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CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 3

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: An empty business space, under construction (clear skies)Time: One month later; Afternoon1. Daphne arrives at an empty business establishment, after receiving a phone call about a potential story. Daphne isn't overwhelmingly certain what to expect, but because of the mysterious way the message was delivered, she can guess it has something to do with the supernatural. 2. Trick emerges, greeting his old 'friend' from years past. He explains he was hoping to hear from her, and that he could use some advertising space in her paper for his new club. He's been experimenting with flyers, but wants to sell the opening to a wider audience. 3. Mina interrupts, flyer in hand, expressing her disbelief. She notices Daphne but promptly ignores her, and focuses on Trick. She accuses him of 'stalking' her. 4. Trick mentions that not everything is about her, and expresses his fondness for the city. He also offers Mina her old job back, and introduces her to Daphne, the reporter. 5. Daphne corrects him, upgrading her current job description. Daphne is doubtful that he was truthful about his purpose in calling her here, especially considering what she now knows of the Order. She knows Mina, but doesn't let this show when she greets her. She decides to leave. 6. Trick stops her, reminding her that she still doesn't know why she's really here, and that he's prepared to tell her if she sticks around. 7. Mina isn't exactly sure what's happening, and is still weirded out by Trick's presence. She notices a pack of cigarettes on an unfinished bar, and questions them.8. Daphne, remaining professional, asks what Trick wants of her, and if it requires a private audience, emphasizing Mina's presence. 9. Trick sidesteps the cigarette issue and mentions he might as well tell the truth, now that he had a Celestial to back him up if he need it. 10. Mina reacts to this, shocked that Trick knows her secret. 11. Daphne feigns ignorance and boredom, but is beginning to get nervous. If Trick exposes her too soon, her planning and effort four years in the making would be worth nothing. 12. Trick instead reveals that Daphne's been working hard to cover-up a lot of news stories to hide demon activity. He claims to be a friend of her boss. 13. Mina isn't exactly sure what's going on. She knows that Hannah has been working on cover-ups, but didn't know it extended to Hannah's boss as well.14. Daphne, relieved that Trick didn't expose her demonism, once again asks what he wants. She pretends to act nervous, as if she's upset at being 'caught'. 15. Trick requests she simply let a few mysterious stories start slipping through the cracks, not necessarily with details about demons, but hints about their possibility. 16. Mina finds that request ridiculous, and claims that letting humanity know about demons is a bad idea, before realizing that that exposes her as a Celestial. 17. Daphne asks what she gets in return for letting a few stories slip, and if he has permission from *his* boss to do something like this. 18. Trick claims he doesn't need permission, because this is his dominion. He tells Daphne to leave, because he's got a few things to tell Mina. FYK: --

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 4

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: David Barton Gym (clear skies)Time: One month later; Afternoon1. Michelle and Lita are sparring inside. Michelle delivers a couple of blows to Lita, while asking her to spill details on her new boyfriend.2. Lita is surprised by Michelle's improvement. She decides to up the ante, and forces her into a stronger hold that she can't break out of, all the while informing her of her relationship with Dominick.3. Dominick arrives from the locker room, happy and sober for once, armed with two bottles of water for the girls. He claims he wants to take on the "winner".4. Renee, meanwhile, enters the gym, casually slipping between mundies and machines to avoid being seen. She grips the gun hidden in her clothes, hoping she would be able to use it.5. Michelle relinquishes the win to Lita and is released. She reaches for the water, but as she grabs the bottles, her fingers brush against Dominick's. She is struck by a strange feeling and jerks her hand away.6. Lita, unaware of Michelle's strangeness, informs Dom that she's the winner. She then pulls her boyfriend to a duel, but holds back to hide her full strength. At one point willingly allows herself to get pulled into a close contact position. 7. Dominick finds Michelle's behavior odd. Lita distracts him before he can dwell too long on this thought, however, and spars with her. He quickly takes the lead and gladly traps her in a compromising position. He kisses her. 8. Lita returns the gesture, but uses it to her advantage. She defeats him, and they kiss again.9. Michelle ponders the rush of feelings she experienced when she made contact with Dominick. She watches him spar with Lita, and begins to feel worried. Not willing to ruin the fun, however, she forces herself to remain normal, and playfully comments on their public displays of affection.10. Renee, finally close enough to surprise them, expresses her agreement with Michelle's statement and reveals herself.11. Michelle, surprised, turns to see Renee. She calls her by her former name by instinct, despite being aware of her demonism indirectly through Amara.12. Renee angrily tells Michelle that she's no longer called by that name. She claims she has a new purpose. She then produces a gun and points it at Michelle. She warns them that she will shoot if any of them moves.13. Lita reacts to this, asking what Renee is doing and why. She senses movement behind her, and realizes that Dominick might take action. Lita attempts to reason with Renee.14. Dominick has moved to his gym bag, which contains his Police Issued handgun. He stuffs it in the back of his shirt as he observes the events before him.15. Renee moves the gun back and forth between Lita and Michelle, as if she's trying to choose which one to shoot. Renee reveals why she became a demon, and that when Leon shot her, she was only trying to say goodbye to Trista. She moves the gun to Michelle and shoots. She then runs.16. Lita moves quickly to push Michelle out of the way, and is shot in the chest.17. Dominick immediately shoots back at Renee, but drops his weapon as soon as he sees Lita fall. He rushes to her side, and uses his cell phone to call an ambulance.18. Michelle begins to chase after Renee, but stops when she notices Lita's condition. She reacts to everything. FYK: Dominick is still not aware that Lita or Michelle are Celestials. Michelle's ability, through her time spent meditating, is advancing. The feeling she experiences when she touches Dominick is a variant of clairvoyance.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 5

