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⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

07/14/2013 10:35 PM 

The Order of Aurelius

The Order of AureliusOrder of  Aurelius: The Master's LairOrder of  Aurelius: The BronzeOrder of  Aurelius: Quest for the Skulls

The Humble Narrator.

07/10/2013 11:59 PM 

.D E C O R U M.

.E X P E C T A T I O N S. |Layman's terms| - I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be the face of the actor I choose to portray my character. I will take a leap and assume if you've requested me as a 'friend' that you understand this concept. Being a realist, I understand how daft the masses can be and for that reason alone, I state once again - I am N O T the gentleman displayed in the pictures.   - If you do not wish to engage in dark, violent, sexually explicit and often offensive roleplay - D E L E T E now. I will respect the action and it will save us both potentially wasted time and unwanted drama. I give an extensive disclaimer - If you wait till we get several comments in to tell me what an arrogant a**hole I am, expect to be deleted and blocked. Good riddance to vile rubbish - You're not desired back. |Simplicity| - Myself and the storyline I engage in with your character C A N potentially consist of explicitly graphic violence, sexual connotations/innuendos, vulgar language, and cruel behavior.Be A W A R E of what you're getting into.  - Para, multi-para, novella: All are acceptable forms of length. I will N O T force the story along, nor will I match length just to bulk up a comment. Replies will range anywhere from 300 to a 1000+ words. Dependent on amount owed and/or real life activities, replies are generally dispensed within a week or two. I will announce delays.  - O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R  is nearly non-existent. Unless clearly stated, ALL interactions will be dealt within character - [This includes messages.]  Messages are solely reserved for storyline/character discussion and replies will be run solely in comments. I prefer to get to know a player before beginning a storyline. If I begin with casual banter and "one-liners" it is not for lack of ability or competence. I merely enjoy testing the waters before beginning as to not waste my time on one who does not deserve it.  |Playground Rules| - I do not P L A Y well with others.I WILL most likely say something that offends, hurts, or angers you. I may be cordial, smile and entertain you for an extended period of time, but this by no means signifies you interest me, it is merely a sign of manners. It takes a truly rare, and enigmatic woman to catch my eye, and it sparsely happens. Don't take it personally.   This will be the very reason I deliberately keep the friends list small, disposing of vermin as the need arises. Only ONE has earned her way into a permanent position. Harassment of this exquisite beauty or complaints about the interactions and connections I have with her will be the quickest way to finding yourself deleted and blocked. This is your only warning.  - Bullsh*t D R A M A is not tolerated. Take moody updates, sad name changes, poor me bulletins, and any other form of immature drama to someone who gives a sh*t.  I  D O N T  C A R E.  Such behavior will be strictly ignored. -  I will delete for a V A R I E T Y of reasons & I reserve the right to delete without explanation, as do you.  .Failure to keep up.  .Abuse of modern English. [Failure to use proper grammar to the extent that I am unable to decipher your comment] .Drama. .Annoyance. .Lack of chemistry. .Immaturity. Inferior roleplaying skills. .The mood strikes.    |R   O   L   E   P   L   A   Y| 

Multi characters

07/10/2013 01:50 PM 

Current mood:  headphones

Name: AlexeiAge: UnknownGender: MaleSpecies:DragonHair Color: GrayEye Color: Ice blueSexual Orientation: Gay/Seke but leans more to Seme unless you can tame the beast:)Status: Taken by DaisyOccupation: Dragon lord Home Town: unknownTattoos: red marking on his right shoulder and across his chest to his left shoulder.

