Meeting Markus [Closed Role-Play] by Scarlet
Scarlett woke up in the morning and stretched some, as she saw the sun rays coming through her window. She sighed as she got up and went to the bathroom, turning on the shower, when it was ready she went into the shower as she let the water cascade over her body. After a few minutes she began to wash her hair, rinsing it and then washing her body and cleansing it. Once she was done she turned off the water, grabbing a towel as she slightly dried off, and wrapped a towel around her body, then did the same with her hair with another towel, and placing the towel around her hair. She walked into the bedroom, and went to the dresser drawers, grabbing a matching pair of bra and panties, placing them on, then tossed the towel around her body and tossed it in the hamper. She went into her closet and she got an outfit for the day, she had some surgeries in her schedule in both Jericho and the Hospital she worked at, so she needed something professional but comfortable at the same time. She placed the outfit on her bed, then went back into the bathroom as she blow dried her hair the rest of the way. She then went back to her bedroom and got dressed. She made her way back to the bathroom as she brushed her teeth, then styled her hair, and placed on some makeup. She looked at herself in the mirror and shrugged. "Not like I am trying to impress anyone." She said to herself, since she didn't date; only human men were interested in her, but she wanted NOTHING to do with humans, when it concerns her intimate life. She of course has no issues with helping humans through surgeries, and whatnot. She sighed as she looked at herself one last time, and began to grab what she needed from her room and headed downstairs.
Scarlett made her way to Jericho as she had her first 'surgery' for an android. It wasn't really a surgery, but she classified it as surgery. She saw all Android's as men and women and not machines. She arrived at Jericho and she was greeted by a few people, one being North. She headed to the Operating Room, where the man named Jonathan was waiting. After about two hours. When she finished she was walking towards the front of Jericho, she was actually looking for Jenny, when she stopped and looked around, but her brown eyes landed on an extremely handsome man, and she noticed the LED light on his temple. She was curious about him, but soon she saw Jenny. She smiled as she looked at her. "Hey, just wanted you to know that I've finished with Jonathan, he did well. He will have to take time, even though everything is of course fixed, and the skin is applied. However he'll need to recover, so about four hours before he stands, and about twenty-four hours before he can go to work, just so we make sure that everything is one hundred percent done." She said as she listened to Jenny, then shook her hand. She watched Jenny leave, and when she looked around the man was gone. She felt some kind of disappointment, however she figured it was for the best. As she was about to leave, she once again saw the man, and she just watched him, as he spoke to North. She was curious about him, as she cocked her head to the side as she looked him over. She watched as he looked around, and seeing that his eyes locked on hers. She noticed that his eyes were mismatched, but she felt as if it fit him.
She watched him closely, wondering if he was scanning her. Since she had some free time before she went to the hospital. Holding her head high, she went towards the man, and gave a soft smile. She stood before him, and she extended her hand. "Hello, I am Scarlett, one of the Doctors here at Jericho." She said as she awaited his response.
Each morning Markus went to New Jericho, and before heading out he was starting the day by taking a long shower before getting dressed. His address was the same as always. 8941 Lafayette Avenue in Detroit where he had been a caretaker for an old man named Carl Manfred. Elijah Kamski, the retired CEO of CyberLife had given him as a gift but his owner had rather treated him like his own son. Which probably led to the incident where Markus had ended up on an android cemetery, his limbs broken below the knees on both legs in addition to one eye, a hearing unit and thirium pump. Not all parts was compatible with his and it took a while to find them. It was at this point Markus first heard of Jericho and was given the directions there.
