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Gender: Female
Age: 34
Sign: Gemini
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
February 02, 2019


05/20/2019 11:39 PM 


" Christmas festivities"www.roleplayer.me/1491013 

Christmas Eve had fallen and given rise to Christmas Day, or the wee hours of Christmas anyways. Father would be furious, she knew. She was supposed to attend a Christmas Eve ball at Black manor, supposed to be a pretty little arm piece for her betrothed, but instead she’d snuck out just before they were due to leave and gone off to have some real fun. Balls were boring, the Black family stuck up - not to mention she felt the absence of Andromeda probably the most of all. Of course Regulus was fun, making snide comments about their family and snickering behind their backs was fun… but Reggie would just have to do without her tonight. Because Emmanuel was far more fun than her cousin (who she constantly reminded was not really a cousin but a cousin of a cousin) could ever be. 

He’d taken her to muggle London to see the lights, treated her to dinner and promised her (not for the first time) that he was going to marry her one day. She’d laughed him off, she had a duty to her family. The ring that hung from a necklace when she wasn’t under the prying eyes of her family had never felt heavier than it had that night. She wanted nothing more than the life he promised. Emmanuel Shafiq, a pure-blood, but a blood traitor… She wanted nothing more than a life with him. But she’d seen what happened to blood traitors. They were forgotten, blasted off of family trees, their family pretended they didn’t exist. Especially when you belonged to the Black family and by association she did and if her father had his way, in less than a year she’d have the family name as well. She’d pushed thoughts of family and the life she was expected to live away and lived in the moment. 

The night had become darker the further they got from London, the city’s lights falling behind them. They’d apparated London to the small town that lay less than a kilometer from Rosebush Manor. She could have apparated right into her bedroom if she’d wanted, but she wasn’t ready to go to bed or to face Father’s wrath or Evan’s envy. And so they walked through the quiet town, Rose leaning against the taller man next to her with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. She was tired, but giddy, perhaps the effect of the two glasses of wine with dinner, or perhaps from merely getting to live her life for one night. 

“Look, I can see my breath.” It was uttered as a giggle before she blew a breath of hot air into the icy night. She watched as the breath ghosted into the night. 

Emmanuel chuckled, enjoying the girlish wonder in the blonde at his side. ‘So can I.’ He replied, repeating her actions before kissing the top of her head. 

They were both quiet for another moment, snow beginning to fall around them as they moved through the silent town. She moved slower with each step, trying to prevent the inevitable, trying to prolong her time with him before they reached the edge of Rosier property and had to part ways. But as the snow danced, so did something in her. She pulled away from him and darted down the middle of the deserted road, twirling with arms spread wide as she laughed in childish abandon. She never got to act like this. Father or Aunt Wulburga or Bellatrix or Narcissa or any number of a long list of adults would tell her she was being unladylike and misbehaving, but with Emmanuel she was free to be herself. 

And so she danced. She twirled and twisted, reveling in the giddy feeling in her heart. She froze when she felt an impact to her chest, a snowball expertly timed. She stared at the thrower before darting up the road and ducking behind a bush to make her own snowball. It was quickly launched at the male, the two laughing as a snowball fight ensued. Their laughter only grew. Her squeals becoming louder with each cold ball of snow flying towards her. It only made sense when the door to one of the houses opened and someone shouted to shut up, it was two in the morning. Rosaline covered her mouth, holding back a laugh rather unsuccessfully and kicking snow at Emmanuel before she took off up the path that would lead to her family’s house. 

He caught up to her as she paused to stare up at the manor house tucked away a short pathway up a hill and hidden to the unmagical eye. 

‘Rose…’ He paused, muscular arms wrapping around her waist. ‘You always have a place at my home.’ It wasn’t suspicious, he had no intentions other than protecting her. He wasn’t naive enough to think her family liked his or approved of their relationship in any way. He knew their relationship could very well be the end of her if they weren’t careful, it was making her see the truth in that knowledge that was hard. 

