🔥The Witch Bitch 🔥

Last Login:
April 3rd, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 34
Sign: Taurus
Country: United States

Signup Date:
May 19, 2012


06/03/2012 09:57 PM 


Cassie Osborn was a real tom boy. She loved the sports and she loved hanging out with the guys more than she hung out with girls. She lives with her brother Connor and they don't have parents so they pretty much had to fend for themselves. Cassie would handle the finances of the house and cook and clean and stuff like that. But they both had jobs so they would support each other that way. School was difficult too. Cassie was going for her doctor degree and she was in her 2nd year of school. The home work was hard. But she pushes through.

One day after her duties were done at the house and dinner was ready to be served all it had to be was heated up, Cassie grabbed her surf board and headed down the sandy hill top down to the ocean to catch some waves before her brother got home from work. It was a nice day and she pulled the string on her wet suit and headed out for the waves. Looking behind her she saw that there were a lot of guys out on the waves and she did not mind. Though they probably minded because surfing was not something a chick would normally do. Cassie took to the waves when she was very young and it has never left her. She turned her board around and she took the wave like a pro.

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