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: Reeds Gaming Station (clear skies)Time: One month later; evening. 1. Andrew is in the arcade, cleaning up after closing. He hears the door open behind him and calls out that the arcade is closed. When he doesn't hear the customer leave, he turns to greet them, assuming it's a friend. Instead, he sees Seth, and panics.2. Seth, on a mission from Ivy, announces himself. He greets his old 'friend', and mocks him for being so scared. He asks how he's been since killing Alexandra, and says he has a message from someone in the underworld.3. Ryan, meanwhile, approaches the arcade. She plans on messing with Andrew by sneaking in and destroying some of the machines, but she spots Seth inside and changes her plans. She enters, unaware of the tension, and casually greets Andrew and tries to flirt with Seth.4. Andrew mentions that he's not interested in any messages from demons, and asks Seth to leave. When he hears Ryan enter, however, he's relieved. He tries to convince Ryan to stick around, not wanting to be left alone with Seth.5. Seth is confused by Ryan's behavior and suggests she leave, needing to have an important conversation with Andrew.6. Ryan is annoyed with Andrew's insistence and hurt by Seth's rejection. She's worried for Seth, in case Andrew decides to go on a murderous rampage. She asks him to take her to dinner, just to get him out of the arcade.7. Andrew subtly tries to convince Ryan away from Seth to protect her. He doesn't understand why she's reacting so negatively to him. 8. Seth is bored and impatient. He moves behind Ryan and prepares to snap her neck. 9. Andrew instantly uses his ability to get Seth away from Ryan. 10. Ryan misunderstands this as an attack, accuses him of being evil, and runs to see if Seth is okay. 11. Seth is fine, but confused by Ryan's care. He decides to use it to his advantage, and plays mundie, acting shocked over Andrew's abilities. 12. Andrew, feeling confident, tries to convince Ryan that Seth is a demon and warns her to get away from him. He's prepared to use his ability to kill Seth.13. Ryan ineffectually throws something at Andrew, shouting at him to leave them alone. 14. Seth, meanwhile, is enjoying the show. He's still confused over Ryan's puzzling devotion to him, but is going to milk it for all it's worth. He beings having fun with this, and suggests calling the police.15. Andrew is unwilling to let Seth continue being a monster, and forces Ryan out of the way, and opens ice on Seth, attempting to freeze him to the core. 16. Ryan suddenly flashes back to her own murder, and finds it difficult to let someone else get hurt at the hands of Andrew. She performs her first selfless act: throwing herself in front of Andrew's ice to protect Seth. She feels the effects immediately and falls unconscious. 17. Seth reacts to this. He then relays the message to Andrew and begins to leave. At the door, he stops and goes back for the unconscious Ryan. He carries her out of the arcade, easily trapping Andrew in a fear illusion to keep him from coming after them.FYK: In the month since Ryan's escapades at Coventry, she's been forced into weekly therapy sessions to prove her mental competence, and is quite frustrated by that. She mainly goes to bug Andrew to make herself feel better. Seth, meanwhile, as an important message for Andrew, and delivers it basically because he has nothing better to do.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 6