She shook her head as she leaned back into his hold, the childish glee having fled her body with the knowledge of returning home. “Just Papa and Evan.” She murmured. “Plus I have to finish school and…” She frowned as she turned in his arms to look up at him, pale fingers moving to brush over his dark cheek. “They’d never let me go. The Black family won’t let me go.” Her heart ached with those words, what she wouldn’t give to just be happy. 

‘They let Andromeda go.’ 

“And blasted her off the family tree. They pretend she never existed, Emmanuel. I…” She swallowed hard. She’d lost her mother. She’d lost Andromeda, the only cousin she’d looked up too. She wasn’t going to loose anymore family. “I can’t do that. I’m not as strong or as brave as Andi.” She murmured, admitting something only he would ever hear. “We… we can’t do this anymore, Em… In less than a year and a half Rosaline Rosier will be Rosaline Black and I just have to accept it.” She’d heard a variation on that sentence so many time during reprimands. A Black didn’t act the way she did. A Black had class and poise. She supposed there were worse suitors than Regulus even if neither of them was keen on marrying the other. 

‘You don’t have to accept that Rose. It’s the twentieth century, you can make your own decisions.’ He tried to reason, but she was either unable or unwilling to see the truth in his statement. 

“I’m sorry, Em.” She whispered, leaning up to kiss him quickly before pulling from his grasp and moving up the property to the house. 


The night had been one from a storybook, at least until she’d had to face the facts. She was betrothed. As much as she wanted to, she could not be with Emmanuel. At least not if she wanted to keep her family. Family or Emmanuel, it was a hard choice, but her family would always come first. She’d refused to look over her shoulder as she had walked up the path to her family home, refused to see if he was still waiting there. She was afraid she’d run back to him, afraid she wouldn’t make the right choice - at least the right choice according to all the family ideals she’d learned over seventeen years. She didn’t even look back as she shut the door to the house. 

Rosaline shrugged out of her coat, dropping it into the waiting hands of a house elf and kicked off her shoes. She had barely made it into the house before she heard Father’s voice - stern and harsh.

‘Where were you tonight, Rosaline?’ 

She missed the days when Father was Papa. When he loved her and doted on her, when he gave her whatever her little heart desired. But Papa had disappeared not long after Maman and Father had come to live in his place. Father was harsh and unforgiving, dark and angry. Scary really.  “I…” She began as she rounded the corner into his sitting room, but he didn’t let her finish. 

‘You were out with that blood traitor again!’ He barked, sitting a crystal glass of amber liquid onto the table beside his arm chair. The roaring fire that warmed the room served to make him look more ominous as well.

“And so what if I was?” Her courage escaped her before self-control could take over. Icy eyes widened as she took a step back, her father standing from his arm chair with a chilling calmness. 

‘You disgrace this family Rosaline.’ His words were just as calm as his posture and that was perhaps the most terrifying thing in her mind. ‘Where did I go wrong? I’ve given you everything you wanted, set you up with an advantageous marriage and you… You choose to go off gallivanting with a blood traitor when you should have been at the family function hosted by your future in-laws. What will you do if Orion and Wulburga decide Regulus should marry someone else? If they throw you aside?’ He spoke as she moved closer to her, ever so slowly closing the large distance between them.  

She swallowed, watching his every move. She told herself to flee, but her body didn’t want to obey. “I’ll marry Shafiq.” Defiantly her mouth moved, throwing caution to the wind again, her heart seeming to overpower her brain when her brain told her she was in danger. 

His face flashed in anger. ‘Crucio.’ He snapped. 

When had he grabbed his wand? She barely had time to think, much less have time to react before her body was falling to her knees. The pain spread quick and fiery. It felt as if her limbs were being pulled from her body, her muscles shredding. She cried out as her body twisted and writhed in a desperate attempt to get away, to flee, to save herself. There was nothing she could do though. It was amazing how one little word could bring to life so much hate, amazing how searing the pain of that hate could be. 

