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07/16/2012 05:59 PM 

Beth & Jack: Reunited

Back in the 51st Century, fellow time agents Elizabeth and Captain Jack Harkness worked together like a well oiled machine. They knew each other inside out, forward and backwards, back to front; they were a team in every respect of the word, and to see them together, one would almost think that they could read each other's thoughts. They knew exactly what to do to make the other one feel good, and most importantly, they trusted each other with their lives. That was then; in a time before THEY came and took her away;  in a time before she became another star on the wall of remembrance, along with the other missing or dead agents who couldn't be names for security reasons; in a time before Jack knew she was dead!It began on their first day of working together. Beth, who just happened to share the same surname as Jack, was a newly appointed Time Agent, sent to finish her training under him. She and Jack bonded immediately, not through sexual chemistry (although that came in time, normally after a night on the Jack Daniels), but because of a connection that they shared; a bond that was so powerful that they instinctively knew what the other was thinking; knowing if the other was happy or sad or, more importantly, lost, injured, or in danger; and they knew exactly how to get the other one to safety.  No-one knew why, or even how, they shared this connection, least of all Beth and Jack. They just went with the flow.   Elizabeth (Beth) was tall, slim, and elegant. She had long tousled auburn hair and blue eyes and it was rumoured that she came from noble Irish ancestry, going back centuries to a land long forgotten by time. Jack often joked they must have met each other in another time and that centuries later, he and Beth were the result of them having children together. This made Beth laugh, even though she felt a little uneasy at the thought of it, especially as they had shared a bed on a number of occasions!    For years, Jack had mourned Beth's passing, but now he had a new life in a new time. It had taken him a long time to get over her death. The hardest part was the feeling of emptiness. After years of feeling the oneness of mind that they shared, the connection was severed and whenever he tried to reach out to her, all he felt was a deep nothingness. Now, although Beth was never far from his thoughts, he was happy in his new life and whenever he thought about her, he felt peace. His friends accepted how Jack felt about Beth. They accepted her as a part of his life and, in a strange way, a part of their lives too; and they knew that even if Beth was to somehow return, Jack's long lost soul-mate posed absolutely no threat!  It happened while he was shaving. Jack had been standing admiring his naked physic in front of the mirror. He moved over to the sink, smeared aftershave over his handsome face, reached for the razor and began to glide it over his jaw line. Suddenly, he felt a searing pain in his lower cheek. At first he thought that he'd cut himself shaving, but no blood had been drawn. "Strange", he thought to himself. He hadn't felt a pain like this since Alex punched Beth in the face thinking that 'she' was a certain 'he' who had been raiding the staff canteen at night. He'd stayed back late, hiding out, waiting for the intruder to show his face. Unfortunately Beth had left her radio on the table and decided to get it before leaving for home and got the full brunt of his fist on her cheek. It was hard to distinguish who felt it the most, Beth, Alex... or Jack, who was waiting in the foyer!!!Meanwhile, in a place god knows where, a girl was waking up from a drug induced sleep. Weakly, she sat up in what seemed to be a hospital bed and ripped out the tube that was plugged into her vein in her arm. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand up, only to fall over, cracking her jaw on the metal table beside the bed. With barely any voice, she tried yelling for help, but no-one came! Summoning all the strength she could muster, she somehow managing to get herself to her feet she staggered out into deserted corridor. Stopping to catch her breath, she looked into an old cracked mirror that was hanging on the wall. Running her fingers through her long auburn hair, she gazed into the big blue eyes that were looking back at her, and studied the pale reflection; a reflection that she did not recognise!Suddenly a loud high pitched noise came over the speaker system. Beth grabbed her head and tried to blot it out by covering her ears, but it was too late. She was brought to her knees by the searing pain of the sound, and too weak to do anything about it, she became resigned to the fact that her head would explode with pain; but the noise stopped as suddenly as it had started. Two men in uniform came dashing through the door, picked her up from the floor, and took her back to her room. One of the men took a syringe and injected her in the neck. "There is no escape, Miss Harkness," he said coldly, "Not until you give us the information we seek!"The voices began to fade into oblivion as darkness enveloped her; and a million miles away, Jack's crushing headache began to subside!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  [The following is adapted from a roleplay game, played out in 2006 by myself and jackharkness.] She was sitting at a corner table. The dustiness of the desert heat was screaming at her to take a drink of the cool beer she held in her hands. "On in five," someone yelled from the bar. "OK," she replied.   As the piano began to play, she emptied her glass, placed it on the table, made her way to the bar stool in the centre of the small stage, and began to sing. Ev'ry time we say goodbye I die a little Ev'ry time we say goodbye I wonder why a little Why the Gods above me who must be in the know Think so little of me they allow you to go.... As he stepped out of the TARDIS, Jack heard the dulcet tones of an all too familiar melody drifting across the silence of the desert sands."Don't go wandering off now, Jack," came a voice from inside the TARDIS. "And if you HAVE to wonder off, do it in style! After all, you don't need me to tell you to be careful out there."  "You worry too much Doctor," he yelled back as he stretched himself in the still of the desert heat.   A shiver ran through him as he listened to the haunting melody that was caught up in the nomadic stillness. "Pretty, he thought to himself as he listened," Real pretty!" Suddenly, a wave of recognition hit him full on. His heart missed a beat as he realised that he was listening to a voice from the past. A voice that he'd not heard since the 51st century. He trudged across the sand, taking about 20 minutes to reach the outskirts of the small town. The music was louder now, and he followed it down the street to a small saloon style bar. His heart was pounding in his chest as he reached for the door-knob. "Surely not," he said to himself, "Surely it can't be her!" He went inside and saw her over by the piano. "Beth," he said under his breath, "Oh Beth!" He grabbed a beer and sat at a small table at the back of the room. He watched and he listened.   She finished her set to the sound of light applause, and walked over to the bar. "Gimme a cold one, Charley," she said to the bar tender, "And make it a large one will ya." Jack wanted to talk to her, to touch her, to hold her, but what was he to say? "Sorry I haven't been around for the last god knows how many centuries, but I thought you were dead? No, that would never do. Gotta be more subtle that," he thought to himself, wishing that the Doctor was here to give him moral support. He slowly made his way over to where Beth was standing, and tapped her on the shoulder. "Of all the gin joints in all the worlds," he said with a grin, "I have to walk into yours!"   "How many times have I heard THAT one," she said to herself with a sigh. She turned to face him. Smiling sweetly, she looked into the eyes of the handsome face in front of her. "What can I do for you Mr... ?" His heart stops beating in its tracks, and a cold clammy feeling enveloped him as he realised that she hadn't the foggiest idea who he was!He gazed into the blankness of her eyes. "Maybe it's not her at all," he thought, "And yet, how could it NOT be?" His mind was running ten to the dozen now. His pulse rate rising to a dangerous level. His breathing getting shallower with each breath. "This can't be happening," he thought to himself, "This cannot be happening." Maybe his mind was clouded with the tricks of past and future years. Maybe the effects of the radiation cloud that the TARDIS passed through was taking its toll. Maybe.... maybe.... he hit the floor heavily as he passed out with a resounding crash.    "Another drunk?" shouted Charley questioningly from the other end of the bar."Didn't seem drunk to me, Charley," she said as she knelt beside him among the broken glass. "Don't smell of booze either. Pass me a damp towel and get some water." She smiled to herself. "Kinda cute," she thought as she placed the damp towel over his face and mopped his brow. "In fact.... real cute!" She shuddered as a feeling of D�j� Vu entered her mind. Jack slowly opened his eyes. "What just happened?" he asked, in the knowledge that he is normally in full control of all his faculties. "I'm not sure," she said gently as she continued to mop his brow, "I don't normally have that kind of effect on men!"The resounding heat of the desert, coupled with the shock of seeing her again, had all been too much for Jack. He was certain now. It IS her. But how? He raised his arm and ran the tips of his fingers down the side of her cheek. "Beth?" he said gently. "What happened to you?" All she could remember of her past, was waking up in the middle of the dunes. "Fell to earth," they said, those who saw her. Charley took her in and nursed her back to health. Some suspected that he knew who she was, and that he was protecting her from some unseen foe. But if he did, he never let on! The only form of 'identification' that she had on her was part of an old torn photograph with a name on the back. The image was of her, so that became her name. She looked at him with a puzzled expression on her face. "Who's Beth?" she said softly as she gazed into his eyes. She wondered why she suddenly felt so desperate to drown herself in his memories. There was a shout from the back of the bar. "Hey Jack, you want another beer before we shut up shop?"  "Yeah," she yelled in reply, "And make it a cold one!"She helped the man to his feet and yelled for Charley to bring an extra beer over to the table in the corner. For some unknown reason she felt completely relaxed and at peace in the presence of the stranger. "So, handsome," she began, "Ain't seen you around these parts before. You a trader?" Charley took over the drinks, looked at the two of them together, and thought back to the day they found her lying in the dunes. He remembered searching through her pockets and finding the small photo. He remembered feeling that danger would only pursue if anyone saw the image, and so he did what he thought best; he tore it in two and placed one half back where he had found it, and the other in his own pocket. He went into the back room and over to a safe that was in the far corner. Opening it, he took out a small tin box and began riffling through the contents. He found what he was looking for, and studied it carefully. It was the matching half of Beth's photo, and the man standing by her side was Jack Harkness.It was 3.00am, and the silence of the dimly lit street was deafening. The only sounds were of muted laughter and chatter that was coming from the saloon bar where Jack and Beth had been sitting in deep conversation for the last two hours. Still shell shocked by the realisation that he'd found his long dead friend, Jack knew he had to tread carefully with this one. He'd lost her once, and he didn't intend to lose her again by telling her the frightening reality that she wasn't who she though she was. Beth went behind the bar to get them both another drink, and Jack ventured outside onto the moonlit porch out back. Charley was sitting in an old rocking chair at the far end. He was watching the green haze on horizon through an old telescope. "Do you believe in fate, Captain Harkness?" he said without looking up from his telescope. Jack was surprised by his question, but more surprised that Charley knew his name. He walked over to him and rested against the front of the porch looking out in the direction of the horizon. Charley looked up from his scope. "There's an old story round these parts that tells of a gateway between here and the future," he said. "They say that it opened up years back, like a vortex, and it let in living machines that near destroyed the planet. Them as believe in the vortex are of a mind that it's waking up." He looked through the telescope again, and breathed a deep sigh. "Do YOU believe in the votex, Captain?" he asked softly. Jack paused and thought for a moment. "Yes," he replied softly, "Yes I do."  Beth came wandering over with a couple of beers and a pot of coffee on a tray. "Hey, Charley," she said, "I didn't know you were still here. You wanna beer?" He took the tray from her hands and placed it on the nearby table. "Remember when I first found you, girl?" he said to her gently. "I said that the day would come when you'd have to trust me and do what I told you, no questions asked?" "Yeah, I remember," she replied with a look of puzzlement on her face. "Show the Captain the photo!" Beth took the small photo from her back pocket and handed it to Jack. "We found that on her the day she come here," he said. He reached into his jacket and removed the matching half, handing it to Jack. Jack looked at the two halves. They fitted together like a hand in a glove. "You take good care of her now, Jack Harkness. I've done all I can, but the vortex is wakin' up and she ain't safe round these parts no more. She's in your care now!" He went back to his telescope.A look of bewilderment came on her face. "What's happening, Charley?" she asked, "What's going down?" Her voice sounded calm, but Charley knew differently. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon and a strange sound was humming on the breeze as it crossed the desert sand. Charley looked up from his telescope and walked over to her. "You ain't safe here Jack, or should I call you Beth? Not no more. The vortex is waking up, and when it does, they'll be coming back for you. You go with Captain Harkness. You'll be safer with him than anyone. He knows who you are and where you come from, and he'll help you put the pieces back together." He looks at Jack. "You'll do that won't you? Help her, I mean?" Jack nodded, "Sure," he said, I promise!" "But Charley..." she began; "No questions, remember?" he replied tearfully, "Now go! Don't bother packing, just get out of here." She hugged him. "Come with me Charley?" she asked. He shook his head. "I gotta stay here, Beth, put 'em off your tracks." "Thanks, Charley," she replied, "I'll be back to get you someday, I promise!" Charley knew that that she meant it, but that the day would never come!   Beth trusted the stranger, although she had no idea why. She felt that, if she so wished, she could reach into his thoughts. Further more, she could reach into his very soul and be joined with him. She shivered in the warm breeze. Jack took off his coat and put it around her shoulders. The breeze began to groan as it picked up speed. Charley looked at him. "Move swiftly, Captain Harkness," he said, "And don't stop until you reach that blue box that brung you here."   �2006 ETC (Beth Harkness) 