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: Coventry Psychiatric Hospital (clear skies)Time: One month later; Evening 1. Rem and Maddie are outside, staring at the hospital, and explains why this is necessary. She believes that Leila is suffering locked up in the asylum, and that the only course of action is to break her out. She asks if Maddie is ready.2. Maddie is doubtful about the necessity, but acknowledges that she of all people understands the problems associated with sanity. She admits she's ready, and is slightly excited by what she needs to do.3. Leila, meanwhile, is sleeping fitfully in her solitary cell. She dreams of a strange man, giving her strange sorts of instructions. 4. The strange man is Asher, who is forcibly entering Leila's dreams to prepare her for the breakout. He tells her what's about to happen, and urges her to wake up.5. Outside, Maddie prepares herself for the first step of the plan. She nears the hospital and pretends as though she has severe mental issues. Concerned nurses emerge from the hospital, attempting to take care of Maddie.6. Rem witnesses this, momentarily entertained, then takes advantage of the distraction and slips in the building. 7. Leila awakes with a start, and finds the door to her room left open. Following Asher's instructions, she navigates the unfamiliar halls until she reaches the elevator. The doors open, revealing Asher. Leila reacts to this.8. Asher urges Leila not to waste time with fear and shock, and pulls her onto the elevator. He presses 2, beginning to explain himself.9. Maddie downstairs, is taken into the hospital, continuing her act. A nurse suggests sedation, at which point Maddie reverts to her normal 'sane' self. She apologizes to the nurses, then releases a stink bomb. 10. Rem has entered the building and climbed the stairs to the second floor. She's not sure where Leila's new room is, and is attempting to examine each floor. When she hears the elevator door open, she starts to hide, before realizing Leila is there. She reacts to this.11. Leila is shocked to see Rem, but relieved. She embraces her friend, and exclaims that she needs to get out of the asylum. She introduces Asher, vaguely, but panics when she sees a nurse doing a nightly round at the end of the hall. 12. Asher greets Rem in a very charming manner. He seems pleased and interested to meet her, but reminds them they do not have time to waste. The nurse begins to chase after them, and Asher leads Rem and Leila back into the stairwell.13. Maddie, meanwhile, has escaped the smell and retreated outside to their established meet up point. She worries for Rem's safety, and begins to doubt the possibility of breaking out Leila.14. Rem takes the lead once more and explodes out of the stairwell on the first floor, noticing the horrifying smell. She realizes Maddie is on point with the plan, but didn't realize how bad it would be. She begins to cough, and starts hearing the complaints of disturbed patients emerging from their rooms. 15. Asher easily removes the smell from around them and ushers them through the hallway. He moves them passed the struggling nurses in the lobby, and holds open the front door to allow Rem and Leila to casually stroll out of the building. When they are through, he disappears.16. Maddie emerges and awkwardly greets Leila. She hugs Rem, excited to have succeeded on their first Watcher-Charge plan.17. Rem admits she wouldn't have succeeded if not for the strange guy's help. Noticing Maddie's confused expression, she moves to introduce Asher, only to realize he has since disappeared. 18. Leila expresses her gratitude for freedom, then asks for something mundane, distracting everyone from the mysterious guy, and relishes in her newfound freedom. Then, remembering what put her in solitary, she reveals her concerns for a women called Caitlyn.FYK: Thanks to her unfortunate behavior a month ago (Ep2), Leila was placed in a padded room for her own protection, and is now being unwillingly held. She has finally decided she's sane enough to leave, but that sanity is what convinces the hospital that she's 'insane'. She's been forced to take sessions with Caitlyn, which terrify her.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 7

