Richard kimble on - Richard kimble
The Fugitive 2000/ Crime/ Law Enforcement/Pretty Little Liars, Pretty Little Liars: Perfectionist/ Open

Here to rp and not numbers. ||

He is with Laura Chereaux only. He won't cheat on her.||

41 years old
Bayside, California
United States

Last Login:
April 20 2024

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     Richard kimble's Details
Characters: Richard Kimble
Verses: The Fugitive 2000
Playbys: Tim Daly
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Action, Crime, Mafia, Medical, Open, Television,
Member Since:September 22, 2019

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About me:
Richard Kimble was born to Stuart Kimble and Ruth Kimble, Stuart's Wife at the time, in Philadelphia. He was born as their oldest son out of two kids. Richard's younger sibling was a female, a sister named Maggie Kimble. The two grew up super close. Like their dad they mostly kept their friendships within their family only. As their dad did. Growing up, both Richard and Maggie were good students, which they definitely proved a lot. They rarely went out. Only once in a while. The family was super close. One day their mom got sick, as they hoped that there would be a cure. Unfortunately, there was no cure, which made Richard study even harder than before, if that was possible, to become a doctor. He even fought himself to out best himself, even more than he used to do before, in hopes to go to med school one day. He hoped that this way he would be able to save his mother but it didn't happen unfortunately. Richard and his sister lost their mom a year later, as the illness she had claimed her life. Which devestated the family to no end. The father barely ate and barely spend time with his kids, as their other families moved in with them to help them out. As Richard and his sister continued their education, no matter how hard it was for them. As they had to do that, which they knew rather well, as their mom wouldn't want them to quit and neither did their dad or the test of their family. They hoped to graduate with very good grades and to prove themselves. Richard never stopped wanting to be a doctor, even if his dad never stopped being against that idea. However, Richard was too stubborn/headstrong, so he definitely refused to give up no matter what. After he graduated high school he went to the army but then after that he went to med school, despite the fact that his dad tried to convince him to give up on being a doctor but he won't hear it. By then their families left and it was only Richard, his dad and his sister. Until Richard went to school when the time for him to go to college came. His dad gave up on trying to convince him otherwise, from convincing him not to be a doctor.

Richard was definitely grateful for that. He was glad that he could make his dream come true. He just wished that his mom was there to see it. Unfortunately, no such luck and Richard knew that rather well. He missed her everyday but he did the best he could to move on, as it was all that he could do, no more nor less. He hoped that she could see it all, even if he doubted that it was even possible. Richard did the best he could, to focus only on his studies and his life, no more nor less. However, he missed his mom everyday as before. This time he missed the rest of his family too, almost every day but that was because they were not in Washington DC, where he studied medicine. Richard didn't trust doctors much but he still felt like he wanted to be a doctor, as he wanted to prove himself capable and he wanted to teach other doctors to be good doctors and helpful. He studied to be one on his own as a kid but once he went to med school he focused only on medicine and things to do with it. Other things he was taught too. As hoped to prove himself and to prove that he belonged there, which Richard managed to do. However, he did got into trouble a lot for taking the short cut. Granted, he was right, even if he miscalculated one time but he fixed that and saved his patient. However, Richard's Professor didn't approve his methods and gave him little side projects to get him to do his job better. It helped teach him how to do things better somewhat but to the most part, he continued doing things as he did before and save patients, even with skipping certain things because he was too eager to prove himself and help patients that he didn't think that checking other things was really nessesery. Which made his Professor more persistent in teaching him. Also, she was proud of Richard saving his patients and doing the right thing but she still warned him that he need to check everything before he figured out what was actually wrong with his patients. However, Richard couldn't see the point of it. Granted, he wanted to avoid them being sued and trouble but he at the same time wanted to help patients, without letting them die from the real health problem they had.

He felt like doing things the other way took way too long and they didn't really have that long. Especially when the patients had an issue that needed surgery. Richard feared that going around the bush until finding the problem would mean finding the problem too late and then he would need to watch patients die, which he wanted to avoid at all cost. Which was why he checked straight whar he believed was the real problem and fixed it, or tried to at least. Even if it got him into trouble and the professor giging him assignments so that he would stop doing that but that didn't work. As rickatd kept doing the same thing no matter what. The ptofessor did believe that he had the potential of being a good doctor, even if he annoyed her by acting like a know it all. During hismed school years Richard met his first girlfriend, Jean Trabant, with whom he began dating not long after they had met. Interesingly enough she was the one person who made him feel lazy as she woke up much earlier than him. Richard tried to do the same as her. He always tried to outbest himself. Richard fought something in himself and never winning, which annoyed Jean, his girlfriend but she ignored it for a while. As they moved together and then eventually got engaged to be married. They lived together for 3 and a half years but dated for 3 years, before she broke up with him as slJean couldn't handle him fighting himself to outbest himselt, fighting sometging in himself and never winning. Even if she told him that they are over because she didn't love him that way anymore ablnd she wanted him to be able to move on and so she could move on too. Richard believed it and he packed his things and left. He left med school as he continued to study in med school in Chicago, where he bought himself an apartment.