Her Monkey Man

07/13/2012 10:07 PM 


Rosalie: NEEDEdward: NEEDCarlisle: NEED Nessie: NEEDAshlynn (sister): Adrien: Wolf packJacob: have need to get url


07/12/2012 12:42 PM too.
Current mood:  animated

He hates running like this. It's never been his style and especially not now. Yet, it's dark and he left his goggles at home. Even worse is the fact he is wearing civvies and without a trick arrow to spare. "Shit!"How does he always get himself in these scenarios?"Fuck!"Something nearly grazes the side of his head, the whisp of the air of it passing by is the only tale tell sign of that theory but he hadn't heard a gunshot ring in the air. The next thing he notices is..THUNK!That would be the sound of Clint Barton hitting a sign post, much like George of the Jungle would hit a tree. He literally bounces off of it and rolls into a fetal position for the briefest of moments, grimacing in pain. Through a mumbled but heavy breathed voiced, he speaks, rolling over to see the shadow of his would be attackers. Clint's eyes widen as they get closer, the forms of the people becoming more clearer to him."You have got to be shitting me!"Clint sits up in an indian style stance as a small hand reaches towards him.'Sorry mister...we thought you were Justin..'Clint's head tilts to one side as the second kid pulls out his Nerf gun into full view, grinning all cheesy like he had just shot down a mongoose. Clint waves off the aid and the little boy pulls his hand back, but rocks on his heels back and forth nervously.'We didn't mean ta scare ya."Clint jumps up quickly to his feet, shrugging off the kids words with a light clear of his throat."It's ok...but ya gotta be more careful...lotsa bad guys are out."The kids looked around and then one of them circled his index finger around the side of his head at the other, signaling a he's loony sign. The kids stepped back some from Clint, even as a light came on brighter from a balcony a floor up from the ground. A woman's voice called out  below.'Boys! It's time for bed!'The boys took another step back with one of them saying...'Sorry again mister. I hope your head's ok.'Clint responded as the kids ran off." too."


