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02/16/2015 07:50 PM 

New World Order blog list

New World Order 1New World Order 2


02/16/2015 07:48 PM 

New World Order 2

Mama' Red.

02/13/2015 05:58 PM 

The Girl Behind Aria

Hey everyone!I got bored so I decided I would post a little about the RL me.1. First off my name is Sarah.2. I'm 25 I'll be 26 this year.3. I currently have a slight obsession with Supernatural.4. I work full time right now.5. I don't have any kids but I have a lot of nieces and nephew.6. In my spare time I volunteer with, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.7. love to write.8. I've been rping since I was 15 so that's 10 years now.9. I'm addicted to taking selfies lol10. I'm friends with alot of my connections in rl.Now to good the part here are a couple pictures of me.1. (Yes I bet Jensen and Jared)2.--The girl behind Aria.

Into the Night

02/12/2015 05:06 PM 

Share Codes.....

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Soviet Steamroller S.I.

02/03/2015 08:03 PM 


Misha the Heavy Weapons Guy, or The Heavy for short. The powerhouse of the teufort nine is capable of taking and dishing out quite a lot of punishment. He is not to be underestimated. Don't mess with him. He hates people.StrengthCasually carries around and fires Sasha the minigun, his primary weapon. She weighs 150kg, or 330 pounds. Video source. He does not need to set the gun down to fire it like some baby man, but he is limited to shooting from the hip.Hurts Ms. Pauling (accidentally?) just by nudging her.BEAR SUPLEXTakes on an adult Siberian Brown Bear, who are, in the TF2-verse, apparently at least 12 feet tall (probably? that bear didn't stay the same size from panel to panel at all) and capable of heavily damaging airplanes just by stepping on them. Note that Heavy does this sort of thing regularly. He taught his sisters to hunt bear with their, ahem, bare hands. In fact his family hates bear meat because theyeat it so darn often.Uses Scout as a handle in a tug of war match with Mags and holds Scout at a stalemate with her. Mags is capable of keeping up with Saxton Hale and as such, can casually destroy any wildlife known to man.Busts down a reinforced door protecting the intel.Holds open Blast Doors for a small amount of time.NON-CANON With Uber, STOPS A FUCKING TRAIN. Well, he derails it anyhow. Which is almost the same.NON-CANON Words fail me.DurabilityUnfortunately Heavy is barely ever attacked in the comics, so there isn't a whole lot to go off of here.Leaps down multiple stories, making a noticeable impact and 'TOOM' when he lands.NON-CANON Here we go: Survives a train crashing directly into him. The uber runs out about a half second after the initial impact.Owner of an extra-powerful Mega Baboon heart. However, he is apparently missing a rib.In-game Capable of taking multiple direct hits from soldier's rocket launcher and surviving.Fighting AbilityEscapes from a Soviet Gulag with his family three months after he arrived. It is implied he is the one that killed all the guards.Fights this big bear apparently without suffering a scratch. Ignore that box saying the bear 'killed every last one of them'. That's a segue into another scene.Kills like, a gajillion soldiers while he's ubercharged.IntelligencePeople think the Heavy is stupid because he speaks slowly and English is his second language. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth.He has a Ph. D in Russian Literature.He divines the true purpose of a mission Ms. Pauling sent them on before they even arriveTricks Saxton Hale when he asks who sent them. Granted, fooling Saxton Hale is not a difficult task.The SandvichThis strange food apparently somehow empowers the eater. In-game, it restores all of Heavy's health. In it's introduction video, it allows Heavy to fight off two other mercs, break soldier's spine, and somehow punch all of Scout's blood out of his body.

