Heya! Guess who finally made her way outta Arkham... Everyone's favorite clown girl!!! Har-ley Quinn at cha service! Can't wait ta get ta know ya. If I ever go missin' when ya want some fun, check solitary for me, k! -HQ
OUT OF CHARACTER Starting out, I'm so sorry for this mass comment! If we've been friends a while, forgive me! Work, the weird site hack, and sleeping way too much have me in a chokehold. So! I roleplay MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANY versions of Harley. I have a more AU version of a younger Harley I like to stick with, but I also dabble in canons. When it comes to canon, mostly I stick with the Classic or the Max Show version. They are the two I love most. If you want a certain version for our roleplay, LET ME KNOW!