07/11/2012 04:01 PM 

Aphrodite's Rules Of Love

1.      I am not Alexandra Tydings, nor am I really Aphrodite. Anyone who truly believes that needs to have their head checked 2.      My writing style is para all the way to novella. Do not expect a reply to one liners. 3.      Comments = In Character, Messages = Out of Character 4.      I have a few family members who role-play here as well, if any drama is stirred up with them and another RP'er I will always side with my family. So don't start something if you can't handle the results. 5.      I do not role-play with any other Aphrodites, that would just be weird. 6.      I mostly role-play Aphrodite as she was portrayed on Xena and Hercules. Biggest thing to remember though, she is a goddess, she can time travel. But that doesn't mean she's suddenly in the current age. 7.      Starters: I accept random starters, no SL has to be discussed unless it's going to impact my character greatly. Also, I can not respond to someone who just simply types what their character is doing. Aphrodite is a spoiled goddess and will not just randomly find you. You have to get her attention. 8.      I am a mature role-player, which means there will be sexual content. But I will not just sleep with you instantly, so if that's all you're after, hit the delete friend button. 9.      Pictures: Go ahead and take whatever you want that are unaltered pictures, but if there is anything specifically made for my character, DO NOT TAKE!!! 10.      I have 2 children and a husband in real life, therefore real life will always come before RP. 11.      To ensure you actually read these rules, comment with I accept as well with your favorite episode from Xena or Hercules. 12.      Sometimes it'll take me a few days to respond, if you can't handle this, again, there is a delete friend button. Rush me, find yourself deleted. 13.      God-Modding is a big no no! Do not under any circumstances try to control my character. Also, if I send you a comment, don't modify it to your liking. (IE: I take a wine glass out of your hand and drink it. Don't reply with something saying you stopped me from doing it.) 14.      Who starts? I have a hard time keeping track, so if you add me, please send the starter. If I added you and we have yet to discuss a storyline, message me and we can. 15.      In the world of spell check and grammar check, I find it extremely annoying to have someone who can't type a simple sentence with proper grammar or spelling. If you try to talk to me in text speak, I will ignore it. 16.      I've been playing Aphrodite since 2006 on MySpace. I am known as one of the oldest and most original.     I think that's about it for now. Rules are subject to change at any time. If they do I will inform everyone.

rules, of, dite

Imagine RP Magazine

07/08/2012 11:45 PM 

Share Codes

  Share Codes please feel free to share this in bulletins for us!       PROMO COVERS ALBUM:   FEEL FREE TO SHARE ANY OF THESE DESIGNS.      ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~     <a href="/161147"><img src=";></a>     <a href="/161147"><img src=";></a>     <a href="/161147"><img src=";></a>  

Deeper Than Blood; RPG

07/03/2012 12:28 PM 

Main Blog

DEEPER THAN BLOOD MAIN BLOG. Welcome to Deeper Than Blood, Process here is simple. If you want to join us? Read the Rules,Sign, pick a role and fill out the audition form. Keep in mind we are AU and we are based of Vampire Academy AND Bloodlines from Richelle Mead. Come and join our crazy growing family. The Guidelines Pick A Role F.A.Q  Members Only! Whore Code Wall of Shame:Jockers 

Primordial Predator

06/30/2012 11:01 PM 

Rules of the Game!
Current mood:  aroused

Rules of the Game 1.Don't piss me offxml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 2.Don't fuck with my family 3.Don't like my writing? Then piss off 4.Don't like me Flirting? Then piss of. 5.Don't like my arrogant ass? Then piss off 6.Don't act as a know it all. I know more then you. 7.Don't claim I have a child with you. I will deny all ownership 8.I pay no child support 9.I'm a pimp daddy. Accept that fact 10.I'm rude, blunt, funny, sexual, sexy as fuck and a lover at that 11.I play by my own rules 12.I follow no rules not even my own. 13.Want to get in my pants? Get in line like the rest of the bitches 14.Yes, I have Aim and yahoos IM. Do you have it? No. Will I give it to you? More then likely no. 15.I don't like you. I will delete you. That's a good enough reason for me 16.I have been around since 2006 on Myspace, Iv been around the block. Pulling a fast one is not possible 17.IF you want to RP with me, send me something don't ask about these dam story lines. 18.I go with the flow 19.Rl: Don't ask. I do not tell. Only those I value and are dear to me know about me. 20.If you are reading this. You must sign it. Send me something to my likening. 21.That's right, such a good little bitch reading my rules. I owned you, accept that. 22.I am one of a kind. You will not find anyone like me. It's your choice if you choose to play the game.     My RL Number Call me --- 973-409-3279

