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01/30/2025 07:31 PM
Disobedient Earlier that day Regina had made a spectacle of herself. She had embarrassed her parents, more so Cora, as well as the young Prince she had been trying to arrange a marriage with. Already throughout the kingdoms, word was spreading of what had happened. While most found it amusing, they also did not want such a willful young girl to marry their sons. It was quickly becoming apparent this little stunt would affect future arrangements Cora may attempt to make.
Regina was led by one of the servants to her mother’s room. Regina held onto the servant and slowly, reluctantly let go of her hand. Regina knew what was coming though it wouldn’t happen in front of prying eyes.
"Regina, dear." Cora said before looking to the servant. "Leave us." She said calmly. Regina turned to look at the servant, her little eyes pleading for them not to go. But they had no choice, they left. Regina turned back to face Cora though almost instantly fell to the floor as Cora reached out and slapped her, knocking Regina off her feet.
"How dare you behave like that in front of people! Fellow royals no less! Being so.. so disobedient!" Regina was already feeling the tears swelling in her eyes as she felt the sting in her cheek. ".. Mother I.." she looked up to Cora. "I just didn’t want to marry that boy. He only wanted to marry me because I was pretty because his father said so. That-" Regina was cut off as Cora pulled her to stand.
Regina whimpered and twisted in her mother’s grip. "There are worse reasons to marry! And now because of you, we’re running out of options. For now, you are going to learn your lesson." Cora glanced around the room before setting her eyes on the closet.
"Until you can see the light.. can see that everything I do is for the best. I’m going to put you in the dark." Instantly Regina began trying to squirm away from Cora. Regina was petrified of the dark.
"No!.. No mother.. mother please!" Regina pleaded. "Until you learn that there is no no this is where you will be Princess. You want to behave like a little monster.. you’ll be treated like one!"
Cora shoved Regina into the closet and slammed the door shut locking it, sealing it with magic so no one, not Henry nor the servants could try and sneak Regina out from her punishment.
"Mommy!" Regina screamed, the fear in her voice. Her sobs could be heard throughout the estate. Regina screamed, cried, kicked, and pounded on the door until her little knees, fists, and arms were bruised.
Finally she let out a scream of fear, anger, and frustration. The door did not open but it cracked, this crack surprised Cora. She hesitated for a moment but left the room. There Regina would remain for hours.
When Cora finally allowed Henry to go and retrieve their daughter he opened the door to find her curled in the corner, her knees to her chest, she was fast asleep now. Having passed out from the pure exhaustion from her upset earlier.
01/30/2025 07:16 PM
ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇꜱꜱ ʀᴇɢɪɴᴀ
Princess Regina Before Cora had decided on the ill-fated, cruel marriage to King Leopold, she had considered others for Regina. While they were not to Leopold’s status they were still young and powerful and it would rise Regina through the royal ranks to marry one of them. She was a Princess by birth, after all, known as the most beautiful throughout the kingdoms.
On this day, Regina’s seventh birthday. A celebration was being held and she was being presented to a future marriage prospect, a young Prince who would one day be King of his lands from a neighboring kingdom. When young Regina wanted to the Princess could turn on the charm and grace she naturally had.
Bowing to the young Prince before her Regina smiled. "Hello." She said in a soft tone. The young Prince stared at her. ".. You are as pretty as they said. Surely the fairest of them all."
The compliment given to Princess Regina made all those spectating smile and awe at the interaction of the young betrothed couple. It wasn’t a terrible match, surely worse could be made, which would happen in the future.
"Is that the only reason you want to marry be? My being pretty.. and our parents saying we have to?" Regina asked. The boy nodded and gave a slight smirk. "What other reason would there be to marry?" He asked.
Staring at him Regina tilted her head, and for a moment her darker side took over. "Well, you’re pretty too." She stated. With that Regina pulled the boy close kissing him before pushing him to the ground.
"But that isn’t the only reason why I want to marry you. The truth is I don’t. And I won’t." She said firmly. Everyone around laughed, of course, finding it amusing given Regina and this Prince were only children. However, Cora did not find this display of defiance amusing, nor did the father of the Prince. After the celebration he denied Cora’s match, refusing to let his son marry her daughter.
01/30/2025 05:15 PM
[ 1x1 | bleeding love. ]
>:root{ --ILeftMyHeartOne:#121212; --ILeftMyHeartTwo:#6f6173; --ILeftMyHeartThree:#bcbcbc; } .iLeftMyHeart { width: 300px; background-color: var(--ILeftMyHeartOne); padding: 10px; border: 4px solid var(--ILeftMyHeartTwo); } .innerTextHeart { text-align: justify; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: var(--ILeftMyHeartThree); line-height: 19px; } .innerTextHeart b, strong { background-color: var(--ILeftMyHeartTwo); color: var(--ILeftMyHeartThree); text-transform: uppercase; font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: 300; font-size: 6pt; padding: 2px 5px; } .innerTextHeart a:link, .innerTextHeart a:visited, .innerTextHeart a:active { text-transform: lowercase; font-weight: bold; color: var(--ILeftMyHeartTwo); text-decoration: none; font-family: sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0px; } .innerTextHeart i, em { color: var(--ILeftMyHeartTwo); } .innerTextHeart mark { background-color: var(--ILeftMyHeartThree); text-transform: uppercase; color: var(--ILeftMyHeartOne); font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 9px; padding: 2px 4px; } < "where is Klaus and elijah?"
Hayley had been back in the world of the living for the better part of forty-eight hours, and in those 2 days since she had crawled herself out of a six foot deep grave, where she had been buried by the Mikaelson’s no doubt, she had found nothing. Nothing to suggest where anyone had gone, the compound was empty - no longer full of life, no sign of her daughter, of the rest of the Mikaelson’s family. It was not Freya nor Rebekah she found at first, but instead Marcel - she had spotted him mere moments after finding herself breathing and on the concrete stone before her own grave. That was not something she never wanted to encounter again, not something she wished she had witnessed but she had made a deal, a deal that would bring her back to the world of the living and just so happened to reanimate her once crisp corpse; according to the devil himself, Cade.