Once Richard graduated med school he officially became a doctor in town. He was too focused on his job to consider dating. Besides Richard thought that dating wasn't worth it. He thought that only some people get lucky and find their one and only. Richard doubted that it would ever happen to him, so he didn't bother trying anymore. Even if he made friends with some of the other doctors who tried to get him to date but he refused. Richard choose to focus on work more than anything else. As his friends gave up trying to convince him to date anyone. Richard did spend time with friends, which included his sister. He even spend time with his dad when he could. However, to the most part Richard's job was his life. He believed thst his job was the only thing he needed. Granted, Richard did fell in love here and there but he didn't much aboutbit, if anything. His friends and family tried to set him up with some, one at a time but he always said no, so it never happened. Things for Richard might have went different direction if he agreed to date one of them, but it didn't matter as he said no anyway. For him it didn't seem worth it, as it didn't seem that love was for him. At least it didn't seem that way to Richard. He refused to badge on that subject, no matter. Not realizing that he will change his mind one day in the future. Richard had no idea that it was possible that he would ever change his mind. As far Richard was concerned it would never happen. He didn't that anything or anyone could change his mins, especially since he tried dating and it didn't end as well as he hoped.

Richard refused in fact to think about it. He changed the subject a lot when someone either hit on him or tried to set him up with someone that they thought he would like. It all changee, however, the day he met a young woman named, Becca Ross. He was her doctor as she sprained her ankle. They quickly became friends as he wrapped her ankle. Richard even gave her meds to take in case there would be pain, the kind of pain that she can't endure. The kind that doesn't let her sleep with no pain, which she promised him to take, when needed. Richard then asked her if she had a ride home, as he planned to give her a ride or get her a cab, if it was needed but before she managed to answer, her sister Helen Ross came in. Seeing her changed everything for him. Literally everything. Richard tried to fight how he felt but couldn't as he fell for het like she fell for him. He let the sisters talk but when Helen assumed that her sister broke her ankle as she ran to get to the polls before they closed, so that she could vote, as he explained that she only sprained it, which Becca agreed with. As Helen thanked him, she realized she had no idea what was his name, as he introduced himself to her, and she then introduced herself to him. Then they talked for a bit and aftee thar he watched them leave. Richard couldn't take his eyes of the sister(Helen Ross). He felt like he wanted her more than anything in the world. However, since no one asked the other out yet, Richard felt like it won't ever happen as he accepted it, even if he wished that it wasn't the case. He figured that maybe it wasn't meant to be, even if she was single as he was sure that she would find herself a new love, better than him. As Richard never saw himself as that good of a choice, as he was sure that there were better mwn than him.

To Richard's surprise she came to visit him in thr hospital everyday, as they talked. It was that way for a week before she asked him out and he agreed. Since then they were together, inseperable, even if her dad was completely against but Richard and Helen didn't care as they truly did love each other, more than anything in the world. They refused to let anyone break them up, no matter. Richard's sister and some other of his friends and her sister, Becca were both for them, as well as his friends at work, except others wete against them but they still made it work, no matter what as their love was strong enough. They were happy beyond words, no matter. They spend time wity her sister and his sister, whenever they possibly could. Even if they spend more time aline than with his sister and her sister. They even ran around Chicago park together. To stay healthy and in a good shape. They dated for 8 month until he proposed to her and she said yes. Even if her dad thought that she was nuts to be with someone who waa wrong for her, who was not really into her but she ignored her dad, especially since hwr dad was wrong. Richard was right for her and the only one he ever wanted since they met was her, which both him and her knew, as well as those on their sode, despite that those against them like her dad, didn't buy it. Even if Richard did everything he could to prove that. The only thing that even if he wanted to meet her dad and talk to him, whenever he invited him, so that he could meet him and spend time with him and Hekenbut due to his job it didn't work.