ℱєrrєt kιиgϟ

06/29/2012 02:53 PM 

Unbrokeable Vow

1: I am not nor do I claim to be Tom Felton nor Draco Malfoy. He is just a face I use for my Role Play and i play just a character from Harry Potter. No copyright infringement intended. I retrieve his pictures from a fan-site and always have premisson to use them. I do not know Tom Felton, Or the cast of Harry Potter, nor J. K Rowling.(Ain't that noticeable?)2: I do send out a mass starter comment. >.> I'm lazy but it will make you laugh. Our storyline will be talk about.3: WARNING!!!! There will be Male pregnancy somewhere on my page, or Drarry along with other ships. Don't like it delete me. Mature content.4: Messages are for ooc. Please lets remember this. I send only comments, I would like to only receive comments. If i have sent you a message it probably because i couldn't find your comment button.5: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS! Yes I'm going to point you out. Just cause I'm an asshole like that. For those that are my brother or my sister or something of that sort! I simply am going to say it now. I disown you. =/ See dick head. I am an only child. I want no brothers or sisters. Failed right now. Will this stop you from trying? Probably not. Which is another FAIL. oh well. As far as other originals. If you got past the adding factor, then i probably liked something about your page. I hope your very interest cause you got lucky!6: I don't wanna be anymore of a dickhead but i MUST!@ -.- I para to multi para. What that means is i like to keep things somewhat story but give it enough length to give it that ZAP! 3 paragraphs to 5 paragraphs. Please don't waste you time with more.7: No GODMODDING! Please. I can control Draco just fine. If you have a problem with something then lets talk about it!8: One liners are for friends only!9: You like a picture? Ask for it! All my shit is tagged. And i know my work anywhere.10: If you haven't noticed so far I'm a fucking asshole aren't i? Just what you wanted? Another Prick Draco correct? Well guess what. I can be a Teddy bear unless you piss me of! Just so i know what you stuck in here. Give me a Video game name from the early 90s.11: Last but not less. My muggle has a life. And I'm not allow to be around all the time. Due to that, that means i might get slow sometimes with replies. Just check my page for who i own. Please remember rule number 4 in this matter. This why we have messages but one message is all i need, please and thank you.Sincerely,Draco L. Malfoy

Multi characters

06/27/2012 09:55 PM 


Name: DrakeAge: 21 but is really 550Species: Panther demonHair Color: Dark purpleEye Color: Bright greenSexual Orientation: Gay/SekeOccupation: night time escortstatus: singleTattoo: black panther print starting under his right eye down to the tip of his foot.

Multi characters

06/27/2012 09:27 PM 

Current mood:  headphones

Name: VincentAge: looks 18 but is really around 400Species: NagaGender: MaleSexual Orientation: Gay/UkeHair Color: short blue hairEye Color: blue-ish greenOccupation: owns his own Bar/InnStatus: Single HomeTown: UnknownTattoo: a green tattoo around his belly button.Scarring: three long claw marks down his whole back.

babylon rising,

06/24/2012 09:29 PM 

Guidelines and such

My rules will be posted here, when I can be bothered to write them.I assume you are all mature, literate, patient, and experts at keeping your sticky fingers to yourselves. If you cannot abide by the basic rules of roleplay, I see no reason to waste my time. But I have faith in you. After all, I'm shallow enough to judge you before even having to send a starter. And I'm usually right.