Exiting the shower he wrapped a towel around his waist before heading downstairs. It was the same room in which the old man had been using before his demise a few months back. Everything was left as it had been while Carl was alive; the painting studio was closed down and it pained Markus to enter. Before the event that had made him the leader of Jericho Carl had encouraged him to paint. After getting dressed the male android with the tanned skin and shortcut hair went downstairs, deciding to have some breakfast before taking a cab to New Jericho. It was at the arrival that North, a Traci model from Club Eden, approached him, informing that they was expecting a surgeon with the expertise on damaged androids that needed fixing up. It gladdened Markus that North had changed her attitude and he learned that the reason thereof was a man named Liam she had been dating. She was about to move in with him when there were this incident with him ending up in the hospital. In the meantime his ex girlfriend had started to show interest in human activities like attending photo shoots. Jonathan was the name of the android that had a slight accident. If humans believed androids to be perfect just because they had access to a massive database and could do things it didn’t necessarily mean that they were perfect. Not all were the same either. Being of the RK series Markus could reconstruct events, which had proved useful while finding his way to the old Jericho. An old, rusty freighter that was no more after its location had been compromised. It was an unfamiliar voice that got Markus attention. It must be this ‘surgeon’ North had mentioned. It was something odd about her but Markus couldn’t put his finger on what exactly made her stand out. There was no LED on her right temple but she could still be an android. She was talking to the android that had named herself Jenny, but she didn’t seem to notice him. With a shrug Markus then turned, heading into his office to get some paperwork done. Androids was free to go whenever but they still needed papers like humans. Once it was done Markus stood up, leaving his room and stretched when North made her way over. Their conversation was friendly and it was about that she was going to lock up for the evening when he felt someone watching him. It was that newcomer, and Markus had to admit that she was looking good for a human. Turning his mismatched gaze in that direction he noticed that it was the female newcomer, standing not far from the android hospital that was recently set up for androids to get themselves checked up and fixed if necessary. “Hello, my name is Markus and one of the leaders of Jericho”, he answered with a small smile, as his hand accepted hers in a greeting. “I guess that you are new since I haven’t seen you around before?” He asked while retrieving his hand, curiously waiting her response. Scarlett Scarlett smiled as she shook his hand, once he let go she placed her hand at her side. "I am Scarlett, and yes I am relatively new here, when it comes to working that is." She said smiling. "I've been in Jericho for some time at Jericho, North was helping me get my Medical Degree." She said smiling. "And it is an utmost pleasure to meet the Leader of Jericho, I don't know what any android would do without this place, especially me, it helped me when I needed it the most, so it truly is an honor to meet you." Scarlett realized that she was rambling and she cleared her throat, as she brushed some of her long dark brown hair behind her ear as she looked at him. "Forgive my rambling, it's something I need to work on. I mean most of the people I talk to are my patients, and then they go under anesthesia." She said laughing some. As she looked at Markus; "I am curious about something, I haven't noticed any other doctors, at least in my field here at Jericho, is there a reason why?" She asked softly looking into his mismatched eyes. Markus Markus raised a curious brow after hearing this Scarlett out, recalling his own arrival at Jericho and the sad, depressed state the androids escaping the humiliation of humans had been in. If it wasn’t for him his people wouldn’t be here now, succeeding the first step in their goal of deserving the same rights as their creators. “It is a pleasure to meet you too, Scarlett, and this is the New Jericho. The former was destroyed, but I don’t recall seeing you there~” Back then Markus had a relationship with North and had been holding back from approaching him. But now he was ‘single’ and North had apparently met some guy but forgot about him, since androids ‘working’ at Club Eden got their memory erased. “You don’t have to apologize for anything”, Markus smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, and then shook his head, a soft sigh was heard. “Because androids do not really need doctors but scientists and it is not exactly like we trust humans instantly”, Markus told her in response to her words and decided to do his best to explain why. “Just because androids was successful in the revolution there are still those who frown upon us and that we are the reason humans are not only homeless but have lost their jobs~” Androids didn’t really need money to live nor food to eat, so it was a bit of dilemma. Markus met her gaze, wondering what else there was for them to talk about, since she would probably return to tend to her patients. Scarlett Scarlett looked at Markus as she listened to him closely and she nodded. "I can understand that, I have had issues with humans myself, I actually only tolerate them, and I am only civil because of the medical vow I made as a Doctor." She said as she saw what looked like surprise on Markus' face and she smiled. "I know it's hard to tell without scanning, because of me not having the LED light. I was..." She cleared her throat to get the awkwardness out of her voice. "I was specifically made that way." She said as she looked at him. She shrugged some as she listened to Markus speak of how androids were taking jobs from humans. "It's ironic don't you think?" She asked cocking her head to the side. "Humans decided to make androids, and now that the androids THEY made are almost equal to humans, they blame the androids for the loss of their work, and becoming homeless, when they are the ones that created us. That speaks volumes of irony, don't you think?" She asked as she looked at Markus. Markus It came to his suspicion that Scarlett had only met humans that wanted to see androids harmed. Carl Manfred, the old man which Markus had been caretaker, a sort of nurse, had treated him as his own son; encouraging him to ignore his programming and do things that came to mind without having anyone tell him what to do. Before deviating however Markus wasn’t able to go wherever he wanted, like taking a detour to the park while running errands was out of the question. The only way to find out what happened to