She didn’t hear as a one sided shouting match ensued behind her, Evan trying to talk Father down, warning him to stop this madness. All Rose’s brain could comprehend was the sound of her scream - shrill and pained, and the feeling of pain tearing her body apart from the inside out. Surely organs were failing, surely her skin was peeling back from her body, surely her heart would burst any second because this level of pain was incomprehensible and her body just couldn’t take it. 

A flash of green and just as quickly as the pain had come, it was gone. Her chest heaved with each breath she dragged in as she collapsed backwards, back hitting the marble flooring. Her heart pitter pattered around in her chest like a race horse, racing along side her lungs to return her body to normal. She let out a sob, tears falling from her eyes to join the others that had unknowingly fallen while under her Father’s curse. Her body still ached, throbbing with the after effects of the cruciatus, but it was nothing compared to the pain she’d endured seconds before. 

‘Rosie…’ It was a whisper, but she instinctively turned to it, reaching out for the owner of the voice, the boy who’d always been her safe haven from anything - storms to their father’s wrath. ‘You’re okay, Rosie Posie. Breathe..’ He soothed, scooting closer over the floor to comfort his trembling little sister. 

“Evan…” Fell from her lips in a whimper as she buried her face in his stomach, head resting against his lap. It was as far as her body was willing to move. 

She weeped and whimpered, clutching to his shirt as she fell into the blackness of exhaustion. He carried her to bed, pulling the covers over her before climbing into bed beside her. He held her close as she slept, soothed her back to sleep when she woke screaming hours later, and was there when the sun rose and welcomed in Christmas Day. 

"Then I'll marry Shafiq"The pain spread quick and fiery.
" They're watching"www.roleplayer.me/1491013 

It was summer and for a reason an eight year old Rosaline couldn’t fathom they were vacationing in England. Dismal, cloudy England. Rose had pouted the first day or two they’d been there, complaining to no one in particular about how much the weather was gross, or how the house was dark and not fun. She was used to the light airiness of Chateau Rosier afterall. But then a woman whose name she only knew because she’d caught Andromeda and Narcissa whispering about her, Aunt Wulburga, had brought her two sons over and a little Rosaline finally had someone her own age to play with.

  But the attention had turned to the youngest one, Regulus and Rosaline wasn’t used to sharing the attention. So, she’d goaded him away, mocked him until he’d followed her out into the expanse of the land owned by her cousin’s family. Skipping across the landscape, finding the biggest, tallest tree she could. She had stared up at it before quickly moving to ascend the tree, limb by limb climbing higher.

“Well zen, you come on.” She chided, French accent making some of her words hard to understand. “Or are you to let a little girl show you up?” Of course he was younger than her, but she was smaller. ‘Oh, shut up.’ He had snapped as he hurried to follow her up the tree. “I bet you, zat I can jump from ‘igher in zis tree zen you.” She could see the look of determination on his face as she challenged him.

Finally to the top, she stared down from the tippy top of a tree several times her age, Regulus not far behind her. Her dress was split in several places and though she knew Father would be angry, she knew Mother would calm him and fix her dress without pause. But she was having fun, for the first time since they’d arrived in England. 

She sat in a very unladylike fashion, one leg on either side of the tree and waited. Waited, for Regulus to join her.’We could break an arm from up here.’ He warned her, high dark gaze following her pale gaze right to the ground. She looked over to him, raising a challenging brow and shrugged. “So?” She smirked. “Just land correct.” She said as if it were the most logical thing in the world.

They sat, perched in the tree, both staring down for a collection of several minutes, neither willing to move first. But Rose knew if she were to hurt herself at least Maman would be there to heal the hurt and baby her until she felt better. Then the attention would be back to her, where it belonged. ‘They’re watching.’ Regulus muttered, nodding towards an audience of three - Evan, Andromeda and Narcissa.