☠ Captain Julia ☠

06/22/2012 10:34 PM 

Pirates Code read and sign Rules 2012

� I am NOT I repeat not my playby . I do NOT own anything that is dealing with them in anyway shape or form2. Grammar and Spelling.Should be proper,I don't expect you to be perfect.So don't expect me to be as well3. I like to keep to rennisance/pirate Era or Anything that make a good story line.I dont do futuristic stuff.Like spaceships and stuff(unless you have an idea for a storyline that sounds really cool but that's like the ONLY exception). You can message me and let me know.DO NOT auto play me.I deceide what I do and like you deceide what your char does4. I do accept any storylines that are so outrageous NO ONE in their right mind would believe it. 5. I do roleplay sex, I will make my own mind who i do or dont . 6. I do NOT accept people who just give me one-liners. Example: "Hey, wat's up?" No! I prefer paragraph roleplayers, but then again I don't write numerous paragraphs with each comment, it depends on what type of comment I get. � 7. I will accept pretty much any from renissance/pirate era as long its a good storyline.We can discuss one if you are having trouble thinking of one. � 8. I do NOT DO DRAMA.If you start any drama here.You will be deleted,We are mature adults here and should act as such. 9. I HAVE a real life off of Roleplay me So I might not be here everyday.Do not expect me to deal with drama once I log off the computer.I have a rl and that comes first. 10.Do not get too personal with me..I am simply here to role play.I had drama in the past and will not tolerate such childish behavior here. 11.I am Cap'n Julia and can flirt sometimes,Do not expect me to be in a relationship so soon,I will let you know.If I choose to have one with you.I will have other role play going on.Please be patient.I will get to your replies soon as I can. 12.Do not kill my character off.I will deceide that.If you do you will be blocked and deleted.Remeber this is role play and certain things must be agreed to by both parties. � 13. Do not tell me what to put on my page.This is my page and What friends I should or shouldnt talk to.That is my desision.I am here to role play and write stories.To me thats what we are here to do.Have fun and use our imaginations.I am not going to be putting rl and mixing rp.If ye cant handle that I dont want drama delete me. � 14. I do not want to any drama with me or my pirate realm.I like all rpers to get along.In sl and in stats.I am here to simply write stories.I will write with anyone as long as they are willing to be in pirate Era �15. Keep role play in comments and ooc in messages.Do not put ooc in my comments they arent fer that.If ye like to start a rp feel free to message me so we can discuss story line.I like my stories to be interesting to me and the other rper16.NEW RULE...this is roleplay a place fer us to get away from rl..I am here to write and do stories.Recently I have come into that DRAMA is getting rediculous around here.So i am letting rpers know.If you continuously text me in rl about sh*t on here.You will be deleted.Understand when I turn off my computer that means I am switching from Julia to the rl me..I have got sick in rl with an ashma attack fer myspace drama and I promised myself I wasnt going to let it happen again.My rl is more important.Doesnt mean I dont care about ye all, but I am not going to risk me rl health over something over a computer...please lets get back to writing and I hope we can have fun,, 17. This year with Julia i will be experimenting with darker stories with the character. If you have any ideas feel free to message me. lets have a great 2012 of role play,,,,Thank you fer reading please read and sign my rules...

Dysfunctional Slayer 💋

06/15/2012 07:29 PM 

Long Road

As long as Faith could remember there was one constant in her life Dean Winchester.  She had known him for what felt like forever. No matter where she went or what she done at some point she knew she would run into him again. It was almost like their lives were intertwined.  They walked down similar roads and the paths continuously intersected. The first time she had met Dean was when she was fifteen years old her mother was on another bender. She hadn't been home in weeks. It was no big deal. Faith was use to it. Sometimes it was better with her gone there was less drama. The problem was cash and food stamps had run out days ago. She got caught trying to lift some snack foods at the local convenience store. The Winchesters happened to be there that day as well. Dean was with his little brother Sam buying him some things for back at the hotel. Their father John was out again on one of his hunts. Once Dean had seen the shop keeper man handling the girl he stepped in to help. He told the gentleman that there was a mistake his girlfriend had thought he had already paid for the items.  He then settled with the man paying for the merchandise in question. The simple act of kindness confused Faith. He not only lied for her but spent his last few dollars to acquire the goods for her. No one had ever done anything like that for her before not without expecting something in return. She flashed him a warm smile taking her supplies and parting ways with the handsome stranger just outside the store. The only thing he had asked from her was her name. She offered him nothing more. A few days later the two ran into each other down at the Laundromat. She couldn't help but smirk as she noticed the familiar pair, but pretended not to notice. Sammy was lost in a video game. He plunked coin after coin in the machine. Dean was handling the chores until he noticed the brunette. She tried to ignore him at first but he was so damn cute in a cocky over confident kinda way. She couldn't help it. They finally struck up a conversation. She ended up hanging out with the boys the rest of the night. He had asked her back to his hotel room to sit on the balcony.  As they stared up at the stars there wasn't much they didn't talk about. It was easy to open up to him. He was a lot like her. He was latch key kid who's surviving parent was rarely home. He knew what it was like to pretty much have to raise yourself. Although she didn't buy everything he said a friendship was forged. The demon hunting stories sounded farfetched. She figured it was just a story to impress her so she over looked it. A year later she would have her own calling being chosen to a life of a slayer then this part of his world would become real for her as well. John Winchester upon his return had discouraged this relationship. He fussed at him for telling their secrets. It was things the girl he thought would never understand. He also didn't think he son would see her again. He feared him getting close to people he may lose. Over the next several years the two ran into each other from time to time.  It gave them the chance to catch up and reconnect. Most of the time it appeared to be a flirtatious playful relationship masking the depth of the true bond between them. It crossed the line becoming something more than platonic shortly the death of Faith's first watcher. She was scared on the run from Kakistos. She showed up at the only one place she felt safe by Dean's side. The slayer's guard was down. She was venerable letting the hunter in closer than normal seeking comfort in his arms. It evoked emotions she wasn't comfortable dealing with. It scared her so she avoided dealing with it. There was something deeper than ships passing in the night. He was the only one that could calm the storms raging within her, but the relationship was at a stalemate. She figured she was just too damaged to be loved. Kakistos caught up with her placing Dean in danger. There was a small show down between his minions and the hunters causing Dean to get hurt. The pain was more than she could deal with. She bolted to Sunnydale to avoid putting him in further danger or dealing with seeing him harmed. She didn't seen him again until after the death of the vampire. They never discussed that night. It had been at least a year this time since she had seen Dean. She stood outside his hotel room with her duffle bag tossed over her shoulder and her stomach in knots. She ran her fingers through her hair taking in a deep breath before knocking. 