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

07/08/2013 01:06 PM 

It happened in London

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

07/08/2013 01:06 PM 

The Line of Aurelius (Bronze)


07/08/2013 12:42 PM 

Long Road 1


07/08/2013 12:33 PM 

Long Road 2

Her head moved slowly from side to side.  Eris glanced to the doorway, doing her best to not laugh.  There was Sami Remington, caught in her trap.  No one could see or hear her, except herself of course.  "Nope, zip, zero, zilch, nada, nein, I don't hear a thing."   She licked her lips and pulled a snickers bar out of her bag, peeled back the wrapper and ate a few bites.  "Want some?" she offered Sam with a few crumbs falling from her mouth, realizing Sami would have had better manners and shared it.  Her thoughts ran wild, this was her first gig impersonating someone, she should have done better research.  She'd never hear the end of it from Lucinda if she screwed up.  "Alright Sammy" she rolled her neck and cracked it.  "Let's get busy on this."  Eris opened her own laptop aside Sam's so they could double the workload and began her search wondering just how accurate the internet would be on their demonic society.Maybe Sami didn't hear anything, but Sam did.  Or not so much hear it as he felt it.  Sami offered him a bite of her Snickers bar, which temporarily took his mind off the wrongness of the moment.  Sam frowned, shook his head, and then chuckled.  "Well, I'm glad to see that Sami Remington isn't all about organic and healthy foods.  I was beginning to wonder whether you really had any vices."  He glanced down at the candy bar in her hand, "Although... a Snickers bar?"  Suddenly the wrongness returned. "Sami, I'm not really hearing something, I'm sensing it.  Something is off.  Know what I mean?  I have occasional...moments of psychic perception, and I'm having one now.  Dean has seen it a lot.  Rachel too.  I've learned - we've learned - not to ignore it."  Sam stood and gazed out the window of the motel room.  The weather was perfect out there.  Deep blue skies over a high desert landscape that that ran for miles and miles.  In the parking lot, out near the highway, a slight breeze was rusting the big leaves of a well-maintained sycamore tree ringed by concrete blocks painted white and red.  Add some blue blocks and it would be damned near patriotic.  Patriotic amidst your all-American northern Arizona landscape.  Nothing obtuse about it.  No demons ready to attack.  No blue-skinned aliens sailing down out of the sky with a predatory gleam in their multi-faceted bug eyes and anal probes in their long-fingered, bony hands. Whatever was jangling the tips of his extra sensory nerves wasn't revealing its identity, so Sam sat back down, laced his big hands together between his knees, and sighed.  There wasn't much he could do at the moment about the psychic babble in his head, so he glanced towards Sami's computer screen.  "Ok, so what have we got?"Her brows furrowed, Sami turned and leaned with her back against the obstruction that separated her from the real world.  Her iphone and internet were useless.  She stuffed it into her back pocket and pushed her fingers into her front pockets.  "The stones," Sami's brow perked.  She still carried them with her, although hadn't taken any time to figure out what all they were capable of. Fred and Ginger bounced around rough housing completely unaware of their misfortune.  They began chasing one another when suddenly Ginger ran right through the obstruction.   Fred hit the brakes digging his paws into the ground and slammed against it.  "What the hell?"  Sami pondered and turned, she cupped her hands and peered through it watching Ginger look at fake Sami, whimper then wander over to Sam and rest her chin on his leg looking up at him.In the back of her mind, the young blonde still believed that she should never have left the hospital with the group. She didn't feel safe, she kept feeling as if she should be looking over her shoulder. In her position on the bed, in the far corner of the room, she felt as if she could keep an eye on the taller of the two men and the blonde woman. With the remote control in her hand, she had some kind of weapon in case her initial feelings were right. Was it fair that she wanted to go back to the hospital? At least there, there were highly trained nurses who were able to help her, and security personnel who were trained to deal with nutcases. With each change of channel, her attention to the others in the room decreased. She became a little more interested in finding something to watch that would grab her imagination. She ran her fingers through her hair, her annoyance with the television growing with each click of the remote. The blonde was ready to launch the remote at the television, before a show grabbed her. A family of yellow people, with an overweight dumb father as the main character. The show may not be educational, but it seemed to be a bit more entertaining than trying to figure out exactly who she was. The young blonde became rather immersed in the show, ignoring the two dogs playfully chasing each other around the room. She quickly learnt that her favorite character was the small baby with the blue ribbon in her hair, constantly sucking on her dummy. In an attempt to get a little more comfortable, she moved herself to lie down with one of the yellow-stained pillows hugged against her chest. Something about lying down with her head on one of the pillows didn't feel right. Maybe, that was one of her quirks?"Peanuts, protein" her brows rose and lowered.  Who doesn't eat a Snicker's bar she silently wondered.  Her back pack was filled with all the food groups.  Corn chips were vegetables, milk chocolate, that would be dairy, fruit roll ups, and there's her fruit.  As long as she was on earth she was going to enjoy it. She began reviewing the recent news for their location.  The red river was brilliant and even moreso all the fish and vegetation were dying as well.  Eris stifled a grin and put on a serious face.  "This is horrible Sam, but I'm not really sure how we stop it?  I mean aside from making more deals with the demons."  Her hues glanced over to the female Winchester; the ditzy demon had to bite the inside of her cheek.  "I mean" she shrugged "I'm sure they'd rather have you or Dean, but there's always...." Eris stopped abruptly; her eyes widened when one of Sami's pups made it through.  "Fred!" her hues glanced under the dog "I mean Ginger!  Where's Fred?"  She reached out to pet the animal but got a growl in return.  "Whoa!" she pulled her hand back abruptly.  "Could this be what you were sensing?  One of my dogs is missing?" "...Aside from making more deals with demons..." Demons. The very word itself caused the blonde to snap her eyes open, and her head to perk up off of the bed. The show on the television was forgotten, as was the small yellow baby with the blue ribbon in her hair. Demons. Why didn't the word feel strange to her? It was almost as if she spoke it on a regular basis, or it was spoken to her. But, why? "Woah, rewind a second." With the remote control still in one hand, and the pillow hugged against her stomach with the other, the young blonde pushed herself to sit up on the bed, and swing her legs off the edge so she could face the other two properly. "Making deals with demons? Are you sure I'm the crazy one here?" Okay, so she didn't feel comfortable enough with asking either of the pair why she was strangely familiar with the words spoken. But, maybe her question would lead to some more answers.The dog had appeared out of nowhere.  Like really out of nowhere.  Ginger hadn't come through an open door, because the door wasn't open.  And Sam was pretty sure the dog didn't trot into the room with them when they'd brought all their stuff inside.  In fact, Sam hadn't seen the dogs with Sami.  He'd assumed she'd left them with a sitter or something.  And then Sami had initially called the dog Fred, when it is clearly Ginger.  They're not that hard to tell apart.  Shaking these inconsistencies loose from his head so he could think in context, Sam thought through the multitude of events that had rained down upon them like a deluge of toads since they'd arrived in Winslow.  Speaking of rain of toads, there had been such an event right here in the parking lot on their first day here.  And they'd read about other odd occurrences, like a rain of stones, marauding elk, earthquakes, and four murders - women drained of blood. Sam stood and paced back and forth a couple of times in the room, trying to put it all together.  "Guys, we've forgotten why we came here in the first place.  The accident, the hospital, Faith and sis' memory loss.  It's thrown us off track, or at least distracted us.  What I don't know is whether someone is trying to drive us off track intentionally or whether we've allowed it to happen to us.  That first morning at the diner.  We were researching a vampire cult called the Order of Antemorh.  It was led by a bad-ass ancient, cloven-hooved vampire called Kakistos.  When this cult would start doing their mojo, there were these side effects, like sparks flying off a pinwheel.  Some of them would ignite and catch fire.  Just like our rain of toads, elk gone wild, the Little Colorado River turning red and flowing upstream.  And then there were the murders here over the last few weeks, obviously done by vampires.  The only thing that doesn't jive is that the Order of Antemorh was supposedly destroyed decades ago." He wasn't sure either his sister or Sami were following this, but it didn't really matter, because he was doing it as much for his own edification as he was to inform them.  So he continued to work the problem out loud.  "Faith acted strangely when we mentioned the Order of Antemorh and Kakistos.  I think she was hiding something."  Sam glanced towards Sami, "Hey, how about if you look on your laptop for a connection between Faith and this vampire cult.  Or maybe just vampire slayers and the cult.  They're vampires, right?  So they must hate slayers.  Maybe this is somehow all about Faith and the Order of Antemorh."  Although now that he'd said it, the concept didn't explain anything that had happened since Morgan caused the accident out on the highway.  And why would Morgan - a demon - be working with a vampire cult?  But then if this was just Morgan's vendetta against the Winchesters, why scrub Faith and Rachel's memory. Sam glanced down at the dog, Ginger, who was ignoring her master.  Everywhere he looked something was just a tad off normal.  It's like he'd stepped into an alternate universe that was on a trajectory just a few degrees to the left or right of his own home world.    In response to Rachel's question, Sam responded, "No, I'm not certain at all who's crazy here.  It might be just me."  He glanced at Sami again, "Or not."  Forgotten why they were there in the first place? She couldn't help but snort under her breath, her eyes rolling half-heartedly. There was a lot she had forgotten, or rather she had forgotten everything she had ever known. Okay, the regular every-day crap like flicking through television channels and unlacing her shoes was rooted into the center of her brain, but all the personal stuff seemed to have vanished. They had called her 'Rachel' back at the hospital. That must be her name, why would they lie about her name? Maybe, if she managed to figure out her surname, she could do some research? Everyone left a paper-trail, right? Maybe she could find an address, head over there and see for herself what her life was actually like before she lost her memory? They wouldn't let her go. Rachel had seen what had happened when the other girl, Faith, had walked off. They would want to keep an eye on her, keep her out of trouble. Sam seemed to be entirely confident about whatever he was talking about. The Order of Antemorh, whatever that was. It didn't seem to bother him that he sounded like he was spouting out a load of mumbo-jumbo. It was as if he spoke about odd things like that most days, as if it were natural to him. Rachel's eyes fell to her feet. The color in her socks had faded, and she was pretty sure that they weren't a matching pair - she just didn't want to look any crazier by lifting up her trouser legs to check. She nibbled on her bottom lip as a plan formed in her mind. She could help. She could jump onto a laptop (she was pretty certain that she could remember how to use one) and she could do some research. All Sam would need to do is point her in the right direction. If she showed him a little trust, Rachel gathered that he might tell her a little bit more about herself. He did say that he was her brother, right? "What can I do to help?" Rachel looked back up at the guy on the other side of the room.