“You are going to jump?” She asked, finally looking from the ground to the boy sitting next to her, ignoring his mention of anyone watching. “I am.” She nodded, putting a brave face back on as she lifted one leg over the branch she sat on so that both dangled over the same side. She waited until he mirrored her position, took a deep breath. “Un…” Exhaled slowly. “Deux…” Inhaled and then… “Trois.” Pushed herself off the branch.

The fall down was exhilarating and terrifying all at once. Until she hit the ground with too much force and something in her left knee popped and she let out a wail of pain. She looked up, clutching at her knee, to see Regulus still perched on his branch. She looked away just in time to see Evan rushing to her side and Mother just a few paces behind. “Maman, j’ai mal!” She cried. “Ça fait mal.” She whimpered, English lost to the haze of pain. ’Chut! Ne t'inquiète pas. Maman va le rendre meilleur.’ Her mother soothed, picking her up gently and cradling her in loving arms. Rose calmed only slightly, the pain still radiating, but happy to have the attention returned to her however fleeting this moment may be. ’Pourquoi voudries-tu faire une chose pareille?’ Her mother demanded causing Rose to throw a look over her mother’s shoulder to the dark haired boy climbing down from the tree now. “Il m’a fait le faire.” She wrongly blamed without pause, a smirk breaking through the tears aimed at the boy she’d baited along.

"It m'a fait le faire"He made me do itSo, I changed the Quote a bit, sue me..
" A Letter"www.roleplayer.me/1491013  My Dearest Emmanuel,

I know it has been a while since I last sent an owl. I also know I should not really be writing you, what with you being an Auror and all. I spelled this letter. The seal was only able to be opened by you and the letter itself will disintegrate once you have finished reading it. So take a deep breath, I know you’ll be stressing, your heart racing. Don't. I'd never do anything to harm you in any way.   

The last time I wrote was when we arrived in the United States. We’ve since bought a house and settled in. Evan doesn’t care for it, it is in a muggle neighborhood after all. But I adore it. It’s a cute house, quaint. In a quiet neighborhood. The neighbors don’t bother us, though they are intrigued. I have seen the look on their faces, wondering who we are or what we are… We keep to ourselves though. 

But I’m not writing to you about our house or our neighborhood. I actually have some news. And I don’t know how you’ll take it, but you’ll find out sooner or later I assume. I’m sure the schools know… maybe I actually don’t know how that works… I am getting side tracked, I’m sorry. I wanted you to know that I have a daughter. Violette Francesca Rosier is her name. I don’t know if it’s even possible, but I’d love for you to meet her. 

I miss you Emmanuel. I know I broke your heart. I know I have no right to tell you that I miss you. But I do. I try to be happy, try to bury the unwanted feelings. And I do for a while. I convince myself I’m happy in my current life. I think I’m loosing myself, Em. I need you in my life, but I know you can’t be. So come visit us - just me and Violette. 

Central Park. 2 August 1985. We’ll be there at noon. 

Je t’aime, mon cœur.
Avec tout mon cœur,
Rosaline Rosier
"I think I'm loosing myself"I need you in my life, but I know you can't be.
" may I present your daughter"www.roleplayer.me/149101319 June 1985 The pain had started in the middle of the night, 2:03 am to be exact. She had checked the time on the bedside table  and closed her eyes again. Maybe the baby had just kicked her wrong. She was just beginning to doze when her entire midsection tightened again, a sharp pain causing blue eyes to fly open in the dark, cool room. Her eyes could just make out the hands on the clock as the minute hand ticked to the eighth tick, denoting 2:08 am. She gently moved the arm from around her middle and slipped silent from their shared bed. 