"Hayley? I don’t understand how this is possible." Marcel all but commented, ignoring her question. She shook her head, brunette strands flying against her sticky flesh, perspiration having gathered on her skin after digging and climbing out of the ground. "Where are they Marcel. where’s rebekah, freya, klaus or even elijah. where is my daughter? She didn’t like raising her voice, didn’t like the way her emotions just snapped as if they had been strung tight, like a thread; Hayley had always been protective of her family, her daughter. The inner wolf, the alpha of her clan begged to see the surface and after resurfacing after so long, well how long - Hayley did not know, but it had to be long enough. "They’re gone. Elijah and Kla-" He paused, as if realising that it wasn’t the best place to be talking about the Original Vampire’s out in the graveyard of all places. As a matter of fact, were was Rebekah, the two had been inseparable before she sacrificed herself for Hope, Elijah and Klaus’ safety. "Nevermind, come with me. We’ll return to the Compound. Hope is safe though, she’s in Mystic Falls."
Gone? Had something happened after the incident that meant that Elijah and Klaus weren’t successful after her self-sacrifice. She needed answers, needed some clarity despite the fogginess in her mind, the mental barrier of exhaustion weighing deep on her. She had come back too late, her deal with Cade had not been soon enough. Why? Why had it been now that the devil himself decided to show up when she was at peace, only to give her the offer she craved and sought for so long before? Hope was everything to her, knowing how her daughter suffered without her was enough of a reason and when the opportunity came, Hayley took it. She signed her soul away with a blood drop, and it was done, she returned to the living world buried six feet under. But she was alive.
The brunette followed Marcel, noting how he was coconsciously looking around, surely they had dealt with all the threats in NOLA, she knew that Mikael and Esther were no longer an issue, the Hollow had been a concern before her death but that had to be dealt with, she knew as much as her ownself that Klaus would have made sure their daughter was safe.
The trip back to the Abattoir was quiet, eerily so. It had never been like this, there had always been movement, or noise of somesort, now it just resembled a ghost town - Hayley felt the change the moment she stepped through the entryway, it felt like everything yet nothing had changed. As if she hadn’t been gone for the past few years, especially after Marcel mentioned just how long she had been gone - it sure never felt like it had in fact been that long, four years was a long time, even for someone like Hayley. She followed Marcel, both unaware and yet hyper-focused on everything around her and within her, was this something she would need to adapt too? After selling her soul for the highest price ever.
A sigh left her lips, the interior remained the same, the open planned downstairs, furniture was covered - draped with white sheets to protect from dust and sunlight damage, the plants looked to be taking care of themselves, not lacking in water and yet, the fountain in the middle was off - no water ran, no trickling. Hope moved closer to said fountain, as she perched herself on the edge of the outer ring as she glanced up to Marcel once again, with hazel eyes. "I’ll call Rebekah, she’ll be shortly. I think its best you speak to her." Hayley all but nodded, despite the urging desire in her heart to find Hope, to find them all - she knew Rebekah would answer her questions, if not all of them.
01/30/2025 05:09 PM
Noah McAllister
Unlike some of her siblings, Kelly Vinyard felt it was important to wait until marriage before giving herself to anyone. So she waited until after she graduated from grad school. She’d met Davis Westmore during high school. They’d fallen in love, and both were like minded when it came to their virginity. They agreed to wait until marriage, and had a long engagement before finally tying the knot in front of friends and family in their early 30s. Her older sister’s triplets were the flower girls and ring bearer for the wedding. They were only about five at the time. Her sister was unmarried, but the triplets were adopted, so Kelly felt comfortable about having them in the wedding. Her sister wasn’t allowed to bring her current beau, though. They weren’t even engaged. If Kayla felt any way about her younger sister’s beliefs, she didn’t say anything about it. About three years later Kelly and David welcomed their only child into the world via adoption. They named her Noah Ivy Vinyard. Kelly had the stronger family ties than Davis did, so they agreed that it would be best to name the baby with her surname. If Kelly and Davis had known how disappointed they’d be in the future with Noah, they may have adopted a second or third child. But, they were confident that they’d raise the perfect child together. With strong Catholic values and a Catholic education that would make her successful in life. They definitely should have had more children, because Noah never was able to really make her parents proud.
From an early age Noah was very independent. She loved her older cousins, and she did everything she could to hang out with them and learn from them. Dani taught her some martial arts. Hunter helped her with art and music. Jaisen taught her to love football. Sunday afternoons during football season were always spent on Grandpa’s couch with him and Jaisen, watching the Broncos win and lose, depending on the season. Noah was never very interested in going to church with her parents, although they never failed to get her up at 6:00 on Sunday mornings for the early service. She listened to the sermons the preacher put together, but she was less than impressed. Her questions were never answered to her liking. She didn’t believe in blind faith like the preacher and her parents told her she had to have. Still, she went to the Catholic school, did the lessons, and made her way through life trying not to horribly disappoint her parents. Art was her salvation. She loved oil paints and acrylics. Crayons and colored pencils were enjoyed, too. Even when she was little, she carried a sketch pad and colored pencils with her everywhere so she could draw the world she saw around her. In school she excelled in her art classes. She was just average in everything else. Noah didn’t have many friends in school because she really only cared about her art. Sure, she was cute. Long dark hair, bright blue eyes, petite and reasonably stylish in the way she wore her uniform. Sure, she noticed some of the other kids in her class, but it always felt wrong to admire for too long. Her parents would have sh*t bricks if they knew she was mostly admiring the girls. That was a sin. It’d get her sent to hell. At least according to them. Noah didn’t believe it. But when she started dating, she chose the cute, nerdy boys to introduce her parents to. They were never thrilled with her choices. They would have preferred jocks. Not the theater kids that Noah usually brought home. After high school, Noah did as she was supposed to and went to college. That’s where she met a boy she thought was actually hot. They only dated for a couple weeks before they slept together. Noah knew her parents would kill her if they found out, so she didn’t say anything. Until about a month later whens he realized she was pregnant. She told the boy, and he immediately fled to go into the army. Then she told her parents. They told her she was a whore and a sinner, and that she must abort the baby. When she refused, they kicked her out. So Noah went to stay with her cousin, Dani, for a while. They shared an apartment for about three months before Noah left to start a new life in Denver, more