Watchtower Database

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March 5th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sign: Capricorn
Country: United States

Signup Date:
November 16, 2012


02/09/2013 03:23 PM 

Request for adding Canon Character, Original/Canon Team or Location

Canon Characters
If you wish to put in a request to add an Canon Character then send a message to the Watchtower profile. In the subject line put "Request to add Canon Character". In the message itself let us know which Canon Character you would like to have added to the Database. Also add a link to the profile of that character if you wish to have your link added. If you don't want your link added then please specifically mention this in your message. Keep in mind that the database is continuously growing and that we may simply not have gotten around to adding the character you are requesting just yet. It may take several weeks for us to get to your request but you will receive a message once the Character has been added to the Database. The process will go faster if you send in a complete biography for your Character, otherwise we will have to research it and find the information ourselves. This is not mandatory but will speed things up and allow us to add your Character faster. If you wish to send a complete biography along with your request then take a look at the Original Character form for the required information.
NOTE: Canon Characters will always be portrayed with a comic picture if available. It is NOT required to send one along.

Original Teams
If you wish to put in a request to add an Original Team then send a message to the Watchtower profile. In the subject line put "Request to add Original Team". In the message itself post the following information:

Team name: Enter name of the team
Official name: Enter only if this is different then the team name
Leader: Enter the name of the team leader (Also mention how they are referred to i.e. Leader, President, Director etc.)
Co-Leader: Enter the name of the teams co-leader(s) (Also mention how they are referred to i.e. Co-Leader, First Lady, Vice-President, Assistant Director etc.)
Alignment: Enter alignment i.e. Good or Bad
Base of operations: Enter the name of the location from which the team operates, i.e. Baxter Building, Avengers Mansion etc.
City: Enter city where the team is located (Can be more then one or various)
State: Enter state where the team is located (Can be more then one or various)
Country: Enter Country where the team is located (Can be more then one or various)

Also provide a description of the team. For instance how and by who the team was formed, how the team operates, a short description of some events the team has been involved in. For more examples view the already provided entries for Original and Canon Teams

Finally add a link to the profile(s) or group(s) that the team uses. If you don't want any links added then please specifically mention this in your message. Keep in mind that the Database is continuously growing and that it may take several weeks for us to get to your request. You will receive a message once your team has been added to the Database.
NOTE: If available please send a picture of the team logo along. (Size doesn't matter) The request to add a Original Team may only be made by either the Team President or the Vice-President/Assistants.

Canon Teams
If you wish to put in a request to add an Canon Team then send a message to the Watchtower profile. In the subject line put "Request to add Canon Team". In the message itself let us know which Team you would like to have added to the Database as well as the team leader(s). Also add a link to the profile of that team if you wish to have the link added. If you don't want the link added then please specifically mention this in your message. Keep in mind that the database is continuously growing and that we may simply not have gotten around to adding the team you are requesting just yet. It may take several weeks for us to get to your request but you will receive a message once the Team has been added to the Database. The process will go faster if you send in a complete biography for your Team, otherwise we will have to research it and find the information ourselves. This is not mandatory but will speed things up and allow us to add your Team faster. If you wish to send a complete biography along with your request then take a look at the Original Teams form in this blog for the required information.
NOTE: If available please send a picture of the team logo along. (Size doesn't matter)

If you wish to put in a request to add a Location then send a message to the Watchtower profile. In the subject line put "Request to add Location". In the message itself let us know which location you would like to have added to the Database and if the location is Canon or Original created by yourself. Also add a link to the profile of that location if you wish to have the link added. If you don't want the link added then please specifically mention this in your message. Keep in mind that the database is continuously growing and that we may simply not have gotten around to adding the location you are requesting just yet. It may take several weeks for us to get to your request but you will receive a message once the Location has been added to the Database. The process will go faster if you send in all available information for your Location, otherwise we will have to research it and find the information ourselves. This is not mandatory but will speed things up and allow us to add your Location faster. If you wish to send in information then we suggest take a look at currently available Location entries in the Database for suggestions.
NOTE: If available, specially in the case of a Location you have created yourself, please send a picture along. (minimum size: 650x475)


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