Hɛll'ѕ Δlpha & Ωɱega™

06/15/2012 06:52 PM 


After careful thought and consideration once I have voiced my ruling it is non-negotiable; and anyone who tries to contest it will answer with their own lives!Now that we got that straight. Awhile back I knew this vampire who was in a relationship with a demon that was a subject of mine who decided he was going to try and go against me thinking he had all the answers. He had done his damage to my family as it was, so I had to impose my wrath. Now, what did that consist of? Well, I shall tell you, death. I do NOT tolerate those who think they are slick enough to get passed the hand that feeds them biting it in the process; but I digress. As I was about to kill him, his vampire love decided to show up trying to talk me out of it. I explained to her why he was meeting his fate, but she decided to lunge at me. What did I do at that point? I ripped his heart from his chest and made her watch before setting her to ash. The point of this story is the following; if I were that being I was back then, I would have ripped Ivan's heart from his chest while Ruby watched before slowly torturing her until she begged me to live, and then I would have killed her to; but I am not that being anymore, and I HATE sentencing those to death who want it too bad, so here is how this is going to go. I would like to say that though you are all of Hades' bloodline, you have done nothing but make a mockery of your family, and have caused a rather notable title to be tarnished. The fact that you are also of my subjects makes me the lucky one here because I get to deal with all of you as I choose, so there will be no more plotting and scheming with what you think is behind my back. So, onto my first order of business. The entire line of Hades from this moment forth is not only stripped of their titles of Prince and Princess, BUT if I DARE catch ANY of you using your powers in my realm you will either be banished or put to death; am I making myself clear? W ith that said and done...Ivan Blackwick- Your title of Demon Prince as well as ALL of your powers are hereby stripped. From this moment forth, you will be living life as a human, be grateful because this still entitles you to be with my granddaughter. I will not be the one to separate the two of you because I know that fate will eventually do that job for me. You two however, can never marry, or breed. This is your punishment for what you have done; again, be grateful! Go behind my back and elope, and it will be your death. Ruby Abaddon- From this moment on your title of Demon Princess as well as ALL of your powers are stripped as well, and are now human. I figure for someone like you who prides herself so on her powers, this for you will be worse then death. You even think of teaming up with anyone that has powers for your own gain, and you will die a very slow and torturous death. Michael Abaddon- Seeing you have not yet done anything really to harm my granddaughter, you can live; however, go near her, or even breathe in her direction and the same that has happened to your sister, will happen to you; Kapeesh? Now, I know there is a child of power in all of this so, being that her father is now rendered human, I have binded the child's powers for her own safety. I have also took the liberty of binding my granddaughter's powers as well seeing she has proven to not be able to handle what she has until such time that I deem she is ready for them back. When this day comes, I shall be the one to teach her everything she needs to know. With that being done, she will need protection and seeing he has been doing such an incredible job thus far, Sebastian is from here on out appointed to be her guardian. Let this serve as an example to all as to what happens when not only you bite the hand that feeds, but what happens when you take it upon yourself to screw with my family. Once more, this is my FINAL ruling and is not open for discussion or negotiation. The first one who does, will be the last, Kapeesh? Now you can all go about whatever business you had before I had to come in and clean up. Learn from your mistakes for a change and stop repeating them!

Golden Moτh.