than seven hours away from her parents and everything she knew in Durango. That’s where her son was born. A perfect baby girl that she named Elliot Avery Vinyard. It wasn’t easy being a single parent, but Noah knew that if her Aunt Kayla could do it with triplets, then she could pull it off with a single child. At first Noah spent her days working in a library where she could bring Eli with her to work. It was a perfect job in that she was able to take care of her daughter herself, and not have to struggle to pay for childcare, too. In the evenings, after Eli was in bed, she painted and tried to get her work into galleries around Denver. It took about 18 months before she was finally “discovered” by a gallery. Her work was prominently displayed, and quickly began selling. It didn’t take long before she was able upgrade her studio apartment for a two bedroom. She continued working at the library even after her art began selling enough to support them. It wasn’t that Noah particularly enjoyed working at the library, it was more because she was terrified people would realize she was a fraud. That she wasn’t as good as they thought. And then they’d stop buying and she’d be forced into a job she didn’t love or something. By the time Eli was three, Noah was beginning to cut back hours at the library. She wanted to spend more time with her daughter, and do things with her that would make them the best memories. That’s how she learned how to snowboard. Eli wanted to learn, and Noah thought it would be fun to learn together. So she took her up to a resort and they started learning together. They had so much fun during those lessons. Eli loved showing off tricks she was learning, and Noah enjoyed watching her daughter have so much fun. Those were good days and even better memories. They were memories that would both make Noah smile and cry in the future. Before Thanksgiving 2023, Eli got sick. The doctors said she had an inoperable tumor on her brain stem. They said there wasn’t much they could do, but they’d try some chemo and radiation to see if they could shrink it and give her more time. The holidays were spent in the hospital, and when the doctors in Denver couldn’t do any more, Noah packed up her daughter to return to Durango and the children’s hospital there. It was their last hope. When the doctors realized that Noah wasn’t going to take care of herself — putting Eli first in all things — they told her they were enforcing visiting hours. She could come between 8am and 8pm, but would have to go home for the night. They hoped that would force her to sleep and eat some. Noah tried calling her parents, but they hung up on her. So she called the only other person she could think of — Dani. Dani invited her to come stay above her dojo with her. In the same apartment they’d shared when Noah first got pregnant. Dani, Hunter, and Jai were her salvation during those rough days. And they were there for her when Eli succumbed to the cancer. She stayed with Dani for several months after losing Eli. Not wanting to be alone to think and get lost in her own emotions. Noah stayed with Dani until she realized that she had an identical twin out in the world — a woman by the name of Mikhaila McAllister. A DNA test and her cousin’s revelation that Noah had been adopted broke the news, and Noah set out to find her twin. Mik wasn’t hard to find. She hadn’t kept a low profile over the years. So she went to the Compound and Paradiso in search of her biological sibling. Like Mik, Noah has eternity spread out before her. Although, unlike Mik, no one has made Noah into a goddess. Noah met Mik’s daughter Nichole before she was introduced to her sister. It didn’t take long for Mik to fill Noah’s womb with a daughter. Then, because they wanted Noah to be happy and complete, Nichole brought Eli back from the dead and back into Noah’s arms. Mik promised there wouldn’t be any strings attached. Mik promised Noah that she’d be a part of her life, and that she’d help raise their daughter with her. After the events of the fourway wedding, Noah and Nichole got married to each other and moved into the palace that Chi designed for their family. Not long after that, Noah gave birth to her and Mik’s daughter - Trinity Elise McAllister. Currently Noah, Nichole, Mik, and Alex are working to create a family between the four of them. Working to be a solid part of each other’s lives and raise their children together. Noah couldn’t be happier.
01/30/2025 01:53 PM
it's the heart that hurts.
| a glimpse of haruya’s past, continued from the last piece. CW ;; domestic abuse implied.  “don’t you think that needs stitches or something?” haruya sits on the ground in front of the sofa with his knees pulled to his chest, focused on the television while idly picking at his lip. when he hears hideki, he arches his eyebrows and looks at him over his shoulder, head tilted a little. “could i borrow some?” he teases. hideki doesn’t look impressed. “do you think i really do?” hideki sits up, leaning over a little to look at him. “it’s still messed up, right? don’t pick at it.” “sorry.” haruya smiles, lowering his hand. he rests his chin on top of his knees. “i think it’ll be okay.” “it doesn’t hurt?” haruya lowers his eyes. there’s a sick feeling in his stomach that was already bothering him before, and now it seems to hit him full force. he focuses on the television again, but can’t think of an answer — not even a silly one. “sorry.” hideki moves off the sofa to sit beside him. “that was a stupid question.” “it’s not that.” haruya leans his head back so he’s staring up at the ceiling, letting out a deep breath through his nose. “it’s just that… my lip isn’t really what I’m thinking about.” “oh… you really can’t go home, huh?” “not while my dad is there.” he’s worried about what he’ll do now. he’s worried about his mother, who will have to deal with everything by herself. ( — who would take care of her if he’s not allowed back home? ) “well, i’ll go with you… you know, i’m sure you have to get your stuff if he doesn’t want you staying there, right? i’ll go too.” haruya smiles at the sentiment, but keeps his eyes on the ceiling. “if something like that happens again, i’d really rather you not see it.” “haruya.” hideki scoffs a little. “i’d rather not see it either, but it’s more important for us to know you’re okay. it scared us that you wouldn’t tell us what was going on.” “i didn’t mean to scare you guys.” haruya looks at hideki again. he feels bad for trying to get out of telling his friends about it, though he still doesn’t have the words to do it now. “i just don’t really know what to say, i guess. i didn’t want you to have to worry too much.” “i think what you need to realize is we’d worry about you even if you were just fine. we’re all friends — we think of each other.” haruya laughs a little, not sure how to take that. “thanks, hideki.” “i mean it!” hideki puts a hand on his shoulder. “we care about you, that’s why i want to help you.” “i mean it when i say thank you too!” haruya assures him, putting a hand on his shoulder in return. “i mean it, i just — i don’t know what to say.” hideki seems to accept that. he turns his head away and leans back against the sofa. “you don’t have to say anything else,” he mutters, a grin spreading across his face. “you know, one day when we’re finally famous, we might not have to worry about any of this.” haruya laughs a little. “yeah.” they’ve talked a lot about it. neither of them exactly have a plan ( they don’t know any instruments either ), but they still hang onto the idea. if he had money like that, he could help his mother whether he was allowed back home or not. haruya lays his head back down. “we’ll get there.” “we will.” hideki nods, then starts to get up. “now, come with me. you could at least keep that clean if you’re not gonna see a doctor.”