Into the Night

02/01/2015 05:45 PM 

A Preliminary Guide to Composing Top-notch Roleplay Posts

      Everyone has different methods, and they all can work.  So this post is not meant to be the gospel on roleplay; in fact, far from it.  If you write and roleplay well (the two are not the same, but the latter depends on the former) then read no further.  Skedaddle.  Shoo!  Go off and do that roleplay thing! But if you struggle from time to time, or think you might benefit from some pointers, what follows may help, just perhaps.  The focus of Into the Night is multi-character group roleplay, but the suggestions herein also apply, in large part, to one-on-one roleplay.  Because we may not get everything right, we encourage you the reader to chime in below with your comments, criticisms, and suggestions for improving this writing/role play guide. So you have decided to engage one or more role players in a story.  A starter has been sent to you, or one has been posted on a blog or forum.  The first question for you should be, is it my turn to post?  If it's one-on-one, the answer is easy.  If several role players are involved, then not so much.  Did that first post mention others in the scene?  Or could others be lurking in the shadows, unseen and unspoken?  Unless that first post directed a question to your character, or explicitly said no one else is present in the scene, you might want to coordinate via messages with the other involved role players to decide who goes next.  Or, give it a couple of days, and if no one else posts, go for it.  Next, what goes into your post?  A variety of things need to be considered. For example, how bold should you be in moving the story along or initiating dramatic events?  How long should your post be?  How much description should you include? Let's start with your character, because in roleplay the character you play is your instrument panel in the story.  It empowers you to influence and change events.  You know who you are better than anyone, so first and foremost, be true to your character.  We here at Into the Night usually have story leads that have some concept of where they want to take the story.  They likely have a plot, or the ravelings of one in mind.  But friends, the best stories are situational - in other words you start with a situation: like the protagonist finds out the world is ending in 16 hours, or while perusing a newspaper in a diner, Sam Winchester learns of a series of gruesome murders with uncanny and likely supernatural causes.  The characters then respond to that situation based on their personalities, weaknesses, and strengths.  To do otherwise creates inconsistencies that will bite you in the butt later. You can tell your story lead that, too, if he or she wants your character to act in a way that is out of character.  Next, think about context. Read that first post (or the previous several posts if you're well into a story) to tease out location, is it day or night, is it the present or some time in the past or future, is the moon shining or is it a cloudy day, yada, yada.  Pay attention to the other characters as well.  Are they dressed or acting in a way that is insightful (e.g. they are bloodied and exhausted or look as fresh as daisies).  You should carry forward all those contextual details into your post, and please, elaborate on them, if you wish.  Your writing should include enough description so the reader can visualize the scene, but not so much that all the details are provided.  Letting the reader fill in the unwritten details for him or herself draws them in, zones them into the story, and that's exactly where you want them to be.  They become a participant when they paint in the details of the mind picture that is the stage for the story. And remember, for you to describe that stage - the context within which the characters act out the story - first you have to visualize it for yourself, and then put that vision to words.  As a part of that putting-to-words process, tickle the senses a little.  Describing the context of a scene can and often should include sights, smells, touch, sounds, and/or taste.  Songs playing on a jukebox, the smell of wood smoke, what it feels like to swing a broadsword - all of those sorts of things can provide texture to your post.   Mentioning brand names of everyday items (Dos Eques, Coca Cola, Crisco, whatever), stores we're all familiar with (e.g. Walgreens, Safeway, Ace Hardware), the names of songs, etc. also help to anchor the story in reality. We all can visualize those things, and they help paint that mind picture for the reader.  Use of metaphors is another fun and very productive way to set a mood.  If used properly, metaphor can also thinly veil a theme or underlying message that becomes important down the road in the story.  Finally, the setting - the temporal and spatial context - should complement what's happening in the story, and help set a concordant if not synergistic mood.  No need to go overboard with description, but don't underplay it either.  Every post should move the story forward.  But "forward" motion can be in terms of plot, character development (including relations between or among characters), and or description.  The best posts do at least a little of all three.  In multi-character stories, particularly ones with a bunch of characters in a scene, having your character post every now and then just to remind the others that you're still there can be a good thing, and such posts can be relatively short with maybe just a little forward motion.  Alternatively, if a few characters are dominating a scene, those doing the talking should probably mention the other silent characters, so the reader doesn't forget they're there (it becomes a contextual thing).  If you really want to draw someone out, have your character ask the silent partner a question, and then message that character's role player to kick 'em in the butt and get them to post. And what about a dramatic step forward in plot or character development?  For instance, you might post that suddenly a horde of demons comes smashing through the windows and attacks.  Maybe in said attack a role-played character gets killed off.  Or, in a gentle and romantic moment, out of the blue, one character expresses his or her love for another.  Should you be that bold in a story?  Absobloodylutely!  What makes stories interesting are unexpected events, high drama, and particularly, how characters interact with one another.  But... don't act so boldly without either knowing that your one-on-one partner won't mind, or in the case of group roleplay, you have coordinated with your story lead and fellow role players in the scene.  Killing someone off without asking their permission first is the height of bad roleplay etiquette.  Which brings us to "god-modding" - animating someone else's character in your post.  In other words, speaking for another role-played character or having them act.  A little god-modding is usually tolerated, such as saying someone looked your way, or perhaps you're all doing battle with those demons that crashed through the window - it's ok to say someone else is kicking ass or helped you or something.  Just don't go into the specifics.  An exception to the no god-modding rule is if you have talked with that other role player and they're ok with you god-modding them. How long should your post be?  Don't worry about matching the length of someone else's post.  It isn't about the number of words, it's about saying what needs to be said to move the story forward with adequate attention to context, plot, and character development.  So if you've followed the advice above, your post will be long enough.  Remember, the longest post doesn't win, it's the one that moves the story forward in a way the leaves the reader begging for more.  That said, if your posts are consistently way longer or shorter than other posts in a story, it's a clue that maybe you should give some further thought to the content of your posts.  Ok, so maybe you're capable of weaving a storyline with other role players, and you're down with context, description, and character development.  But can you write?  We see a lot of people on who have trouble putting a sentence together, let alone a paragraph or a story.  If you've graduated from high school and you still can't write, chances are you'll never be a good writer.  Sorry, that's the hard truth.  In some ways writing is an innate skill.  You either have the talent or you don't.  If you don't, it's hard to get much better.  But everyone can improve, and here are a few tips for you. We see a lot of people on who write god-awful run-on sentences.  If your character is prone to long monologues sans a period (Winifred Burkle in the Angelverse does that quite eloquently) then go for it.  If not, don't do it.  If you don't know what makes a sentence a sentence, look it up.  Following up on item 1, most word processing programs detect spelling and grammatical errors.  Assuming you compose your posts in one of these programs (you should, see below), then don't ignore what the program is telling you.  Fix those errors.  We also recommend Grammarly - an editing program.  There's a free version -  Now, in creative writing, it's ok to violate grammatical rules from time to time or even invent words (as long as the reader will know what you mean) - it's a way of being playful with the language.  You can also play with sentence structure provocatively.  For instance, Ray Bradbury (and William Shakespeare before him) titled his 1962 fantasy/horror novel 'Something Wicked This Way Comes', instead of 'Something Wicked Comes This Way'.  But be careful.  We don't recommend engaging in this sort of playfulness unless your writing is otherwise pretty much flawless.  If your writing is not very good, these playful departures will just look like more mistakes.  Write in 3rd person past tense, unless everyone in your story agrees to do otherwise. Please don't post in a story as if you're texting your friends.  Capitalize the first letter of a sentence, proper nouns, and adjectives derived from proper nouns.  Don't use 'i' for 'I'. We prefer for role players to use double quotation marks to surround the dialogue of their character.  If your character is quoting someone else, that quote should be surrounded by single quotation marks. The first sentence of your post should catch your reader's attention.  A way to do that is to begin with the unusual, the unexpected, an action, or a conflict.  It's good, but not always possible or appropriate, to start off with tension and immediacy. Paragraphs should describe a single topic.  The first one or two sentences should state a premise or concept with the remainder of the paragraph backing that up with facts, or elaborating in some way.  A paragraph may also be dialogue from a single character.  If you look back at your writing and most paragraphs start with 'Angelus (or whatever the name of your character is) does...', 'Angelus says...', 'Angelus kicked...' or whatever, you're doing it incorrectly or at least in an excruciatingly boring manner. Suppress adverbs but indulge your inner adjectives and adjective clauses.  "Smirk" is one of the most overused/misused verbs/nouns of all time in roleplay, and with few exceptions, is a sign of poor writing ability, especially if it occurs more than once in a post.  Just sayin, folks.  Unless you are a superb writer, ditch it. Use commas sparingly. If you can't find the right word, make generous use of a thesaurus (e.g.  In fact, a good thing to do during editing is to find better descriptive words, and a thesaurus is a good place to search for them.  Editing may also reveal that you're repeating words a lot.  You don't want to do that if possible, and a thesaurus can help you find replacements with the same or similar meanings.  End your post in a way that provides a lead-in for the next role player.  Give them something into which they can sink their teeth.  READ.  That's right, to be a good writer you have to read a whole bunch.  And read some of those novels/short stories/essays analytically, noting how the author constructs a paragraph, how they write dialogue, and describe a scene.  Pick out what you like and emulate it.  On the flip side, make note of what you don't like and shun it.  You can learn from both good writing and bad writing. Finally, never, never, never just compose and write in the comment/blog/message box on this site and then post it.  No one, not even a professional writer, is good enough to do that and have the post be top-notch.  Write your post out in Word or whatever program you use, or even write it out long hand.  But before you do that, you may benefit from jotting down a few notes or even scribbling out a short outline.  Then write.  A nice way to start is the stream-of-consciousness/Jack Kerouac method in which you just write as fast as you can, spilling out onto the page until you're done.  What results will probably be a mess from the perspective of technique, but the basic elements of what you need to say will be there (hopefully).  Then go back and really do the writing, working on sentence and paragraph structure, spelling, and grammar, and fleshing out description and context.  After that, edit your writing.  Once it looks pretty good to you, set it aside for an hour and come back and edit it again.  After letting it sit you will see errors and nonsensical elements you didn't notice the first time around.  You don't have to Jack Kerouac it, but in any case, write, edit, edit again, (and maybe again) and then post it.  Dean Koontz, one of the best horror/suspense writers around, edits each page of a manuscript 30-40 times. Volumes more could be included here about writing, but that's probably enough for now.  Friends, we certainly don't want to bore you to tears (sometimes a problem with novella or super-novella posts).  In closing, and we've said it before, but Stephen King's 'On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft' is a swell reference.  If you yearn for more on how to improve your writing, definitely check it out. Now, in the comments below, you all can add your own two cents.  Insert your own tips, tell us we're full of crap, point out grammatical errors in this post, whatever.  Go for it. 