Scarlett and why she was had issues with humans was only possible with them connecting. Since they had just met it belonged to the future. North had not approached him until after their successful raid to the CyberLife warehouse down at the docks, and Markus recalled that she had shown displeasure by the way he was handling things. "I didn’t scan you since I think it is a violation of privacy”, Markus told her, and shook his head when it was telltale that her own words was embarrassing her. It was a topic to avoid as Scarlett went on, giving her view on what the issue humans had with his people and nodded. “Yes, I agree that I find it ironic, since they don’t realize they made a mistake creating us, playing God by creating life.” It was followed by a snort, and he rolled his dual colored eyes. “Are you done for the day?” He asked, and then added wondering what her response was going to be. “And if so, will you come here tomorrow?” A part of him wanted to get to know her and Markus had a feeling that it was mutual. Only her answer would reveal the truth. And if it was true then perhaps they should take small steps in getting to know one another. Then perhaps she would be open with whatever she was too embarrassed to tell him about her genesis. Scarlett Scarlett smiled as she listened to Markus as he spoke. She could tell that Markus had his own issues with humans, whether he tolerated them or not was his business and she didn't want to be rude to just ask about his personal life. She heard his question, as she looked at her cellphone to check the time. She had to be at the hospital in about an hour. She sighed as she looked at Markus. "Unfortunately I don't have the rest of the day off, I am not sure if I will be here tomorrow, unless I am needed, I find out in the evening before the next day, so I wouldn't find out until tonight." She said with slight disappointment heard in her voice, and she thought for a moment. She went into her pocket, grabbed her wallet, she went into her wallet and pulled out a card, and she placed her wallet back, but handed him the card. "This specific card has my personal cellphone number on it. If you're not too busy tomorrow maybe we could go for a walk, get coffee, something like that? If you're okay with that, that is?" She asked and suggested at the same time, awaiting his response. Markus The only ones that currently knew about his past was his friends that had also been looking for Jericho. According to Connor he had found the strange scribbling rA9 at the crime scenes that was involving deviant androids too. In his cast it was a message that had been transferred to him by a dying android at the cemetery where his damaged body was discarded. After replacing his damaged legs, as well as eye and hearing unit Markus had made his way to Ferndale station, where the trail had started. In order to blend in he had to act ‘human’ and instead o1f taking the escalator he walked down the stairs. The trenchcoat helped too. His visit to the shop, picking up paint, his clothes was telltale, having a turquoise armband around right upper arm and a triangle on the front of his shirt. Before deviating it was impossible for him to even consider visiting the park since it was going against his programming. It was like a red wall was preventing him from diverting from his route. It was travelling from point A to B, and back, and the trip home there was a special compartment at the back of the bus, since androids wasn’t allowed to sit down on the seat like humans. Shaking his head to clear it Markus nodded at Scarlett’s words, aware that she was owning a cellphone. Androids didn’t really have to use phones but now he did since it helped his people appear human instead of being above them. His phone call to the police after learning of the break in had been done using the CyberLife internet connection. “It is alright, since I am sure that we will see one another again”, Markus told her, hearing as well as seeing that it made her disappointed that she wasn’t sure if she would be here tomorrow. “I have my friends that can fill in for me”, Markus reassured her as he accepted her card with her phone number. If she was human then she wasn’t against his people and it filled him with slight hope that the opinion about his people could eventually be swayed. “And of course I am okay with it; why wouldn’t I?” He asked, as it piqued his curiousity further what made her fear him turning down her offer of getting to know her. “I could always text you, or do you want me to call?” Markus asked. Scarlett Scarlett smirked as she looked at him as she arched a brow and she shook her head some as she looked at him. "I guess since I am new to this whole wanting to know someone, I've never actually stepped out to do something, so you could say it's nerves." She said honestly, since she was an android she shouldn't feel nervousness, but since she deviated she had so many more different feelings she was still experiencing. Scarlett was aware, just of how he was speaking to her, that he must of believed she was human, after all she didn't have an LED light on her temple. She smiled and nodded as she bit her bottom lip and thought for a moment. "Well you can text me tonight to see if I'll be here tomorrow, but when it comes to tomorrow you can just call." She said smiling. "It was a pleasure meeting you Markus." She said as she shook his hand again, and gave a parting smile before she walked away. Markus The words spoken about meeting new people and spending time together was something Markus was also unfamiliar with and he nodded. “That makes us two then, but as for being nervous, I wouldn’t say that I am~” Perhaps it was because men wasn’t supposed to be and deviants in general was acting more or less like humans since they experienced emotions that was strange to them. The only thing that would give an android away was that the thirium 310 caused a blue tint on their cheeks. No android at New Jericho had kept their LED, and if there were any humans they belonged to the minority. It was not going to happen anytime soon that his people would be fully accepted as individuals, not that different from their creators that just like God made humans, it was impossible to recognize an android without the LED. “I will, but if you will come here tomorrow there is no need to make that phone call, right?” Markus chuckled. “It was nice making your acquaintance”, he smiled, accepted her hand extended towards him and watched her leave. Then he added the phone number as well as memorized it. A few hours later it was time for those that had a place of their own to head home. It surprised him that North was no longer spending the night here, so it meant that Josh and Simon was, since neither had any connection with humans. While in the cab home Markus sent a text to Scarlett and then put the phone away, curious if there would be a response.