01/30/2025 09:54 PM
The Storm
THE STORM   "Abe this is Crazy," Mia voice said from the walky-talky, the storm that was flashing through the park was horrendous, thunder rolled overhead and lightning crashed out like serpents to strike the land in God’s rage. a young child had been leading a stray from their parents during a mercy demand for shelter so that hikers and people on trials would not get harmed but now with communications down with the rest of the rangers and cell towers down the only thing Abe and Mia had at this point was walky-talkies and hope on their side. "You got this, relax I’m following your location, the child was lost maybe half a mile from where we last were. The little girl had a pink coat and rainboots, shouldn’t be too hard to find" he said over the walky-talky trying to be very calm as he looked at the computer which could track every agent and where they were on the map and route. "Oh you think everything is so easy you know but I’m not as good with this tracking stuff as you, you know" she mutters a little as she squinted at the pelting rain as she had a flashlight hollering for the young girl over the screaming shrieks of thunder and blinding flashes of lightning. Mia could barely see more than ten feet in front of her and with pelting rain, all the rocks and mud made this insane plan even more risky. "I can barely see," Mia said Abraham knew this was insanely dangerous and probably a daunting task, Mia had every right to be relatively unnerved by this situation "You are doing great, deep breaths, keep calling, and keep your flashlight on" He said as the minutes ticked by as Mia was searching high and low and shouting to see if she could not get a response. Abraham kept in the station making sure everything was okay and she was not in danger. It took about an hour before finally heard. "I found her, god she is soaked to the bone Abe" Mia’s voice was concerned as Abraham could hear the crying of the young girl over the walkie-talkie. Abraham frowned, as the storm was still at high danger outside but he grabbed his coat and an extra pack of medical supplies. "Where do you think you are going?" demanded John standing near the door as Abraham frowned. "It’s almost a two-hour-long walk back here on foot and the trails are dark and you can barely see. I will find them and bring them back" he said sternly shoving past their superior to go and help Mia get this child back to safety, it was nearly only 40 degrees out, and no doubt the child and Mia had to be soaked to the bone and freezing. It took Abe about forty-five to get there on horseback galloping as he knew his way, even in the dark as if he knew how to travel without seeing things. Mia looked up hearing horse hooves over the ridge near them. "Abe?" she called out as Abraham slid down near the little girl and Mia. "Hey, told you that it would all be fine," he said smiling as he was also freezing and cold but knew they needed to get back to the station. The rain was starting to let up slowly but the thunder and lightning still exploded across the sky spooking the little girl that was crying as Abraham frowned. "She will freeze out here soon enough, even on horseback it will not be a safe thing right now," he said as lightning lit up the world around them before he spotted a cave opening near the ledge. "In the cave both of you" he ushered them swiftly as Mia was confused as to why they wouldn’t just head back instantly but the young girl needed to be warmed up and or be sick for days on end. Abraham took off the pack on the horse which he also led into the large cave. He took out twine, some fire-starting kick, and logs that he had taken from the station, and started a fire so that everyone would warm up. The fire crackled as the young girl was able to start to warm up sitting the closest as Abraham told Mia also to stay close to it and warm up. Abraham moved to the mouth of the cave opening and stared out, as soon as this storm passed they would head back but for right now their safety and health were far more important than quickly getting back. "Abraham" barks John on the walky-talky as Abraham paged in "I am fine, I found Mia and the young girl, we are staying in the cave till the storm passes, and it’s safe to leave. They need to warm up but they are both safe" He assured and John was not thrilled about it barking an insult on the walky "You lucky I do not fire you" he retorted back but Abraham turned off the walky-talky so that they could have peace for right now. Walking back to the fire and smiled as he sat down and leaned against the cave wall. "Don’t bears live in caves?" asked the little girl starting to stop shivering and warming up staying close to Mia as Abraham grinned amused. "Ah yes they do but you see I am Abraham and I scare away all the big bad things that go bump in the dark even bears" he teased in a good jest of a joke as the little girl giggled gently and relaxed as he smiled as he allowed the two to warm up and ignored his own drenched form. It wasn’t until Mia came over and patted his head. "You also need to warm up your soaked as well," she said before Abraham was about to complain but she gave that look, that stern motherly glare that he learned to just not challenge anymore as he nodded. "Very well," she said as he moved over and sat next to the fire alongside them. Mia leaned against him tired from all this unnerving rescue work as he smiled and wrapped an arm around her. "You did well you know, I know you were nervous about doing this but you found her," he said smiling as Mia muttered gently half asleep. "Not without your help" she retorted back "Am I ever grateful for it" she muttered gently looking at the fire as Abraham smiled and gently hummed a soft tune under his breath a soft lullybye that seemed to nag at his mind at times, a song he would sing if he ever needed to relax. "In 1863 hurrah! Hurrah!, Old Abe he ended slavery And we’ll all drink stone wine when Johnny comes marching home" he mutters half falling asleep his head dropping near his knees which were pulled up against his chest the crackling of the fire seemed to calm everyone down as Abraham slowly started to fall asleep as the pitter-patter of the rain calming him down as the storm started to pass by as the fire cracked and stayed well alive and keeping them warm. The soft hum of the rest of the lyrics came from his throat only humming before the soft snore of his tired frame finally gave way to full sleep.