06/10/2012 06:27 PM 


I know, I know - the Devil has rules? Yes. They're here to save me from having to deal with idiotic monkeys. Read them and obey them; you'll be a lot happier if you do. Trust me. -DISCLAIMER.These are a waste of time, but I must stress. I am NOT my body double - Evan Rachel Wood. I'm Lucifer. We're two different people, don't confuse us for one another. -STEALING AND PLAGIARISM.Yeah, don't f***ing do it. I've been around for a long time, and my back-story is unique and different. There will be no imitations. Not to mention, that stealing is just f***ing rude. And, I'll know if you jacked something. I have eyes everywhere. So, I recommend that you do not try anything funny, because you will get caught. -ROLEPLAYING.I am a Novella writer. One liners? They aren't allowed on my friends list. So if you are one? Run along and play with the kiddies, and stop wasting my time and yours. I have no interest in you. Talk in third person; story book form. OOC and SL discussions in messages, comments are for SL's, and the occasional silly banter between friends and I. Don't leave the f***ing SL discussion to me. Especially if you're the one who added me. Let's brain storm together. If I see no effort from you, I will delete you, faster than you can f***ing blink.My comments range from 8-20 paragraphs, and sometimes even more. It all depends on how much I feel inspired to write as your reply. If you're sending me a comment that long, please make it worth reading - I don't want to sit here reading a long-ass comment that is going to bore me to f***ing death. Thanks. Don't hurry me to reply to your comments. If you can't wait? Then kindly f*** off the end of my f***ing d*ck. I reply in order of my inspiration. Others would wait longer than most, and so on so forth. And, I'm guilty of playing favorites. Sue me. Now, if you give me a good story to go to, I will continue to reply to it because it keeps me interested. If I see the story is going no where, and it's boring me. It will just end up fading into the background, and I would eventually delete you in the long run. Sorry. Be creative with your comments. Don't just bump into me walking around, or spill f***ing coffee on my shirt. I will throw you in front of a bus. Oh, and please don't f***ing god-mode or meta-game my character. Again, I will throw you in front of a bus. While on this note, cheap role-playing? No thank you. This means, don't come outta nowhere and kill off my character, without giving me a warning or even a chance to fight. I'm Lucifer - I can punch a hole in your face, and you don't see me doing this; so respect my character's boundaries and I'll return the favor. If I add you, I will send you the first comment. If you add me, you talk first (even though I really don't follow this rule anymore; it just all depends on how creative I feel.) Now, spelling? Please attempt to spell correctly. I may not be the best speller in the f***ing planet, and I might make mistakes from time to time, but at least make it good enough so I can understand what you're trying to say. FYI: There's this neat little  thing called; spell-check. Use it. Love it. Marry it. I'm not gonna add you to keep you in my friends list. I'm not here to collect friends, I'm here to role-play, If you add me you f***ing role-play. I'll only accept characters that fit into my verse. Not characters that wouldn't connect with me in any f***ing way whatsoever. It's nothing personal. But, I mean, can you picture me having a light saber war with Darth Vader? ... Okay. MAYBE... but! It's not gonna happen. No way, no how. I'm not a f***ing psychiatrist. I don't give a f*** about your dead puppy or any other real life drama that's going on in your life. Unless you're the select few I care about in OOC? Don't come at me with this information, because I'd probably reply with, "Oh! How fascinating, come closer and tell me more." As for RP drama? That's completely encouraged. I'm the Devil, I crave for some spice in my life. -MATURE CONTENT.18+ and, I can't believe that I really have to explain this to you people, but here we go. There will be a lot of strong themes revolving everything that is this character. I honestly can give two f***s and a half, if I've offended you in any way. Obviously, my headline, and the type of character I am role playing, should've been a big enough warning for you. If you don't like anything that is written on this page, it's just as easy as hitting that delete button. Go ahead. I wont be mad about it. I appreciate when the weak take themselves out for me. -THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW.I am a bulletin whore. Any bulletins posted that are not directed to you, are not to be replied to. Mind your f***ing business and have some f***ing manners. Read them, laugh at them - they're public, this I know, but unless they are mindless banter not directed towards anyone? I'd like for you to keep your opinions about them to yourself. While on this subject, no - I will not delete them for you. If my bulletins annoy you? There's this convenient little button called delete. Learn to use it. I probably didn't like you anyways.I'm guilty of being a flirt, yet I warn you, I'm a huge tease. I have no problem with leaving you high and dry. It amuses me greatly. In this case, the love interest spot is already taken and will not be replaced. As much as I hate him, God is my one and only - and the only one who gets to complain and do whatever he wants to me whenever he wants to. The rest of you? Well, you're just here for my entertainment. My writer is actually a really nice person. Though, she tends to be an a**hole when provoked. Does she worship me? Of course she f***ing does. She also enjoys bathing in virgin's blood. It's good for the pores and does wonders to your skin!-THINGS YOU SHOULD DO.Repeat after me. Ahem. "I offer up my life, blood, and soul, to my one and only God; Lucifer."---And with that said, it's been a pleasure doing business with you. I'll be seeing you soon. Love, Lucifer.

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