Scarlett nodded as she heard his words. "I don't think everyone is nervous about simple things, I guess sometimes I over think too much." She said with a slight shrug upon her shoulders, with a soft smile curving her lips. "If I am not needed here tomorrow, I won't be here. I don't have any appointments or surgeries scheduled for humans tomorrow, and like I said I won't know if I am needed here tomorrow until later. Maybe just text me before you go into stasis." She said smiling as they shook hands. "Pleasure was all mine." She said as she left. Later that night Scarlett was letting her car do the driving, with her car it could either drive itself or she could drive it, she didn't feel like driving it, after a long day, was she tired? No it wasn't that, it was just the tolerance level she had for humans, and them still showing their ignorance, hate and no appreciation whatsoever to androids. No one knew she was an android at the hospital accept for the hiring staff and they kept it that way. While the car was driving them home, her phone went off, she looked at it and smile as she saw it was from Markus. She decided to reply and let him know that she had the entire day off, and offered to meet at a cafe the next day. She would wait for his reply. Soon she made it home, and she showered and got ready for bed, well status, but she laid down and her phone went off, showing that Markus agreed, and she smiled as she closed her eyes, and then fell into stasis. Markus Markus wasn’t tired at all as the cab was driving him home. Like any androids the knowledge of driving was easily accessible through the database, although it didn’t come naturally for him to look up how to actually drive. Just as he was prone to check up things like fairytales nor the section about supernatural creatures. Only if he happened to find himself in a situation where it was required then perhaps. Tomorrow it was his day off and he knew that it would be Josh turn to handle things at Jericho. Come to think of it since the leaders of Jericho was four, Markus would have three days off, unless someone happened to have other plans. For this reason he wasn’t one to plan ahead more than one day at a time. And it was probably the case with Scarlett as well, the intriguing female android that was working for Jericho and he was curious about her background. There was a smile lingering on his lips while thinking about her and it widened when his phone buzzed, learning that she too had the next day off and that they was going to meet at a café. The cab dropped him off at Lafayette Avenue, and the AI voice greeted him welcome. The cage standing on a dresser below a mirror was quiet but Markus decided to wind them up in the morning. The thought of getting a pet, any pet, had never crossed his mind, but he knew that Connor, or Hank, had a Saint Bernard called Sumo. Instead he went to his bedroom, where Carl Manfred had been sleeping before his demise. Before entering the bathroom he sent a message, agreeing to their meeting and then went to the bathroom, where he took a long, refreshing shower. The bed wasn’t really necessary but it was going to be of use than just standing there, so he laid down on the bed, his duo colored eyes closing, a soft smile on his lips as his body entered stasis mode, which was important for the bio components to regenerate. Scarlett smiled as she listened to Markus as he spoke. She could tell that Markus had his own issues with humans, whether he tolerated them or not was his business and she didn't want to be rude to just ask about his personal life. She heard his question, as she looked at her cellphone to check the time. She had to be at the hospital in about an hour. She sighed as she looked at Markus. "Unfortunately I don't have the rest of the day off, I am not sure if I will be here tomorrow, unless I am needed, I find out in the evening before the next day, so I wouldn't find out until tonight." She said with slight disappointment heard in her voice, and she thought for a moment. She went into her pocket, grabbed her wallet, she went into her wallet and pulled out a card, and she placed her wallet back, but handed him the card. "This specific card has my personal cellphone number on it. If you're not too busy tomorrow maybe we could go for a walk, get coffee, something like that? If you're okay with that, that is?" She asked and suggested at the same time, awaiting his response.