Her sleeping gown brushed against her legs as she moved silently from their room and into the adjoining bathroom. She shut the door before flicking the light on, trying her best not to wake the sleeping man she’d just been laying beside. Rosaline looked to the mirror, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. Pale fingers clutched at the ornately carved sink as the pain returned. Surely it was just those pesky practice contractions, that’s what her midwife had assured her the last time she’d woken in the middle of the night, that her body was just practicing. She wasn’t due for another three weeks still, her body was just practicing, that had to be it. 

The blonde woman moved to the bath tub, trying her best not to trip over her own swollen ankles as she went. She leaned over the edge and turned the water on, waiting for it too warm before plugging the bottom. Maybe a bit of relaxation would calm the spur of the moment Braxton Hicks. She didn’t understand what she was doing wrong. She was waited on hand and foot. She drank plenty of water and ate healthy. Why was her body doing this, she thought as she felt her stomach tighten around her again. 

An hour later and she had let the cooling water out and moved to the shower. The pains weren’t going away and they seemed to be getting closer though she didn’t have a clock to watch any longer. The streaming water did little to quell the pain and Rose leaned against the wall with her hands, her back to the stream of water. She jumped slightly when she felt a hand wrap around her. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” She whispered, turning around to face the man. ’You were out of bed too long. I woke and heard the…’ He paused when her nails dug into his bicep. ‘Rose are you okay?’ 

Rose took a deep breath, leaning her forehead against his chest. She was quiet, trying to relax in his hold, the only one she could trust anymore. Finally she shook her head, a low groan coming from her as another pain took her. “I think she’s coming, Evan.” She whispered, clinging to the knowledge a bit of divination had given her - a girl, whom she’d already named Violette. He pulled away from her so that he could look into her eyes, ignoring the water that soaked his hair and made it stick to his face. Let’s get you back to bed, I’ll call the midwife.’

Hours passed. Rose was sweaty and at this point angry. Evan having had to dodge several things she’d thrown his way - crystal and china knick knacks, even a hex or two - when she was particularly irate. The midwife had tried to shoo him away, this was no place for a male, especially a pureblood. But they’d not been apart for twenty-five years and Rosaline had only grown more irritable with the absence of the other. So the midwife had eventually relented and allowed him to stay.

’Madame Rosier, I do believe you appear to be ready to push.’
Came the midwife’s voice as she came back from between the blonde’s legs. ’When you feel the next contraction, I need you to give me a big push.’ Almost instantly Rosaline pushed, crying out and clutching at the calloused hand of the only family she had left. Another push and then another and the midwife looked up once more. ’Baby’s head is born, Madame. One more and baby shall be here.’

One more large push and the sound of a baby’s wail reached Rosaline’s ears. You did it, ma chérie. Beautiful.' Evan whispered, kissing Rose’s forehead, ignoring as the midwife went about tying off the umbilical cord and cleaning the crying infant. Rose collapsed back against plush pillows, her fingers still twined with Evan’s, this time much more gently. 

Their attention was drawn away from each other, however as the midwife moved off the bed and towards the head of the bed. ’Madame and Monsieur Rosier, may I present your daughter.’ The still crying baby was handed off to her mother and the midwife dismissed herself to go about the clean up.

Rose felt tears well in her eyes before falling down her cheeks as she stared down at the tiny blonde infant in her arms. “She has your eyes.” She whispered as Evan settled in next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and carefully pulling her close. “Bonjour mon coeur. Tu t'appelles Violette.” She whispered, her finger gently stroking her daughter’s cheek. She couldn’t remember ever being this happy before, overfilled with joy at the birth of their daughter. 
"bonjour mon coeur. tu t'appelles Violette"Hello my love. Your name is Violette.
" do you regret it"www.roleplayer.me/1491013  The pain was raw, indescribable. Evan was gone. After thirty-eight years he would no longer be by her side, no be reachable, no longer able to be there for Violette. She had cried that whole night after Emmanuel had come to deliver the news, clearly fresh off the battle field himself. 3:07 am on 3 mai 1998, she had found of her brother's passing. At 7:42 am, Emmanuel passed out across her couch, an owl had delivered the newspaper with the headline Lord Voldemort est vaincu à la Bataille de Hogwarts. The news had travelled fast, and just as fast Rosaline had assumed a mask of coldness.