Undeniable Chemistry.

01/31/2015 01:18 PM 

Roleplay ideas

Metropolis AULois Lane-Kristin KreukSuperman/Clark Kent-Matt Bomer/Grant GustinLex Luthor-Mark StrongJimmy Olsen-Colton HaynesGeneral Zod-Christopher EccelstonBrainiac-Bryan CranstonBatman CharactersBruce Wayne-Ben AffleckSelina Kyle-Dita Von TeeseTim Drake-Joseph Gordon LevittDick Grayson-Ian SomerhadlerCassandra Cain-Krisitn KreukStephanie Brown-Candice AccolaBarbara Gordon-Jessica ChastainJason Todd-Jensen AcklesJoker-Jared LetoHarley Quinn-Margot RobbieAU Batwoman and RobinRebecca Wayne-Erica DuranceDiane Grayson-Kristin KreukNinja TurtlesApril O'Neil-Kristin KreukCasey Jones-CM PunkShredder-Ken WattanbeMarvel RPJubilee-Kristin KreukX23-Kristin Kreuk

Loki~ God of Mischief

01/28/2015 11:51 PM 

Is it Madness...Is it...Is it????

 Thor ~Emperor of Asgard~ EOA "You had a much better life on Asgard than you would have ever had in this miserable place. It is only your own fault that you cannot see this." Now in front of Loki, Thor struck him on the bridge of the nose with an open palm thrust for the specific purpose to snap his head back. Thor them grabbed the clothing on Loki's chest with his left hand gripping Loki's shoulder with his right slamming a hard knee into his gut. When Loki doubled over, Thor shoved him backwards towards the edge of a large section of the ground that had broken away creating a black pit that went down for miles. "I wish it would not have come to this, Brother, but you leave me no choice."SAY...MY...NAME!.....EOA Slowly Loki lifted his head, the bitter metallic taste of his own blood, fresh within his mouth from the wound upon his nose. " I did you a favor..." he smirked vindictively looking up from under his brow towards Thor. Slowly standing up straight, Loki extended his arms at his side, empty palms spread ready for the thrust he knew was surely coming with his Brother's retaliation of disgust." Go home Thor...Tell Father how you bested me... The Monster people tell their kids about! ....How you saved the day for Asga...!"  Loki's words were cut short as the impact of Mjolnir  instantly thrust him backwards. The wind whipped about his body. The cold stark daylight of Jotunheim fading smaller and smaller. Rock and ice slowly giving way till only darkness remained. A gradual glow getting brighter , at the end of his plummeting tunnel. The lure of a whispered promise. Slowly the smirk spread once again across Loki's face and he spread his arms ready to greet the brightness of the light,  finding peace it the warmth of its caressing touch as it surrounded him..............Darkness.................* You might not like what you see-  Be warned!   My Bulletins will have an 18+ Warning & will contain, Graphic horror, violence and possible sex content- (All for forth coming SL purposes)- DO NOT TAKE THIS TO HEART (it's still me beneath it all- winks)

Jenna Corinthos.

01/24/2015 03:08 PM 

Harmony's 17'th birthday.

Happy Birthday Harmony. Jenna wrote on the banner in big bold purple letters. After, planing this for a few days the day had come to celebrate Harmony's Birthday. The food, music, gifts and games were all set up. Everyone enjoy!                            Gifts:For the guest:

Jane Vasco

01/23/2015 02:22 PM 


Rules: 1. I am not the person in the photos so don't ask if I am. Its an rp site. No more nor less. Respect that and we will get along just fine. The character is more based on a show but somewhat by the comic too. The character isn't real and the celebrity is too busy so yeah.2. I am here to rp and not to collect friends. So keep that in mind.3. I am multi  para rper and up but will rp with anyone. Respect that and keep that in mind.4. Jane is single but when she is taken she will be faithful. She is bisexual but is more in to guys lately then girls. Remember that.5.Don't judge me or my character as I won't judge you or your character. Just be respectful and I will do the same. Don't be rude and expect me to be nice to you as it won't happen unless you  are nice and kind to me. No exceptions.6.Don't just request me or accept my friend request and then ignore me as that isn't right nor kind. As  I said I am not a number but an rper. If you pay attention to everyone else on your friend list you can do that to with me too  if you can talk to everyone on your list then you can talk and rp with me too. If you are busy and can't talk to anyone or you come check and leave, that is fine but not ignoring for good. Keep that in mind.That's all for now. Will add more if I think of more. Follow those and we will get along. Other wise you will be deleted.1.I am not the person in the photos. So don't ask


01/17/2015 05:45 PM 

How I Play Damon.

My Damon Salvatore:First off, while I have 'Christian Grey' as a character. I do not actually play Christian. I play Damon Salvatore, a vampire Dominant (though not opposed to playing him as a human) very much as Christian Grey. I like to say I mix the two quite well to where you don't need to have seen/read the the other verse (50 shdes and TVD) to understand him.  Especially seeing as I am quite AU and do not follow the show. Mostly just his background sometimes. He owns a company with his brother, Stefan, called Salvatore Enterprises.We all know and love Damon Salvatore, hmm? I enjoy cocky Damon. I will play him as arrogant, overly confident, rude, and dark at times. I don't mind playing completely dark and evil-ish/arrogant Damon. But I love caring and damaged Damon. I play Damon as a cocky, flirtatious, and conceited asshole. He has a hard exterior with an ooey gooey interior. A damaged and broken man who hides behind alcohol and meaningless sex and a smug face when all he wants is real true love, passion, lust, adventure and excitement. But he won't let that on so quickly due to trust issues. I HATE when any woman just throw themselves at Damon. Work for his heart, make him really want you. I don't give away his heart easily though it will be easier for some than others. Damon is damaged, but he isn't easy. He is dominant and in control of himself for the most part. He will have his moments of weakness but he will not be a love sick puppy quickly if at all. I don't much care for the whiney Elena or whiney anyone by the way. I know Elena is caring and compassionate, that doesn't mean she has to be such a whiney little thing. I like a strong woman with character. That is who he will fall for. I like build up. My Damon is NOT whipped by Elena, sorry. This doesn't mean he cannot fall for her.Or any other woman.While I play Dominant Damon, yes I do BDSM style roleplay but I have absolutely no problem not doing it for those uncomfortable with it. Simple storylines are fine too, so do not be pushed away though I will play him with much of the personality. And though I play a Dominant Damon, this does NOT mean I want nonstop sex. That's boring as fuck. I am not an Elena only type of Damon.If you don't like this, I am NOT the Damon for you.