01/30/2025 04:19 PM
A Motherf***ing Bloodbath! (Mature Content)
Current mood:
 (Sae Nan Seul now has to live with the trauma of her poor mother, father, sister and brother being slaughtered by the notorious crocodile called Gustave, after he ripped those motherf***ers apart during their vacation to Africa! She had the flu and was unable to go with them either, being forced to stay home and now Sae is dealing with survivor’s guilt.) A goddamn motherf***ing man eating crocodile, Over twenty feet long and weighing more than a ton, Has been stalking and killing hundreds of people, During the course of many years without being stopped, Because no one has been able to kill or capture him, Thus resulting in one dead f***ing victim after another, Being eaten alive by this goddamn human killing machine! Sae’s parents along with her two younger siblings, Were finally living out their dream vacation on the Nile, Only to have the large apex predator suddenly attack. Gustave’s powerful tail easily flipping the canoe boat over. Spilling out these soon to be dead motherf***ers, Into the water then the ruthless creature strikes, Snapping Sae’s father in half with sheer brute force! Consuming intestines and other internal organs, Before performing a death roll which tears apart, The rest of this f***ed up piece of human sh*t! Her horrified mother and siblings try to escape. Swimming away in vain as Gustave follows behind. Taking his time because they are too goddamn slow, The giant reptile eventually catches up with them, Grabbing them one by one in its extremely strong, Yet also incredibly f***ing dangerous jaws full of, Razor sharp teeth that effortlessly pulverizes bones, Severing body parts as he callously shakes each victim, Back and forth until dismembering them with ease. The water turning red with four more slain victims, Leaving Sae all alone to deal with her f***ing grief!
01/30/2025 04:17 PM
Nature Striking Back (Mature Content)
Current mood:
 (Sae Nan Seul leaves her Montana home and goes camping in Glacier National Park, but she stupidly does so in the territory of an adult male grizzly, who has already killed several people and now she is next! However, a psychotic general is allowing the large bear to just keep on killing, because the military has now secretly taken over the park, and nothing can be done to stop man eating animals like this!) An inexperienced female camper named Sae, Decides to ignore the warnings from other people, As she starts hiking through grizzly bear country, Unaware that a huge male is now stalking her, And will soon make yet another fatal attack, No doubt adding to its list of human victims, By eating her alive just like all the others, Until very little remains of this young woman! Powerful claws rip her entire back apart. Blood pouring forth as she cries out in agony. Horrific screams echo throughout the area, While sharp teeth began tearing into her flesh, Ripping out large chunks of raw human meat, Which the massive beast swallows and savors, Assuredly enjoying the taste of butchered prey! The killer grizzly begins consuming other body parts. Even Sae’s internal organs are greedily feasted on, Along with her breasts and thighs for good measure. Almost nothing is left for equally hungry scavengers, Because the aggressive animal leaves little to waste, As it continues slaughtering one person after another, But is protected by the military from being hunted, Because a corrupt general has taken over the park, And he enjoys seeing people mangled beyond recognition!
01/30/2025 04:15 PM
Serial Killer Tigress (Mature Content)
Current mood:
 (Sae Nan Seul is a naive tourist visiting India from her South Korean home, and she foolishly ignores the warnings of going into a particular area, which is the home of a notorious tiger who has already massacred dozens of people, but no hunters have been able to actually kill her though, because she’s proven to be far more difficult to track than previously thought.) This large and dangerous predator, Who develops a taste for human flesh, Begins stalking an innocent young woman, Named Sae and she’s just a tourist, Wanting to enjoy the beauty of nature, But this is her last day alive on earth, Because the vicious creature will soon strike, Showing absolutely no mercy whatsoever! Death come slowly yet also painfully. The huge feline devouring her alive. Sharp claws tearing Sae’s stomach open, Disemboweling her as internal organs, And other body parts spill outward, From a savagely gutted human victim! Whose head has almost been severed, By just one bite from those powerful teeth. Savoring the delicious taste of raw flesh. Treating her as nothing more than prey, To be toyed with before it finally dies. Blood and gore cover the immediate area, From where this man eating female tiger, Slaughtered yet another unsuspecting victim. Continuing on with her horrific reign of terror, Many men and women shall indeed perish!
01/29/2025 10:56 PM
If Only They Knew. [Drabble]
The TARDIS was once again in low orbit around a planet. Earth. New Year’s Eve, 2006. Both doors were already open, revealing the planet below, which was illuminated with the vibrant signs of life. The Doctor was already sitting on the floor by the threshold, legs dangling out over the edge, a champagne bottle and two glasses tucked aside in the corner to his left. If he’d had a wristwatch—or even needed one, for that matter—he’d have been checking it. But the Time Lord knew that it was about seven minutes to midnight. “Blimey. She really does push it,” he muttered to himself, though a fond smile tugged at his lips. He waited, looking down at the lights, considering if he should go searching for his companion. “I’m here, I’m here. Sorry,” echoed a familiar voice as the blonde in question entered the room, making a beeline for the doors. The Doctor looked up, both brows raised. “Ah, there you are.” He feigned a stern look as he pointed to the nonexistent watch on his wrist. Rose took a seat next to him with a sheepish grin, shifting slightly to get comfortable. “Right. Lost track of time, I s’ppose.” “Lost track of—What could you have possibly been doing?” He responded, his voice pitching upwards. Though the smile on his face betrayed his amusement. Her lips parted and she let out a soft huff, shaking her head and feigning annoyance. “I dunno, just… stuff.” “For someone who spends her days traveling through time and space with a seasoned time traveler, your time management skills leave much to be desired.” Rose snorted, shoving him lightly. “Says you. You’re the one who brought me home 12 months late. They had flyers everywhere an’ poor Mickey was a murder suspect.” The Doctor raised both hands in a gesture of surrender. “Alright, alright. Fair point. Believe me, I recall. Your mother’s slap nearly sent me into premature regeneration.” He chuckled and pulled forward both glasses, grabbing the bottle of champagne. With a practiced flick, he popped the cork. Despite his showing off (though if you asked him, he was still well-practiced), the cork immediately projected forward, bounced off the shield barrier, then hurtled off somewhere into the depths of the TARDIS. He froze for a moment, giving Rose a side glance. “Oops. That packed a punch, didn’t it? Reckon we should phone the manufacturer, tell them their bottles are a safety hazard.” A bit of foam fizzed at the top. The Doctor poured some into each glass. “Still— Can’t ring in the new year without a proper toast, can we?” He turned his gaze down to the Earth below. The city lights shimmered, golden veins stretching across the land. Somewhere down there, countless voices in London were building toward the countdown. But up here, it was quiet. Just the two of them, hovering from above. He lifted his glass, nudging her arm lightly.“To another year,” he said with a soft smile, his brown eyes lingering on hers for just a bit longer than usual. Rose met him with an equally vibrant smile. The kind that lit up her entire face, her entire being. The kind that only he could elicit from her. “To another year. Of… who knows what. Absolute chaos, probably. But the good kind. Another year of many.” His smile grew. Oh, if only they knew. They clinked their glasses together, each taking a sip. After a moment, the Doctor gestured toward the planet below. “Not a bad view, eh? In fact, best view in the house. And it’s also from the best ‘house’.” “The company isn’t half bad either, y’know,” she said, her expression forming into something more sincere. Something deeper. Something unspoken. His gaze moved back to hers. He was grinning like an idiot. “Yeah?” “Yes.” “Good to know.” “It’s perfect, Doctor.” “Ah, here it comes." Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…two… One. Shiver and Shake. Stuff off Legends. She thought it would never end. If they only knew.
