Sophia is the most maternal of all the angels. In the political struggles of the angels, she seeks to bring about reconciliation, forgiveness, understanding. She is calm, observant, an excellent listener, but she is also stern and unflinching. She is deeply wounded whenever one in her service suffers, even if they brought that suffering on themselves.
Oddly enough, her worst foe is not Andrealphus. She sees a place for lust in the context of certain types of love. Her arch-foe is Malphas, because she hates all divisiveness. She can tolerate any of the Demon Princes except Malphas, Baal, and Saminga, and is even cordial towards Lilith.
Sophia is, of all the archangels, the most involved in the day to day works of humans. However, she rarely accepts credit for what she does. Many of the Archangels forget that she is among the oldest of their kind. Sophia, is of course, the Greek word for Wisdom. It may not be entirely coincidence that she has always been called by that name.
Sophia regards her word as covering all aspects of love. This includes erotic love. She is not embarrassed by sexual desire or union, so long as it is unifying rather than divisive. In other words, as long as sex is love-making, she has no problems with it. About auto-eroticism, she has no opinion at all.
Some of the other angels do, however. Most conventional religions have pretty narrowly defined avenues of sexual expression. Didn't God himself wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality?
No, Sophia replies. The citizens of those cities tried to force their way into Lot's house with the intention of raping his guests, who happened to be Malakim in the service of Dominic. Not wise. The cities were destroyed because they were evil -- Infernal Tethers to the demesne of Andrealphus.
Sophia understands that there is more to the Symphony than love. But that isn't where she offers guidance. She condones loving activities and disapproves of hateful ones. If you want guidance on following rules, she'll direct you to Dominic.
About me:
Sophia has been the angel of love since the beginning of time. She is almost as old as Yves, and some say she is as old. But she didn't begin as an Archangel. In the beginning, she performed her labours as a Cherub under the guidance of Yves. Some say that if she'd been given more scope, the Fall wouldn't have happened. If you ask her, she'll merely shrug modestly. "It's too late to change things now."
She was elevated to Archangel status on the creation of Eve. Humans were becoming more important to God, and no one wanted another Lilith fiasco. She barely noticed her elevation, though she was releaved to have more angels at her service. Building and maintaining love in a fallen world is hard work.
Only once has she suffered Dominic's inquisition, and that under the instigation of Uriel. An early gnostic sect of Christianity declared her identical with the Holy Spirit, and therefore a part of the Holy Trinity. When questioned about it, Sophia merely stated, "It isn't causing them any harm to hold these beliefs. Why should we make trouble for them?" This enraged Uriel, for whom doctrinal purity was as important as any other kind. But even the penetrating mind of Dominic could find no fault in anything she'd done, and so her name was completely cleared. Sophia's response to the acquittal: "That's nice. When did you say this happened?"