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

07/08/2013 12:04 PM 

The Line of Aurelius

The master was gone. He was nothing more than a faded memory for some. The carnage that aged vampire could create should have been over, but it was far from that. A skull belonging to one of the original members of the Order of Aurelius buried deep within the grounds of Sunnydale where the Master once lay in wait was a key to the old ones. There was a line of vampires with power unlike the beasts that wandered the earth today. This missing link to the past could only be activated by a blood relation to the order. A vampire created from the master or one of his children. There were only four of these vampires in existence Darla, Angel, Drusilla, and Spike. The bleach blonde vampire learned about the powerful item and could imagine the opportunities. He began researching in attempts to determine the thing's location, activation, and uses. They were laying low while he worked giving him the opportunity to toil uninterrupted.


07/06/2013 09:25 PM 

Richard III (Duke of Gloucester)
Current mood:  adventurous

I am a roleplayer from New York City with seven years plus experience in various genres. Some of the genres I do play are...Historical (Wars of the Roses, Sunne in Spelndour)Tudors (Henry VIII)Borgias (Cesare Borgia)Games of Thrones (Sandor Clegane, Ser Jorah Mormont, Eddard Stark, Jaqen H'Ghar, Viserys Targaryen and Rhaegar Targaryen, Jaimie Lannister, Robb Stark)Hearts of Ellan Vannin (full cast, main Roan of Ellan Vannin and some non canons)Pirates of the High Seas ( Original, Sebastian De La Cruz)Robin Hood (King John and Robin the Hood)Arthurian Legend (TH White, Sword in the Stone, King Lot, Gawaine, Agravaine, Gaheris, Gareth, Mordred, Merlin and non canon, Morgan)Yep, thats about it. 