01/29/2025 09:17 PM
Obey or be blocked
Current mood:
1) This is a regular HUMAN account so MCU/horror/sci-fi etc will not be added neither will celeb accounts
2) Not. A. S*ut. Acct. Do. Not. Try. It.
3) Accepted verses: human, real life, college, drama, medical (hey if you have a SFW idea I’m up for hearing it), etc
4) Keept it classy not trashy
5) Be kind
6) As always I’m just here for writing and not dram so leave it at the door
rules and guidelines
01/29/2025 12:24 PM
The humans in our story do not possess any particular powers, though they usually end up caught between all the magic in Mystic Hollow. All humans live in Fraire Kingdom, though it is entirely up to you whether they stay there...or are brave enough to venture into the forest. Some mortals are very curious about what lies beyond Sortilege, and despite their King recommending that they never step foot inside it…there are some who don’t listen. For many it is simple curiosity and wonder that gives them the bravery needed to face the unknown. However, some humans want to make money. They will hunt the fairytale creatures in the wood, in the hopes of selling them to the townsfolk for cures of illness or a means of protecting themselves. Though this act is completely frowned upon and forbidden by the King, that doesn’t stop some of the seedier characters of Fraire Town from doing it anyway. ARE THEY IMMORTAL: No SPECIAL ABILITIES: None WEAKNESSES: Pretty much everything. Sorry humans. IMPERVIOUS TO: Nothing. DIET: Whatever they want to eat. RELATIONSHIPS: Every opinion/relationship with magical entities changes per human. Some are terrified of them, some are curious and eager to learn about them, and others feel entitled to their gifts and powers. They will use them for the mystical qualities they possess. Some humans have made certain species slaves in their homes and others use them as a means of entertainment in Demmon Alley. Fae—or fairies—are extraordinary creatures in our story, but unfortunately have nearly gone extinct. They are fiercely led by Lorelai Foliorum. They are located in Whimsy Wood, deep within Sortilege Forest, and they possess magical relationships with unicorns that live nearby. While most struggle to get close to Unicorns, they have managed to befriend them and earn their trust. Fae possess the gift of immortality in their blood, and if a human consumes every last drop—they received eternal life. This is how Vampyrs are created. In addition to having magical properties in their blood, Fae can also be normal sized or shrink down to the size of small birds or insects. It makes it perfect for hiding—which they’ve all become good at—and it allows them to nestle in trees, mushrooms, branches, or hollows. Fae also have Pixie Dust, which is a dust that their wings secrete that sparkles and is catching to the eye. All Fae wings are different for each Fae, similar to how our fingerprints are one of a kind. People who use their pixie dust have the ability to fly for a short while, which makes them another target for hunting. ARE THEY IMMORTAL: Yes SPECIES ABILITIES: Fae have the ability to shrink their size or become large. They also possess the gift of flight and have a special relationship with nature—including the animals. CAN THEY HAVE UNIQUE SPECIAL POWERS: Yes WEAKNESSES: Pretty much everything. They are delicate creatures. IMPERVIOUS TO: Vampyrs compulsion gift. DIET: Since Fae have such a close relationship to animals, they tend to be vegetarians; though some will eat fish too. You definitely won’t catch them eating other animals though, unless they’re rebels. RELATIONSHIPS: Fae stay away from humans, loathe vampyrs, and are indifferent with the Merfolk and Magiks. Since it is difficult to trust anyone, they do their best to keep to themselves, but there are a few who have managed relationships with outside species. It just always comes with a risk. They have managed to form a special relationship with the Werewolves who make it their mission to protect what is left of the Fae. Vamps can be broken down into two separate categories. There are the Majorem Vampyrs and the Luminaire Vampyrs. The difference is simply how they were created. Majorem Vampyrs are full blooded, created by consuming the blood of a Fae to be granted immortality. As you can imagine, over time, the decline in fae has also caused a decline in this kind of vampyr. In fact, they’re almost non-existent because Fae are nearly impossible to find. Most vampyrs now are being created through a bite. If a Majorem or Luminaire Vampyr bites a human and if that human kills another human being by draining them dry, they become Luminaire Vampyrs. They are half has strong as Majorem vamps and often looked down upon in the Vampyr world as half-breeds and abominations. ARE THEY IMMORTAL: Yes SPECIES ABILITIES: Super speed, strength, agility, senses, and durability. Vampyrs also have accelerated healing properties, can use the gift of compulsion, turn off their emotions so they don’t need to feel grief or pain, and have the ability to influence the dreams of those around them. CAN THEY HAVE UNIQUE SPECIAL POWERS: I will allow for special powers for Majorem Vampyrs if they can be explained ie: how they got them, how they use them ect. WEAKNESSES: Sunlight (unless they possess a piece of jewelry which protects them), Werewolf bite, decapitation, heart extraction, fire, vervain or other plants/poisons, magic, and wood through the heart. They also need an invitation to enter any part of Fraire Kingdom and are particularly weak to Merfolk’s Sonic Scream. IMPERVIOUS TO: The Merfolk’s gift of Siren song. DIET: Vampyrs can only consume blood. It can be the blood of anything, but there are different perks to consuming certain species. Consuming the blood of a fae is the most pleasurable and gives them the most energy. Vampyrs cannot eat human food. It makes them deathly ill and will give away what they are. The only thing they’ve found they can safely consume is alcohol in any form. RELATIONSHIPS: Vampyrs can interact with any of the groups but especially hate werewolves and the Magiks. Currently led by Zephyr Skornik, the werewolves in our story live deep in the forest and call Lobo Timberwood home. Werewolves operate similar to humans in the sense that they mate and have families. Werewolves who breed with other werewolves produce offspring that also have the werewolf genes. They are first able to transform into werewolves during their 13th year. You can attribute it to puberty in humans. Werewolves tend to keep themselves in the forest, often living off the animals that roam there. They learned the hard way to keep to themselves, and try to