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: The Subway, inside train (clear skies)Time: One month later; Nighttime 1. Trista wakes up, confused and seemingly alone. She doesn't recall falling asleep, nor does she know where she is. She eventually notices there are other people around her, and that she's on the subway in a car full of people. She begins to feel a strange tightness in her chest. 2. Caitlyn sits next to her daughter, trying to make conversation with her and finding it difficult. 3. Molly is trying her best to ignore her mother. When her mother continues to talk to her, Molly gets up and moves down the train, unwittingly closer to Trista.4. Trista, meanwhile, has been struggling. She's experiencing extreme trouble with breathing, and is trying to beg unresponsive people for help. Deprived so desperately of oxygen, she passes out. 5. Molly notices no one else volunteering to help, and moves to give the strange woman CPR. She immediately starts feeling strange.6. Caitlyn notices the commotion and immediately moves to help as well. attempting to get lucky by calling an ambulance. Finding no signal, she urges another passenger to contact a crew member. 7. Trista, unable to stop herself, begins to respond to Molly's help by stealing her air. As Molly starts to suffocate, Trista begins to feel stronger. 8. Molly is on the verge of passing out, dizzy and unable to break contact from Trista. She tries to motion to her mom for help, but inevitably passes out from lack of oxygen. 9. Caitlyn rips Molly from Trista and tries to assess her condition. She tries to quickly figure out what happened. 10. Trista is shocked and horrified by what she's done, and tries to explain herself. As she explains, she begins to run out of breath again. Fearing for the lives of those around her, she tries to run to the other side of the train. 11. Caitlyn chases after her. 12. Molly wakes up with a sudden headache and dizzily tries to gather her bearings. She sees her mom chasing the woman who almost killed her, and moves to pull the emergency stop cord in the subway car.13. Trista reaches the end of the subway car and tries to get the door to unlock. Having no choice, she turns back around to face Caitlyn, all the while running out of air. In spite of herself, she grasps Caitlyn and begins to steal her air. 14. Something inside Caitlyn fights back, using a foreign strength to send Trista flying. She sees a flash of red and feels a sudden pride. The feeling is gone as suddenly as it came. It is then that the subway car jerks to a stop, sending everyone stumbling to the floor.15. Molly picks herself up and runs to see if her mom is okay. She asks what happened, but then realizes SOMETHING ELSE. She puzzles over this, and points it out to her mother. 16. Caitlyn assesses her daughter's potential injuries, than her own. She then moves to examine what Molly noticed and reacts.17. Trista finally realizes what has happened. As the realization strikes, she is teleported away from the subway and her normal ability to breath is restored.FYK: Trista has already experienced her first trial (see Cafe storyline), but it had a much more guided and formal feel. She doesn't realize that she just entered a vampiric trial until the end. Molly and Caitlyn have had a fight, because Caitlyn had suggested that they begin trying to find Hunter a separate place to live, so that he can go on building his own life. Molly vehemently disagrees with this plan, as she's worried for the vampire on his own, but doesn't want to tell Cate that Hunter is a vampire.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 8

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: Cade's Residence; St. Vincent's Hospital (clear skies)Time: One month later; Nighttime1. Grayson is knocking on Cade's door. He's uncertain of how the vampire will receive him, but he hopes he will help anyway. When Cade answers, he explains that there is a case, a month cold now. He explains the contents of the reports and their similarities to vampire attacks. 2. Cade had been thinking of past events on his own in his apartment. He's surprised to find Gray at his door, but understands what he needs, and agrees to help him. 3. Joanna, on break at the hospital, hears her name over the P.A. system and heads to the hospital reception area. She grows slightly nervous upon seeing the two gentleman that are waiting for her.4. Grayson introduces himself, and shows his badge, and mentions the need to speak with her.5. Cade suggests they speak somewhere private, while using his vampiric senses to observe anything that might be suspicious. He detects nothing out of the ordinary.6. Joanna leads the way to somewhere private, trying to make sense of the situation without panicking. She asks what they want to know, while attempting to maintain her professionalism. 7. Grayson asks a series of questions about the events the day Hunter and Molly were at the hospital. 8. Cade mentions the coma patient that was found dead, and asks Joanna to take them to the hospital's morgue so that they can examine the body.9. Joanna answers the questions the best she can, without incriminating herself, relaxed now that she knows Grayson isn't there for her. She reveals that the coma patient didn't die immediately, but was ultimately unable to recover from severe blood loss. She leads the way to the morgue. 10. Cade observes the body. He notices the bite mark, and confirms to himself that it was indeed a vampire. He looks to Grayson and relays this information subtly.11. Grayson receives Cade's meaning clearly, and begins to ask some more and admittedly stranger questions, subtly hinting at the possibility of supernatural forces.12. Joanna reacts to this line of questioning, finishing by telling Grayson that she doesn't know anything more than what she's told him. 13.Cade picks up on Joanna's behavior, and abruptly calls her a liar.14. Joanna grows defensive and politely insults Cade. Over the PA system, Joanna's name is called again. This time, for the ER. With great relief, Joanna excuses herself.15. Grayson casually asks if Cade knew the vampire that bit the patient, and if he could write all of the vampires in New York on a list. He confesses a lack of experience with vamps, considering almost every other demon these days is a werewolf. 16. Cade is frustrated by the implications, and reveals that he doesn't know all vampires in New York. He does mention that vampires, unlike most other demons, tend to prefer to remain in hiding. He then ominously mentions that there are other things Grayson doesn't know about. 17. Grayson laughs and dismisses this information. He receives a text message that seems to discomfort him, but he puts his phone away without revealing anything. The two leave. FYK: Grayson has arrived sometime after Zoisite left Cade's home. Grayson shows Cade no distaste, and Cade respects that. Joanna has already been questioned about the patient Hunter killed a month ago, but has always left out the man's bloody mouth. She does not know Hunter's name, but she knows Molly's. Grayson has gotten his suspicions from the descriptions of the bite in the reports.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 9