01/19/2015 05:32 PM 

Task XX

Living alone was a blessing and a curse. It ensured that one would always be able to do whatever they wanted, without pesky interference or assumptions. But it was also lonely sometimes, with no one to talk to at four in the morning, and a week's worth of groceries that lasted a month because only one person was eating. But for one beautiful New Yorker, living alone was nearing its end. Whitney glanced around her living room thoughtfully, her cell phone in her hand, a coffee in the other. She wasn't one for flashiness. She loved decorating, but she also enjoyed simplicity. Her penthouse combined the best of both worlds, creating the perfect symphony of elegance and refinery.  She had rested on this couch for seven years.  The cavernous Upper East Side penthouse was an eighteenth birthday gift, a reward for graduating high school at the top of her class, and a just because occasion.  Whitney's grandmother had always spoiled her, though no gift came without criticism. For the keys to the penthouse, Whitney remembered enduring a lecture about "those men you hang around with."  Little did she know how right her grandmother was.Shaking her head out of her thoughts, Whitney sighed.  She was tired of living alone, and feeling as if the size of the penthouse mocked her, screaming insults, reminding her that it was too big for one person. But soon, that would all change. Whitney set her coffee on the little table in front of her, lying on the couch and removing her heels. Resting on her back, she placed one hand protectively over her stomach, sighing. Renovations were already underway for the perfect nursery. In less than sixteen weeks, being alone would cease.Whitney was woken by excited yipping. Realizing she had fallen asleep, she yawned. Cocoa was sitting in her lap, staring at her expectantly. Whitney smiled. "Hey, sweetie. What's the matter?" She glanced over at the beautiful staircase across the room. Upstairs was her bedroom and bathroom, and what would soon be the nursery. Whitney took her puppy in her arms and carried her upstairs, entering her bedroom slowly. She sighed blissfully as she looked around her. From her enormous king sized bed to the mahogony desk her grandmother had willed her to the beautiful view of the city below, Whitney was completely in love with her bedroom. It was, in every sense of the word, her haven.Once more, Cocoa distracted her, disallowing further daydreaming. "Can you imagine that there will soon be another person here?" she asked, setting Cocoa on the bed. Cocoa simply wagged her tail and panted, licking her hand. Whitney laughed, sitting beside her. This enormous palace was about to get a little smaller.