avoid interacting with Magiks or Vampyrs. Since werewolves now have control over when they transform, many of them go in and out of Fraire Kingdom and are typically welcomed there, but namely because the citizens don’t know what they really are unless they reveal their true forms. ARE THEY IMMORTAL: No SPECIES ABILITIES: Super speed, strength, agility, senses, and durability. Werewolves also possess accelerated healing properties, can detect when someone is telling a lie, and the venom in their bite is fatal to vampyrs. Now during a full moon their gifts as a werewolf are increased and they become even stronger for that night. Werewolves are also able to communicate telepathically with other werewolves that they are close to emotionally, for up to a 5 mile radius in distance. If a werewolf is not a fan of another, they will not have this benefit. CAN THEY HAVE UNIQUE SPECIAL POWERS: Yes, I will allow for special powers, but they have to be gifted to them via the Magiks and it must make sense why they would give them to the werewolf ect. WEAKNESSES: Since werewolves are not immortal, they share many of the same weaknesses as humans, such as old age, sickness, disease ect. They can also be killed like the vampyrs with decapitation, heart extraction, fire, and are sensitive to wolfsbane and other plants/poison, magic, and silver. IMPERVIOUS TO: Nothing. DIET: Werewolves are able to eat whatever they desire. Many of them prefer to hunt creatures in the forest while they’re in their werewolf form, but some also eat and operate like humans—especially if they have families. RELATIONSHIPS: Werewolves are typically kind creatures and have a special relationship with the Fae and protecting what is left of them. They hate the vampyrs and have a healthy respect for the Magik people. Since they are closest to being like humans, they can have good relationships with them, especially the ones that don’t hate any of the supernatural entities from Sortilege forest. Werewolves are particularly susceptible to Merfolk and it is difficult for them to fight off their Siren song, so they try to avoid Asrai Sea. Magiks are the witches and warlocks of our story. They can be found on either side of Aradia swamp. They can also be broken down into two groups. Those that tamper in black magic are led by Alatar Jahan are located by Rhiamon River. At the end of the day these kind of Magiks don’t care what lengths they have to go to in order to get what they want, they’ll do it. They don’t care if it means harming another species or lying to get what they want. They are very manipulative and some might use the word ‘evil.’ Those that work with white magic are led by Coralia Airaldi and call Gullevig Marsh their home. Coralia and her people would like to see harmony between all species and have Mystic Hollow be restored to balance before the humans felt the need to infiltrate the forest. They want to live at peace with everyone, but at the end of the day will do what needs to be done to protect themselves. Coralia and Alatar are almost always at odds. Magiks are very gifted and not to be trifled with. Regardless of whose side you’re on, their magic is nearly limitless, it’s just a matter of harnessing the appropriate energies and they can accomplish many things. There is some tension between the white magic users and the black magic users. Often times their opposing one another and they live on opposite sides of the swamp and do their best to ignore one another. ARE THEY IMMORTAL: Yes and no. Innately, no they are not immortal. However, the more powerful magiks have figured out how to harness spells and potions to keep themselves young, but it often requires special ingredients that are very difficult to get. SPECIES ABILITIES: Every witch or warlock posses the gifts of spell casting, potion brewing, and channeling which allows them to acquire extra energy for a time by channeling outside forces. For more powerful witches or warlocks their gifts may include telekinesis, pain infliction, elemental control, or clairvoyance. Rare powers reserved for older warlocks and witches may include resurrection, dream manipulation, necromancy, telepathy, projection, possession, and the power to create illusions. CAN THEY HAVE UNIQUE SPECIAL POWERS: Yes, I will definitely allow for unique gifts special to each individual Magik. WEAKNESSES: Since Magiks are very much like humans, they too are weak to many of the same things such as old age, sickness, disease ect. Their skill level will also directly affect what they are weak too as they can often become a hindrance to themselves. For instance, a witch/warlock needs to be able to keep perfect concentration to perform spells or create potions. They can also feed off of their own emotional energies, but those who are not as well versed can actually be rendered ineffective if they can’t think or feel anything but what’s going through their minds. As you might’ve already assumed, witches/warlocks can be killed by Vampyrs, werewolves, and merfolk. IMPERVIOUS TO: Nothing, unless they can create a spell that helps protect them from whatever threat for a certain amount of time. DIET: Magiks can eat whatever they like. They often consume very odd things because of the potions they create. I wouldn’t trust the food if they invite you over for dinner. RELATIONSHIPS: Magiks have individual relationships with every species. In general, Magiks believe that they are at the top of the totem pole in terms of importance and strength. They do not need anyone else and typically look out for themselves, but they will play the field and make alliances if it benefits them. Therefore, it can be surmised that they are not very trustworthy. Magiks are a direct threat to the Merfolk because they often want their scales and blood to perform spells/rituals/create potions. They will often hire other supernatural species to do their dirty work and go to Asrai sea in addition to traveling all over Mystic Hollow for different ingredients acquired from other places/species. Merfolk encompass both mermaids and mermen. Led by Maraja Altum, a direct descendant of Aalton; the Merfolk live in Adriatic Kingdom, just below the Asrai sea. Merfolk are different than what you’re probably expecting. For instance, our merfolk are cannibals and prefer the taste of human flesh. They look beautiful on the outside and use that to their advantage to lure in prey, but then on a dime they can turn into nasty little things that rip the flesh of bodies. While humans are what they ate for a long time, once they learned of Vampyrs and Werewolves, this is their choice meal. Because they are mystical decent, they taste the