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: Celestial Training Gym (clear skies)Time: One month later; Nighttime1. Edgar watches from afar as Artemis and Luna walk hand and hand through the city. He waits and watches, preferring to carefully plan his approach rather than diving straight in.2. Luna and Artemis are walking back to the Celestial training gym, after a long day of looking for an empty space for a new gym. She laments the frustrating lack of space in New York. She begins to sense someone is following them, and squeezes Artemis's hand to let him know. She then turns to face her follower.3. Donovan, who's been following Artemis and the smoke monster for a while, awkwardly stumbled to a stop, but says nothing. He waits for them to keep walking, but when the shadow monster doesn't move, he has a feeling he's visible to it. 4. Artemis is immediately puzzled. He looks to Luna and mentions that he doesn't see anyone. His mind immediately goes to ghost, but then, perhaps more worryingly, Artemis finds himself wondering why Luna of all people can see it.5. Edgar, at the sight of Donovan, grows mildly bothered. Another soul that needs collecting, another soul that got away. Still, he forces himself towards optimism. He could, as they say, kill two souls with one reap. 6. Luna, meanwhile, is staring expectantly at Donovan, waiting for him to say something. He looks nervous, but also terrified, as if looking at Luna made him want to run screaming. She speaks first, asking if he wanted anything. 7. Donovan addresses Arty, even though he knows he can't see him. It's easier to pretend to talk to him, who looks normal, than Luna, who looks like a creature from the black lagoon. He apologizes for following them, and mentions he was just following orders. 8. Luna asks who ordered him to follow them, and why he won't speak to her directly. She notices him suddenly seem even more terrified, and asks why. 9. Edgar reveals himself, claiming that Donovan Gallows is afraid of him, as well he should be. He claims that Luna was not supposed to live, and that her stolen soul belongs to him. He's here to take it, as well as Donovan's, to make things right with the universe. 10. Artemis jumps at a sudden new presence behind him. He instinctively moves in front of Luna, as if to protect her.11. Donovan explains that it's Death, and panics while explaining that Death has caught up to him. He reveals all of his terror, and suddenly realizes that everything he's been trying to do accomplish is simply done. 12. Luna seems to know what Edgar is here for, though she can't put it into words. All she knows for certain is that she is terrified. 13. Artemis, hearing this, is unwilling to forfeit the soul he fought so hard to give back to Luna, and attacks Edgar. 14. Edgar disappears long enough to let Artemis fall through him. He then reappears next to Luna and Artemis, and grips a hold on both of their bodies, preparing to release their soul. 15. Donovan decides to let Edgar take it, tired of being such an ineffectual ghost. He surrenders, starting to feel the numbness and tingling sensation that he associates with 'moving on'. 16. Luna, however, isn't the type to surrender. She fights back, and notices that for whatever reason, Edgar could not get a hold on her soul. She shoves him away, violently, and moves to hold Donovan. 17. Edgar momentarily expresses his frustration at being unable to reap her at first try, and implores her to see reason. He claims that she's living on borrowed time that doesn't belong to her, and that sooner or later, she would need to surrender.18. Artemis picks himself up, grabs a large metal pipe, and shoves it through Edgar's chest, making him fall over. Artemis inspects him, to see if he's dead, and is surprised to see him still alive. He falls backwards in shock and suggest they run.FYK: --