It was with that mask in place, dressed in black, that she arrived at Beauxbatons Academy to gather her daughter. An owl had been sent ahead of her.

It was with that mask still in place that she arrived at Rosebush Manor for the first time in three years.

And still yet, it was with that same mask of coldness and indifference that barely shielded the hurt and sadness behind her eyes, that she went about making the arrangements, trying to comfort her daughter and for the most part ignoring Emmanuel who hadn't ventured far from her side since he'd shown up on her door step.

The day had come for the funeral and though she had tried, the tears refused to stop falling. It just wasn't fair. Had he listened to her, had they stayed in America, surely he would still be alive. She was able to pull it together for the space of the possessions in the dark clouds, able to quell the tears if only for an hour.

She thought it would be only she and their daughter. Evan was a death eater. They were the last of their family, at least the Rosier's. But of course Emmanuel had come, still refusing to leave her side, an old friend who knew only the tip of the iceberg when it came to her relationship with her brother. And as she lay single rose across the now buried casket, Rosaline thought that perhaps it would only be those three.

As she stood to leave however, she heard a voice. 'Do you regret it?' The voice was familiar, though changed with age. It had been twenty years since she'd last seen Narcissa, but she would recognize the sound of her voice anywhere. The annoying cousin who always seemed to steal Evans's attention when she was around. 'Do you regret leaving him? Regret abandoning him and fleeing to France?'

Rose turned her gaze to Emmanuel and her daughter, her back to her cousin. "Will you take her back to Rosebush Manor?" She asked, kissing her daughters forehead. 'But, who's...' Violette started, but Rose shook her head. "Don't worry, ma petite, just go." She murmured before turning to face Narcissa, waiting to hear the pop of her childhood friend and daughter leaving. "Do I regret leaving him, Narcissa? Of course I do. He was my brother, my... my world. Now he's dead." She grasped desperately at her anger, her words coming out biting, trying to ward off her broken heart.

She looked away, clenching her jaw and trying to keep the tears at bay even as they welled in her eyes. 'Then why did you leave? He came to me when you left, you know. His heart was broken.'

"Stop. He knew where I was, he could have followed us. But he didn't. He chose to serve Voldemort." She didn't even flinch at his name. "Did you not see that little girl? You asked if I regretted fleeing to France. No. No, I don't. I only regret not making Evan go with me. But, I left for that little girl. I left so that she could live without intimately knowing war. So she could live without being a pawn used by a madman to further a useless cause. I left so that she could know a real childhood, so she could make friends and have fun. So that she wouldn't be sent on an impossible mission to kill the most powerful wizard the world has known."

The two stared each other down, neither saying a word. Hateful words could be said from both sides. Feeling a tear escape, Rosaline angrily wiped at it. Angry at herself for leaving Evan behind. Angry at Father, decades dead, for dragging Evan into the battle. Angry at Evan for not seeing it was a useless cause. Angry at the world for being so dark. And angry at Narcissa for tearing into her fragile heart.

'Rose, I...'