CF: The Story Site™

06/28/2013 10:38 PM 

Episode Two; Goodbyes

Release Date: July 24th, 2013    Setting: Celestials Training Gym (thunderstorms)Time: Midafternoon - Trista's Funeral FYK: This is Trista's official funeral, after Gideon's disruption. Goodbye posts can take the form of whatever would suit your character. They could get up and say something to the others. They could sit in silent remembrance. They could do something Trista-y to honor her life. They could think about themselves and reflect on their own mortality. Whatever fits your character. Also, some interaction is possible. For example, if Artemis decides to hug Luna in his post, Luna is allowed to acknowledge the hug and hug back, then continue her own post. 

CF: The Story Site™

06/28/2013 10:38 PM 

Episode Two; Scene 11

Release Date: July 24th, 2013 Setting: St Vincent's Hospital, Emergency Room (thunderstorms) Time: Nighttime - Following Trista's Funeral HEREFYK: After 24 hours of waiting to see if Molly's wrist was swollen or broken, Hunter finally convinced her to go to the hospital. Molly, certain that she's fine, is only going because they're low on blood bags and wants to stock up while they're there. Joanna has had no 'death temptations' for the past couple of days and begins to think she's getting better. Donovan is there to convince her otherwise. 

CF: The Story Site™

06/28/2013 10:37 PM 

Episode Two; Scene 10

Release Date: July 24th, 2013 Setting: Celestial Training Gym (heavy rainfall, no thunder/lightning)Time: Early Evening - After Trista's Funeral HEREFYK: This scene takes place during the funeral, after Gideon has left and before Leon and Grayson carry the 'coffin' full of mementos to the graveyard.

CF: The Story Site™

06/28/2013 10:36 PM 

Episode Two; Scene 9

Release Date: July 24th, 2013 Setting: Cemetery (heavy rainfall, no thunder/lightning)Time: Early Evening (sunset) - After Trista's Funeral -Renee stands at Trista's grave, unsure of how to react. Inside, her heart is in a tangle of emotions, and she's having difficulty coping. -Grayson, helping Leon carry the coffin, sees Renee from a distance and questions who she is. -Leon remarks that he doesn't quite care. The Celestial funeral was harder to deal with than he had imagined, and he's still trying to cope with his own loss. -At the car, Amy is struggling with a broken umbrella, turned inside out because of wind. She asks Amara for help, only to see that Amara's already on the move. Amy stumbles after her.-Amara walks towards the grave with no concern for the rain. She passes the boys, and moves directly to Renee. Before she can even turn around, she sends a burst of air in Renee's direction. -Renee topples into the open grave face first. She picks herself up and stares up at Amara, and demands an explanation.-Grayson sees this and drops the coffin to stop Amara from doing anything further. -Leon is halted, watching the coffin split open and spill all of Trista's mementos to the soggy ground. He watches it happen in a numb stupor, and reminisces the first time he met her.-Amy is running after Amara, but stops when she sees Leon. She moves to hold his hand, gently comforting him. She remarks that this is the hardest thing any of them will have to do, but it will get better. -Renee, meanwhile, tries to free herself from the grave. She's frustrated and angry and wet and stuck six feet under and is ultimately not happy.-Amara remarks that Renee is a demon and a demon doesn't deserve to be near Trista's grave. She informs Renee that Trista would be disgusted by her now. She almost carelessly sends another burst of wind, keeping constant pressure on Renee. -Grayson stops her, yelling that Trista wouldn't want violence at her grave. -Leon abandons the mementos and remarks that this is not Trista's grave. This is only for them, so that they selfishly have a place to shove her away and forget.-Amy was trying to regather the mementos, but hearing Leon's apathy gets angry. She marches over and slaps Leon. She informs him that the grave is to honor Trista, not compartmentalize her in a cemetery. -Renee snaps at them all, nearly crying, and explains how much she hates them. She blames them for what she is, what happened to Trista, and what's going to happen when she gets her revenge. -Amara remarks that no one cares about a child's revenge, and mentions that Renee can't even get out of a grave. -Grayson moves to help Renee, remarking that the kid doesn't look like any demon he saw.-Instead of accepting help, Renee uses her ability to burn Grayson, who immediately recoils.-Leon takes Grayson's gun and shoots Renee, then remarks they head home. He's got something important he needs to work on.FYK: This takes place at the cemetery where Trista's headstone marks her grave. There's a empty grave waiting for a coffin, which is currently located in the back of Grayson's van. Instead of a body, it holds the mementos left on the altar from the Celestial Training Gym. The headstone and burial plot are in an isolated area of the cemetery, and was given to the Celestials for free by a caretaker who's life had once been saved by Trista. Leon and Grayson arrive together, followed by Amy and Amara in Amara's car. Renee is already at the gravestone when they arrive. 