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 10

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: The underworld, central chamber (clear skies)Time: One month later; Nighttime1. Darien enters the underworld, calmly and casually, but not in secret. He wields a sword, the same sword he used to kill Morgan, and if any demon approaches him, he uses it. 2. Ivy, nearby, has just finished 'seducing' Gideon to get back in his good graces. They lay together, and Ivy pretends to apologize for her poor reaction a month ago. 3. Gideon claims that it took her long enough, but considers her decision to return a smart one. He doesn't necessarily need her, but it's more convenient to have her nearby where's she's easily monitored. A guard arrives, and informs Gideon of an intrusion, something Gideon isn't overly concerned over. 4. Ivy, out of curiosity, questions who they intruder is. If it is one of her men, acting impulsively, she would have to speed up her plans and isn't quite ready for that. The guard informs her that it appears to be a watcher, with a sword. 5. Darien, meanwhile, uses his ability to collapse a tunnel behind him. The earth shakes in response, and any and all demons inside it were crushed. 6. Gideon, hearing mention of the sword, accurately assumes it's Darien, the man who murdered his love. He rushes to meet him, in a rage, but the tunnel he wants to walk through collapses, forcing him to take a backup route. 7. Ivy realizes what Darien is trying to accomplish, and follows Gideon, just as Gideon's chamber begins to collapse as well. She shouts to Gideon that he's trying to bring the underworld in on itself. 8. Darien continues to collapse tunnels on his way to the central chamber. When he arrives, he sees a furious Gideon and Ivy waiting for him. He greets them, and informs them that he's been planning for a month and has come to kill them. 9. Gideon doesn't waste time with small talk, and attacks him immediately, leaving a bloody streak down Darien's chest. 10. Darien responds by swinging his sword, wedging it between Gideon's ribs. 11. Ivy stands back to watch, wondering if she could escape the underground without notice, leaving Gideon to die on his own. She plots to take the throne after his death, but doesn't want to have to dig through fifty feet of collapsed rock and cement on her coronation day.12. Gideon explains exactly what he's going to do after killing Darien, and uses the pain from his wound to quicken his full metamorphosis into the wolf, and gains the advantage. 13. Darien seems to have expected this, but doesn't retreat. Instead, he begins using his ability to bring down the ceiling of the chamber. 14. Ivy is surprised that the watcher is willing to sacrifice himself just to kill Gideon, and realizes with some annoyance that she won't be able to escape if he brings down the roof. With an almost bored motivation, she intervenes, grasping Darien from behind, using her shadows to keep him from moving.15. Gideon turns back to a human, and takes Darien's sword.16. Ivy stops him, and suggests a better plan. Slowly, she begins to use her manipulation ability on him.17. Darien, realizing what she's trying to do, begs them to kill him instead. He begins to feel the effects of her manipulation, and starts to scream. FYK: A month ago, Gideon entered the Celestial Training Gym and heaved very lofty threats on all of them. Darien was unwilling to let those threats come to fruition, and has spent the month planning this attack. He is willing to die for his cause, if it means keeping Gideon away from Serena. In his attack, he ends up killing about a third of Gideon's werewolf population, a number Gideon won't know about until Episode 4 when they've finished counting the bodies.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 11