Ancient Immortal

01/14/2015 02:40 PM 

The Life and Death of Aro

Adonis Metaxas was a brooding and stern man, he stood and six foot six and he desired for everything to go his way, if it didn't there surely will be Hell to pay. Most people within the village stayed clear of him and only spoke to him when it was absolutely necessary. Adonis was married to a woman named Daphne, she was absolutely beautiful and quite delicate in stature when standing next to her husband, she as well was as stern and stubborn as her husband, and together the pair had two beautiful children. Their eldest son was named Aro, he was quite a curious and small boy with the most beautiful green eyes which he got from his mother no doubt, he was like most boys his age...or so his parents thought. Then there was their lovely daughter, Didyme. She was adored by everyone, all the boys chased her it seemed and it was quite impossible to be upset around her, whenever she'd flash that brilliant smile of hers you'd suddenly feel your worries wash away. She and Aro were quite close despite their age gap, they could always be seen playing with one another, they were practically joined at the hip most of the time.It was a bright and sunny day, the sun's rays caressed every bit of the lands and the heat was indeed great, it seemed as if Helios decided to grace them with another hot and humid day. Daphne and Didyme were at home doing their usual domestic duties such as spinning and weaving, while Adonis and Aro were out at the local theater watching a new drama on the current politics. Aro didn't quite like the theater he preferred to be at home other than discussing politics but his father insisted that every man must participate in theater, so alas Aro found no way around his father's word. So he merely sat and endured another long and utterly boring play, in Aro's mind the acting was atrocious and the music was indeed lacking in creativity but he kept his comments to himself with a polite smile plastered upon his face. Once the play had met its end and the actors took their bows, Aro stood from his bench and looked down at his father."What is your rush, son?" Adonis rasped as he stood, completely over towering his son."There is no rush, I assure you father." Aro said in a light tone as he clasped his hands behind his back.Adonis grunted as he gave his son a curt nod, he then turned on his heel and made his way over to the small band of young actors. There his father stood and discussed the play with the actors, while Aro stood a few feet away from the crowd, barely even listening in on the conversation for his mind was elsewhere as usual. Though he was soon pulled out of his thoughts by the voice of an older gentlemen who went by the name Atalo."And what did you think of the play, Aro?" he asked curiously as he arched his gray eyebrow."Oh, it was wonderful. The, was quite good. I thoroughly enjoyed it." Aro lied smoothly, the polite smile never falling from his handsome young face."Yes, but what of the dialogue dear boy? What did you think on that score?" Atalo asked curiously."Well, I thought it was...just fine." Aro said simply, if he was being honest he wasn't even listening in on the actual dialogue. "I felt as though Hades's speech was very well written." he said softly."Ah, yes." Atalo nodded softly, though he asked Aro no further questions.After an hour of discussing the play Adonis and Aro began to head back home for supper, though as they retreated to their small yet comfortable home not words were uttered between father and son. They hardly spoke to one another, and an actual conversation was extremely rare. Though it never bothered Aro, he quite enjoyed the silence. Also he and his father never agreed on anything, so whenever they did speak it turned into a rather loud argument and that was something Aro always hoped to avoid when spending time with his father, for not lonely was Adonis's voice as loud as thunder, he tended to get very violent and physical when arguing with his son.Aro had been subjected to his father's rage far too many times, and no one in their household was brave enough to stop him so Aro merely took his punishment without so much as a whimper. Though once the punishment was served, his mother did not tend to, she was on his fathers side. The only person who cared enough about him to tend his bruises and cuts, was his sister. She always made a point to take care of him, and he always made a point to do the same with her.Though suddenly Aro was pulled out of his thoughts by a familiar voice, it belonged to one of his old childhood friends Dionysus. The boy was about five foot seven, with tanned olive skin and faire hair. Dionysus was twenty years of age, just a bit younger than Aro whom was twenty three years."Aro, me and a few others are going to play hockey, would you care to join us?" he asked hopefully, as he held the leather bound ball close to his bare chest."No thank you Dion, I fear I'm not in the mood for sport. Thank you for including me though." Aro said smoothly as he offered the boy a charming smile. Dionysus nodded his head as he looked over to Adonis for a brief moment before running after a few older boys who were calling out his name. Once Dionysus disappeared from sight Adonis and Aro continued on to their home, silence once again spreading over them. Once their house could be seen in the distance Adonis broke the silence."Why did you not participate in hockey with the other boys your age?" he rasped, by the tone of his voice Aro could tell he wasn't pleased."I merely didn't feel like joining in, the day is hot." Aro said simply without even looking his father's way. "I also promised sweet Didyme that'd play a game of Knucklebone with her.""You play with your sister too much, it's not normal for a boy your age." Adonis said sternly."It is no fault of mine that Didyme is far much better company than the other citizens of this village." he said with a sigh, as he tucked a strand of his long jet black hair behind his ear.Adonis rolled his eyes as the pair stopped in front of their small house, though as Aro reached for the door Adonis grabbed his wrist tightly, forcing him to look up at him."After tonight, you will no longer be spending time around your sister." he said sternly, his voice almost a low growl. "You will be spending your time with boys your own age, and you will start looking for a wife, perhaps even participate in the theater. Politics will get you far in this world, son." he said sternly. "You are not getting younger Aro, soon you will be my age and where would you be without a wife to produce children for you? Your family is what lives on, your legacy. I will not sit back and watch as you allow our family name to wither into dust." he said sharply, his grip tightening on Aro's slender wrist.Aro glared back at his father with his intense green eyes, before ripping his grasp away from his father's hold. Aro knew he couldn't overpower his father, he was quite short for a boy his age. It seemed he took his mother's height and not his father's, but Aro was a very proud boy and he did not care for being told what to do and when to do it."You do not order me what to do, father. I am a man grown, I will decide what to do with my life and who to spend it with." Aro said sharply, despite the fact that his hands were shaking he was determined to stand his ground. "And right now, I choose to spend it with my sister. Now if you'll excuse me, you're blocking the door." he said as he reached for the door once more.Though before he could even wrap his fingers around the handle Adonis grabbed a hold of Aro's tunic and shoved him up against the side of the house, causing Aro to hit the back of his head roughly against the wall behind him. As Aro looked back into his father's eyes, it was then when he saw his mistake of speaking out, for father's eyes were dark with fury."How dare you be so ungrateful! I work everyday to give you a comfortable life, and it is all for naught! You might as well be born a mewling woman! For you are not a man, you will never be a man, you are forever a child who refuses to grow up!" Adonis barked as his grip upon Aro's tunic tightened. "Shall I explain to you in one easy lesson on how the world works?""Please, do use small words, I fear I'm not as bright as you." Aro spat, his voice dripping in sarcasm which only angered his father further."A good man does everything in his power to better his family's position in the world. It matters not if you do not like, you will do it because it is expected of you. You cannot be a child forever, Aro." Adonis said in a low dark tone. "You are just lucky I did not carry you into the sea and let the waves take you away when you were born. Perhaps if I did, Poseidon would have thanked me for my generous sacrifice and blessed me with a boy who is capable of becoming a man." he growled as he let go of Aro's tunic with one sharp shove before disappearing into the house.  Aro remained in his spot rubbing the back of his head, attempting to sooth the pain away from it. Though he was soon pulled from his daze when he heard the creak of  the front door open, causing him to jump slightly since he assumed it was his father. Though thankfully it was only Didyme, and she was looking up at him with such pity held in her big blue eyes."Aro, why must you provoke father?" she frowned as she reached to wrap her slender arms around her brother's waist. "You know very well how he is, and I don't like to see him hurt you so." she sighed as she rested her head against his chest."I know, I'm sorry sister." Aro whispered as he rested his chin on top of her head as he returned her warm embrace. "I try my best to hold my tongue, but sometimes...I cannot. He can't keep me away from you.""And he never will, brother. You know I won't allow it." Didyme said as her lips twitched up into a bright smile, that caused a wave of happiness to wash over Aro.Aro chuckled softly as he leaned forward to place a loving kiss upon his sister's forehead. "You are always so optimistic, how do you do that?' he asked as he arched his dark eyebrow curiously."I don't know, I!" Didyme laughed as she looked up at her brother adoringly. "It is something I merely can't explain, like how you can't explain how you sometimes can read my mind!" she laughed. "Now come, lets play Knucklebone! You promised!"For the rest of the evening Aro spend his time in the back of the house with Didyme, playing multiple games of Knucklebone. It seemed she was getting better at the game, or perhaps Aro was merely letting her win, he would never tell he just loved seeing her so happy. As they played they discussed one another's days, and other silly things