CF: The Story Site™

06/28/2013 10:35 PM 

Episode Two; Scene 8

Release Date: July 24th, 2013 Setting: Celestial Training Gym (thunderstorms)Time: Midafternoon - Right before Trista's Funeral-Point-Point-Point FYK: Serena, Luna, and Artemis are at the Celestial Training Gym, setting up for the funeral. It was decided long ago that they'd hold the funeral in their own personal place of 'worship', and that Luna would guide the ceremony. The actual burial of Trista's empty coffin is at the hands of a Cemetery Caretaker who owed them a favor.

CF: The Story Site™

06/28/2013 10:31 PM 

Episode Two; Scene 7

Release Date: July 24th, 2013 Setting: Underworld, Ivy's Chambers (thunderstorms)Time: Evening - Midafternoon - Day of Trista's funeral -Ivy begins the meeting by casually stating the obvious: Gideon is becoming an inefficient leader, and it's time they do something about it. -Luke grumbles his disbelief. Ivy, until then, had been acting as Gideon's perfect second-in-command. He asks what changed. -Seth answers for Ivy. He doesn't appreciate being 'called' into an audience with Ivy, and decides to use his ability on her to extract her fears. He reveals that Ivy is jealous of being replaced. -Ivy threatens him, and announces how untrue that is. She declares Gideon is free to do what he wants, so long as it benefits the underworld. This, he has neglected to do.-Luke rolls his eyes at the other demons, finding them over-dramatic and annoying. He points out what HE believes is obvious: Seth is leading a Resistance against Gideon. -Seth quickly interjects that he has no interest in leading anything, and reminds them that the demonic peons would follow anything that is even remotely effective in killing Celestials. -Ivy reminds him that this is her point, and suggests they join forces to form a stronger resistance. Together, she and Seth would lead an army against Gideon.-Luke has no patience for the desires of the 'higher ups'. He questions what his part in all of this would be. -Seth, his attention called to Luke, tries to garner Luke's ultimate fear, but finds it hard to grasp. He suggests Luke is nothing but a toy to Ivy, and that he should grow his own backbone. -Luke laughs at this and makes a joke designed to offend Seth. He mentions that he doesn't care about what Ivy thinks of him, so long as he's able to continue his life as is.-Ivy approves of her lackey and praises him. -Luke has had a long day and isn't willing to accept the praise. He insults Ivy.-Ivy, furious, creates a darkness portal in the middle of his chest, and reaches her arm in to grab his heart. -Seth is casually surprised by this display, having not expected this type of power from Ivy. He calmly expresses his approval. -Luke is wracked with the worst pain he can think to experience. -Ivy begins to gently squeeze on his heart, reminding him of what she did for him, releasing him from his early concerns. She demands nothing in return except for his respect and unfailing obedience. She asks if she's clear, then releases him. -Luke, choking and sputtering, falls to the floor. His body is unharmed, but he remains partially in shock. He begins to rethink his loyalties to Ivy, but shows no sign of this. -Seth, meanwhile, starts to applaud. He sarcastically informs Ivy that after seeing how well she treats her lackeys, he'd love to join her cause. -Ivy reminds him that it's about power, not kindness, and that Ivy clearly has a lot. -Seth agrees, and casually accepts her proposal to work together. -Ivy, pleased, states that she has an idea and tells Seth she's about to introduce her first plan. -Luke leaves, saying that they can contact him when they need him. FYK: Ivy has calmed down after her altercation with Gideon and has found herself resuming planning mode. Luke was just returning from almost being arrested when she summons him to a meeting (he used his ability on the officer to avoid incarceration). Seth has just returned from the incident in the alley, when Ivy pulls them into a meeting. 

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