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: Warehouse near the Hudson River (clear skies)Time: One month later; Nighttime1. Hunter has been in the warehouse due to the familiar feelings it prompts. He's been exploring the building, trying to trigger memories.2. Bastian, aware of the potential plans of Benedikt, reveals himself to Hunter. Bastian claims that a demon called 'Benedikt' is after him with the intent to do Hunter harm, and claims he wants to help.3. Elsewhere, Zoisite is leaving Cade's home. She senses someone following her and begins to take a detour. As the person continues to follow her, Zoisite notices her 'detour' to feel as if it's being forced. She stops, and decides to surprise her stalker.4. Benedikt seems amused at her attempts to surprise him, and introduces himself. He reveals that he has information about her former lover, and suggests she follow him. He then moves in the direction of the warehouse.5. Back in the warehouse, Hunter finds himself distrusting of Bastian. His instincts drive him to seek an exit, or perhaps a way to defend himself. He asks why Bastian would help him.6. Bastian reveals his motives, which may or may not be sincere. He catches a noise outside the warehouse and suggests Hunter prepare himself. He then disappears.7. Zoisite chooses to follow Benedikt with caution. At the sight of the warehouse, Zoisite stops and accuses Benedikt of deception.8. Benedikt assures her that the man she's been looking for is in there, and he will show him to her. He enters the warehouse dramatically and calls out to his old friend.9. Hunter taking Bastian's advice, recognizes Benedikt's voice and prepares himself by escaping at vampiric speed.10. Zoisite comes in just after Hunter has escaped. Finding the warehouse empty, she directs her emotions towards Benedikt and attacks him.11. Benedikt was going to go after Hunter until Zoisite attacked him. He easily fends her off, and insults her for her eagerness to overreact. He is angry and frustrated for being bested. He demands Zoisite to leave.12. Zoisite angry and defeated, leaves the warehouse. Once outside, however, something stops her. She decides to spy on Benedikt to find out what he'll do next.13. Once the vampire is gone, Benedikt furiously calls Bastian out, questioning why he's interfering with his Order Plans.14. Bastian reveals himself. He claims that he doesn't like Benedikt, and that he's simply bored. He then teleports out of the warehouse.15. Benedikt expresses his fury then teleports away as well.16. Zoisite has secretly observed this scene. She reacts to the sight of Bastian alive, and the conversation he shared with Benedikt.17. Hunter, having retreated to the roof, has observed everything. He feels drawn to Zoisite, and wants to approach her. Instead, he quietly runs to the opposite side of the roof and disappears into the night.FYK: The warehouse is the same place in which Bastian and Malachite Feldspar last fought four years ago. The result of this fight was Malachite being staked, put in a box, and thrown into the Hudson River with an anchor. Zoisite was incapacitated at the time. Now, one month after the events of Episode 2, Hunter has found his way back to that same warehouse. Benedikt knows nothing of the prior events, but has observed Hunter and taken opportunity. Bastian doesn't want Hunter to regain his memories, and has been taking steps to prevent as much.

CF: The Story Site™

07/19/2013 09:38 PM 

Episode Three; Scene 12

Release Date: August --, 2013Setting: Carter's Auto Shop (clear skies)Time: One month later; Night of the Full Moon; Moonrise1. Raye and Greg are at her family's auto shop garage. Utilizing her surroundings, Raye is securing Greg should her meditation experiment fail. She sets up a mini fire-pit at a safe distance.2. Greg approves of the stability of Raye's lockdown job. He's ready to try this experiment, as he's been practicing with her for a while now.3. Outside, a drunken Luke is bored and looking for Greg. He finds a way into the auto shop, assessing the scene and making inappropriate jokes.4. Raye is annoyed and a little disgusted, and threatens Luke if he doesn't leave.5. Greg laments Luke's unwelcome appearance and suggest he leave, but he also suggests to Raye that she not harm him. He starts feeling the moon's effects, and quietly suggests Raye hurry.6. Luke reminds Greg what Raye did to him in Episode 1, then complains about his boredom and having to drink alone. He begins to unchain Greg.7. Raye stops him, informing Luke about their plans for mediation to avoid the unwilling werewolf transformation. She reminds him of the full moon, and again tells him to leave. She attempts to redo the chains Luke loosened.8. Greg starts to feel the oncoming change grow stronger. He's starts to panic and tells Raye they missed their window of time to prepare, and that she should run.9. Luke doesn't seem concerned. He argues that Greg is what he is, and the only way to deal with it is to embrace it. He uses his ability on Raye to get her to move aside and allow him to undo the chains.10. Raye is overcome by Luke's influence and does as she's told, unable to move.11. Greg begins to fully change. He lets out a powerful howl and breaks free of the chains completely, lunging towards the helpless Raye.12. Luke initially thrills at this, but after a silent moral battle with himself, he reluctantly moves to rescue Raye.13. Raye reacts to this confusing gesture, and tries to handle the werewolf without harming him.14. Greg prepares to attack again, but stops short when he hears another howl in the distance. Seeming to no longer care about Raye and Luke, Greg turns and takes off into the night.15. Raye starts to chase after him, but stops and asks for Luke's help, since he owes her. She doesn't wait for him to say yes, and runs after Greg.16. Luke considers Raye's suggestion, as well as his friendship with Greg. Then he makes his choice.FYK: Luke has been at the Devil's Playground drinking, by himself. He knew that Greg was going to turn tonight, and that Raye was supposed to help. Luke decided to go to Greg anyway. Raye was intending to use her methods of meditation to help Greg keep himself in control and resist transformation. Though Greg is able to change willingly and maintain control of his wolf-self, he is unable to repeat this behavior during the full moon. His transformation is forced, and he loses all control at this time. Greg has been turning for a few years now, so the transformation is quicker but still quite painful.