best. Unfortunately for the merfolk, when the dragons began to attack the land, it was discovered that their scales made the best form of armory and could protect everyone from the fire attacks. Because of this, many humans as well as other magical creatures from Sortilege, began to hunt them. Since they had a disadvantage in the water, they would wait until the merfolk would come on to shore and turn human and that is when they would kidnap them. The tail of a mermaid or merman fetches one of the highest prices in the Kingdom. ARE THEY IMMORTAL: No, but they have a long lifespan and can live for a few hundred years. SPECIES ABILITIES: All merfolk have the gift of Siren Song which enables them to lure prey with a beautiful melody which is coupled by their ethereal good looks. They can also use the gift of sonic scream to temporarily paralyze their victims. This is especially effective on Vampyrs. In addition to these powers, all merfolk have the ability to talk to all living creatures of the sea. CAN THEY HAVE UNIQUE SPECIAL POWERS: Yes they can. WEAKNESSES: Merfolk need to be able to submerge themselves in water every day. This does not need to be water of the Asrai sea, just water in general. IMPERVIOUS TO: Fire from the dragons. DIET: Mermaids thrive on flesh on human like species ie: humans, vampyrs, fae, magiks ect. But they can also eat imps and trolls, if there’s ever any over in that area. They are free to ingest human food but it does weak their abilities. If they eat it frequently and do not partake in what their main diet consists of—flesh—then they can no longer use their siren song or sonic scream, or whatever unique gift is theirs. So it is vital that they ingest flesh. Those who take mermaids as captive will often withhold their normal diet as a means of controlling them. It is considered taboo and frowned upon for merfolk to eat seafood, but that doesn’t mean some don’t do it anyway. RELATIONSHIPS: Merfolk don’t really like anyone. Quite frankly, every species presents a danger to them, and because of that they do their best to stay in the Adriatic Kingdom where they cannot be bothered. Some Merfolk have been kidnapped and taken to Frarie Kingdom to be sold at Demmon Alley for pleasure.
01/29/2025 06:04 PM
Time war
The Time War is a pivotal event in the lore of the "Doctor Who" universe, representing one of the most significant and devastating conflicts in Time Lord history. It primarily involves the Time Lords of Gallifrey and the Daleks, one of the Doctor’s most notorious enemies. The Time War is characterized by its complexity, consequences, and the moral dilemmas it presents.
### Background
1. **The Time Lords**: The Time Lords are a highly advanced civilization with the ability to manipulate time. They are governed by a strict code of ethics that emphasizes non-intervention in the affairs of lesser species. However, the Daleks, genetically engineered beings driven by hatred and conquest, pose a significant threat to both the universe and the Time Lords’ values.
2. **The Daleks**: Originally created by Davros on the planet Skaro, the Daleks are ruthless, warlike, and possess a singular desire for dominance over others. Throughout "Doctor Who," their aggressive expansion and genocidal behavior have posed a recurring threat to various species and civilizations.
### Events of the Time War
1. **Escalation of Conflict**: As tensions escalate over time, the Time Lords become increasingly worried about the Daleks’ ambitions. Attempts at peace and containment fail, spiraling into an all-out war that spans time and space. The conflict sees battles fought in various historical contexts and dimensions, manipulating time itself to gain an advantage.
2. **Temporal Weapons**: The Time War introduces advanced weaponry and technology. Both factions exploit time manipulation, creating paradoxes and alternate realities as tactics. The Time Lords develop weapons such as "time loops" and "time bombs," while the Daleks use their own formidable technology to wreak havoc.
3. **Time Lord Extremism**: The conflict leads some Time Lords to abandon their foundational principles. Some embrace more radical approaches to warfare, leading to a schism within their society. The war forces the Doctor, who typically follows a non-interventionist philosophy, to confront the consequences of the Time Lords’ choices.
### The Doctor’s Role
1. **Witness and Participant**: The Doctor is inadvertently drawn into the Time War, witnessing its devastation and moral complexities firsthand. As a Time Lord, the Doctor is connected to the conflict. However, maintaining his ideals often puts him at odds with the Time Lords, especially as their combat becomes more ruthless.
2. **The Moment**: One of the central points of the Time War is the Doctor’s use of "The Moment," a powerful weapon capable of destroying both the Time Lords and the Daleks. Faced with the decision to use it, the Doctor ultimately chooses to end the war at a great personal and moral cost, leading to the destruction of Gallifrey and the end of the Time Lords as they were known.
### Consequences
1. **Destruction of Gallifrey**: The climax of the Time War results in the destruction of Gallifrey, an event that profoundly affects the Doctor. The pain of losing his home planet and people weighs heavily on him, contributing to an ongoing theme of loss and guilt throughout the series.
2. **The Last of the Time Lords**: Following the Time War, the Doctor believes he is the last surviving Time Lord, which greatly influences his character and actions. This notion of loneliness and survivor guilt shapes the Doctor’s relationships with companions and those they encounter.
3. **Legacy of the Time War**: The scars of the Time War continue to affect the "Doctor Who" narrative, influencing future interactions with both the Daleks and other characters. It introduces elements of moral ambiguity, messy consequences of war, and the philosophical questions of right versus wrong.
### Repercussions in the Series
The Time War is revealed gradually throughout the new series of "Doctor Who," primarily introduced during the Ninth Doctor’s tenure. The implications expand further in subsequent seasons, informing character arcs and plotlines. The War is explored through various narratives, including novels, audio dramas, and spin-off media, enriching the backstory and emotional depth of the Doctor and the Time Lords.
In summary, the Time War serves as a backdrop for the exploration of complex themes, including sacrifice, morality, and the eternal struggle against tyranny, profoundly shaping the character of the Doctor and the overarching mythology of "Doctor Who."