that often caused the siblings to burst out in uncontrollable laughter. In life they only needed each other, they didn't need their parents...because when Aro and Didyme were side by side they were the most powerful team. The siblings knew one another better than anyone else ever could, together they mentally were one, and they simply could not imagine a life without one another it was completely unheard of.Then just as the two were starting another game of Knucklebone, their mother's voice cause them to turn their attention towards the house."Children, supper is on the table! I suggest you hurry if you'd like it warm!" she called out loudly.Aro and Didyme then stood and joined hands as they made their way inside the house, it was obvious that their father was not pleased with either of them but the two merely ignored him and took a seat side by side at the table. Daphne then placed their supper in front of them and took her usual seat next to Adonis, their supper was of course one of Adonis's favorites: Spetsofai which consisted of country sausages, peppers, and onions.The meal was silent as Aro expected it to be, his family was one of very few words. Though occasionally throughout supper, Didyme would reach over and take Aro's hand in hers, allowing him to read what she was thinking, which almost caused the two to burst out into laughter. Didyme had known of Aro's gifts for quite some time, she did not find them horrifyingly abnormal, she found them unique she would never stop loving her brother for something so silly as powers. Though once Adonis caught sight of his two children stifling their laughter, he grew irritated as he brought his fist down hard on the table, causing everyone to jump."Must you still act like such a child, Aro!?" Adonis barked, as he glared at his son." was nothing, father. Didyme and I were merely...playing." Aro muttered as he looked down at his plate, his long jet black hair covering his face."Playing? Is that all you ever do?" Adonis sneered, though Aro did not answer him which angered him further. "Damn you boy, answer me when I speak! Stop acting like just a child, you are a man! Act like one, Aro." he growled.Then suddenly Aro felt as if he had enough, he couldn't stand his father's constant yelling and ordering him about. He was done. So he pushed his chair back and stood from the table as he looked down at his father with his intense green eyes."You will not order me around! I do as I please!" Aro snapped, his usual level and calm voice becoming almost vicious.At Aro's outburst Adonis was on his feet faster than Didyme and Daphne could blink, with one big stride Adonis was over to where Aro stood, and Aro was trying his best not to be afraid...but it was obvious he was, Didyme didn't blame him...their father was frightening.  Then within a blink of an eye, Adonis wrapped his fingers around Aro's throat as he shoved him up against a near by wall."You foolish idiotic boy!" Adonis growled as he tightened his grip, causing Aro to let out a gasp as he attempted to pry his father's fingers away, but alas he was too strong. "I ought to teach you a lesson you won't soon forget, would you like that boy?" he asked in a low tone as Aro continued to gasp. "I ought to whip you through the streets, or perhaps I shall cut out your tongue...that'd end your mewling!"Didyme watched the fight unfold in horror, just seeing her dear brother gasp for his breath made her heartache, though whenever she tried to stop it her mother would merely hold her back."Hush now, little one. Do not come between your father and brother, tis a man's fight, it is not our place to get involved." she whispered in a low tone."But mother, he'll kill Aro! Please, please stop him." she half sobbed as she looked at her father in horror, though her mother merely shook her head.Though Didyme could not sit and watch this unfold, so she pushed herself away from her mother's hold and stormed across the room towards where her father and brother were. She then wrapped her arm around her father's large one and tugged on it with all her might."Stop it! You're killing him!" she shrieked as she continued to pull."Know your place!" Adonis snarled as he violently shook Didyme off of him, sending her flying into the table behind her, causing her to hit her head.While his father was busy with Didyme, Aro finally pried his fingers away from her throat. Once he caught his breath Aro rushed over to Didyme and helped her to her feet, the poor thing was terrified it was obvious due to her shaking. So, he pulled her into his arms and stroked her long wavy jet black hair."Shush, it's alright." Aro muttered as he kissed the crown of her head, before turning his attention towards his father. "You harm her again, and I'll kill you...slowly, painfully." Aro hissed as he cradled Didyme's head to his chest."You? Kill me?" Adonis snorted as he threw back his head and let out a loud laugh. "You couldn't even break a twig in half, boy." he said in an amused tone. Adonis then stormed over to Aro and ripped him away from his sister. "Leave, you are no longer my son. And you will not lay eyes upon Didyme again, do you understand me? And should I see you any where near our home, I will gut you like a fish, and feed your inside to the damn dogs!" he snarled as he violently shoved Aro towards the door.Aro did not leave his family on good terms, but he didn't care. Half of him was pleased to actually be free to live his own life, without his fathers constant mocking. Though the other half of him was plagued with worry for his sister. He didn't want to leave her with them, she wasn't safe there...and he knew his father would sell her off to the highest bidder, to a man who would not love and cherish her as she deserved. Aro needed to think of a way to safely remove her from the home, perhaps they could even run away together and live a happy and peaceful life. Perhaps he would come for her in the dead of night, that was their safest bet. But for right now, Aro needed to focus on finding shelter if he wanted to survive for the night, so he wandered towards the edge of the village where a thick green forest sat. He was quite good at climbing trees, perhaps he could find one good enough to sleep in for the night, that way he'd avoid wild animals on the ground.He wandered through the forest for hours, he was cold and his feet ached...but he pushed on. He then stopped once he came across a rather large tree, it looked safe enough. Though as he readied himself to climb, he heard a shuffle in the bushes behind him causing him to jump. His heart was beating so fast he could have sworn it would have popped right out of his chest."H-hello?" he called out nervously. "Who's there?"Then suddenly to his surprise a woman appeared before him, an absolutely breathtaking beautiful woman. She was slim and tall, with long wavy blonde hair riddled with flowers, skin as pale as the moon, her tunic was for a child so of course it was rather short on her, revealing her long beautiful pale legs. If it weren't for the red eyes, he would have sworn it was Aphrodite herself. Aro wanted to speak, to ask her what her name was, but he couldn't find the words to speak her beauty indeed leave him speechless, causing the woman to laugh."What's the matter, child?" she whispered in a bell like voice as she glided towards him. "Are you shy? Aw, the poor lamb." she chuckled as he reached out to cradled his face in her hands. Though once her skin made contact with his he let out a gasp, they were as cold as ice. But then again he didn't question it, it was rather chilly out."'re so cold." he whispered in a low tone."Hm, and your very warm." she smiled sweetly as she leaned forward, her nose gently brushing against his. "Oh, and you smell so very delicious as well." she grinned."I..." though Aro's words caught in his throat as he stared into her crimson eyes. He didn't know what to feel. Fear, confusion, love, lust, or all four."No need to speak, handsome boy." she giggled as she rested her forehead against his. "I can feel you want power, you may not know it...but the lust for power resides deep inside you. What would you say, if I told you I could give you so much power...physical power.""Power?" Aro asked as his lips twitched up into a smirk. "I want it. Give it to me, please. You have no idea how much I need it."The woman let out a bell like laugh as she titled Aro's head up slightly, which allowed her access to his fleshy neck. She then gently pressed her lips to his skin, causing him to shiver at the contact. Then before he knew it, he felt the sharp pain of her teeth pricing his soft flesh. Aro couldn't remember much after that, all he could remember was pain. Agonizing pain, it felt as if his entire being was on fire burning him on the inside out. He tried not to scream, but he gave in as the chilled air filled with his pleas for help and cries of pain, the beautiful woman long forgotten. The fire inside of him raged on for three days, eating away at his organs and finally killing his heart. Surly when he wakes he would end up in the Underworld, perhaps in the River Styx?During the course of those three agonizing  days, Aro could remember very little that was happening around him. On the third and final day of his transformation there was some pain, but it was dulling and his screams of pain ceased. Though he was so deep into his comatose state he hadn't realized his body was found by a local farmer, and he was pronounced dead. Nor did he realize later that evening his body was buried, of course his parents did not attend his funeral, nor did they inform Didyme of her brother's "death".  