But Rose stopped her. "No. I don't want to hear your half hearted apologizes, or whatever else was about to come out of your mouth." Narcissa may have been the queen of coldness, but right now all Rosaline felt was cold. The happy brightness that usually emanated from Rosaline was gone, perhaps having fled in pursuit of her brother's soul. "Don't you have a sister to bury too? Or perhaps a sister to amend things with? Don't try to guilt me with abandonment stories. Evan and I stuck by each other through thick and thin, he killed our father for cursing me. I never dreamed of leaving his side, nor he mine, until he put my child in danger. You and your family threw your sister out for daring fall in love." The tears fell freely now, Rosaline no longer caring to stop them. Rose was hurting, the encounter dragging up the emotions she tried so valiantly to bury deep inside. She sniffled, wiping her eyes as she cleared her throat, trying to regain some composure. "Good bye, Narcissa." And with that, she was gone. 
"Right now all Rosaline felt was cold"I never dreamed of leaving his side.
" I had no choice"www.roleplayer.me/1491013England. How she hated this place. All the awful memories. Her mother’s death had resulted in their moving here. Father claimed needing Aunt Druella’s guidance in raising his two children then aged eleven and twelve. Aunt Druella had not been a kind woman. Rose had thought she hated the woman more than anyone else, even her eldest. Rose blamed Bellatrix for corrupting her brother. He’d been a sweet, loving brother until Bellatrix and Father had gotten their claws in him and made him join the ranks of the Dark Lord. Rosebush Manor had been the first and only place Father had used the Cruciatus Curse on her after finding out she was sneaking out at night during summer holiday to meet with an although pureblood boy, a blood traitor, a member of the Order of the Phoenix no less. Father had died that night, adding just another horrible memory to the country for the blonde. 

The sky was grey above Rose as she stood at her brother’s grave. The mound of dirt was still raw and lumpy, grass not having been able to grow in the twenty-four hours since his burial. She blamed herself for his death. She’d run off back to France when he’d forced them back to England to follow the Dark Lord again. They’d been safe in America, safe from aurors, safe from the Dark Lord, safe from those who knew their true relationship and would question the striking resemblance her daughter (for she’d named no father when she’d given birth to Violette) shared with not only Rosaline but Evan as well. She’d said hateful words on the day she’d left, called him all sorts of names, cursed at him, and quite possibly cursed him to his downfall. She’d told him she hoped he’d die in his blind service of a mad man, and he had. And Rose blamed herself. 

Tears streaked down her cheeks, a silent cry shaking her body. There was so much she wanted to say, to change. She wanted to take back everything she’d said, make him return to America or France with her. There was nothing she could do now. Now he was dead and though she knew he’d done horrible things she loved him. They’d not spent a day apart since her birth until the day she walked out of Rosebush Manor and now… now he was dead and she was alone in this world. Alone except Violette who currently stood next to her mother, silently supporting her mother as much as a twelve year old would be able. 

’Maman, si on rentrait à la maison.’ Her daughter’s voice broke her from her self-hatred. Blue eyes quickly finding blue just a shade brighter than her own. 

She wiped quickly at her own blue grey hues and sniffled once before turning back to the fresh grave - one of many. “T’es un bâtard.” She muttered to the grave, leaning down to leave a single red rose atop the mound of dirt. “Mais, je t’aime.” 

’Maman…’ Violette whispered urgently causing Rose to throw a glance around.

Several grave sites down set another fresh grave, a red head and a blonde standing at its side. She knew the red head to be one of the many Weasley children and assumed the gorgeous woman standing at his side to be his wife Fleur Delacour. She’d read about their wedding the year prior in the paper. The blonde watched her and Rose wondered for a moment if Evan had been responsible for killing whoever was buried under the mound of dirt at the two’s feet.

She held her hand out to her daughter, feeling both hurt and sorry. “Je suis désolé.” She spoke barely loud enough to be heard across the distance. “He had no choice.” She’d defend her brother until her dying breath even if she knew better. “I had no choice.” She blinked back tears as they welled again. No choice but to love him. No choice but to mourn him. She had no choice. The red headed man was now looking at her too. She grabbed her daughter’s hand and disapparated before anything else could be said, too fearful of the judgmental words that may spew from either Bill or Fleur. She might have grown a heart of stone since leaving her brother and returning to France, but that stone had broken and crumbled leaving her a raw and emotional mess when news had come that her brother had died. 
"No choice but to love him. no choice but to mourn him. no choice"Je suis désolé.


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