Her dad saw that as a proof that Richard was a bad news but she didn't listen as she knew Richard well enough to know the truth. Which Helen definitely wasn't wrong about him, only her dad was wrong about him. Richard and Helen moved in together, after tjey dated only for 2 months. The more they spend time together the more sure they were that they belong together, which they were not wrong about it at all. 6 months after they moved in together he only proposed because he felt like it was the right moment. Which Richard wasn't wrong about it. The only thing was Helen wanted to move but he liked the place they lived in and he couldn't afford to buy a new place. Richard didn't want to tell her that, as he felt like she would leave him, even if he trusted her. He told her that it was too late but she ended up finding out the truth as she was angry at him. Ruchard feared that he lost her. He was sure that she would have the wedding be off and break up with him in definitely but she forgave him, just asked him to never lie again as he promised her to never lie to her again. Richard hasn't lied to her again. When the day of their wedding came the car didn't start as he was worried that he won't get there, only he did and eventually the wedding happened. Also, her family refused to come, except Helen's sister and some of his family, as well as his co workets and friends from work. It was one of the best days of Richard's and Helen's days in their lives. They felt like they found something and someone they needed, which was true. They believed that nothing would ever change, nor anyone. They were happy beyond words as that was exactly what they needed all their lives. Even if not many approved of them being together. They didn't let those peopke ruin what they had.

Due to his love to Helen and having her in his life, he was willing to believe in anything. Richard didn't believe that anything could go wrong and neither did she. However, things didn't end well. Unfortunately. Richard woke up to a nightmate. Even if it didn't start that way. Richard went to work, as he always did, after he walked her to meet up with her sister, as he did before. After that, he met up with his wife, like before, as they went to run as they did before. They run and goofed off as they always did. They even playfully teased each other as always. Then they made a compotition, where he needed to catch up to her, but he sprained his leg, so he couldn't run anymore, so he limped. Richard saw a store as he walked in to get her a flower. As he waited for his change, he argued about sports with someobe by the counter, but not in a mean way so. Richard had no idea that his wife was dying back home, not too far from the store. Once he got his change he headed home.

When Richard finally got home, their place seemed to be broken into, as it really was broken into. He was surprised but ignored it, even if he waa worried about that. Richard walked in as he tried to surprise her, only to not find her as he tried to apologize and tell her that they will get a dog, as he thought that she was upset by that, only for their wall to be broken and someone someone jumped on him as he shruggled with the guy, who was the guy who murdered his wife. He fought the guy, as that was when he realized that something was really wrong there in his and his wige's place. When the guy was on top of him hitting him and turning his face to face his wife, was the moment Richard saw the truth, that he was right, something was off, his wife was dead as he continued to fight the guy, whom by that moment he knew was the real killer, the one who killed his wife. He pulled off the guy's prostethic arm and that was when he realized that the guy was one armed man. That was when the cops actually arrived as the killer took back his prostethic arm and fled the scene.

When the cops came in, Richard talked to them as he told them everything that he knew. He hoped that it would help as that way they would know the truth and would know that he was a good guy. That someone else killed her. Despite the fact that it was Richard's baseball bat that was used to kill his wife. They asked him if the babebakk bat was his as he said that it was, as it really was but he would never ever kill his wife, no matter what. As she was Richard life. The CSI took his wife's body and all, as all left, which left only him alone in an empty apartment. Richard worked on orginizing his wife's fununeral. He hoped that he would soon hear from the cops that they got the real killer and that the killer won't hurt anyone else again but things didn't work that way, unfortunately. Two days two cops returned, as he hoped that they got the right killer and that he could be left to grieve but it didn't turn out that way. Instead of what he expected they grilled him again, interrogated him again. They even accused Richard of arguing with her about money, and that was why he killed het, which confused him and upset him as it wasn't true. He eventually told him that the killer wasn't there and to look outside, but one of the cops named Phillip Gerard told him that they were done looking, which made him realize that they saw him as guilty nan, as a murderer, which he wasn't.

One of the cops arrested him and the others read him his right, as he begged not to do that to him as she was his life but they refused to listen as they thought that they had enough evidence and got the real criminal but that wasn't true. Richard was taken to prison, as he had a trial sometime after being booked, where he was found guilty, despite the fact that he really wasn't. He was a year in jail and then he was taken to a different prison called Juliet where he was going to spend time until he was going ti be executed by leathal injection as that was his secntence. Yet, the vehicle that they were in had an accident or so called one, as the driver died but Richard and the cop, Phillip Gerard the only survivors as Richard escaped and the cop went after him. He during his escape hurt his foot but used andernaline to keep running. Richard run to the home of his roommate in his previews prison cell. Where the guy's mom lived. She helped Richard, especially color his hair from blond to black and heal his foot and such. Then she helpes him flee as she took him to a near by train station, after she got him a bag with clothes and such. They were almost caught but luckily they got away. As Richard is on the run since, as he gets temp jobs in each town as he tried since then to catch the killer prove his own innocence, despite being called crazy ad he and those who believed him knew the truth. Since then he beganto take a day at a time and hope for the best.

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