The whole burial was kept secret, it was like he never existed.When Aro finally opened his eyes, he was greeted by darkness. Though oddly enough he knew just right where he was, in the dirt. With his new enhanced sight he could see every grain of dirt that was covering his body, and with his new sense of smell he could smell the scent of freshly dug up dirt that was moist from the morning due. At first Aro made no move to free himself from his grave, he was far too focused on the burning in his throat, which caused an odd sense of panic inside of him, it was as if someone shoved a white hot iron down his throat. Once the panic of the pain kicked in, he began clawing away at the dirt that encased him, easily crawling his way through the dirt. It only took him a mere second to free himself from his six foot deep grave.Once freed his gaze shifted about his surroundings and that is when he caught sight of one of the village men, he seemed to be digging graves. Though without even thinking twice Aro attacked, he jumped on the older man and pinned him down as he ripped the flesh of his neck off with his new sharp teeth, and that is when he realized what he needed, what he craved. Blood. It was the only thing that took away the pain in his throat.It took Aro three years to fully understand what he was, a vampire. Within that time frame he did not bother to search for the woman who made him, he merely focused on his growing gift of mind reading upon touch, and his thirst for blood. Thankfully he was indeed able to control it, not very well...but he was working on it. He also worked on understand his new body and his new abilities, oh how the power gave him such a rush. Never in his life would he have dreamed to have such power, he could kill a man with the mere flick of his wrist. It was as if he was some sort of God.Once he discovered who he was, what he was  he focused on finding his sister. It was his every intention to give her immortality as well, not because he was concerned for her. To be honest all concern he felt for her as a human was long gone, he felt nothing towards her, she was just a little human in his new set of mind. Though the reason why he wished to give her such a gift was because he assumed since they were blood related she would indeed have a special gift as well, a gift that would prove quite useful to him. And together they could rule the vampire world, they could create a whole coven of vampires with valuable gifts. Just the thought of exhilarating.At that moment he knew, he would be king. He will rule the vampire world, he needed the power, he craved it. And in the would consume him. Later that evening when the moon was place high within the sky, Aro quietly made his way into his old home. It seemed as if everyone was fast asleep, which was absolutely perfect. First he descended to his and Didyme's room, where she lay sleeping on his old bed. She was a woman of nineteen now, but it was painfully obvious how much she missed her brother. With caution Aro gracefully walked over to the bed and placed his hand upon her shoulder, causing her to jump right up in a fright. "D-don't touch me!" she shrieked as she backed away from the touch, though Aro merely rolled his eyes. "Calm yourself, sister." Aro whispered in a low tone as he took a seat on the bed. "It has only been three years, did you forget me so easily?" he chuckled as he arched his delicate eyebrow, his face completely hidden by the darkness within the room so she could not see the changes to his features. "Aro?" Didyme blinked as she scooted closer to him. "Is that truly you?" "Whom else would it be, dear one?" Aro asked as he titled his head to the side. "Why do you sound so different? And your skins its freezing!" she gasped as she placed her hand upon his shoulder. "Oh! And what of mother and father?! If they catch you here, father will surely kill you! You must go, Aro! You must! I will not stand by and watch him kill you!" she said between sobs. Aro sighed as he shook his head, as he leaned forward to press his cool forehead against her warm one. The scent of her blood was strong, and it was indeed making his mouth water...but he could manage for now. "Be calm sister, father can no longer hurt me so." Aro reassured her as his lips curled up into a smirk. "Aro..." she sighed as she pulled away from him. "You are different, that much I can sense. But father...he will not be happy to see you here." she whispered. "I haven't changed, not really." Aro whispered in a feather light voice. "You are the one who has changed, Didyme. Look at you, a woman grown.""Aro, I am being serious. Your voice, your touch...your demeanor even." she began as she shook her head, trying to make his features out in the dark. "I know you, brother. I know you very well, and you...are different some how yet the same. I do not understand." "There is nothing you need to understand, dear Didyme." Aro whispered as he reached out to caress her cheek, which caused her to gasp at the chill of his fingers gazing her warm flesh. "The only thing you need to know, is I come baring you a gift." he said with a playful tone. "A gift?" Didyme asked softly as she titled her head to the side. "What is it, exactly?" she laughed as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, causing her scent to become almost unbearable but Aro clamed himself. "Close your eyes, and you shall see." Aro whispered, causing Didyme to let out a giggle as she did as he asked. Once he was sure he eyes were closed, he slowly leaned forward and pressed his chilled lips to her warm fleshy neck, causing her to gasp and move away from him. Aro could see the look of confusion flash across her face at his sudden action. He knew her thoughts, but his motives were not perverse as she assumed. "What are you doing?" Didyme hissed as she shot him a glare. "Be calm, it will be over and done with quickly." Aro whispered as he grabbed her wrist tightly as he gave her a rough tug, causing her to stumble forward. "There will be some pain, but it will be worth it, trust me sister." he whispered into the darkness. He then pressed his lips to her neck once more, as she began to struggled but he was far too strong for her. After a moments hesitation he bit into her flesh, causing her to let out a pained gasp as he pushed against Aro's chest, but his arms merely entrapped her and pulled her closer to him as he partook of some of her sweet blood, and soon she became too weak to protest. For a moment Aro didn't think he was capable of stopping, but he managed to pull away from her and lay her limp body upon the bed. Within moments her agonizing screams filled the room, echoing off the walls, surly it would wake up their parents...which is exactly what Aro wanted. "Ah! Its burning!" Didyme chocked out as her body began to twitch and jerk violently. "Aro! Aro! Please! PLEASE! Stop the burning, PLEASE!" she screamed as his venom began attacking and eating away at her organs. Though Aro merely reached out to stroke her long black hair out of her face, as he regarded her lovely face carefully which was twisted up in familiar agonizing pain. "Worry not, sweet sister. You will wake soon, and you will see the world with new eyes." Aro whispered as his chilled finger tips gracefully swiped across her brow. "Oh, what a wonderful immortal you will be." he smiled, though she only replied with a blood curdling scream as he body arched up in pain. Then suddenly the door of their bedroom burst open, and of course it was their parents. His mother gaping at her children in absolute horror, and his father beyond enraged to see him. It was all so perfect, Aro couldn't help but let out an insane laugh. "Aro! What have you done to your sister?!" Daphne shrieked as she rushed over to Didyme's side. "She's dying, pay no attention to it, mother. She will thank me for it." Aro cooed happily, as he looked down at his mother. "You sick disgusting excuse for a son!" Adonis spat as he stalked over towards his son. "I told you if I ever caught you near my home, I will gut you like a fish, and I plan to do just that!" he snarled as he pulled her knife out from his belt, though Aro only smile and watched his father with childlike fascination within his milky red eyes. Adonis then charged at his son, and thrust his knife into Aro's chest right where his heart would have been. Though much to Adonis's shock the knife completely bend as if it came in contact with marble, causing him to drop the knife and take a step back as he gaped at his son in horror. "Tut, would really kill your own son?" Aro asked with an unneeded sigh as he looked down at the bend knife at his feet. "I...what are you?" Adonis choked as he tripped over his own feet, causing him to fall on his behind. "Y-you monster!" "Monster?" Aro laughed as he clasped his hands in front of him in delight. "Oh, you haven't seen the monster in me yet, father." he whispered in a low tone. "Shall I show you?" "P-please! Aro, have mercy!" Daphne begged as she gripped the edge of her son's tunic, looking up at him with pleading green eyes that once matched his own. "Please, we love you. You know that don't you? Your our baby boy...p-please do not kill us, please." she begged. "Sweet, lovely, mother." Aro cooed as he reached out to cup his mother's cheek with his chilled hands as he dived into her thoughts, causing her to shiver. He could see how she truly felt about him, and the words she spoke were all but empty.  "You beg for your life and claim to love me, you think these petty pleas will touch my heart, and I shall spare you." he chuckled as he looked into her eyes. "But alas, I do not have a heart for you to touch with sweet empathy words." "Aro, I-"Though before she could finish her sentence Aro viciously twisted her neck, causing a loud crack to echo through the room. He then slowly allowed her lifeless body to fall to the floor at his feet. As he stared down at the woman he once called his mother, he felt no sorrow, no guilt. It was nothing, a mere problem out of his way. Aro then turned his head toward his father whom obviously was in shock by the way he was gawking at him and completely frozen to his spot. "And you father, I made you a promise." Aro grinned as he gracefully strolled over to the cowering man. "I promised I would kill you painfully and slowly, did I not? Well, I am a man of my word." he chuckled as he grabbed his father's tunic pulling him up to his feet without effort, as if his father was a mere feather or pebble. "P-please! Son, please!" Adonis cried, this was the first time Aro saw his father in such a weak was almost amusing. "Oh, am I your son now?" Aro laughed as he brought his father close enough that he could feel his chilled breath wash over his face. "Humans are such funny things. Embrace your death like a man, father. You cannot avoid it." he hissed. And with that Aro bit into his father's neck viciously as he ripped the skin away with one rough tug. Adonis's screams meshed in with Didyme's as Aro viciously clamped down on his father's neck, he made a point to drain him slowly. He made it show Adonis could feel himself close to death, he made him feel weak, until he eventually passed out due to the blood lost and soon Sercombe to his death. Aro then tossed his father aside as if he was merely and old rag doll and returned to his screaming sister's side. He then slowly leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her forehead as his lips curled up into a smile. "Hush now, sweet Didyme. Once you wake, I will show you a new world. A world of great power, in which we will rule." he said lightly as he took a seat next to her on the bed as he watched her endure the pain he once felt. "I will make you perfect, and you and your gifts...will be mine." 

