Chris Steele

Last Login:
April 11th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 40
Sign: Cancer
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 02, 2011


12/03/2015 04:20 PM 

Rules and Disclaimer

Disclaimer: I AM NOT Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker from the first three Star Wars movies) nor do I claim to be. I am only using his photos for my character. At the moment, this is my only account, though some time in the future I might make other accounts. If I do, then this will be my main account, though I will be spending time on those accounts, if and when I make them.

Who I Roleplay With: I mainly add and roleplay with Heroes and roleplayers from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, I will add and roleplay people from the main Marvel Universe (Marvel Comics), along with the DC universe as well. I will sometimes add and roleplay with characters from other shows/movies (Crossovers). I will roleplay crossovers if we come up with a good storyline, it all depends. I will not change my character in anyway to suit any crossover needs.

My Character: Chris is based off the show, Heroes. If you've watched or know of the show, great. If not, that's cool. Basically the show's about ordinary people finding out that they have super powers (super speed, flight, etc), and what they decide to do with those powers. So, Chris has super powers (all of my character's powers are listed in another blog). If you don't have a problem with that, then cool. If not, then we're not roleplaying. I'm also incorporating things from the show Sliders (mainly the travel through multiple universes), as well as some things from the animes/mangas, Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist (namely some of his powers). If you're not familiar with any of those, that's fine, let me know and I can explain them to you.

Starters/Replies and Such: I am a Para/Multi-Para roleplayer. I will sometimes go below a paragraph reply, but this is rare. I simply ask that you at least give me a paragraph reply. Not that hard. If I send you a two or three paragraph starter and I get a one-lined reply, I will ask you to send me a paragraph reply. If you can't or won't send me one every time, then we will stop roleplaying. Starters can go either way, but I prefer to send them out. If you wish to send me one, let me know. Also, put some thought into your starter. Just don't send one out where Chris might not be at. I have no particular order when it comes to answering replies, so you'll get them when you do, but you will get your reply.

Literacy: Please, for the love of God, be literate with your posts. This means NO text talk. For example, "hey can u plz hlp me?" If you send me stuff like that, I will instantly delete it and will wait for you to send me a literate response. I can understand if you're mobile and are at work, or busy. If you're at a computer, you can be literate, which includes proper spelling and grammar. If you don't know how to spell, there's a cool thing called spell check. You should check it out. If you continue to talk and roleplay like that, then I will delete you. Why? Because apparently you don't know basic English. However, I will understand if English isn't your native language, though I would suggest you use a translator for your posts. Also, if English isn't your native language, please let me know beforehand. As long as I get a basic understanding of your posts, then we'll be fine.

Storylines: For the most part, I'm just winging it on replies until a good storyline can come up in my head. However, I would like help from you guys, the people I'm roleplaying with. If not, then the roleplay will become dull and I'll eventually stop replying. So, try to think of something. Hell, we can stop and talk ooc to come up with a storyline.

Godmodding: A big no on my list. You can't know everything about my character unless I have it set up for our two characters know each other. Because my character and his family knows the Petrelli's (Arthur, Angela, Nathan, and Peter), those characters do know my character. If your character is a telepath, then you must speak with me in messages before you post saying that you know something about my character. This will only happen if I approve of what you want to do (for the most part, I'll say yes, but still ask anyway). I will allow some general godmodding, like if my character nods in agreement or if he's walking down the street with your character, then that's fine with me. I just won't allow any specific godmodding, like if you take control of my character and have him go commit suicide. If you do god mod, then except to first get a message from me. If you keep god modding my character, then you'll be deleted from my friends list.

Friends (Mains, etc): I am not a number on your friends list. I will only have people on my friends list if we either roleplay or talk ooc. I can and will do friend deletions at anytime, though I will now be doing massive friend deletions (100+ friends) at least once a month. Afterwards, friend deletions will be sporadic, whenever I feel like doing them. Only new friends, my top friends, and people that I roleplay/ooc talk with are safe. If you're active, meaning that you regularly post status comments and/or comment other people, and basically ignore me, even after I message/comment you, you will be deleted. If I delete you, don't send a friend request, or message me to send you one, because I will deny/ignore you. I currently have no mains (except for my love interest) and don't plan on having any at the moment. I don't ask to be a main (if I do become a main of yours, cool), nor do I ask anyone if they wish to be a main.

Availability: I will not be on this account 24/7. I do have a relatively new job and real life friends. My real life comes before this. I'm on this account everyday, though because of my job, which is psychically demanding and exhausting, I won't be doing replies everyday. I understand if you can't be on everyday to roleplay. I know that you have a real life as well. If you go on hiatus or something, just let me know out of character.

Drama: I'll allow in character drama. Hell, that makes roleplaying more interesting. I will NOT tolerate out of character drama. I came on here to get away from drama and to relax. However though, it seems lately that drama has been following me around in the form of a specific storyline that I ask people if they're interested in doing. I won't go into any further details, though if you wish to ask about it, send me a message about it. Anybody that's involved with that drama, will be deleted, and possibly blocked and/or blacklisted, depending on their involvement. If I receive hate messages/comments from you about it (which I have gotten in the past), you'll automatically be deleted and blocked.

Respect: This is the only thing I really ask from everybody on here. I give and treat everybody I add respect, and all I ask is that you give me the same. I also do this in real life, I treat everybody that I meet with respect. It's as the famous quote says, "treat others the way you would be treated". If you don't treat myself or my friends on here with respect, then I won't be giving it to you. The whole drama thing that's been following me around, has caused me to lose respect to many people, specifically in one verse (which won't be named). If you lose my respect and you want it back, you better work hard as hell to get it back.

Love Interest: Chris is currently SINGLE. However, I will not have him be looking for another romantic relationship for the time being. If you want to be my friend (in character), then we can, just nothing romantic. For right now though, don't be coming up and asking to be my girlfriend, because it's not happening.

Those are my rules. Luckily for you I'm not asking you to sign them with anything specific, or signing them in general. If you want to sign them, go right on ahead.

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Vampire Woman


Aug 15th 2020 - 2:48 AM

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// Great set of rules, easy to understood and will be followed by me (^,..,^)

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