the past few days pulsed within, a steady rising of anger drowned by the crippling heartache that he was losing everything. Hands in his hair, Percy let out a laugh, a horrible broken noise as he turned away from the scene. There was nothing else he could do, nothing he wanted to say that wouldn’t be met with regret later. He had to get out.

The halls buzzed in noise, their faces a blur as they passed him. His steps were heavy, a storm closing in around him as darkness started to settle. Percy’s mind was locked, the image of Penelope - his Penelope with Runcorn branded in his mind, playing over in a taunt. Mouth dry, Percy pushed his way through the hall, nowhere to go but anywhere seemed better than where he was.

“Oi! Watch it you git.”

Wide brown eyes met with his, Percy jumping back from the redhead before him. He didn’t want to deal with Zoshia, couldn’t. He could feel the break, a fracture that was too close to the surface and Zoshia would be the one to push him over the edge. In their time at Hogwarts together she loathed him, made it clear that she hated him. Even when they both began at the Ministry she maintained her intense dislike, going as far as to try and sweet talk Crouch from taking him to the tournament.

“You alright?” Zoshia asked softly, a genuine look of concern on her face. His attention moved beyond him, brow arching.

“Percy! Percy, please stop.” Penelope’s voice caused his heart to spasm, the muscle in his jaw twitching as he searched for an escape.

“Sh*t,” he mumbled.

Soft hands wrapped around his, Percy violently pulling away from Penelope. “I can explain.”

Red hair shifted into his vision, Zoshia blocking off Penelope’s access to him. “Why don’t you leave him alone, he clearly doesn’t want to talk to you.”

“This doesn’t involve you, so keep your dirty nose out.”

“Go on, Penny,” Percy spat before Zoshia could respond, adding as much venom to her name as he could. He felt the crack, the breaking of his own heart as he was made to look at her. “Explain to me why, when I was on trial you were off f***ing someone else!”

Penelope bristled back at his words, Zoshia’s eyes wide as Penelope dragged Percy into a nearby room. She rounded on him the moment she closed the door, eyes wet with fake tears. “I can’t believe you said that in front of her, of all people. Honestly, what is wrong with you?”

Arms folded over his chest, Percy glared at her with a slightly quizzical look to such an asinine question. “Well, I did just find out you’re sleeping with Runcorn.”

“You don’t have to make it sound so vulgar.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you two making love? Is that what I walked in on?” He packed sarcasm into each word, made sure she flinched away from him further.

“I wouldn’t have to find attention elsewhere if you were here.” She sniffed, a single tear running down her cheek. “We’ve been dating for how long and you haven’t wanted to go beyond snogging. You're always so cold and lifeless. I need more and Albert-”

Her words faltered off, eyes wide as the door flew open behind them, Percy’s wand gripped tightly in his hand. “We’re done here.”

Penelope’s face fell, her hands shaking as she tried to fix her messy hair. “Don’t be ridiculous Perce, you need me.”

“No,” he breathed, his face inches from hers. “I needed you earlier today. Now leave me alone.”

Penelope straightened, her shoulders squaring back as she studied him, calculated her next move. It was a look that Percy used to love seeing, the way he could see the wheels turning behind her eyes, the spark of mischief. With the rose-tinted glasses gone, Percy saw the wickedness behind the look. “And whose fault is that, hm? I told you that you weren’t ready for that much responsibility and now look at you. You’d be lucky if you even get a job as pathetic as your fathers.”

He moved quickly, the few steps at the blonde witch sending her stumbling back in surprise. “Don’t you dare talk about my family. My father is brilliant at what he does, you sodding cow!”

Penelope snorted, her nose turned up to him. “You’re no different from your family, you are just as pathetic. I really thought you’d be different but you’re just as weak. I told Crouch as much and now that stupid git is dead.”

It hit him then, the lies that Penelope had been feeding him, the way she had altered his way of thinking, how easily he allowed her too just for some approval. It hadn’t been Zoshia who went to Crouch. “What, were you going to f*** him too so you could become junior assistant, sleep your way to a mediocre position?” Color tinged her face, Percy laughing loudly as he stalked past her.

“Where are you going?” Penelope demanded. “We aren’t done here.”

Against his better judgement, Percy turned back around, half out the door for a quick get away. “We were done the moment I saw you with Runcorn, Penelope.”

He didn’t give her a chance to reply, Percy walking away from the room with as much composure as he could maintain. Even in all the anger he felt, Percy felt the hole Penelope had left. He loved her, was stupidly and madly in love with her and he believed she loved him back. He let his guard down with her, let her in and now he felt raw - vulnerable.

His chest tightened, everything constricting as he made his way down to the lower levels of the Ministry, walking with a purpose. Percy prided himself in knowing everything or trying to know everything but this was something Percy didn’t understand. He had been hurt before, had suffered a broken heart to some extent by his own family, but it was nothing like this. His family didn’t pick him, they didn’t pull him and give him a sense of belonging. They didn’t make him feel loved or wanted. Penelope did and now that was ripped from him, left him with nothing and no place.

“Dad?” The small office was empty, Percy slipping into the room. He didn’t realize how stupid of an idea it was to go to his father until he sat in the deteriorating chair. Time passed slowly, Percy sitting all alone inside his head - everything from the past few days playing out. Every mistake he made, every minor infraction. He should have known, Percy’s eyes closing as he began to believe the blame was on him like everyone said. 

“I thought I would find you down here.” The sudden voice made Percy jump, Zoshia’s head poking in. “You okay?”

He wanted to lie, to brush her off and show that he was able to walk away from everything that was happening unaffected. He wanted to prove to himself that he wasn’t breaking, that he wasn’t back to being utterly alone. Despite everything he wanted, Percy’s head shook, a lump in his throat forming.

She moved into the office quietly, rummaging in her bag before pulling out a small bag. “Want a biscuit? I’m going to be completely honest with you though. They are raisins, not chocolate chips. You know, before you bite into it and your day gets even worse.”

He looked up at her from the edge of his bed, puzzled for a moment before laughter forced its way out. “Who eats raisin biscuits?” He took the small bag, peering inside it and laughing harder at the massive bite taken out of the treat. “I just . . . I don’t . . .”

Propped up against the side of the desk, she looked down at him. “You know, just because you care about them doesn’t mean they won’t burn you.”

Percy glanced up, about to tell her that what she said wasn’t helpful but slowly it sank it. Things with Penelope had changed after she had been petrified, an altered side to her showing, and Percy regretted not walking away when he had the chance that final year at Hogwarts. She had destroyed him in every way, ruined any concept of love or belief that he would ever find it. But he no longer wanted to find it, never wanted to feel it again. Not after today and the betrayal he felt on so many levels from his family to Penelope. 

“Thanks,” he muttered, gaze following Zoshia as she made her way back out from the room.

“Look . . ." Zoshia said, taking a small pause at the door. Her features were soft, a hesitation in the coming words. "Do you want to meet up for lunch tomorrow?"

Percy blinked, taken aback by the sudden invitation that he wasn't sure she wanted to make. "I really don't need your pity."

Zoshia snorted as her eyes rolled heavily. "Not pity, understanding of what you're feeling. If you change your mind, I meet Felix at one outside the Ministry."

With that she was gone, leaving Percy alone with his thoughts once more. He took a moment to pull himself together, to push down every emotion before he ventured out of the small office and face the Ministry. 


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