Full Name Astrid Deetz Age:16 Born:
Unknown Gender:Female Title(s):Ghost Whisper | The Freak Species:Human Speciality:Talk and See Ghosts Height: 5'5". Hair | Eyes: Black | Brown Race/Nationality: American. Occupation:College Fact: She thinks her mothet was a fraud and hates that she couldn't see ber father. Fact:Hates being center of attention.Hates how her grandma told her about her grandpa is dead at her school.
Astrid is headstrong, has a dry sense of humor, and is serious. She loves her family but held a grudge against her mother for a long time for her fatherโs death and not being able to communicate with his ghost, accusing her mother of being a fraud.
She is committed to helping others and protecting the environment. Her motherโs job as a TV psychic caused her to get bullied at school, which further fueled her anger towards Lydia.
My Mom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, lacus nec iaculis congue, lacus nisl rutrum purus, sed commodo turpis nulla eu lacus. Aliquam et porttitor quam. Curabitur ultrices, mi id pellentesque cursus, ex justo porta leo, id vulputate elit purus in ligula. Nulla facilisi. Sed pellentesque tempus tempus. Donec pretium sapien non urna posuere tristique.
Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.
My Grandma
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, lacus nec iaculis congue, lacus nisl rutrum purus, sed commodo turpis nulla eu lacus. Aliquam et porttitor quam. Curabitur ultrices, mi id pellentesque cursus, ex justo porta leo, id vulputate elit purus in ligula. Nulla facilisi. Sed pellentesque tempus tempus. Donec pretium sapien non urna posuere tristique.
Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.
Beetlejuice Open
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod, lacus nec iaculis congue, lacus nisl rutrum purus, sed commodo turpis nulla eu lacus. Aliquam et porttitor quam. Curabitur ultrices, mi id pellentesque cursus, ex justo porta leo, id vulputate elit purus in ligula. Nulla facilisi. Sed pellentesque tempus tempus. Donec pretium sapien non urna posuere tristique.
Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.
Astrid was born to Lydia and Richard roughly 16 years.She seems to have had a good childhood with her parents and grandparents despite her motherโs psychic abilities and Deliaโs eccentric tendencies; she describes her Grandfather as the most sane person of the family. She was very close with her father who took her on his travelings to promote climate change.
At some point her parentsโ marriage fell apart and her father died in a biting accident on the Amazon River. Astrid would go on to blame Lydia for their separation and his death, as she believed her mother was faking about seeing ghosts, especially given she wasnโt able to see Richardโs. The two become further estranged when Lydia began dating Rory, whom Astrid despised, to the point Astrid avoided speaking to her mother.
When Charles dies in an accident, Astrid reunites with Lydia and Delia, who pick her up from boarding school to take her back to Winter Fall for the funeral. Astrid brushes off Lydiaโs attempts to bond with her and is disgusted when Rory proposes to Lydia at Charlesโ wake. Disgusted, she bikes through town and crashes into a fence, and meets a teenage boy named Jeremy. The two talk and find they have a lot in common, and make plans to hang out the next day.
Astrid roams to the attic and finds Adam Maitlandโs town model, and then a box of family pictures of her and her parents. Lydia finds her there and they start to bond until Lydia finds a Beetlejuice flyer and angrily tells Astrid to never say his name, causing her to storm out of the house and go meet Jeremy. At his house, she finds the Handbook for the Recently Deceased and she reads some pages about Code 699 and Sandworms. The two then make plans to hang out on Halloween. Astrid tells Lydia of her plans when Lydia decides to leave following an encounter with Beetlejuice.
On Halloween night, Lydia drops Astrid off at Jeremyโs. The two end up kissing but also levitate, Astrid realizing Jeremy is a ghost. She panics but he offers to help her find her father in the Netherworld if she agrees to help him come back to live. He draws a door on the wall and has her read an incantation from the book before they enter the Waiting Room and are then directed to Immigration. Jeremy reveals he tricked her into trading her life for his, thereby trapping her in the afterlife while he returns to the living world. She is taken to the Soul Train Station and sees her father working as an immigration officer. Lydia, having been helped by Beetlejuice, finds Astrid and they end up walking into one of Saturnโs moons and are attacked by a Sandworm. Richard saves them and the three reconcile before going back to Immigration to stop Jeremy. Beetlejuice, disguised as the immigration officer, rejects his passport and sends Jeremy to Hell, saving Astrid. Helped by Richard, Astrid and Lydia return to the living world.
Astrid apologizes to Lydia for not believing her. Lydia goes to the church to meet Rory for their wedding despite Astrid insisting she doesnโt have to marry him. Inside the church, Beetlejuice and Delia are waiting for them. Astrid attempts to say his name before Beetlejuice stops her and asks her to call him โDadโ. Astrid is initially surprised when Rory, injected with truth serum, admits he is only after Lydia for her money but smiles when Lydia punches him. As Beetlejuice prepares to marry Lydia, he possesses Astrid, Delia, Rory and the priest to sing and dance until the ceremony is interrupted by Wolf Jackson and then Delores, who demands Beetlejuiceโs soul. Astrid finds the page on Sandworms and summons one, which devours Delores and Rory. The women attempt to leave as Beetlejuice reminds Lydia of their agreement. Astrid says the marriage contract is null and void because he violated Code 699 by bribing Lydia into the afterlife, allowing Lydia to send Beetlejuice back to the Netherworld. Lydia and Astrid bid farewell to Delia and then embrace each other.
Lydia ends her TV show to spend more time with Astrid. In a dream, Lydia dreams of them visiting Draculaโs Castle, Astrid getting married and giving birth to a baby Beetlejuice.
header two
lover: them dating: MONTH 00, YEAR engaged: MONTH 00, YEAR married: MONTH 00, YEAR
love notes:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis. Cras nec dolor non est vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum molestie dolor ut tellus convallis laoreet. Suspendisse ut consequat mauris, vitae fermentum justo. Vestibulum scelerisque eros magna, vel maximus ex semper sed.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis. Cras nec dolor non est vehicula dapibus. Vestibulum molestie dolor ut tellus convallis laoreet. Suspendisse ut consequat mauris, vitae fermentum justo. Vestibulum scelerisque eros magna, vel maximus ex semper sed