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

01/13/2015 09:44 PM 

Wishing for Vengeance, Part 3

Chris Steele

09/03/2018 02:10 PM 

Other Abilities

(ooc: Please note that I will be posting a new blog with the Equipment (weapons, spaceships, etc) that Chris uses. For more information on the Ancients, check out their page (and pages related to them), by visiting the Stargate Wiki page on them here, AbilitiesIt is revealed that Chris is actually part-Ancient, beings that pre-date the human civilization. Because of this, in addition to his Inhuman powers, Chris as access to their knowledge and other abilities that set him apart from others. Ancient/Lantean Physiology: Due to his unique physiology and being nearly Ascended, Chris has gained many special abilities. These special abilities weren't present, or known to Chris until his mother, an ascended being, saved his life and activated these abilities within him. These abilities are as followed. Ancient Technology Activation (ATA) Gene: This is a "genetic key" within Chris's DNA that allows him to use Ancient technology. The ATA gene is always on, instructing various cells in the body to produce a series of proteins and enzymes that interact with the skin, the nervous system and the brain, allowing gene carriers to operate Ancient technology by thought alone. Knowledge of the Ancients: After his mother healed him and activated his Ancient abilities, she also gave Chris the complete knowledge of the Ancients, their history, society, culture, technology, etc. Near Omnilingualism: Because he has the knowledge of the Ancients, Chris can read and speak almost any language, instantly. He knows all of the languages on Earth, and of the Ancients, and is fluent in other languages. Any language he doesn't know, can be learned quickly. However, he is unable to learn computer code as quickly as other languages. Genius-Level Intellect: Because of the activation of his abilities, Chris's intellect has sharply risen, as he is able to operate Ancient technology by thought alone, and has an innate understanding of their technology, as well as technology of other races, though he is more familiar with human and Ancient technology. He is also a genius in the field of human physiology and anatomy, since he went to medical school, and became a licensed doctor. He uses this knowledge to heal people of their wounds through the use of his powers. He is also knowledgeable in the field of genetics, though not to the extent of people like Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy/Beast of the X-Men, and others. He is also quite knowledgeable in general science, though some studies, such as gamma radiation is relatively new to him. He is also knowledgeable in computers in electronics as he was able to upload his consciousness into a Synthetic/Android body. Near Ascension: Near ascension occurs when a human (or other sentient being) is evolving to the point of Ascension, but has not yet shed his or her physical form to become pure energy. A normal human brain performs at 10% maximum capacity at any one time, but they require at least 92% to ascend. Pre-ascension is when brain activity is over average but the user is not yet Ascended. This usually gives them special abilities due to the heightened brain activity. The abilities become stronger and more diverse as the brain activity increases. Chris's brain preforms between 85-90% (I'm going to have it closer to 85% though). However, due to his Inhuman lineage, his physical body doesn't give out (though he does need to rest from time to time), nor does it give him the other mental abilities, other than increased intellect. If it comes down to it, Chris can push his brain activity up to 92% and ascend. However, he has yet to do so. Ascension: If it looks like Chris is about to die, he is able to ascend to a higher plane of existence. In order to do so, he must come to terms with himself and "lets go". By doing so, Chris sheds his mortal form and becomes pure energy. However, once he ascends, Chris is unable to use his new powers to interfere with beings on the mortal plane, and can only observe. He can communicate with people by entering their dreams and speak to them that way. Chris can however, retake mortal form, and keep his pre-ascended powers. However, ascending is a last ditch resort. Expert Hand-to-Hand Combat: Because of how his powers work and his own personal preference, Chris is considered an expert in hand-to-hand combat. Having taken some forms of self-defense, Chris prefers street brawling, and sometimes meshes his fighting styles together. He is also quick in battle and is able to sometimes use his opponent's weaknesses against them. Since he uploaded his consciousness into a Synthetic/Android body, he is able to read his opponent's moves and can typically counter them with ease. Weapons Expert: Though he prefers to use hand-to-hand combat, Chris has been trained to use many different weapons. He most commonly uses a sword to fight, as he was trained in the art since he visited Japan as a boy. He is also skilled in the use of guns and arrows, though he isn't as proficient as Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff. Since gaining his Ancient abilities, Chris has been able to use weapons that the Ancients used.

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