07/17/2013 10:01 PM 

Rules and disclaimers

Disclaimers- Miyako de Lioncourt/Miyako Musato is a character of my own creation as is her back story. Everything about her is my original work meaning it came out of my own head instead of taken from another source. I admit there are aspects of her story as well as her story line overall that are loosely based on the Vampire Chronicles as well as the Anita Blake Chronicles. I don't claim any of their works or ideas as my own, instead I claim them as a source of inspiration for my own ideas to be built off of. The images you see on this page are meant to put a face to a character that otherwise exists only within writing. I claim none of them as my own original work or as images of myself. They are used only for the purpose of giving my character a face no infringement on copyright is intended. Any images used that appear more than once within an album is due to the original and any edited versions that I've created being posted. Rules 1. As I said before my character and back story are all original creations that have taken a lot of time and effort on my part to create. I don't mind if you use my character or her story as inspiration for your own writing, but please don't steal either and claim them as your own. 2. I've been role playing on Myspace since 2003 so I'm not new to role play by any means... though I will ask you to be patient with me as this character is a part of a genre that I'm not used to. As such it will take me some time to learn the ropes of this genre so to speak. I won't give away the names of any other character(s) I have, but I will tell you that I've spent nearly all of my time role playing within the rather large world of Star Wars Role Play. That being said I think any one will agree this character is quite the switch from what I'm used to. 3. I tend to be a para, multi-para, novella role player but that doesn't mean I force others to be on that level as well. We all have to start some where, and we all tend to get comfortable on different levels I can respect that. Those that haven't quite built their self up to para, multi-para I'll still talk to and even try to help them improve to reach that level should they ask it of me. Those that are at that level and want to grow even more in hopes of becoming comfortable as a novella writer, I'll help you as well provided you catch me at a time when I can think of enough to write at that level myself. My writing quality and quantity depends heavily on my mood on the given day as well as the level of creativity and inspiration I have at that time. 4. As I said before I have more than one character to tend to so I may not always be logged into this account. I also happen to have things that require my attention outside of my writing, such as a job that at times requires me to be working up to 92 hours a week. And that my friends will always come first. If you happen to catch me on a day when I'm not in the mood to write keep in mind that I not only do a lot of writing for the purpose of role play, I also happen to do writing for various other projects. That being said some times I will have days where my creativity has been taxed to its limits and I'm feeling rather burnt out when it comes to writing. 5. I admit I'm not always the best at getting back to people I'm talking to. Some times it will take me awhile to get a reply out (any where between a few hours to a month or more). It all depends on how badly real life has taxed my creativity and how much time I have free to spend role playing. If I owe you and you haven't gotten a reply out of me after one week message me to remind me, and if you don't mind include my last post to you in your message to remind me of what I last said. It makes it easier for me in case your one of those people who like to delete comments after you reply to them or you have them hidden. By sending me my last comment it helps me to remember where I was taking our story, and sometimes gives me ideas for my next reply to you. If it has been a month or more since I've replied to you don't be afraid to send me a message reminding me that I owe you as I may have lost, misplace, overlooked, forgotten or have been way to burnt out creatively to reply to your post. 6. In order to avoid any issues that may arise due to my character's story I'm going to address the subject here. My character happens to belong to two men, Lestat de Lioncourt and Damien. She also belongs to one woman, Ashley Summers. If you have a problem with this type of relationship I ask that you either deal with it by pushing past it so we can enjoy writing together, or you can see your way off my list. It is my choice and right as a writer to create my character and develop it in any way I see fit, just as you have the same right with your own. I'll respect your ideas and preferences as long as you respect mine in return. For now that's all I have in the way of rules. They are subject to change at any time in length and/or content.

Loose Cannon Tozier.

07/17/2013 12:27 PM 

[ ...I'm Nothing... ]

                    ::Without You... ||   ..  || ...I'm Nothing At All::                                                                     __ My Sara __                                  ...|| My Love ||...|...|


07/16/2013 08:26 PM 




07/14/2013 11:17 PM 

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The Long RoadThe Long Road: Part 1The Long Road: Part 2The Long Road: Part 3

⸶Buffy/Angel Blogs ⸷

07/14/2013 10:35 PM 

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